HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1980-10-28CI:TY OF SPH,I}$GFITLD PLANNING OEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 47'' October 28, I 980 126 NORTH FOURTH 726-3759 Dear C i t'i zen : Enclosed please find notice of a public hearing to be held by the City ofSpringfield Planning Commission. The property addressed by that hearingis within 300 feet of property of which you are either the owner orrenter. Because of this, the Planning Commission is required by law to notivy you of this hearing. If you wish to speak either in favor of, or in opposition to, the above request you may do so either at the publ ic hearing on Wednesday, November 5,.l980 at 7:30 p.m. in the l4unicipal Meeting Room of theSpringfield Utility Board Building at 250 North "A" Street, or by submitting.. a letter express'ing your views no later than Tuesday, llovember 4, .l980. A1'l correspondence concerning this matter should be directed to: Spri ngf i e1d Pl anni ng Department.l26 llorth 4th Street Springfield, 0R 97477 If you have any questions or comments regarding this matter, please call the Planning Department at 726-3759. Sincerely, Ri chard Johnson,retary Springfield Planning Department RJ:jm Enclosure r ,7, /Qr/ g;^r 4/z e'14'* L4)-d-o/ Y dr*( 1a,tt-rJ oR C<*4 i alf /{ LJ* Oa4-* .ua, C#" 4a-1 --ZlZ.**r tac-"J 2<,t C:O"-+-y%--r/ 1) , /urf uJQ ;LL-4.-L *f d*-J*^ A;,xJrff a*4 "W w-7 ,*1 ,**,q tn 4l/\)*X^rn-^-"'+ AJ 41 \ / ^.\I (, q* P*, -.RESOLUTI ON No. 80-247 ? /b-/y'5', l,lHEREAS, an aPPl i cat'ion ha Associatjon (Journal No. S-79-l certain property located at .l52 Family Residential District cla class'ifjcation; and RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO REZONE s been made by McKenzie Pacific Savings and Loan 1-80 Springfield Plann'ing Commission) to rezone 0 North l Sth Street f rom i ts ex'isti ng R-l S'ing1e ssification to C-2 Commun'ity Commercial District WHEREAS, the prospective change of zone in such area is in accordance with, and in furtherance of, the logical and orderly development and comprehensive zoning plan of the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, the Council'is desirous of allowing such zone change, but does not desire that the zone be changed and held in a vacant condition for speculative purposes, and it therefore appearing to be in the public interest that the resolution of intent procedure as herein set forth be followed; l'. Resol ut'ion No. 79-27 4 i s hereby repeal ed . 2. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby resolve its intent to rezone by appropriate ordinance the following described property: Pro er Located at .l520 North lBth Street from R-l Sin le Famil Res'identi al Di stri ct to C-2 Communi Commerc'ial 'l tri ct McKenzi e ac'l av'l soc at oncsanoan 3. That said ordinance rezoning the property here'inabove described w'ill be adopted only upon the happening of the follow'ing conditions: a. The remodeled building must meet all applicable building and fire safety codes.b. S'i te pl an approval wi thi n s i x months .c. Start of construction w'ithin six months of site p'lan approval .d. Complet'ion of construction within one year of site plan approval.e. Contact Springfield Utility Board for required easements, necessaryservices and applicable charges. 4. I times here shal I be o the Counci stated. n the event the foregoing cond'itions are not complied with within theinabove mentioned, then and in that event this resolution of intentf no further force and effect, and in the event of such compliance,I does affirm its intention to rezone such property as hereinabove ADOPTED by the Common Counci I of the Ci ty of Springfield this lTth day ofI 980.Nov ti ng ty Reco er Mayor BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS FOLLOI,JS: ffiffib #k ffiBGE ffiqd EI EB€ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION t^JILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. I 980 , AT 7:30 P.14. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOI.I OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH "A'' STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A MODIFICATION OF AN EXiSTING RESOLUTION OF INTENTi McKenzie Pacific Savinqs and Loan Association (Journal No. S-79-ll-80) Assessor's Map 17-03-25-31, Tax Lot 7000 Located at .l520 l{orth lSth Street, Springfield The property is currentlY under C-2 Community Commercial Distric or demolition of the existing re remodel the existjng residence o In the event of aPProval bY the or other interested Parties, the hearing on llonday, November .l7, purpose of hearing views for or Resolution of Intent (No. 79-274) to be zoned . Cond'ition "a" of the ROI requires " removal i dence . " The appl i cant 'i s now propos i ng to the Lrroperty for use as a med'ical office- lann'ing Commission or appeal by the applicant Springfield City Council will hold a pub'l ic 980 at the aforementioned locat'ion for the gainst the above request. Richard Johnson, SecretarY Springfield Planning Commission I26 N. 4th St., SPringfie1d 726-3759 at S n P I aA ,\url "R" I 5t R3 (t c7. P,t c'z SCALE: 1rr=400t AREA TO BE CON- SIDERED FOR A ZONE CHANGE s- sffirN6FtEr-D Hr6r{wA C?. OLf tv\?l C OLIM.?IL .zotr'-- | F(r) P=l QZ R] 5'r €n aFq N Fo il 'N' v(- 13i t27 ?a/^aatt .a vdurnat No. 3-1q-ll-ZO REQUEST F0R l'IoDIFICATI0N OF EXISTiNG RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO REZONE TO THE COI4MON COUNCIL AI'ID CITY PLAI'INING COMMiSSION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1. Name tl 2. Location of PropertY trb h\. [b<*. 3. Current Zoning re- l Under Reso lution of Intent to be C-Z 4. Date of Resolution of Intent Nov. ta , tQ"11 5. Name of Applicant, if differen t from above Tta- Jo r \AlA.'t'f - 6. Ori gi nal Journal ilumber S-r1-rl -3D 7. For vrhjch condition(s) of the R0l are you requesting modification? a ,Dr{r\r-tf)t\ ' A" 8. Is there information available now which affects the need for the above stated condi- tion(s), which ytas not available at the t'ime the ROI was granted If there'is not additjonal informat'ion available, please explain why you feel your re- solution should be modified Please indicate whether you are requesting that the condition(s) stated jn #7 be Del eted l'lodified 9 10. -over- 11.If you are req are proposing uesting modification, please explain the alternate condition (s) you bF-tVar r.rr I hereb-v certify that: 1) the foregoing statements and other information attached heretoare true and accurate,to the best 'if my knowledge and belief ; 2) I have the following 1ega1interest in the property: _owner of record; _contract purchaser; _Iessee; X holdeiof an exclusive option to furchase; _duiy authorized to act for a person who hEithcfol I owi ng 1ega1 i nterest : _; and 3 ) the ourner ofrecord i s knowl edgeab'le of 0wner' s llame Appl j cant's x Address lq-"-ct Lr. l*Sr, Telephone l{A- tqSf Address: tZrs. lr.&rN ST. r St>eru&g:reLD Tei ephone: Si gnature: By: St{owu o\ T+l E AtrAc.rtEb pt-A.r{ t}r ur e t . ,r^e .2,_o a'n'f t Apr:ua->l--t-4-.: RESOLUT ION tto . 79-27 4 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO REZONE WHEREAS, an applicatjon has been made b Associaticn (Journal ilo. S-79-l'l-80 Springf i certain property located at l52C North lSth Family Resident'ial D'istrjct classification t class'if.ication; and cKenzie Pacific Savings and Loan Planning Commissjon) to rezone eet from its existing R1 S'ing1e 2 Community Commercjal District v14 eld Str oC l^JHEREAS, the prospective change cf zone 'in such area r's 'in accordance with, and in furtherance of, the logical and orderly development and comprehens'ive zoning plan of the City of Springfield; and !,lHEREAS, the Council is desirous of al io,,.ring such zone change, but does not desire that the zone be changed and held in a vacant condit'ion for speculative purposes, and jt therefore appearing to be in the public jnterest that the resol uti on of i ntent procedure as herei n set f orth be f o'l I or,ved ; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY IHE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS FOLL0laiS: l. The Common Counc'il of the City of Springfield does hereby resolve its intent to rezone by appropriate ord'inance the fol lo,,,ring described property: Pro er Loca ted at I 520 North 'l Eth Street,from R'l Sinole Famil esr ntia Di st rr ct to Commu n i t Commerc'i a District i'lcKenzie ac'l 'tc t 0 0.avtn san 0an ss0cra ton 2. That said ordinance rezoning the property hereinabove described,rlill be adopted only upon the happening of the following condjtions: a. Removal or dernol ition of the existing res'idence b. Site plan approvai with'in six months. c. Start of construct'ion 'rrithin six months of sile plan approval.d. Completion of constructjon within one year of site plan approval.e. Contact Springfield Uti'lity Board for required easements, necessary serv'ices and appl icabl e charges. L 3. In the event the foreco'ing t jmes here'inabove menti oned, then an shall be of no further fcrce and eif the Council cioes affirm it-s inrenuio sta teci . ions are not compl ied with with'in the hat event thi s resol ution of inteni nd in the event of such compliance, ezone such proper ty as nereinabove cond'i t d in t aat' : ntor ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this l9th day cf November, 1979 6:ATTEST: Rec c rde r i4ayor <? 3\ ffifuHEc ilEoE ECE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGF]ELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 7979 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING R00M 0F THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD BUILDING AT 250 NORTH IIAII STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: McKenzie Pacific Savings and Loan Association (Journal- No. S-ZS-l-f-eO) Assesson's Map 77-03-25-31, Tax Lot 7000 Located at 1520 North 18th Stneet, Springfield, Oregon Applicant nequests a zone change from R-10 Single Family Residential District, ti C-Z Community Commercial- Distr:ict, -in or:der to const::uct a savings and loan office and@ner"al office use. In the event of approval by the Planning Commission, on appeal by the applicant or othe:: interested panties, the Spr"ingfield City Council will hold a public hear:ing on Monday, November" 19, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. at the aforementioned focation fon the purpose of heaning views fo:: on against the above nequest Richand Johnson, Secretary Springfiel-d Planning Commisiion 126 N. 4th St., Springfield' 0R 7 6 37 59 'R" to. 5r e,- SrRrN6Ft€r.-D F{r6HWA oLft "lc 5-f . RI -.- ---_' t2')l\J-. I It Iril:t, t F(rl R3 s gl -a oLl,^TtC- C2 €t CZ SCALE: 1rr=400 I AREA TO BE CON- S]DERED FOR A ZONE CHANGE t?- l RI tN" a.FI ( S f/ ). (. ! i I-l Irl .Z€l .)9LEA I C?. QZ -, - yfeL/o$ JouRNAL 'l,o. 5- ?4 -tt-60 APPLICATIC}N FOR ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERI1IT, PLAI,INED UNIT DEVELOPI,IIENT PERI4IT' ()R VARIANCE TO: THE COI1MON COUNCIL AND CITY PLAI\JNING COMMISSION SPRIIIGFI ELD, OREGOI{ 1. Appl icant's Name M C){owL.e V\<ilit( Sfr:ut't\lQ<' .tt' t 1t^ I 4:5SA( tol/r' {, 2. General Location of the Propert-v I 6ze (A.ddress, s 'ide of s treet, locati on between cross streets) 3. Property as recorcied in Deed Book bcl , Page Cl erk' s Offi ce. Assessor's Map Number |03 - 7.{-3i -1ao Tax Lot Number(s) 4. Legal Descript'ion (Attach separate sheet if necessary) C,ea ftfft:d.*ez4 f im-e w , recorded in County 5 6 Size of pa rcel: n4^?<{X J97,b5'u."., and/or 11 PYP square feet. Present use of property: S.rir+Le lTfLfirLV P&6 iAdnjc.g.. 7. Pr esent zoning of prooerty : R,-l oU Proposed use of property (Explain in detail): rq,r.t o#hc e IlSe. 9 Correnants and restrictions on property (jf any):N)lxr.l e_ 10. Appl i t's request: (Check one) Zone Change: From To By Resol ution of intent to re By 0utri ght rezon i nr, : Conditional Use permit planneC Unit Development permit Varfance from Land Use Restrictions 0ne: PL. i OYER SEtlt'tdf ^ t^ r r"+tl o$fice 1111.Explain wh,v the request should be qranted. Show how the chanqe is consistent withand promotes the obiect'ives of the"Generil pi;; u;;"tri.-zrri.i"or,tinance. Atsoprovide information showing hol this request supports a public need, convenience,or the general community vrelfare. 6RgF, fferid ot&?AJ I hereby certify that: 1) the fo regoing statements and other information attached heretoare true and accurate to the bes t of my knowledge and belief; Z) I have the followin gl ega'l i ntereY nolder offfi has the st in the property:o,,,Jner of record co ntract purchaser;I es see;an exclusive option to purchase;dul y authorized to act for a personfol I olvi ng 1 ega'l i nteres t:and3) the owner of record is knowledgeabl eo s app ca on am no e owner. Owner's Name: CeC ii_ la. * Rei a ry'. a,$Ai*,)r Address: Tel ephone: Applicant's h Si gnature : By: Address: Te1 ephone o -74 r -,-ss eLb FCR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed:+q Received by: Receipt Issued To:Action Taken: Resolution of Intent Number q-2n {0-1 Appeal By APPlicant: Date Fixed For Common Council ltearing: ordinance Number: Journal Number: Date Fixerl For Planninq Comrnission Hearing : 5, *Q.ll-8r: FINDIi{G OF EACT FOR ACTIO}'J TAts5N:Rot "o-u *1- i5-{ \\--:- i ttl + l+q---T--r- Action Taken | - O'r .lq s clt20C- 4.o0 500 6fc 700 oo ',1. . .-t I :. lr'li - i, Lo.-') .,i- .' o 6200 ,44 t B :.t0 .e{ !<. 11oo lltl I .l : t\ o 1-'i.'-i \:.ooJ<+ -j .tFN *l 5o ) t--a >i.Y( +t I lr) N roc L o. o C) OJa 4 roo _?700 rb?) , ,t ,\ 3600 350c 5800 -F @ ooo4 oo39 r 300 Cz' /, I I a-'- /i) ,,,,}' 5--i3 800 a ."!.a.f ,.C- '/r;-,L- _ 59CO _!te3/ " /!, n/t./-..,? / 5-i- r;: .- gr' .l I t-+j I' I i a) ( 2zz '.t.'. ) ) 1/ I i I IIlt I 0c.o ri I is 66Cr lr rs ,"",'.,0 6400<U nn3 3,3300 a q -l --J so Lt- '---a,q \J BCO \I . _T 67C. .t5r670 46 3C OO 29CO 2600 J $ 5. \. c r I V t- I I I I I I I )6/CC--i N 8?': t w 9Ds {' N o'oa'E /Ob e'z t.* 5E Co.aaz 3 4P--..t OLC:,Yo L9 { ci'. 2J -l 50 Li 900 roo TCao See Mop 17 03 ?s T -J7/ 700 ooo -1(t R ,l ,oo,c.qJ 2400 _, / ,.'tj'.?)$\ I I 'l' \ k 6grc /9/ J >fjf,2300 I I I I I b / 66 6BOO MARION COUNTY M.in Oflic. 3.l8 Church Sr., N.E. P.O. Box 825 S.lrm, Orsgon 973O9 Phonc 581-0555 BENTON COUXTY 592 N.W. V.n 8ur.n P-o. Bor 951 Corvrllit, Oicson 9733O Phonr 7517395 OTHER OFF LINN COUNTY 3tO YJ6r Thrd P.O. Box 981 Alb.nv, Or@n 97321pr"ri3-zeiam May 24, 1979 ETTE VALLEY TITLE CO. LINCOLN COUNTY 126 W. Oliv. P.O. Box I 177 Nd@rr, Ore@n 97365 pnomE-Bsgt POLX COUNTY 168 S.W. Coutl Sl. P.O. Box 451 O.llrr, Oreon 97338 pn"ni;-z+ssl aco. LANE COUNTY OFFICE 845 EAST PABK O P.O. BOX 10186 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ' PHONE 8+2154 Willamette Valley Title Co. ESCROW DEPT. Eugene, OR. Order No.56549-E' Wc rru prcpercd to iruc tittc inrurrnce policy ln thc uruel form inruring thc firle to the lend dercribcd on the etttched dercriPtion rhccl: Veslee:CECIL M. BRADLEY AND REVA V. BRADLEY As Tenants BY The EntiretY Daled ar of March 29,1979 rl B:00 a.m PRETI'IAINARY REPORT ONTY No tiebitity ir esumed hercunder untit the policy ir itrued rnd the full policy premium har been paid. Subiecf lo ?he utual printed ercepliont end stipulationr, and the following: 1. Rights of the public in and to that portion of tract of land lying within the boundaries of public the above described roads and highwaYs. 2. Easement, including terms and provisions thereof, giranted by Mary Bo1ler to The pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. by instrument recorded December 4, L924, Reception No. 63711, in Book lAL, Page 574, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon. (exact location not specified; Copy attached) 3. Easement, including terms and provisions thereof, granted bY Cecil M. Bradley, et uxl to the City of Springfield acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board for underground power_facilities by instrument recorded Maich 21, tg7B, Reception No. 7B-l-8481, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. (Copy attached) NOTE: a) Taxes for fuI1. I4ap 17 03 25 3 b) We find no the fiscal- 1, Tax Lot j udgments MCKENZIE year lgTB-79 in the amount of $734-27 paid in 7000, Code l-9-00, Account No- 208072. or unpaid State or Federal tax liens against: PACTFIC SAVTNGS AND LOAI! Very TrulY Yours, Willamette VaIleY Title Co.Riverside Realty 941 Pearl St. Harlow & Mil1er 3005 Hilyard @,-/fu4 200- E CC: By: Robert Gordon ILLAMETTE \occ\ Beginning at a poJ-nt in the center of a 40 foot wide roadway 1094.19 te6t uorf.fr OoO3t East of a point on the South line of the Allanson I,t. powers Donation Land C1a1m No. 69, in Township L7 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, 985.40 feet North B9o 57'West of the Southwest corner of said Donation Land Claimi running thence North 89"57' i{est 242.65 feet, thence lrlorth 0"03t East 73.36 f eet, thence sourh Bt;4f 42.65 feet to the center of siid-E6adway, thence South O"O3t lriest 7535'-Eet to the place of begi-nning, in Lane CountY, Oregon. .- Description for Order No. 56549-E trrlil]amette Va11ey Title Co. pjb I - r, Ltry ltt ruco rn6 t.l.rtu;.a lb hd - alog.aa aht o aDt tl ,.{6 o h.3 .81 oha 1.6t'rd tr bog Iro!1!|10o rcrct-r!1 '16 {c6t rr rtrtd.r trotary ?atllo ta aall lor-tLr-mtl CrnatJ rlf tirtr rbo 1. tuora tc n. to b. tb. l0.Etlorl 1dlt1!u1 llgta. pprarrd tl. !l.t.h} Daod lhrY br rltDla'hatrrt.ot rd rob aol lh. try er! ycrr 1..! rrl r.C. trrrro t b oltll . lhc 8lintot .6r.!l aot lD'qaBt rry ilght oa'grralt claotrlo porcr tr.nlrtrtto! llar lr llnct upoa cr otlt li tor fti .t.ottcg d t bt.o!D6l ol try .tl!'prrprrtt,: prr11r1 rlth ao6 tlthl! rr.Prra.o.Ut*: rho ricoutr6 t Itt3r! ,tc .o. th.t .rur r:.rou!1 lb! .1!.,t!!!Urrna rolutarllfi;- I! ltIxEgE EEqD I Lrta b.a.untc aat ct .brDa rla uctatlrlI Ictrrlrl 9ralr Icrl lcrr€uo rt t. a1 Iotrry ?Ebllo lor Otqar,ooalrloE !rplr.. stDt Sltt l9{. I ..- l|.: .. . ',BrEEt ot trl lED ,lj'1j"ic'? 'r Sttl! I tttoc l.t lioord Jra t9. !,9851 a:ta otolct ?.I. I . , 3.a.&rrrar Gorolt ClcL ! "'.;|, :. I T -ouB-- Ai foUfo !.l.phsDo lDa 1.1.!t.ph Co. I --' !, &l L. imtr' llrpntf 1- 'r" r lrll ':. . \oe hr. tl 1.6, 1321t: i'lfi rt-,' l.: ,i tcr rrl 1! coB.ld.rstlm ol lb. rEr ot O!. (tt.ool Dcllri, r.o.lDt tL.r.d l. l.s.tt .otsDt 1jf.f .'..r1?Dt..t.trr--t. L.r.D, lrrrt.d to tlo lrolflo t l.DL.!. rDi trtlg'jp5 Ccrpry. ltr rltto.atsrl ?flt ..alfrr. rllh li. t:lttri to Grot rnl rl[tab 9ol.tr rttl th. !.to.aara:i tlLa ril ttrtnr.. tbataoD, rnl! lc t..9 rao'ftrr lrol lellrgr .oroaa tb.: o.rt.lD poprrtT Lrlrstf fr|tt io frd tF.arr1 til e . t, lgrgnr. aDa altnrt.a !D !i.-u-ty at lca.Strtr d Ottr .d a.tcr 11 .-tt toll.-r ;:!;:i ryfeUf tt f.t. ocs. cl trrol rt lrDa a..a.a t, J. l. hntait ca tlf. t.3E h,!-. ,ti'11ttrr, t.l t-6G? no t 3t ,t. t l!1, fi. t. 6t t3. !a t .t ltC lrt ic lelballjo :;afr tfttt sl .t7 t- t.L lc D. a.t 1r ttD. iltb .11., Etf Ea nru tbr lottl lltt ct tta?qt,r.t at.t l rl t!. Dt...!t'tL.. ' F ,:r,.) Fr I ](lr t T I e tt ? : 1!r.a 1?zc 100 frrt ot :.I t'l l ,i i. -l , i -t t--'*.,'/ I 3 - a\'-R. Pl7 t: L ,y/b ?814181 ntorT-0F-l{Ar ErsolExT KNOI' ALt IIEII BY THESE PRE5ETfi5. husband and vife rece , a nunicipal corporation, unto its successors and assigns of the undersigned situated ln thc CiQr ofparticul.rly described as foll 8e91Ein9 .t r E st of .IDiDt 59 in amshlp 89057' liesr of North 89o 57 89o 57' Elrt . t'. right to enter upon thc lrnds Srringfield, 5t t! of oregon, rnd aorc CC,rrtrt-r point ln c6ts of r {O 3ot vld.tudsy lo9a.lg fGGt north fo!' q thc lim of the llla$n x. Per. DoDatl@ t-hd cLr'r No. 17 3 vcst of t-b. Eill'@& xertdis, 995.t!o fect Norti of eid btaeionr Lret Clai!, mlng t.}roa Hes 242.54 feet b tlE 73.35 fEt to tlE pl.c. ot begieiDg, i! te CouEy, ecgr. Hereby grut a flve-f@t utll'lty Fse4Dt bc{dming lt tlE sbut}tE-t PrcIUty @c, thoce 73-36' (fcct) to th. nortlEst @8. thacc 70' (fat) to th' ertt, thocc 5' (fc.t, Eutl., tbocs 65r (fet) Ett, )rf! 64.36' (fet) Euth, tlEnc.5' (fet) Est to tlE lEirt of t-grntlng- th. .!ova lor t}l stEiftc tule of Eai.rErcqrd 1rc facilLtlcr- tlEncc tbrt! d 03' E st 73 .36 tet, thenca s4th ccntu of Bid r@dvay, tb.nce South Oo 03' rclt And to place, construct, operate, repair, raintain, relocate and replace thereln an electric transmission or distribution linc, including poles, 9uy vires and other necessary facilities, and t! cut and trin trees and shrubbery to the extent necessary to keep then clear of said electric line, and to cut dom from time to time .lI dead, Heak, leaning or dangerous trc6 that are tall emugh to strik! therires ln falling. The undersigned convenants that he is t}e omer of the above described properg/ and that such property is free and clear of encumbrances and liens of whatso€ver character e.xcept: €rrrn (!^- Ao t t n;f t1-os-rs-3-t-a1o -2Aoo, . It! lrtl 1100110 +ir*- C..-r lL !j'*.ttr--STATE OF OREGOII) couilrY oF r.uE I ss- 48E IT REHE},IBERED that on the :of before me, the undersigned,n apPea red the vithin named ca executed the Yithin instrurent and SAIDE a. last a n, 197 executed thene ri ly , I have hereunto set qy hand and notarial seal the day and year t PUB \Ltc I'b/ Conni3sidt, th.t th.for a gr.nt unto .4t:il &,*,ltr:.ry Public of oregon / IN.tlIIllESS trllEREoFJ the gndersigned has set his hand and se.l thlse?e aat ot 2?nul - ,192t_--.' (r-. )-( otz /3----/6-, //l l : t : I I prEfuBcc sBeE ECE \l NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON I.IEDNESDAY ,N0 R 5, .I980, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH "A'' STREET ON THE FOLLOI,IING REQUEST FOR A MODIFICATION OF AN EXISTING RESOLUTION OF INTEI'IT: McKenzie Pacific Sav 1n s and Loan Assoc'iation (Journal No. S-79-ll-80) Assessor's Map 17'03'25-3], Tax Lot 7000 Located at 1520 North 'lBth Street, Springf ield The property is currently under a Resolution of Intent (No: 79-274) to be zoned C-Z bo*rrniiy Commercia'l District. Condition "a" of the ROI requires " removal or demoljtion of the exist'ing residence." The applicant'is now proposing to iemodel the existing residenie on the property for use as a med'ical office. tn tf,. event of appioval by the Plannihg Commission or appeal-UV !l1. app'l-icant or other interestei partiei, the Springfield City Council will hold a pubf ic f,.u.ing on Monday, November 17,.I980 a[ the aforementioned location for the purpose of hearing views for or against the above request. I R'ichard Johnson, SecretarY Springfield Pl anning Comm'ission.l26 N. 4th St., SPringfield 726-37s9 t R3 RI A-Y,{ fiC. a7_ SCALE: 1"=400I AREA TO BE CON- SIDERED FOR A ZONE CHANGE - SFttN6Flelo H16HWA oLf*\?tL Fo R.l el sl, t2- ? ,2^F,) PI rN' n o il aor- a_ J ii K3 i*/-. .a I