HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-04-17SPRINGFIELE, April 17, L987 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Mn. John C. Pratt The Amundson Associates 200 S. Mi I I StreetSpringfield,0R 97477 RE: Publ ic Employees Cr eOit Union )u3S Dear Mn. Pratt: This letter is written to nespond to youn letter dated March 11, 1987, a copy ofwhich is enclosed-for your convenience-. Unfortunately, I cannot'provide you'iitn9ny addit'ional information or insi ght other than wiit was provicled in -my f i rstI etter dared Febr-uary 17 , 1987. Although I can appreciate your premise regard'ing the responsiD'ility for resolvrngthis matter, t,he_9ity's position nemains thit the required street li!nt in questionwas to be installed to City standands and that the installation costs incunred anethe .0wnen's (developer) responsibility. As stated in the Febr-uary 11 letter,section 303 (c) of the Spningfield Bui lding Safety Code Admrnistr^ative Codeprovides in part: The 'issuance of a permit or- appnovar of plans andspec'ifications shall not be const,rued to be a permitfor., or. an approval of, any violation of any of theprovi si on of any regul at'ion or or-di nance of anygovernmental subdjvision of the State. Again, I regret the inconvenience and additional costs nesulting from th.is mattec My necommendation at this point, to resolve this issue which appeans to be somewhat at an impasse, is to schedule a meeting between Jou, as the 0wner,srepnesentative, and the appiopriate City staff to discuss the possible resolutronof th'is i ssue. I spoke with Gary MtKenney, Transportation Managen, regardr ngpossible alternatives to this situation. TherL are not a lot of optioni arir'lauleto us. I wish there were more. If scneduling a meetrng is agreeabie to you, please contact me at 726-3753. yourcooperation and courtesy in this matten is appreciated. Sincerely, 4 Dav'id J. Puent, Bui lding 0ff rcial cc: Gary McKenney #r27 9 225 North Sth Street t,Springfield, Orego n 97 477 503/726-3753 D