HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-01-08-- RESIDEN'! J -- COI,IBINATION/A.PPLICATION PERMIT FECEIPT iI SPRINGFIELD CE:I O! SPRII]CFIELD 225 iiO*H .qrq si2lE],' 1PRI\I1FIELD, ORECoN 9?477 tsuiLdinq Diuisio:t 726-3753 dt a.qo Adent Job Location: Subdiuisicn: 6-2 ?as Lot #.4sssssoas l!fr # Afie! ?hote llAddtess .&-oa*t\e/\, \ Deact'tbe llotk r-t ils;n ndCitionn L 'rU.Nf\.\-* Corrt?dctors llane Li sctl General lleetriq,l Page 1 of 2 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see thEt a]-l iespections are made at the ProPer tfure, that each address ls readable frorn the street, and that tha perrait card is located at the ftront of the property * AII rnanholes and clcanouts arc tc be adjusted at no cost to the clty SITE I}ISPECTICN:;,caiaJ-;ffi To be made after prior to set up of FIREPLACEIffi Prion to placiag facing and before franing inepee- Hoorlqfgyg5, After installation ,ffim-p:.erca. 'fotns.tion. U!{DEP.SLAB PLU!,{B$IG, ELSCT-D.IC.{L € HECHANICAL: To be roade beforc any riiiFco*,ered. IBw, Must be requested after approvEl of rough plurnbing, electri- ca1 6 mecbanlcal. A1I roofing, bracing 6 ehintneys' etc. nust be cilrpleted. No wonk is to be con- cealed uDtiL this inspection has been made and approved. CURS t APPRoACH APP.oN: After forrns are erected but prior to Pcuilng FOOTIIIG 6 FOUNDT.TION: To be rnade after tPenches are e:icavated and forns are erected, but pricr to po'.rning conc:.ete. concrete. SIDEIIALK 6 DRIVFyIAY: For: all con- c:rete paving lrithin st:teet right- : To be nrade af,ten a1l insulation and of-way, ta be nade after all exca- vating ecmplete 6 form work 6 sub- base materi3l in place. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING, SEI{ER, WATER, BI]!gg: To be made prior to fil- ling trenches. U}IDERFLOOR PL'JI'IBING 6 MECHANICAL: required vapor ba:riers are in place but bef,ore any la or ra11 covering is 0THEF. INSPECTIONS: may be required i.n accordance with Building Coce, to be inCicated in FIa::s or bY no- tice from Building InsPector. To be rnade prior to instaliation of floor insulatj.cn or decking. any insulation is concealed, POST 6 BEAH: To be nade prior to SffiIi=En of floor insilation or Cecking. DRY}TALL INSPECTICN:ffiis To be rnade in p.!.ace, but p:rior to .rny taPing. ROUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.ICAL I HECI{- AICII\L: No '"rork is to be cover^ed ffithese i.nspections have been nade and apProved. MASONRY: Steel location, bond Effi-, grouting cr verticals in aceordance rith U.B.C. Section 2r+15. FINAL PLU!,IBING All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of the requined landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Electrical, and Mechanj,cal Building Inspection must be requested after the Einal Plunbing Inspections have beeo made aed aPPrcved. F!!{At ELECTRIC.TL llo occupancy of the premises can be made until the Fiaal Building Inspection has been rnade and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OE OCCUPANCY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDIIIG DM- SICN AND POSTED OlI THE PREMISES. rINAL MECHAI.IICI.L ON (recorder)state your City designated job and when you will be ready for inspec-number,ob s, type of ticn' Contractors or Owners ui11 be nade the sane daY, nanne and phone nr::nbe:rs. lequests made after 7:00 Requests received before 7:00 a.rn' m. will be mad.e the next working day.YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER IS: Ca11 n \rtn" n Ew.res Phone #AOZTeAA t!ecltaniccl Constrtption Letdet 2 REFERENCE NTB,IBERS L-COC t-lJOB NTI}IEER. ZONE OCCLIPANCY GROUP TY?E/ COI'ISTRI,CTION BEDROOMS i;4.ter Hecte? Lo! Facee: Ho,$e ijarege Acccss llorth [,lest SetbackeLot TU?e 0thet Lot Sduare !td. :3 cf Lot Couered * of Stories ?otal Height !oVogrdPh.y Interior Cormer ?tg. Garege Valte Cltatzes TO?AL CIL4RCES Thi.s permit is grotted on the eq"eas cc.ldit-:on tllct the seid cotstl4,tction slu?,L, in aZi tes=ec;e, confonta the 1tdine"eee alopted by the ,:i;l o.-' Spr)ngiield,inel:iing the Zoning 1tdinanee, reVtlatlng :7,e ccn-stTtction otd use of builditqs" ori tay be s-tspe-,d,eior ranoked df aq tine upon oiol.dtian ci dt:l proui- aione of eail, 2tdtnotcee. BAILDTNG VALWIPER!$T !LCn ChecR !'ee Date Paid # Sert Se,,let No peteon ehaLZ conatmtct, itetall, allet ct chotge Gry neu or ecisting plunbing on dzzitage sya;an iiulole or in pet, wtlese such petsot ia :he legal passe;so" of a ualid pl.ntber,e Li.eerse, 2acezt ihat a pe?son nrg b pltltnbing uoyk to p?o?e?? uiaeh ie ourad" Leased or opetated bg the apilicant. PLU4BING PERMI? 5UStdt.4L ?ATAL CIIARGES State Surehatge Co?tst"ucrion Vlane Sfule Lo.r reEtirea tllat the eiect-icai aotk bednte by ot ELeetylcal Ccntractor, t'ne elecL*Jcai po*- tiott cf thia penrrit IIELL not be uaiid unti'i the \a-bel ha.s been sigzed by the llecttic,;L Ccntu.lto". The Eleetm)cal Safetg La,t doea not !equ-:!e . ?elsonto obtain a Lieensc ae an electricicn ad/ct elec-tyica! contrac'rc! b nake or. eleettical ins::Llaticn on pto?qpty which ia ouned bg himseii or a -r,tbet of fute *mediate janily ulrieh is not itlendad ;':r sale-, Lea,se o? ?ant- ELEORTCAL PSRIET L CIIARGES 5U8?@AL Hood Vsnt F@t MECAilTC.4L PSRNTT SAB?AIAL ElICROACHI,IEIE Seatr) i.lainen@@e Penrrit aitnltilry ntrt 5Ld(lrALk Electrieal hbal ,|ATAL AI4OANT DUg f EAW C.4REPUUY EXAMI-NED _the cotnpleted application fot pernrtt, ad, dotrercla certify tlat aLL infonnatioi herean' is tvue -ra "t"",i1,'o1d, Ifytler c-vtlf! thdt d.! ard aLL wtk perforned sha.Ll be done in=o."ondance utih the tudinanels of th1 city of -Springfield, etd. thi ia,ti of theS-fte of )-rygon pe"taining tc t;he wnk deecribed, herein, oA tit- lo oc_cwANCy tiLL be rmde of @ry et?rotu"e uritltout permtseici of tlze BuildingD.i,tieion.. I futthen "-uttiTg that onlg contnactora *a nreLg"Z"-it- oo"Ln cdpliance tmth 2RS 701.055 ttizl be taed on lhis project. Diuision apptolted plaz sltall renein on the PLot EwtrLtet at. aLL Date tinee" Bui DT Satth