HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-03-10SPRTI\IGFIELE'INFORMATION: 726-37s3 INSPECTTONS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION city of sPringfield 225 n. 5th street 74.,1 {ecooilr Fi Ar I 8qS l3 t7 ZTP SS zrA"UC,OT .BUSIT:ESSNA!18 OF BUSI}.IESS, FIRM, ETC.4o A. PHONE at PHONE TA.Y LOT ;+l7 6A {6N 6r74yl€d Br+rE fnAAl 2q y- /?qq'ADDRESS /s /2 A)t I g''t N, l(t -J S3.t- &"Sao /44N or.INER oF srcl,I CrF orllER THAII PRoPEnry bwunn) OI"INER OR PROPERTY LOCATION OF SIGN LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.I D. use Al{D cIaRAcrER oF srGN: -INCIDENTALX oourln recu _srNGLE FACE },TIILTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD X rormrrv C'srtratrRAl TYPE oF srcN ROOF PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IARCIUEE OTHER ,X rnnrsrANDrltcIIALL TYPE OF WORK: V ERE,CT ALTER RELOCATE OT}IIiR B NL, E.3 ?TDU) ADDP.ES S DATE P.NqC VENDORS,CONTRACTORS: ^/sS qog3-70 ?+.rnq- PIIONE SIGN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER TFAN ERECTOR) CENSE }II'.IIBER SIGN ERECTOR ADDPJSS CITY LI ARE TIIERE ANY EXISTI}IG SIGIIS? G !-no . EXISTING SIGNS IZE IN ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS, ETC. ADDRESS LISC. NTJMBER NbELECTF.I CAL I'IIRITIG ? s}.PPLY? LIGHTED) ilw.r*tcot coNTRAcroR . I.[LL SIGN HAVE IT YES, WIICH ILLTN{INATED DU,lElrSrONS, UISTALLATTOI{ & C0NST}8ffi6}i.. TOTAL HEIGHT OUOU' '*'N ,G,' ' VEP.TICAL DI.},IENSION OF SIGN 3 . HoRrzoMAL lIrDfiI oF srcN Ce' NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS I{ORE THAN 12" OTER ruel.rc PRoPEPJY THE srcN EREcroR I'ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PPOP- ERTY DAI.IAGE I}ISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. E YES A"o n/ldTIIICKI.IESS OR DEPTI1 DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IT YES, DII'IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE DII'IENSION F'ROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN ol l. DEscRTBE TypE oR yATERTALs srcN rs CONSTRUCTED OF.! r. e€r€55r lt ft\ o'l / stl C O.<) / *r Ar50 RsO,tt ,UTEO J'rr* rNFoF'ttATroN (LAND tts') -- ExrsrrNc us' or-auiiorNc oR LAIiD (oR I-Asr usE rF vAcANT) _TNDOOR BUSTNESS -OUTDooS' I',TERCHANDTSTNG PB.OPoSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND:- /<.47Qsr{c As aFFrc€- . VALUE OF SK . I HAVE CAREFULLY E)(./{I!INED rhe completed application for permit-and do hereby certify thaE all informarion is rrue and correct, anE"i"r;I[;;;-;;;tiiy-ti'rrt all work perforrned shali be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, ttre Uiii"tq Sit" CoJ"-'" adopted by qhe City of sprinsfield and.i1 ott.r-ordinancEl;i';ii;'^;iiy-9i-5;;i;qfieiE."a the laws-of thL sEate of cregon percaining to rile worll-<rescriu"i n"]"i"]' r suiii"i-certlfy that rnv Srgn contracEor I-1- cense wirh rhe ciry-oi-'ipii"gri"ra i;-i"--f;ii--force and effect as- required by-springfield codes g-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). r will ruqilrl".ir-i"q"ii"a-"rgn inspecEioni listed-on the approved DATE FF (.4pQ Jpermlc. NA},IE (PLEASE SlGNATURE I PLEASE REAL 1)Separar Slg11 4ppllg!_&n: A separate application Ls requlred for each separate sign as definedffiw 2) Elecrric4l: Any permlr issued under this application will include wiring 1l or 9t:igtt sErucEure, Ene suppry rr-r"" for co.rr""Eion musE be covired on an electrical-p-ermit. ElecErical connect'ion musE be rade oniy by a Suate Licensed Electrlcal contractor. rllirminared signs (both.internally ;;d exrernaffyj--irus'E .o"iom to Seccions 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of rhe Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 3) plans Required: Ihis application is to be subnitted wlth two complete sets of plans showing.di- ::j-+-r-mensions ano neigf,t-.f-'.|i";-advertising message_on sign; locatioir of slgn on-ProPerty with di- mensions to properEy rines, srruciuiai E.iails-"r ."pllii ft.ritg, braciig and-footings; raaterials of consrrucrioi'ioi"rie" "ria rig"-siiuctu."; electiltil equipmenE-and ligf,ting; size and locaEion of existing,i[r,"-or,-;;;-p;;iy-i8i ir," same busie"r", .t1-as.iequired to aeterminq.comgllance with Ehe SprlngfielE Sign brdinanle <nrcr"r.7 of the spii"Eiiurd citl 9:1:);^-A1","::*:Y.tn" fo1low- ing iirforilagion on Ehe plot plan (plan showing Property lines and IocaEaon o! srgns,,: a) show the locaEion of aL1 extsting slgn(s) as well as ProPosed slgn(s). b) Show the lengrh of the street frontage taken up by the busLness or butlding. For wall signs, show Ehe length of the building frontage. c) Show rhe locaEion of entrances oPen to the publlc and drlveways. Wtren required, because of design,-size, etc., englneered drawings and-calculaEions musE be pre- pared by a licen."a-I"gi"...-.i--"tiii-ionrori to"design standards on fiLe at the Building Divi- sion Office. plans of lnsufficient clarity or detail wilL be reEurned to Ehe applicant wlth no permir being issued. signs musE meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTEr No sign nay be erected which is less than 12 feet hori?ontally or vertically-from overhead E-EErrlcal conducrors in excess of ZSO ;;i;., oi i"". than 5 feet in- any direction frorr overhead ei"ctiicat lines whlch are energized at les' than 750 volts. If a sign is not Installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. Inspections : a)SiEelnspeccion.tobenadebeforethesignisplaced.Usually,theFooEinqlnspecEion6'tttipififaffi*"y-b"madeaEttr"sa,etiteas.tt,"-s:.i"rnspectionffi- rion is ro u"'fi"JI'"II"i-[or"(.) r"-.x"avaEe<i, but prior to the placement of concreEe' !'lnal rn soection:- to be made upon coryletion of all work 4) 5) 6) 7). 8) e) b) c)- all electrical signs must be lnspected for electrLcal hook up a and before the sign is Eurned on. fter Ehe signElectricalIfficEAI CALL roR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON rHE 24 HOIR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SIGN DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE DISTRICTg FOOTAGE OF REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: -SrTE/LOCATTOII -foorrNc OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT \./ _ELECTRTCAL l\runel OTITER SPECIALcoNDITIoNSToBESATISFIEDBEFoREERECTIoN0FSIGN: ADDITIONAI INFORMATION NEEDED BETORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED:tr LD {Dh:o. Lu\Eb LN su)r/ur)i APPROVED BY: SECTION: SICN ORDINANCE TOTAL: oo d) DATE SIGN PERMIT JOB # -kv-