HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-09-06Receipt #3 o J.. RESIDL ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, 1r'egon 97477 BuL LdLng Dl,olsLon 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: Aesessors Map # SPHINGFIEI.D €d q/,,/*v @g ?aE lat # ' Svbdioision: Ormer: Addtess: 4 ci Additian 7 &Phone Desci.be llotk: t--t ru4,r//'" RemoCel /oc>t Date Date of Value GeneraL Coastnactiofl Lend.et It io the respoaaibility of tlc penrit fuAer to aee that all i.nspectiotts are nade at the prope? tine, that each adl.ress is t'eadni.ie fln the at?eet, and tltat the p*nit cafi. ie Located at the frant of the propetty.tBuilding Diuicioy: appr.@^ed plan shcll yemain on the Building Site at aLL- tines. PR)2EDUqE FoR INspEcTI)tt WqWST..CALL 726-3769 (reeordet,) state you! City Lesigrnted job nzmber, job aCi.tess, type of inspec=icti requested ard uhen gou aiLL be ready fon inspection, Contz,acta?s o? Oone?s nctne atd pTnne nu,nber. Requests reeeited befcre 7:CC e:i t"tLL be nwde the sane dcy, ?equests nade after ?:00 on viLL be nade the nast aorking day. Iour Citg Designated Job Nutnber fs E o a,4/r,/ STTE INSPEC?ION: eccantation, but ?o be nade aftet, pr"ior tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHA-IIICAL: ?o be nade befoz,e any uork is eoueted. P0O?ING & F)ANDATICN: Io be ntaCe;fi;; ttencEes ale eccaoated and fonns are ereeted, but priot, to pout"iTtg ccnerete. UNDERCROUIID PLUMEINC. S!'IER. WATER, DRAIilAcE: To be maCe prLor to fil-lirq trenches. UIIDERFLOOR PLUIIB ING & IIECHANTCAL : o7 floon ineulation or decking. lPfI AlrP BEAIa: To be nade prLor toffidTEGVof ftoot, ircu|)tion ot decki.ng. ROUGH PLA,!BI!|G. ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uotk is to be co'"^et,edffilTthese inspeetions ha,te been nade and approoeC. FIPEPLACE: Pr.Lor b placirq faeingmaterials and before frantng inepec-tion. FRAilfNG: ltust be tequeated after approoal of rough plwrbing, electni-cal & meclnnical. ALI rooftttg bracLng & chhtmege, etc. rntet be ) eonpleted. Ilo ucnk ie to be con-. cecled until this inspeetion lae:been nwde anC apptoued. FilIAL PLUAAING FINAL ATCHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BALRIER IIISPECIION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn avrd required oapor bcrie?s @e in place but before ory l,ath, Wpsltn baatC ot, tnLL couering is appli.ed, and. before oty insuLation is concealed. DRYIIALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be nade @&-dT6l6ZTts in pzace, but priot, to any taping. tu!ASONRI: Steel Location, bond ddffijg?outing or oerticals in accotdotce LtLth A.B.C. Section 2475. WOODSTO|/E: ecntpTetA. Aftet installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fornsee eyecteC but ptiot, to pouring conctete. SfDEWALK & DRf'"EWAI: Eot, aLL eon- cr.;t; patfiAiid street right- of-teA, to be maCe after aLL eaca- oating conplete & forn rn?k & sltb- base raterLal in place. I tur 'rl:l PENCE: gates P.U.E. When conplete -- boutde or morsable sections through ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, con-oletion of the requined Landsecping, ete., tmtst be satisfiedbefore the BUILDINC FilIAL eanbe requested. PINAL BUILDINC: The tinal Building fnspection mtst be tequested cftet the Final Plunbing \J Electrical, and Meehanical fnspections haoe been made ard approueC. DEMOLITIO]! OR :.:OWD B Sanitary seaer capped at propert7 Lire Septic totk purped and. filled rrith gra;;eL Pinal - h4ten abctse itens are eanoleted and uhen Certolition is eornplete or st!,uc- tttre mooed and. y,elrtses cleaneC up. Ltobile llcnes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connectiane -- sarte? sd, uatet Electrical Cc*nection - Blocking, set-uc and plumbing connections tnst be appz,ct;ed. before requesting eleclrLcal inspeeliott Aceessory Bui.Hittg pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - Aftet, etc. are eornp Page 1 of 2*ALL MANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\\EI\T ?O BE L|4DE AT ItO CgSr I0 CEv l w* u trr tr JOB NO. Mobile Hone OLAR AC'-SS REQ.-r--coc BeCroons VWEs@ntrne"uate I HAw CAREFULLY EXAI,TINED the eotnpleted applieation for pennit' and. do herebg eettify that aLL itfornation heteon is ttae and cortect, cnd. f furthet certifg that otg ar.d aLL uork perforned slnll be done in aeeot- dance trtth the 0rdinsees of the Citg of sprLngfield, and. the Las of the* State of Oz,egon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed het'ein' cnd trnt No 0cCU- PANCy ttll be nade cf cny structu?e uvithout pertrission of the Building DL- oision. I fu.rther c -tifs- that otly eontraetors ad. anplcyees uho oe in eanplianee uith oRS a1.05s uiLL be used on this project ,frf.tl West Aceess Wo toxe DT House Lot Faees - eat Sout,cesIat Sq. Ptg. % of lot Cooerage I of Stories ?otal Height Iopogrcphy LCT TWE _ fnterict _ Cormer _ Panltandle CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- ITEM fiu x Value Building Volue & Permit Ihis perwtt is granted on the ezpt'els eondition tlnt the sail..constmtction s?uLL, in aZL respects, eonfortn to the Cv&inance adopted by the City of Springfield, includ.ing the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn orl use of buildings, and nay be suspend.ed or reuokeC at c.ny time upon oi-c- lation of cnA prcoisions of said 2rdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r Building Permit Date Paid ?otal Clnrges NO,FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No peteon shal.L constmtet, instalL, alter ot cltange artA nea cr ecisting plttnbing or drainage systai in uhale or in patt, unlees such pet'son is the legal poseessor of a oalid plumbet"s License, escept tlwt a pe?son ma:1 do pltnbing uork to prope"tA ahich is otmed, Leased ot opet:ated by the qppli- eant. FLchttes Resid.erltial (1 bath) Sarzi Sa,ter cra o-r, Permtt State Sutel^.atge z/O 1 Electricql Permit Wlere State La,t reqtires th,at the electrLeal uork be done by an Eleettieal Contractor, the electz.ical poz,tion of thie permit slnll not be talil until the Label tas been sigred by the Electri,cal Conttactor'. Iotal I'lau/Ettend Cit cutts Setoice t4r nu A Dau * Mechqnicol Permit Edwnst HooC llcodstoite Vent Pol PermLt Issuance Mecltanicel Perwit -- ENCROACUWNT -- geeuritu Deposit Storage l,laintenance Pendt Cvtbcat Si.da,talk EZectrical Label {. Signed: ?O?AL INOUN? DUE:'/O.40 Signed 'A6-rr State NC. Total Aaraes State Surchanoe ?ence il-l