HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1966-08-10OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER CI1FY OF SPR,Ilif GiE'rIEIrD SPRINGFIELE. OREGON 97477 August l-0, 1966 CITY HALL FouR'H ^xD NoR?H A €TREE7' PHONE 7aG-e.2A Memo To: Dave Scofield From:Frank R. Smiley, City Manager For your information on this item. The buitding department advised these people to hook up back in the spring after the line was installed. They contacted you with the Cook proposition and the building department wrote them on June 2 giving them 60 days to hook up. This 60 day period ran out August 2 and we have mailed a letter August 10 giving them 15 days to be hooked up. With respect to Cook, we have no way of knowing what he plans to do or when he will do it. Further, there is no assurance that a sewer he puts in will be useable by the Powells. The Powells stub is right in their front yard like the rest of their neighbors who are hooked up. I will be glad to go over any other aspects of this one with you, Dave CIII'V OF SPRTIVG}FIEIIJD BUILDINC DEPARTMENT FOURTH AND A STREETS sPRl NGFIELD, oREGoN er.77 VACAT!CI}I TIME t-W il - 5ol4'l /rdfia,l tt D&ty€ c&R.Fctttyt NG AU8 I 0',66 I Mr. 1561 th Spr i ngf ld D. Powel I lSth Street , Oregon 91477 /l/*\ t,It T 9 557 301 CERTIFIED MAIL 9*/'tt trc ( , ,',/ @) ) ti S.itl J 1L5 'IiEIER 539756 ,r OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGT City of Springfield FOR: -------- lnformotion --------Action ------.-Reply --------Comment --------Return REFER TO: --------Moyor --------Recorder --,-----Eng ineer --------Police Chief ----.---Fire Chief --------Attorney --------Street Supt. --{--Building Supt. --------Librorion --------Adm. Aide Dote f ntZ Yo ot<, F I t'€ ,Jo E Augus t !, 1966 Mayor Dave Scofield Spr i ngf ie I d, 0regon Dear Dave: I am writing this to you but would appreciate your passing it on to the proper party" tt is concerning my sewer hook-up which is still hanging fire. I had hoped to have it done by now but eviddnt*y,flr. Cook's plans did not progress as fast as he had figured. At the present time he is on vacation so I canrt contact him to find out how soon he figures on running the line past our property. l,/e have talked to the building department but cqrrt seem to make any headway with them. I believe they think that I am trying to get out of hooking up, but this is not the case" We have cooperated with the city all the way down the Iine, giving them the 25-f t easernent and paying our sewer charges and wil I continue to do so, but I cantt afford to put out $175.00 when I can do the same job for about $30.00 by holdii,ng it up for a short time longer. Our septic tank is in perfect order so there is no problem there. Just as soon as Mr" Cook returns and gets his job under way I will make my hook up, but I canrt set a specific date because I donlt know when he will be back or what his plans are. lrlI certainly appreciate anything you can do about getting the building department off my back regarding this. There is nothing I can do at the rnoment and assure you I will take care of it as quickli,ras possible. Thanks much re Iy, I Geo rge Powe I I l55l No lSth St Sin Springf ield, 0regon 97477 Mr" George D. Powel I I5Ot North lBth Street Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Powel l: I would like to call your attention to our letter of June 2, 1966, informing you as tb the time extension for you to hook up to the City Sewer (August I, 1966) unless this Department had heard from Mr. Cook as to when he would file a subdivision map on his property and install a sewer Iateral" As of this date no information as to when Mr" Cook will file or as to when he will install said sewer lateral has been received by this Department. Therefore you are hereby given fifteen (15) days from the date of this notice to obtain a sewer tap permit and to connect to the City Sewer System. Your cooperation in this matter would be appreciated. August I0, 1900 Very truly yours, Joseph F. Reeves, Jr. Director of Building E Zoning JFR/jj Jrar I, 1166 llr. Gilgr D. pm! Il55l llorth lEth StrortSprkqflrld. '0rcgon Dilr tf. PffiIlr thll lrttrr l!-ro lnforn It thrt rhr tlil llolt mt for nu*-Fq Ep-ts-tha.clty E*r--rirta hrc be.E ."t*al to-a"srtii,116[, rftil to tfir lrah af r flru drtr tc to r&in !b. 0so* rlil llt**mll hlr prurerd uffirr rnrln. t*h;n thlr d;prrtmrt, rrclaner tho lnformrtlsr frm !tr. tffi&rs to uAm rnd lf he slll tnrtrll *rld r** mlnr by thc it,rp*t$cd rbor,?r thtr drp*tunt rlll ro notlfy yqr *r [o thc nar t]ucIl*lt tn vllldr wr* *ta*td br hffilsd $p to citi g**rr ryrtrm, $ery truly ystru, '&ttph F. Bl r*tor f;tevot, Jr.*f 0tll ldhg 3 Xonlrq ,rft/JJ \ 1s" vlay 27, 1966 Mr. Gcorge D. Powell' 1561 Borth 18th Street Sprlugfleld, Oregon Dear !tr. Po*11: Iregretthedelaylnaas$ertngyourl'ettsroft'[ay5; however, ve have b€en stt,er6PtL3g to get sooe tnfornatlon regardlag the g?"re aervtce la your lmediate area' I have dlacueaed thle natter rltb Ebe ctty Eanrter' aDd he laforos pg that the qucrttoa of )rout eoa$ecttng to tho llne tnctalled by !{r. cook will dcpetd oa whcs Mr. cook'r lloe la lnetalLed, So far, re have oo firo data cctabllehed by Mr. Cook aa to whcn thla sewgr w111 be plaeed, and onleas hlo sel,Br la 1o thta aurmar, re would axpcet Ehat all properttee tn the rccently eEwered a,trea, loc}udLng your o$E' sould be connocted to tbo aercr Byrtem wlUhln thc tiup perlod cpactfled. Io thls extent, I havc ""t.0 the city ma[agor Lo corrLact you or have the Bulldlng Depart- msnt lnform you aa soon aa Bq1q declgton lo made on Hr. Cookal pl.anr. I hope that thtc lnfornation stLl be avatlable wtthtn the next week or to. Very truly Yours, Dave Scofteld Hayor DS:mp cc! Joc Blarru