HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1978-08-15CIE-5T OF SPH,I\TG3-IEI-D SPRINGFiELD. OREGON 97 477 August 15, l97B 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7. 8. 9. 10. il. 12. Ms. Dorothy Ziebert 325 North I 7th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms. Ziebert: At your request, the Bu'ilding D'ivision of the City of Sprinofield made a housing inspect'ion on August .I4,.l978, at 325 North lTth Street, Sprino-field, 0regon The following jtems must be repa'ired or replaced to conform with the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield: I 2 3 The house number must be posted. The range hood vent must be vented to the outside. Steps out rear exit door must have risers not exceeding 7 1/2" with all risers equal. A handrail should be prov'ided at both front and rear exit door steps. The garage must have an approved foundation and all rotted mudsill must be replaced. A firewall is required where the garage is connected to the house. Th'is r^rill requ'ire a layer of 5/B" type X sheetrock on the garage s'ide from the foundation to the roof . The rean exit door must close and latch freely. Automatic washer requires approved trap at drain pipe. The water heater requires a drain pan to be piped to the outs'ide. Pressure reljef valve is required to be piped to the outside. Add angle valves under lavatory for the hot and cold supply. Need water shut off valve behind the water meter. 4 5 6 r &#r \r,;.tr, ". .' .: 0ccupan:v Irspection Page 2. .l3. Replacing existing serv'ice to the structure is required. .l4. hliring under the service needs protectinc. 15. All grounding recepticals must be grounded. .l6. The water heater w'ire needs to be lengthened 17. Dryer receptical needs to be rewjred. lB. Attention to the range receptical is advised. All necessary permits shall be obtained before work starts and all work shall be accomplished according to applicable codes and 'inspected before a Cert'if i cate of Compl i ance wi I I be "i ssued . Please direct'all inqu'iries to the Springfield Bui'lding Djvision at 726-3753. Sin ly, Dan Smi th Bujldjng Inspector DS/ct 7q(-7 6 / 3 ( E SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 CITTT OF SPF,I\TGFIEIJD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS August .l5, l97B 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Ms . Dorothy Z'iebert 325 North I 7th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Ms . Z'iebert : At your request, the Building Divis'ion o hous'ing i nspect j on on Auqust I 4, I 978, a field,Oregon. he City of Sprinqfjeld made a 25 North lTth Street, Sprino- /za u 0roo ftt3 4 5 The followinq items must be repaired or replaced to conform with the Uniform Hous'ing Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield: l. The house number must be posted. 2. The range hood vent must be vented to the outside. 3. Steps out rear ex'it door must have risers not exceeding 7 1/2" with all risers equa'l . A handrajl should be provided at both front and rear exit door steps. The garage must have an approved foundatjon and all rotted mudsill must be replaced. A fjreurall is required where the garaqe is connected to the house. Thjs vrill require a layer of 5/B" type X sheetrock on the garage side from the foundation to the roof. The rear exit door must cl.ose and latch freely. Automatic washer requires approved trap at drajn pipe. The water heater requires a drain pan to be p'iped to the outside. Pressure reljef valve is required to be piped to the outs.ide. Add angle valves under lavatory for the hot and cold supply. O'f Need water shut off valve behind the water meter t2 j 6 7. l/ 8. ,//s. ,,, ,&a,....r' ,, t/lO. P l. L- 1?. 7 ,f /o /L Connfczrz Orr Ueeat /t)ar rJof 5^4, -,/1//co€-ffaeLr! on .|3. Repl ac'ing exi sti ng serv'ice trt the str:ucture i s requi red . .l4. Wiring under the service needs protectino. .l5. A11 grounding recept'icals must be grounded. 16. The water heater w'ire needs to be lengthened 17. Dryer receptical needs to be rewired .l8. Attention to the range recept'ica1 is advised. All necessary permits shall be obtained before work starts and all work shall be accompljshed according to appficable codes and inspected before a Certificate of Compliance will be issued. Pl ease d'irect al I 'inqui ries to the Spri ngf i e1d Bui 1di ng Di vi si on at 726'3753. s'i ly, Dan Smith Bu'ildjng Inspector DS/ct ITY Or SPRINGI"TELD, oRBGoN BulLding DcParEment I CERTIFICATE OT COMPLIANCE This certlfies that the bui-1ding ancl property located aE 325 North 17th Street has been insPecte da nd found to comply,uith t.he ordinances of the CiEy of Springfield, Oregon' Owners Name DorothY Zi ebert rth 17th StreetAddress325 No cit Spri field Iteurs of speciaL consideration are: Date o-z/ilding InsPecEor QCCUpANCy. IN.SI']IC toN AI,ILICATI0N EXISTING }UILDINCS CITY OiI SI'I{II,]GITIIJLD BU I],DING D]iI'NR'il.IIiN'T Date: Job Add rcss: 1 32s /74 *". of Units' one /'-"- Orvne r ; Appl icanE: For Acccss t.o property - Telephone; Remarks: Address: Addrcss: A "(20 inspection fee is requircd aE thc time of application. . APPLICATION FOld\I I'IUST BE SIGNED BY l-}iE OI,J}IER OT'TIIE PROPERTY TO BE INSI'ECTED. s IGN4',iluRE OI' PROPIR'IY OI./NAR ^1z Da(:c of InspccLiorr:7:^7y Dir{-c of CotC; Date of Repor!: 7y'L -?/rs RcceipE No.: ot^,t"tt...,- :.H,;:11"j.x;t_r.f:4l--r...' ,-t')1'J-LU )/ ',\ j. T I _di ( ii 0i,'if lci,l uslt olii,Y'-'':- t )fu a4;{ -#e-a-a ', 44_4_ *z Zr-*\4 $i CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON - Pub 1ic l,lorks BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW.1 1 Inspectorrs Mbmo JOB ADDRESS 3 Ag N- )2 >.y Sr DATE 7- tn - 7g TO 0,nl u g .e C,t) /'u .u - W,4 s H EE /?oorr.rt T.en,.,9,f tu f /?ee Wr+zz ,4un>BR- &U leg-8 A**, ^t fr ea n Orr<to€ t t{-L/Al o*lJJe n tbu r-S t Z ; / 2 rtoo 4 N//,/a,,r6 U*r*,.y 0u {'t fPuS- 6 L-ottaTcl Phone 141-4ZZl ]NSPECTOR K4**ru"q / t )A + - *-,rE--.-**--+- crrY _oF SPRINGFIELD, OREGoN' fublic Works Inspector I s Memo * ----- -- BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW- 11 roBADDREssJaf /l/- /2A DATE F 'i// /-) { TO t) , € CCI5 Phone 747'4221 Cz-