HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1974-05-21N 3 /7\?.UEST FOR S ITE FEAS IB I L ITY S t's.t.#74-t3F THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT l,JHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERHIT. PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. PIEASE PRIl{T tf subdivlsion - Name: 2 Nt nd),T r o N io D6lPtSe Lot# +BIock #5 tu-fi?/sa jL-or 0n Iy Yes ce 6?E-a AcT /: os JL/ Secf ion Owner of Property No. of Sites I No. of Acres *o / Tota I Yes ,a NobililEF;'E;E;,i- $,?ep dJ,a0 Owne r Buver t/\.' e tlr -l\Townsh ip Range ffi LG o r.1 Kr r,.t N 6 T 7 Name lLEa Dc 1 R-og € ,,tu € . Heil in9 AddieaE g ltL_z2g g x Telephone #at ure o $ $qCas h aiheck cant te Sel I er Rea I torProposed Use , Appl icantrs lnterest of i,ropertv: lsip e ll FA14tltLP L(tJewrg Property: 0ther (Specify *l,H; tt3 NoRTh tlTti iloMCeropaity-Slze @ E-xTiCing-sJructures on Property Property Locat ion (D i rect ions) : RJ. R,6hr ou- Proposed I'later Supply Publ ic District: Spring V/ell _0t r FT e DclRo<( uC l6 FT o*t tv.trt?Tfl I'tTh' o eos es nrtty w ha c ?t t v l./hen l,/ill Test Holes Be Ready? n +Y C--l - ta t MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS W Location of Test Holes on Property:bPGi2T Draw diagram of property showing location of ny I andma and relationship of test holes to these I andmarks : [ilo RT lf l ( x X oJ q I I I t, I v M 0 i, / TffiNAGEHJ$ro RT I{Ttl lv) I',?_MAKE CHECK PAYABLE MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HANAGEMENT, 135 E c 55-55 Phcn e: 5th Ave., Eugene. 0re -,F ztgl t22.Aa* --_"/ I APPROVED NOT APPROVED a ,thor i S i gnatu re ,t-f2? ate : #t TEST -Ho1 n f2 TECT HOLE SITE DOES SITE I)oES IST t&et mlnlmrm standards for lndtvldual waste dtsposal. IF SITE tr'ES ,IST I{EET STANDARDS SPECITY BASIS OF DENIAL: - Adruinistrattve Rules Requlre -- Your property found to be Deftclent - IF SITE MEETS STA}IDARDS FILL OTIIT Type of structure and approxtmte sewage flowl Slngle Famtl ltult1-f enlLy Corerclal GPD, GPD, Industrlal GPD GPD GPDInstltutlonal NOTE: Soll absorbtlon area tn square feet Aree necessary for sewage dlsposal systens -7- PROFILE PROFILE Inch Inch Si,L t2 , 48) 60- 36 ,y SiCL c otHq prteretcd Zone lestrlctlve Layer_ln. Impervlous Layer ln. Uott Ll ln. Percbrd llrter Predlcted 6srrved I}lte Predlcted 0baeryed ILte 2L4 L2- 36.,1 24- 48-r 60- Saturated Zone Predlcted -ln. Observed tn. -- Restrtctlve Layer-ln 1n ,n ,n ILayer 1 ln. Impenrlour llottllng Perched lJrter Date - Predtc Obsen ed Dete I )NAME DATE OF FIELD EXIALUATION ARE ALTERNATM SITE LOCATION, DESIGN OR IODIFICATIOII AVAILABLE, DESCRIBET sr.tc r^rpcc rt*, *J3y'- {,'3 ? LGATIONT )gI\rD. I / Y4 n"lrl , EYALUATIOI FOR DETENUINIIre SITE SUITABILITYFE DBYELOPMEIIT UTILIZIIIG SUBSURI'ACE SEIIACE DISPOSAL METIIoDS Rang .03 s"c. 24 Ter Lot #to Dz( Ko.o Are pbllc seucrs evallable or nearby? (Dlstance) Are there zontng or envlronrental conslderetfor,"? l^JO Slze of property I A@unt useable a Are oCher ryatens ln area knorn to be nalfunctlonlng ?0{l-\ Is there room for future expanslon ?e Surface Feature conslderatlons r Slopes (1rltOO') O Flood plalnr Plants r (Expl.aln) (z) Boeks Low area Dratnageray Streans r t Cut bank or alope | ,"' lJater SuppLy end Utllttteos Qemrn{gy l{ater t No Ao,;t ow uuqr-fcn Propoeed ll Proposed fl troposed f] rroposed f] Indlvldual lJaterl Erlst. E Water Llnesr Ilella on adJacent propertlee r Gas Llnecr Erlst. ! Erlst. f] E:rlst. f] ,/t Kl Y/t? (sketch ln Plot Plan) BUILDING SITE EVALUATION Js c/* z 1-5s? LOT- L-q &_S *t7 ls 1,, 6l,r\L I() () Building Permit Application No. s i te lnspect ion Pre-Permit lnvest igat ion APPL I NA}lE ADDR PHONE OATE( LANE COUNTY PLAN N ING DEPART}4ENT NOT NO YES Zoning 0rdinance ComPl iance (Zone,ri &7 Subdivision 0rdinance ComPl ian' Requ i red Access Building Site (Area, t'ridth,- Frontage, Setback) 0ther (see comments)()()7 . *-S-82 -2,tJ appl icable-rl-) ra,Dc! () llil() ) ( 2 3 4 5 CO},IHENTS: BUILDING INSPECTION SECTION 5, Plans Submitted 7. Soil Stabil ity (footings) 8. Flood Plain 9. 0ther (see Connnents) aool icable--Tr-(() () () () NOT YESNO () () NAI',IE DATE ) () () () COI4}IENTS: . SANITATION SECTION NOT NO E 10. Sewage Disposal I l. Usable Area 12. Water Supply |3. 0ther (see Conrnents) aool icable*rr-( ) ) ) ) ) () () () () () ()( CO}4HENTS: TO APPL ICANT: Your Building Permit ,/ Site lnspection: ( ) Can be approved.()CannotbeapprovedatthistimeasindicatedonitemN0.-above. Questions and further information on items I through 5 contact the Lane- COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT" Questions and further information on items 5 through l3 contact the Lane County Bu i ld ing and San itelgn-Divir lpn.Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ls being returned. Your building permit appl ication fee is being returned under seParate cover. ) ) ) I,ANE COUNTY PIANNING DIVISION L35 Sixth Avenue East, Eugene, Oregon 9740L Phone (503) 687-4186 LANE COUMY ENVIRONMENTAL I'IAIIAGEX'{EIIT 135 Sixth Avenue East, Eugene, Oregon 9740L Phone (503) 687-4065 c55-28 l! (kl NA},tE DATE wDATE ?/ -€3 7 Surname W ffinge SectTffi ffi-tffi 6ae -Census Tract Recei Dt No.0w 0wners Consent Yes No Name and Address REqUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT V/HICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: No. TIteE ffis- TOTAL eP one roPos se rope r ty rope rty ze U an z ng Yes No st n9 tructures ls Propert), Wi thi n One Mi e aC ty What Cit ?Yes No rea P ropos Publ i c Water UPPIY District Spring Wel I 0t er Spec i fy i cants nterest rope rtyPPn Legal Access - Road Name I' pecial Yes Permi t Area No ffoperty Locat i on ; (D i rect i ons ) APPROVED NOT APPROVED BEF0RE CONSTRUCTI0N lS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and rnake application for a building permit. lf the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur-nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system will appear on thebuilding permit, Two sets of building plans and a plot plan will be required. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENV!RONHENTAL MANAGEMENTI35 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON g74AI horized Signature c55-32 Aut Dat e \ Da