HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1995-04-07Date Date I)eo 0) @' z O) 3o eo a-o- d at tJ) o- oo 3'lf, q) = @ A) oa u o{fo I o!) o N |(i, q foo U)o z 9 q' oEfo o r$ h\ r( 5ag o Permit No. MUST BE Twnshp. IN BLACK INK lorm c55'11 Range 03 Section 2L/Tax Lot 7Ob Standard System Alternative System l-iav { Job Location (St reet Address) Ty Supdivisi on/Partition *Lot Block=.=.-- DETAIL SYSTE M PLOT PLAN AS CONSTRU CTED -.--=-- Parcel .s \ t Scale- tt = - J.N l t .w ok o 0) o ( VICINITY MAP ER'E: Trench Depth Manufacturer FI Switch (Mfg N INK ONLY Gravel Below Tile Total Length of Lines (Model No.) have been installed with this sewage installation USE FOR INSTALLI Tank Capacity Measured Distance from Well to Tank From Drain COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING IF A PU MP WAS USED ON THIS INSTALLATIONI (installer's name)certify that a (Mfg.)Pump x and Me Signat Date FOR R 'S USE ONLY:System Approved tr System Disapproved r Needs Correctlon COMMENTS System Capacity gal.lday Signature INSTALLATION FIECORD & CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian.this rs evr- dence as per OBS 454.665 of sati sfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at lhe above location G ( 6,*r- uest inspection, return all three (3) copies of this form to: Lane County Environmental Health Services. tocated in theService Building, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene. OR 9740j. basement of theTo reqr Public (n, 5783ORDINANCE NO. i \\.- AN ORDINANCE RENAMING THAT PORTION OF STREET FROM NORTH 17TH PLACE TO GRAND VISTA DECLARING AN EI{ERGENCY ' NORTH 1?TH PLACE NORTH OF YOLANDA DRIVE IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON' AND WHEREAS,thespringfleldcityCouncilhasdeclareditintentiontorenamea portion of North tZLn piac" to ai"rrd Vieta prive, i" f'""" County' Oregoni and WHEREAS,euchrenamingofeaidstreetisinthebegtlntereetofthecityin carryingoutiteplaneandprogramsforthegeneraldevelopmentofthecity;and WHEREAS,theSpringfieldPlanningCommiaeion,byavoteof5infavor,on6 oppoeed, recommendea councit appro'"l of eaid street renaming; and WHEREAS,Iawfulnoticeoftheetreetrenamingwaspubliehedandmailed;and WHEREAS,theSpringfieldcityCouncilmetinCouncilChambers,aL225Fifth Street, on Monday, the 3rd day of April, 1995, at' the hour of 7:oo'p.m., to hear any objectiona to the proposed etleet renaming and -L- persons appeared to ob j ect r' Now,THEREFoRE,THESPRINGFIELDCITYcoUNcILDoESoRDAIN: sectlon 1: The council finds that the legal notice of the hearing was lawfully publlshed and mailed to aIl properties and property owners within 300 feet of the request; that I objlctions were made at the street renaming hearing held; fn"t tt" p"uri-interest wiII not be impaired by the atreet rnamlng, and that the renami-ng of sald sbreet will be In the best interest of puUitc and increase the benefit of the property involved. Section 2: The foll,owing described etreet to be renamed: AIl that portion of North 17th Place beginning at the north right-of-way line of Yolanda Street and extending north to the termination of North 17th Place in a cul-de-eac as platted and recorded in Lane County Partition PIat Number 93-PO442 ahd as platted in the Third Addition to Yolanda Park, Lane County Plat Recordg. Sectlon 3: The City Council aubhority to rename thie etreet ie puretrant to the provlsiong granted by oRS 22'1.L2O et eeq. Sectlon 4: The City Recorder is directed to file the certified copies of this Ordtnance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor Sectlon 5: It ie hereby found and determined that matters relating to renamlng of North 17th Place to Grand Vista Drive are matters affectinq pubJ.ic health, eafety and welfare and that an emergency -therefore exiets. tshat thie ordinance ehall therefore take effect immediately upon its paesage the Council and approval by the Mayor. ORDINANCE NUMBER Page 1 DSD RECORD PLEASE RETURN TO ORDINANCE BINDER#2, the the and by s7B3