HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1980-05-28N LI CITY OF SPRINGFIELD c0tlBI ilATI 0N AppL I CATI0N/pERMIT69 -37 {n\)\r:\\Job Address \ l-egai Description Range EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t tEa /-) )a\ {\W-(E O 0wner Sq. Ftg. Access.-- Sq. Fto. Other__ I'lerv Add Al ter Pep. -Fence Demo Chanqe/Use -0ther- Sq. Ftg . l'lain Val ue of l.lork;\)A ,e., Build SingieBui ],cii n Farni ly q Periri t I nfo: Descri be l'lork (i Res'idence llith Attached Garaqe)PhoneAddress \33q .(l \\oc ..o.r.rvtD \e- r\\tn{lrol F(€)\\\rtderconst.ucii b\--' I ) J) <<I I f.i Addre s s Phone exoi res phone noaddress(lics. no.DESIGN TEAM name Pri ma ry Struc tura I El ectri cal l'lec ha n i ca I (r)_q 'IP 't-i \\F (lx \ El ectri s-1 t'lechani ca l MECHANICAL iELECTR I CALPLUIlB I NG FFF |^I.,IARGF.I.,]ARGF NONNFEEFEECHARGEN0.furnace/burner to BTLI ' SEach single fixture Fl oor furnace and vent New circuits alts or extensions Relocated building (new fix. additional ) Recessed wal I Snacc hcatpr and ventSERV I CESS. F, Flesidence(l bath) Duplex (1 bath) each Apol i ance vent seoarateTempora ry Constructi onAdditional bath Stati onar-v evap cool er Change in existing res i dencetlater service multifamily, comm Tndrrstria l or Vent fan with sinole duct)o\ \Sewer Vent systern apart from heatino or A.C.amps.0fStorm Sewer Mechani cal exhaust hood and ductCOMI.I./IND. FEEDERS ['lood stove/heaterInstal I /al ter/rel ocate distrib. feeders amp s.0f ISSUANCE OF PFRI,IIT TOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES r-\(DO WHERE STATE Lr\N REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, shall not be valiJ until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned /LI,lAl,lE ( p1 ease pri nt)/urc or I ,t/t-t q, l! l>,REG sTGNATURE DATE F(\l0 the electrical portion of this permit to the Building Division any of 0rego the Bu ng 70 he rtce 'I hat at I I I frn t0rma o'I hen nreo s trueItedeIIticafor0ntantIEFCARLULEreb.y fyapnermicompt-,fccordanet,l theh I0rd nan os eth Icacn1donaIIkl^ior frper ha IIrmedsodan tyebendndfuIrthcerIrtttharrecc0tafy n nda ath NCt AIIOCCUP wlCY 1I madebeartnIIthetorkWOdSebedcrtherelnfIfidIndaoawsthfSetetaDCngoeLtheSDTng re Si atr 'It n tvrl th h IBu'i ed r sDisvt0nIrtrhetcer'Ifu tha tIsrmlIsnofIi,1d fy m-y ssructretutw'l thou theaof peny r ,l .l0n nos hereoted n dan hat tthtaf,]t het sba S'I of exORS1550ulrdBoasIn,l Ifu I exemp emptrce0ndactefferedasbyreq I I?S 7 10 c05 1 I'I be Su oed thn s'I tIonSntubcoorac t anrs d I s awho 'Ire comD cean thw1 0n rojpvernp0ye Fire Zone Bedrooms 0c Flood Plain Stories 0c \.t\Q-\\\\ X T'yoe/ Co ns t c.y Group Sq. Ftg. 0ther cy Load \rvtrN Zone Val ue Val ue Val ue i ts So. Ftq. l'!a in 5q. Ftg. Acces opmentSvsterns Deve charqe (1.5cP.l an Ck. Comm/ Ind 5591/Bldq Per Fee Plan Ck. Res 30%/81dq Per Fee \ f,\ \ImS\CC^CCFence Demo Sidewalk Total Cornb. Fermit t\ BUILDING PERI',IIT Charges and Surcharges II.UI4BING PERMIT Clarges and 5,rrcha rges E].ECTRICAL PERIlIT Charges and Surcharges _LD-(T-l___ A/C Paving Curb Cut \r-\qoTOTAL I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surcharges l,later Heater )\ Residence of SO. FT. \e\ ToTAL VALUATI0N-- COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT ( CAP) I. Applicant to furnish A. Job AddressB. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference,-I3-T3?. example- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSpr'iffiie1d EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATION 1. example- heat/electricai ceilino/2. exa-e f e- waterhEEteilETectrlta l-loL. Square t0otage or valuation, etc. or forced air gasr sol ar example- 1250 sq example- if new check add, etc. . foot house, 500 sq. foot garageproject, check new - if addjtion, : i I 1 J ! ,t 1 .l I '|- t 1 i i j i : F. Build.ing permit .information examp I e a ttac hed - construct single family hous el i, ;: l{ nc( yt in an ga ra ge 3 examo I e examp I e res taura - remodel existi'ng garage jnto imi Iy room- convert singie f ainily r'eside i ntont (change of-use) (a) $t tneG. Value of wor k as defined in Sect"ion 303Structural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TE;1I4 AND CONTRACTORS i dTo avoid design or construction delays,Division Staff must be able to contait Buil ing persons regarding design information or a ppropri atejob gitecorrections, etc a cal Siihedules description I Schddules, Boxe6 adjacent II. Abbreviated Plumb.ing,A. Except vrhere b)an Mechanical, & Electrik spaces occur. in theportion of the.Mechanical and Electri cathe appl-icant need fill-in oni y the No.to the appropB. Full Plumb_ing riate item(s) to be installed i Schedu I es, Mechanical, and Electricaltre available at the Building Division1, To conserve space on the permi.t fo have been abbreviated :' nm the,is ; not ciivld coniu c hedu I es 2. If the item(s) to be insta.lled are ered onthe abbreviated schedules you shou It thefull schedulesC. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF l^JILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES III D. As noted on the CAp, the label must be delivered to theelectr:ical contractor for signature by his electricalsupervisor. The general contractor is not aUthorizedto sign the electrical labelAppiicant to sign and date Hhenever possibie, the initial application will be used asa.worksheet on1y. l^Jhere possible, Building D.ivision Staffwill.prepare a type written copy and returi it td tne- - applicant at the time the actua) permit is issued for hissignature. Fees and Charges Pian check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplication, and no plans vriil be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charges are due andpayable when the permit is .issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY IV. V 'Permi t Cl erk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registrat'ion with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information : PLANS REVIEWED BY: name SI g na tu re date PEC -37 6y T N LIrr"CiTY OF SPRIiIGFIELD Cr)MBI iIATION APPL ICATION/PERMIT N RIlA 726-37 Job Address n/)l-=,\ \r \t)EIIERGY SOURCES Hea t flater Heater Ranqe So. Ftg. l'la in Sq. Ftg. Access.-- Sq. Fto. Other_ llerv Add A1 ter Pep. Fence Demo Ch a nge/Use _ot her l-ega1 Description a \ 'w-/-i( 0wner Address Phone ,r,r..\{I_fA Buil.ciin Famll y q Pernrit Info: Descri be l'Jork( Residence l,Jith Attached Gq[aqq .e., Build Single ()+r ^i[]/l!lConstructi on Lender \\t Addre s s Phone Cr I \ f \ , DES I GII TEAI,!na rne addre s s tcs. no-exDt res (phone no Primary Structura l El ectri cal l'|ec ha n i ca I name address lics. no-exo i res )(ohone no. ) I Genera I l1 l1 Pl umbi nq E l ectri ca I l'.1echani cal PLUIlB I NG ELECTR I CAL MECHAN I CAL t'i0.FiE CHARGF NO FFF rHA RGF N0.FFF CI]ARGF Each single fixture Residence of SQ FT furnace/burner to BTU' s Relocated building (new fix. additiona'l ) Fl oor furnace and vent S . F. P.es i dence(l bath)SERV I CES Recessed wa l I Soace heater and vent Dup'l ex (l bath) each Addi ti onal bath Temporary Construction Apol iance vent seDa ra te l,Jater service Chan resi ge in existing dence Stat i onary evap cool er I Sewer \C\,multifami ly,comrn . o r Tndrrstrial Vent fan with sinole duct Storm Sewer 0f amps. vent system apart fron heatinq or A.C. c0l.1r.!./IND. FEEDERS Mechanical exhaust hood and drrr:t Instal I /al ter/rel ocate distrih. feeders tr'lood stove/heater 0f amps. ISSUAI.]CE OF PFRIlIT TOTAL CHARGES \D CO TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES l,tHERE STATE Llli REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, shall not be valil until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned the electrical portion of this permit to the Bui lding Division E CARE FU LL E XAM INE D fh e co mp e ted app I ica all 90n Buil t I on f,o r DE rml t do hereb.y cer t i f v tha t a I I 1 nfo rrnat l on h ereon 'I s L rue a nd c0 rre ct an d I fur the r cer t 1 f v that any and State of Ore sion of the wo rk rrerfo rmed S h a I I be do ne 'I n a cc o rda nce wl th L he 0rd 'l na NC e S of the ci ty o f So r I n9 f i I d an d th La ws of the 0e rtai n ng Di 701.0 ce wi 'I n g to the wo r k de S c r ,l bed h ere I n an d th a t OCCU PAI{C W1 1 I be made o f any S tr u c t u re i h 0u t t he p erm s d ,]I on I fu rther cert I v th a t rn.y r eq 'I s t ra t I on t/r'l th the Bu I I der S 0a rd I s 1 n f u I I fo rce and effect as and ernployees who /'1(lctR t-L l-. req u 'I r ed by 0 ns 55 th a t I f xempt L he ba s 'I s for exemp t .t on I s n oted he reon a nd th a t o n I -V SU bc n trac to rs are 1 n comc I a n th OPS 7 0 1 05 5 l.t I I I be U sed o n th 1 s pro,j L llAi,lE (p'lease pr j nt )\ tltt\REE s I GiIATU RE F FFi E Zone Const. Uni ts So Ftg Ftg Ftg l'la i n x Value Fire Zone Bed rooms Load !q Acces s x Val ue Flood Plain S tori es 0 cc.v Group Sq Val ue f\n ToTAL VALUATI0N_ 0the r BUILDING PERI'lIT Charges anC Su rcha rges Plan Ck. Comm/Ind 65,,/Bldq Per Fee Svstems Deve charqe ( 1.5". opment Plan Ck. Res 30%/81dq Per Fee PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and 9.rrcha rges c(l ) Fence fi \J\,$\\Qi, cc' Dgrno ELECTRICAL PERI1IT Lharges and Surcha rges Sidewalk A/C Pavi ng Tota'l Comb. Permit 14ECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Su rcharges Curb Cut TOTAL \\r-\ 4rr \,,, I \\J :TO RS New ci rcui ts al ts. or extensions 'i PERMIT VALIDATION ITY OF SPRINGFIELD ( CirY Holl Springlield, Qregon Deportmenl of Public Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT ilo. B 53609 r9 $.i Fro rESS _\- \ ved I'i O -) \\.r Y\iIfi AUTHORIED SIGNATURE SHELION,iURRAULL EUCERE OR 974OI -Permi t Cl erk ount Received CO|'IBINATIOIi APPLICATION/PERI1IT (CAP) Appl icant. to furnish A. Job AddressB. Legal Description l. example- Tax Lot. 100, Lane County Map Reference l7-I3-lI3?. examole- Lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition toSpFiffii e1d EstatesC. Name, etc. of owner and construction IenderD. Energy Sources1, examcl e- he2. ExamiG- r.raE. squaiET6otaqe atlei trical ceili or forced air sas ea er e ec tr ca or sol aror va I uatt on, etc. II 1. exarnole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage?. ExampTe- lT-new project, cneit-Ew - .if additio;,check add, etc.F. Bui ld'ing pernri t information: :l. example - construct single family house vJi Lh an;TtachEd gardge .:2. examole -".er6de1 existing garage into fim.ily room3. e-arp-iE - convert single ia,ir.ty"rlesi'j"n.E 'j,iio'""" - relT;urant (change of-use) i -- G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) 6f tneStructural Speciaity Code ..H. DESIGN TE,+i AND CONTRACTORS T To avoid des.ign or construction delays, Su.i tJingDivision Staff must be able to contact appropriStepersons.regarding design .informat.ion or job Sitecorrections, etc. .jAbbreviated P)umbing, lvlechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Lxcept r.ihere blank spaces occur in the descriptionportion of ,the i'lechanical and Electrical Schddules,the appl-icant need fill-jn only the No. Boxes adjaient_ to the apDropriate item(s) to be instal Ied iB. Full Plumb.ing, t'lechanical, and Electrical Schedules'are available at the Building Divisionl. To conserve space on the permit form the,scheduleshave been abbrev.iated :2. If the item(s) to be insta.lled are not cbvered onthe abbrev'iated schedules you should consult thefui1 schedulesC. BUILDI|iG DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUI ALL FEES AND CHARGES Oi{ THT SCHEDULESD. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to theelectricai contractor for signature by his e-lectricajsupervisor. The generai Contractor ji not authorizedto sign the electrical labelApplicant to sign and date Hhenever possibie, the initial app)icat.ion wi il be used asa.vrorksheet on)y. l^Jhere possible, Building Division Staffwill prepare a type written copy and returi .i t to theapplicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his s i gna tu re. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of theapplicat'ion, and no plans vril) be processed until thesefees are paid. All other fees and charqes are due andpayable when the permit is issued. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY IV V PROJECT CONDITiONS TO BE SATISFiED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Permit applicant exempt from registratjon with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name s i gnature da te () I {, III. {. PUBLIC WORKS CIlr':T OF SP=TI}\TGFIEI-]D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 April 3, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Mr. Ke'ihl & Mrs. Coral Sandberg 1963 North l8th Street Springfiel d, 0regon 97477 Dear Mn. & l4rs. Sandberg: The public sanitary sewer lateral recently constructed alonq 17th, 18th, and S Streets has been accepted by the City Council and'is now available to serve your property. In this regard, Chapter 2, Article 10 of the Springfield Cjty Code requires that al1 property within 120 feet of a publjc seler lateral connect thereto. Therefore, please accept this'as your invjtation and not'ice to connect to the public sewer. The connection should be completed by you, or by a private contractor hired'by you, on or before June 2, 1980. t^lhen you (or your contractor) are ready to begin work, please remember thatit wjll be necessary to obta'in a plumbing permit from this office. Also, Chapter 2, Article 10 of the City Code requries that a $100.00 connectjon fee be paid prior to connect'ing to the public sevier. For your convenience,this fee may be paid at the t'ime you obta'in the plurnbing permit. Please also be adv'ised that an inspection'is required after the sewer pipeis placed in the trench, but before the trench is filled. Either you oryour contractor should place an inspection request with our inspection line (726-3769) when this stage of construct'ion is reached. If you plan to do the work yourself, a plumbing diagram wiil be furn'ished to you at your re- ques t If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Buj 1 ding RBC/cp l'&,r*t,'ftfrr,rL