HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-03-07.. RESID--\IilAl.. AP?LICAl'tul|/PER\I? 225 North Sth StreetSpringfielri, )r,egon 97477 - a4 IBut Ldtng D1-D't-sLon 7 26-37 53 ! SPFINGFTELD TUr ]n,144.Job Locaticn: Aeseaeore Map #Ics Iot # Subdiuision: ftsroc. -DtcOumer: Addtess: II tu-Phone: Sfrr(q 7r/11CitA Desct4be Hot'k fu//A/J- SUdu- fL/nlL Value Additicn .\r3ta-o sDate of AppL ieati.cn 3- '/.q o rac tor ect SUD Elec t. r:c 1an Date: General Plumbing l.Iechan It iB the fioat the s reeponoibility of tle ho *BuiHing treet, and that the permit catl. ie LocatedDiuicion rpptou'ed pLan sTnLL remain on the that aLL inspections ee nade at the ptope? tine, tl,at ecch a,l4rees is reaCn'"iegt.try frynt of the-ptopert|. Uualalng JLte at aLL tlmes. 26-3769 (recot,dez, ) etate your City designated job ntnber,job aCfuess, tgpe Requelts teceited of inspec='icninspection,Contractot,s ot A,mers nctne cnd pTtone nunber.befcre 7:00 anafte.t ?:00 on uytll be nwde the nest wtking Iout, Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nunbez, Is: PNOCIDUPE FOR INSPECTTON REQUEST..CALL 7: requested and ahen ilou uiLL be ready forlill be nade the sdte dcy, reqttests-m,'ade Reouinai soecticns SITE INSPEC?TON: e.ccauation, but To be rrude after pr"ior tc set up of have been INSULA?ION /VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTION : To be made aftet, aLL insulcticn ed.DEtnLilralt 0R !,:ow) BU Le Hcnes UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHTIIICAL: To be made before any ttOtk ie cOOered. PCO?ING & F)UNDATfCN: ?o be tntCe after tz,enches ate escantated and. forms are erected, but ptiot, to pouring ccncrete. UNDIRGROUIID PLT]MEING. SEWER, W.A?ER, DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nade prtor to fil-lirq trench.es, UIIDERFTfrOR PLUI,EIIIG & IIECqANICAL: o7 floor insulation or deeking. P)S? AND BEAM: ?o be nade prLor toffi@Giof floon insuT.ation or DRWALL fNSPEtrr)N: Ic be made -.. aftezt aLL dz,yuall is in plaee, but prior to any tapin4. MASONRL: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or oerticals .Ln aceord,otce uLth U.B.C. Section 2415. ilO)DSr)yE:etafutA.After installation is crete patsing uithin styeet right- of-txA, to be nad.e aftet aLL etea- oating caryLete & fona ttork & sttb- base rwterLal in plaee. IENCE: Wen conplete -- ProuiCe gates on notsable sections thnough P.U.E. Final - $lhen abctse 'ttens are eanpleted and uhen Cqrolition ie catrplete o" sttac- tute mooed otd. pnarrtaes cleaneC up. forns. decking, ANICAL: Noffii-these FIIIAL PLUIIBING PITIAL I|ECHANICAL requir.ed oapor beriers ee in place Scnitaty sasez, eapped at propertg Lir:ebut before any Lath, Wpslln boatC or tnLL cooez,ing is dpplibd, and before Septic tozk plu,ped and. filled tith g.ra:selay insulation is concealed. I f l o CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee erecteC but prior to pour.ing con2rete. SIDEHALI< & DRTVWAI: Fot aLL eon- nad.e and appt otted. FIPEPLACE: Pz.tot to plccir4 factnq,r,ctM;G and. before'frant ni ;r"pnl-tion. FRA].IING: l4ust be reqaested aftet, approual of rough plwnbing, electri-cal & neclnnical, Alt roofing btaeing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be eompleted, llo ucrk is to be con- ' cecled until this inspeetton lns'been rrud.e anC appro.*ed. ALL projeet conditions, such as the installation of street tt"ees, co:pletion of the required Landseaping, ete. ' rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfNG FMAL can be neqaested. PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection nast be requeated after. the Fi.nal Plunbing Electrical, anC Mecharieal fnspections haoe been made ard approueC. Blocking od. Set-up Plutrbing connectiana -- aa)e? otd. uatet Electtical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uc and plwnbing connections mtst be apprcr:ed before requeating eleclrLeal inspeclio;t Aceessory ButlCing Finel - After pcrekee, skirting, decka,etc. a/,e canpleled. Page 1 of 2 firo, ELEc?RrcAL |ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOLITS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETII TO BE I.L4DE I.T IIO CCST TO CITY tu T T tr n JOA NO,soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG* Df House Lot Faees - % of Lot Cotserage_ # of Stories Total Height LOT TWE _ fntez,ict, _ Co"ner _ Panhanl.Le _ Cul-de-sac ITEI,I Valuef;U x Topography Iat Sq. Ptg tbin Coace Carport Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c PLan Check Fee: Sigted: Plumbing Permit No person shall constract, instaL!, alter or change anA nel) ct' ec'i.sting plunbing or drainage syst6'n in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the legal possessor of a oalid plunbet,'s License, escept that a Pe?son nag do plwnbing uork to p?opet,ty uhieh is otsned, Leased or opetated by the appli' cottt. N0.FEE CHARCE Ei-rhgee Resil.entia.L ( 1. bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing Penrit State Sut eh,an ge Electricol Permit Vltere State La.,t reqtirea tlat the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contz,aetor, the electrtcal portion of this permit sllall not be ttali-C until the l,abel lns been aigned by the Elech,ical Contractor. Iotal Ilau/Estend. Citcuits Sentice 6a e NC fLL CIIARCE * Mechq nicql Permit bhanst HooC Ilcodstotte Vent F@t PermLt rssu.frice Mechaniccl Penntt -- ETICROACHMENT -- Secaritu Deposit Storage I'lainteaanee Permtt Cttrbcttt Sideualk Eleety,ieal Ia.bel Grt Bedtoons Souyces -- Fees -- Ileat Receipt # Building Volue & Permit This pennr,t is granted on the erp?ess condttion tlnt the said-constructionslwll, in all respects, confonn to the Crdinance edopted fiiy the City of Springfield, including the \oning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstrwcticnqtd use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or revokeC at cnA time upon uic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said Ordir,anees. Building PenrLt State ?otal Clnrgea ?otaL Nobile llane neP I EAW CAREFULLy EXLUINED the eotnpleted appLication for permit, afld do hereby certify that aLL itfornation hereon is trae and. eorrect, attd. f further certify that any ard aLL uork performed sttall be do-ne in accor- danee trith the 1rdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, and. the Laas of the State of )t,egcn pertaininq to the uotk Cescribed herein, ctld tlnt ll1 )CCU- PAIICy vitl bb naie of any structttte uithout permission -o7 tttn Buitd.ing N-uision. I futther eertiig that only contraciots and enplcyees aho d,-e inconplianee uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project TO?AL A\,TAU\E DTJE:*/{'7s-Signed Date * * '-Z- Pence 7-72o -