HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-03-28225 FIFTH STREET SPzuNGFIELD. OREGON 97'177 INSPECTiON REQUEST'. 7 2(t-3'7 69 0FFICE: 726-37s9 L OF EI-EI-TRICALPERN'flTAPPLICATION : Cit' Joh N.mrrcr C>Z - EC:S tS ' o / 3. CON,IPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELON ,ll A. Nerv Residenti:rl-Single or Multi-Family per dn'elling unit. Service Included: Items Cost $ 106.00 =- $ 19.00 LEGAL 3 63200 JOB DESC ON The tollowing Prol and does Zoning are non-transferable and expire if r,vork is not started rvithin 180 &8!3 ofissuance or ifrvork is suspendodrfoortzed Slgnature 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Christenson Electric, fnc. D.B.A. T:i ?#.?r:'+[!?' mHLIH**;,. LD)(L sct. ft or portion -dL tliereof or Senice or Feeder $ 50.00 eedersFrorvrcesB. stirllirtion,In eS Alterations J-$ 6,3.oofT! $ 75.00 $125.00 --_$ 163.00 _ $375.00 Services or Feeders Installirtion,Alterntion or Relocation $69.00 Over 600 volts see D. Branch Per Panel Cih Eugene, OR Supen'isor License Number Expiration Constr Contr Expiration Signitture of Orvners OWNER The installation is being niade on propertv I olvn rvhich is not intended lor sale. lelse or rent. 200 arnps or less 201 aurps to 400 amPs ,101 anrps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only 200 amps or 201 amps to Over 401 E. 4. SUBTOTALOFABOVE 77o Statc Surchirrge 8 7o Administratil'e Fee s43.00 Circuit or rvith Service Pennit $ 3.00 (Serrice/fcerler not incturled) oo D .Each instaliation Pump or irrigation - $50'00 SignlOuttine Lighting .=-- $50'00 ._ Limited Energv/Res $25'00 Limited Energv/Comm - $45'00 Ntinimum Electric Permit Inspection Fec is S-15'00 * Surcharges Orvncrs Signature. TOTAL /5