HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-05-24\ city of springfield 225 n. 5th street t SPFlTI\lGFIELO SI GN PERMI T APPLICATION I N FO RMATTON t 726 -37s3 lNSPECTlotrsr 726_3769 PITONEOIINER OR PROPERTY 32oo A. ZIP LECAL DESCRI?TION TA.Y. LOT -jt / 3. -lt7 63 ;?5 IIIESSBUSTYPEOF LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ADDRESS OT.JNER OF SIGT.I CIT OTHER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER) NAME OF BUSIIIESS, FIRM, ETC. ADDRESS USE AIID CIIA"RAC?ER OF SIGN: ',./ rorutrtt INCIDETI?AL _DOUBLE rACE SINGLE FACE UTILTI.FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD D.STPJ'CTI'RAL TTPE OF SIGN: V I'ALL FREESTANDI}IG ROOF _PRoJECTTNC I,IAROUEE UNDER I,IAROUEE O,rIIER c.rYP! 0F WORK: v' EREcr AT.TER RELOCATE OTH}:R B. SIGN I,{ANIIFACTURER (IF OTHER TF3N ERECTOR) E EX?DATE d.t( ADDP.ESS . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN CITY LICENSE A hhDrcc E:(ISTING SIGNS ARE lI{EIrX ANY EltrsTrllc srclls? -YES G. vNO FTG AI,L EXISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC, IJH' r.nl.l srcN IIAvE ELEcTP-ICAL l{lRrilc? z? z IF YSS, IiHICE APPLY? ELECTIUCAL SIGN ;urmrserED (rNDrPfctE LrcEtao) ELECTRICAT CONTPSCTOR ADDRESS LISC.NUMBER PECIIE- DU,iF}ISIONS, UISTALIJTION & CONSTRUCTIO}T TOTAL HEICHT ABOVE GRADE VEF.TICAL DI}.IENSION OF SIGN I{ORIZO$I'IAL WIDT}I OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN IF YES, DI}IENSI.ON BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE TIIAN 12" 6Tffi PUSLTC PROPEP.TY TIIE SIGN ERECIOR I.ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF ITIS/}IER LIABILITY AI'ID PP.OP' ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"AIICE POLICIES. T-/r /.1 " YES E {NO IIIICKI.IESS OR DEPTI1 DCES SICN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERIY LINE? I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR MATERIALS SIGN IS a CONSTRUCTED OE. J' ,r* rNFoFvATrot{ (r-aND usE) oF BurLDrlIG OR LA-ND (oR LA5T r.{uoooa BusrNEss -ourDooP' t4ERcl{AiID ISillc 1d'J EXISTING USE usE lF vAcANT) az ---L/ . VALUE OF SIGN:K and do herebY certlfY thar all. -1 work oerformed shali be done ln en Code'as adoPced 5Y che CiEU or i and che laws of Ehe SEaEe o! iiiu-tn.t nrv !1gn corEractor Ll--..""o"it.d by-Springfield Codes ecrions listed on che aPProved TE HAVE permiE thac alcomplet, and forEionItcaedtPPrheL\A}lI}IEDCAREFULLYI cIfurthercorrec1andtionrmainfo Si ifv Uni formEhe0rdinance)Sie1f.Lche gndance-L pring1accor IfostheEIpringfieesEy0rdinancaandtIotherIdSoringfIfurtherileerndes.beuwork?EOgercalni ngSregon tf.CEeforceand1fu11].d INsf-ocEhe!PrEh D1nssignIalrequired1ling wiI eques ty 207and9 (2 NAI4E cense wi 8-2-5(3)pe:mit. -* PLEASE READ ii.ffiw:AscpareteaPP1icaE1on1srequ{redforeachseParatestgn.asdefined CdLL FOR TI1E REQUIBED INSPECTIONS ON IIIE 24 }IOUR INSPECEON LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DISTRICT ( C /r,t t t,.ZONE DISTRICT 4-pt R ToIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SICN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: (. _SITE/LOCATIolt _ELECIRICAI OTEER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE ERECTION S&f$r:€ tesc;rar€D -z L/^ F L JoB No zo 51/ Zone OccuPANCY GRoUP UN!'rs OccuP NcY LoAD S':ro*rrs TYPE CoNsi ADDINONAI INFORMATION }IEEDED BEFORE PERMIT I.IAY BE DEscR:PTIoN 1) z) 3) Eleccric?t: .Any Peralc issued under thts applicatlon will lnclude wiring ln or on sign srructure,Ehe suPPIy wires for connection ruusE be covered on an electrical p-errniu. - Electrical Eonnectiontrtts,c b? aade.only by a Scate LLcensed Electrical Conrractor. Illirninated signs (boch incernallyand externally) unrsc confo:m Eo Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe S[ringfield Sign Or--dlnance. P-lani Reouiled:. Ttris-appltcation is to be submitted wlth Esro coEplete sets of ptans showing dl-mensions and height of-sign; advertislng message on slgn; locatioi: of slgn on pioperty uith-di-oensions Eo ProPerEy llnes, -structural details of supporc fraaing, braciig and-footings; materlalsof conscruction for sign and sign strueEure; eleccriial equipmenE and ligf,ring; slze ind locationof existing signs on property for Ehe saoe busienss, all is iequlred to deteriine comollance withthe Sprlngfteld sign.ordinance (Arttcle 7 of the spiingfleld ciuy code). Also,.dhow the follow-tng loforoacloo on Ehe ploc plan (plan showiug prolertj lines aad locatlon of iigns): a) Shos the locarion of all exisclng slgn(s) as welr es proposed sig.o(s). b) Show the. length of che street frontage taken up by the buslness or building. For sallsigns, show rhe length of the building frontagl. - c) show Ehe locaclon of entrances open to the public and driveways. l{tten-required, because of design,- size, etc., englneered drawings and_calculations mrsc be pre-pared^by-a licensed engineer oi shal1 confora to-design standarIs on flle at Ehe auildin! oivi-slon offlee. ------"6 I Plans of lnsuffieient clarity or detail will be rerurrred to the applicanE with no perroit beinglssued. signs ousE treet corrler vl'sloa clearanee requireoencs aE described in Ftgure g of the springfleldComprehensj.ve Zoning Code. N9TE: .No.sign-oay be erected which ls less than 12 feet hortzontaliy or vertically froo overheaderectrlcal conductors in excess of 750 volrs, oi i"""-ih";-3-f;;;-i;'.;; direcrion froo overheadelecrrical lines which are energlzed ar reaa'ci""-750;;il": -esb "' cs' # ;.ili i1 not installed $tithin 60 days after Ehe date of lssue of this permit, Ehe peraig shall Inspectlons : a) slce rnsoection - to-be oade bcfore the sign is placed, usually, the Footinq rnspection Eion is to be oade-after hole(s) rE.-c.viE*a,-'"'ii-pii;;;;-ih;-ii""".".,. or concreEe.b) Final rnspecrion,- ro be made upon "";a.;;;;'oi ]:.r ,orr..c) i*ffi ;"3ti.;:::t*!"]r#T: H*.1."r'nspecred ror electrj.cal hook up arter rhe slgn 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) e) _F0oTINC LI, FIIAL ADDnEss CwNER THs :oNT!:NTs |{ERE oF Ha y'E EEEN REV1EI ,ER. vylTH ALrERAyloNs INDTCATED tN coLoRED rt:NC!L. CHANGES GR ALTFRATIONS MADE p-FT;n !:,aT:: nELOW Snall ag AppRovED Ey THE ButLD|Ni OFFtciAL. CITY {)F SPRINGF!ELD. ) OREGON oxe 5'Zl- APPROVED BY: APFRovEo BY :j ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 4Z STAIE SIIRCITARGE: )( - RECEIPTDAIE.<-R.q'-r CLERK JOB IGN PERMITs - cIo TOIAL: '7'{- t;0 SECTION:RINCFIELD SIGN ORDINA}ICE Lfi OR MEIIIOD OF ATTACI{MENT L