HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-08-26.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s North stl, streeaPPLrcAT'-Y/PERI/,, Sprtngfi.eLd, Orecon 97477 Building Ditstsion 7 26-37 53 //, SPFIINGFIELD \22(7 )11, Job Iocaticn: Aesessors Map #'lol, Subdiuision: A.nter: Addtees:,/3 L), cifu: loz Lat # ,/L oo zip Desetlbe Work: qot t-t B Net)v)t_l Addi.tian Date of App Lieation &/22 f-,0 - rc n"r,"//,ffio + RenoCel cc Date: GeneraL ELectrtcal -Sa ) l,lecha.iccl y Constmtctton Lendet Pemtt'tarJ It ie the reepooibi-Lity of -tle pernrtt PUo to aee tlnt aLL inapections ee nade at the p?opet tine, that ecch cd.dtess i." vsaaahigfran tle atteet' and, tltat the pezmit catl. id Located at the frcti of th.e orooethtis";tdi"s-i;;;;b;. @"*^ea iti ittctl-r^;;";'tri ii,tTii"b'"sliiJlt"'itt';it;":' I P!?)29DUPE FOR INSPECfiON RgquEST..cALL 7 requested ard. uhen gou uiLL be ready foz,'-iLL be rude the sdte dcy, requests"mZd.e 26-376 9 (necordet ) state youz, City designated job nutbez,,inspection,Cont"acto?s or )umez's tctne cttd.phone nunbet.aftet, 7:00 qn vLLL be nade the nest :nrking dail' job aCiz,ess, type Pequests receixe& of inspecli.cn befcte 7:00 o:t I I I ti. cn s I our Ci tA"Dre si er.at e d \b KobrsNumber Is:p qTaE TitcDPanrn^t. e4cau;n;;;6t Io be nade afterpriar tc set up of forns forms are ereete<i, but prior to poul"ing ccncreta 1T PPE! t4li! BEAM: ?o be made TNSaLA?r)itlvAp1R BARRTER rtlspEcfioN:Io be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn ctd. required oqor bavie?a @e in plaee but before ory lath, Wp&ln baarC or tnLL cooering is applied, otd befoteoty insulation is concealed. DEtl1Lrrl2ll 0R' !.!1wD BU Scnilay saner capped at property Line Septic totk p;.orped atd filled ui.th gra;tel i iFinal - Wen abcoe itats ee canpleted and uhen dq.toli.tior. is eanpletet o? st?uc- tuye motted otd. pnenrises cleuteC up. f_ 1 -'-/ Hcnes Blocking od. set-ttp Pltnbing connections -- saie? od. oaiet I Electrical Cc,rnection - Blocking, set-up and plunbing eonneetions rnist be apprcved before requesting electrLcal inspeclio:t Accessory- BuilCing . i:... Pittal - After pcrches, s!<irting, decl<s, etc. @e comple'"ed. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHI-\|ICAL: Io be made before any t'lotk ie cooeted. -'a- ?,I yl PooTaNG & EOUNDAtTCN: ?o be tru.Ce LJ ;fii t"encies-az,e -aeaated. attd :.ll: ffn DRYI|ALL rNSP!trfON: ?c be rrude I f l;fte" ;tl@TTis in plnce, - but p"ior to any tcpittg. e I h a U.ND9RGPOUIID PLUMPING, SIWP, II,ATER. Lira trenciue.)lNUTIDEPFLOOR PLUI,E ING & I4ECHANICAL : o1 flooz, ineulation ot decki-ng.{E ilitiTdllcn o1 flooz, insu ll vtl to these inspeetions lwtse beer, MAS2NRL: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting on oerticals in accotdorce dth a.B.C. Section 24L 5. WOODSTOT"IE:e@etA.After install.ation i.s CURB & APPROACH APR)N: Aftet formsoe ez,eeteC but prlor to pour.tng cotac"ete. SfDEWALK & DRflB,tAY: Fot aLL con- crete pquirg uithin street fight-gf-txy, to be nade after all e.xca- oating canplete & fotn uot'k & sub- base nater[al in plaee. YENCE: hrhen conplete -- Protside gates or motsable sectians through P.A.E. prLoz, to Lation or deckitlg. nade and. approteC. EfPEPLACE: Ptior to plaeirq facingma-terials and before franing inepeb- tio,n. FRA]IINC: l,tust be tequested after approual of rough plurbing, electri- u.L & nechanieal. ALL roofing btacittg 6 chinmeys, etc. tntst be ! conrpleted. Ito uork is to be con- -..*.cecled until this inspectLon lae:be1n nad,e anC approtsed. +V ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street ttees, conoletion of the nequired landsecping, etc., nust be eatisfied before the BUfLDING FIITAL can be requested.A Z El aq FTilAL PLUMBIIIG bq PIIIAL I.IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTBICAL {A ?I-NAL BUTLDING: The Einal Build,ing fnepecti,on m$t be t,equested after the Fi;tal Plwnbing L-,/ Electr-ical, otd l,leclurical fnsp:paS,lena late been made atd-approued. Page 1 of 2'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLT, ADJUSAUENT ?O BE LL4DE n? NO COS? ?O Cny o: I I i I I I i I I I I I i I 7 ,rouorn ro^n a tr tr e? JOB NO. Nau,/Esterd. Circuits Esh.a$t HooC Permit fssuanee Meclnnicel Perrntt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seatri Permit ?otaL Cvrba* Sida,talk L Mobile Hane TOTAL ATTOI]NT DUE:. 5(JLAK AUUEDJ KEV.- Mecho nicol Permit L-CO G^ E:Za-* -U , f HAW CAREFALLY EXA],IINED tle eompleted application fot perwit, arld. do hereby certify that aLL information hez,eon is ttue and coweet, atC I further certify that ory ard aLL ttotk penforned slnll be done in accot- dance tith the Ordinances of the City of Spr"tngfield, and. the Lc;s of the* State of O"egcn pertaining to the aork Cescribcd he?ein, o1d. tlat NO OCCU- PANCY utLll be rmd.e of drlA strwctute uithout permtsaion of the Building Di-ui.sion. f furthen certifE that only contracto"s ad, enplcyees uho eb in canpliance dith ORS 701.055 uill be used on this project 3-,B6-3/ Da€e Sourees lieat Df House Lace tove _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sae Becl'occi,: Int Faees - Grolt -- Fees -- ITZI'I FTG x TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Paid27 Reeeipt #:/a 79 Building Volue & Permit This permit is g'ranted on the ecpress cond.ition tlnt the said constructionshall, in al.L respeets, eonform to the }rdinaniee edopte,L 6y the City of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn otd use of buiLdings, otd may be suspended ot, revokeC dt cny time upon oic- lation of @Ly prcoisione of eaid Ordirwnces. * ].Building Pe?nrit ?otal Changes State Signed: N0.FEE CHARGE Ei-rtures ?- Resi.d.mtia,L (1 bath) Seuet Plumbing Permit No person shall construet, install,, alter or ehange anA neo cr etisting plwnbing or drainage sVstan in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber,ts L'Lcense, eieept that a pe?son nay do plwbing uork to property uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the dppli- cant. * Pl;nbing Perrit I?EI.I L Tanpc?@y Semtiee 7 Electricol Permit l{hete State Lal z,equiz,es tt,at the electtieal uotk be done bf im Eleott'ieal Cont?aeto?, the electrLcal portion of this permit slall rot be ualiC until the Label las been signed by the Electri,cal Contractor. Stctc- ?otal FEE Vent For ,/ aDG- llcodsto;se e F rrlr / 2"- zr Signed tute Canaoe I'lot,th tt Jotith tt ,/est ll Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Couetage I of Stories Total Height Topogaphy u.f t