HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-04-2322s North sttt streeY?PLrcAYr,N /PERMrr SprLngfteld, 1regon 97477 BuildLng Diuision 726-37 53 .. RESIDEN. .A1.. Job Locaticn: sPFtNGFtFlrl Aeseesors Map # l7 -- vb- ),D37Ta tot # Subdiuision: \f- Ctmer: Addresa:Plane: Lut/. L)-\I Describe h,ork:[l Neu U[SU\\l-l oo Value General 1 Date of Applicaticn_ Addi,tian DEIIO LlobiLe Bloeking od, Set-:tp PLunbinq eowrcctions -- satie? otd aater ElectricaL Canection - Blockin7, eet-upand plwnbine eonnections nast bL- qprctbdbefore requesting eleczyical inspeb:ion Accessory BuilCing .pcre,kes, skirting, decks,FinaZ - Afteretc. @e ccmp ConI jn)glion_Lendet Ionr Citg Deeigr.ated Job th,nber fs: It is the fron tle ,tBuilding responeibi-Lilv oi tte penrtt lpzda to lee ;lut-all,inopectiona ce nade at the ?loper tine, that each;tt,r-ees is reqda^ieatr.eet,. and, tiat the -p*nrit eai ia Laated, at the frcrt' of the orooetat -v-uicioz apiru^ed plor ahcll retu,in on ilte tsunLdna site 'at "lt'likn"."'?n1CmUPE P1R INSPEIION !9.7WST:CALL 726-3209 (tecordey) state gou City d,esig,na-ted job mmbet, job aiiness, type of dnspeclicnreqtested td' ahen uou uilTbe reodg fot ittspectior, citno.tiis-or a,rners nane atnd plane nunber. p.equests receixed befcte 7:00 atttiLL be rade the edte dcg, ""qliii"^Li" ifti* z,Oo'* nLLL be tade the nest :,wking daE. 6eo3 8() I-l srrs TNSPEC?r1N.I I *.Wfr - forns. ANDERSLAB P!,UMBT;IG, 1LEC?RICAL tW"awt k is eooered. FCPTIN} & FQUNDA?ICN: ?o be na,Cealxet trenchea are eccquat-ed and, forns. ote erected, but prtor topourzng cc-nctete. f u^olacpouyo ptuuzflc. s.Etrlq, lt.a,rEi..,J Ling trencles. f Ulognpr,co! ptatnnc t, :ncsawctr,,4 ;o oe mo4e prio" to inctalldtion of floon insu|ation or decking, los? 4t!J B,EN,|: ?o be nade priot toLnataLiatian of Jloot insulaticn or d,eck1,r1€. 1Ot-'CJit _?LU!3 rJC. = EL.EXR IqAL s \fiECH:Ai.ulcAlJ: lyo ,J?k ".s to be eo-"-eneduntil these i.nsoections hanse beet nad.e ond, appz.ots'eC. ?fPEPLACE: Prto? to olactra facinanatertals a<i before ,.rr"t"S lr"p.L_ tLOn. INSILATT1.N /vnpoR BARRIER ilrSpECTr1N :lo be rwde after aLL inslliiclt-A requited oqor borie?s @e in p7a,ee but before ory Lath, Wpan bcuC ortnLL couering is qpLied, and. beforeoty insulation is concealed. DRYI.|ALL lVFPltrr1$: ?c be nade:--dfte! dLL dtyuall is in place, but ptior to cny taping. IIIASONRI: Steel Location, bond beana, grouting or uerticdls in accordotce Lttth U.B.C. Seetion -LYll ,(n1oDST1vA: After iwtalTation i.aI V I atrpleted. CURB 3 APPRqACE APWN: After fornsee erecteC but pr.Lor to pour.ing concvete, srDlwALK & DRrtE'ilA!: Por aLL ectt_ cr-ete pauirq tithin str,eet right-of-,,ry, to be maCe aftet aL7. bcca-oating aqrplete & fozn ,,sotk & eub- itase natetial in plaee. ?o be rmde aftetprtor tc se! up of FRA]4IN6| tiust be req-ueeted aftetapqrVal lf rough pl;rAdng, eiectrt_q,L d. nechanieaL. ALt rcbfi?1gbtactng t- ehinnegs, etc. trust'be cotryLeted.. ;lo wrk is to be cqn_--cealed. until this inspection has'beetz nade anC approueZ @ Wlten cotnplate -- prouiCe or aooable sectians thtottgh FIIIAL PLUAATNG PIIIAL I,IqCHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Dttd *ALL I4ANE2LES AND cLEANou?s t'tusr BE AI]ESSTBLE, ADJasrltEilr ro BE LL4DE At no .-^cfi frn atfrvw-!l tJ v!1J - --- ALL pnoiect conditions, such as the 'tnstal^zat-:.on cf st''eet trees, conDlation of tierequired Lattdscqirg, etc., intlt be satisfied. L"ii""- ,n"- AAILDIN| pltAL can be z,equested.. n P1NAL BUTLDTNG: lhe Einal Building rnepeetion mtst be lequected after the tinal plwnbing\-,/ Elect,ical, otc Meeha,ieal rnspecxions 'Iraun reer-ia-e'ii approuec. Page 1 of 2 iot # -Sf ?-B 15.uc Date: t t-\f,\^t/ bJoccj Sad:a.g aeaer capped at propet$ Line Septic tank p;.irVed aad. filled aith -r'toel Pinal - it4ten abcue itens are ccnoletei ard ahen Cq,alition is cqrplete Zr stntc-tute noued ani pretrises cleanei up. rr T r O38(J.o,.? ACCESS REQ.- 1ccttpctrfi Grottp:T'gpe/Cor.siZone:Bedtoons: L-COG* Lot Eaces - Access tore tot Sq. !tg. % of Lct Coveraga LOT ?WE _ Interiot _ Conner _ Panhanl,Le CuL-de-sac # of Stories Total Height Topogrtphy -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penrJt is grcnted on the eq"ess condition tllat the said-eonstzwction slwll, ,l,n aLL resoects, confoyrn to the crdirnnce edopte'l cy the City of SpringfieLd, lncT.udtng the Zoning Crdincrrce, xegulating th.e ccnsttuctacn qrui use oi buildin4s, otd nay be suspen<ied ar veuokei at ct'! tane upon oic- l.a.tion of ,rty prcuisions cf saiC 2rdirances, TOTAL VALUE I!EM x Signed: 1E- Euilding Pennt Total C|angea State Plumbing Permit No person slnll conshact, install-, alter ov ehaqe any net/) c? esisting plutnbing oz, drainage systet in:,thole or in part, unless such person is the iegal pbssessor ofa ualid plunbet's License, escept that a pe:son mag d3 pltntlig uork to propertu uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cdfit. FEZ CHAPCE Eirtr*es Resil.enti^a,L ( 1 bath) Sani Seuer Phtnbing Perrit State Electricol Permi t l{ltere State La,t requires tlut the electt'ical aork be done bg an ELectz't-cdl Cont?deto?, the electrical pottion of thia pernit shall rot be oaLil until the l,abel lus been signed. by the Electrical contracto", PermLt Nil/Ettefld Ciraits Senlice Stdte iTSM aft n DaD hrnece E?U'S Eshanlt HooC Vent Fan 't'lcodstope Mechqnicol Permit PernLt isstqtce Mecltanicel Penit -- E-NCR1ACtMEilr -- SectrJtg Dapoeit Stota4e llainteTaTLce Perm[t Cvtbeut Sida;alk Fence ElecbicaL Label Mobile Eone T)TAL AIAOUNT DUE: *a Receipt il: PLdt Eratlne" I AW CAREFALLy %LAINED tle completed application fot permit, cnd da ltei'eby certify that aLL tnfotnation heteoi- is tztLe at4 eartect, ad' r fu?*b ee*i-fy that anlJ ard aLL aork petfonted slnll be done in c'ceor' 'darrce vitlt the- ardinsees of the city oi Springfield, and' thg Lat;s of the state of oregcn pertaining to the aork cescribcd herein, dnd tlat Na 1ccij' etiCy ,itt bZ ,,ade of any st*ucture uithout per,rission of- the 3uil.ding Di- rsision. I further c-erti-fy tlat otly cont?acto"f ard .attplcgees uho ate in eatpliance trith oRS 701.055 aiLL be used on thie pt'oiect * Total iLgne4 2 JOB NO. rTTM iletet State Swelleqe la*a1 f'hnnaq