HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1995-04-13CITY OF OFEGO'U SPRTnGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERWCES DEPARTMENT SprLngfield Police Department Springfield Fire Department U.S. PoEt Office U.S. t{egt Communicatione Northweet Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parce1 Servl-ce 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s7s3 FAX (503) 726.s689 April 13, 1995 Garda M. Page 2534 North 34th Street Springfield, Oregon 97478 RE: Street Addrees Change Dear Ug. Page: At your request, we are changing your addresg from 2559 North 1?th place to 2555Grand Vieta Drive, Springfl-e1d, oregon, also known ae Reference Numbet L7O324OO,Tax Lot 00710. I epoke with Gary Karp of the Planning DLviaion and he verifiedthat the Planning commleELon dl-d authorl-ze a change l-n the etreet narne earlierthis week from North 17th Place to Grand VLeta Drive. I wIIl notlfy the following companiee and/or agenciea of thtg addreas change bysending them a copy of thie letter: Sprlngfield Uttlity Board Lane Council of Governmentg Lane County AEsesBor Lane County ElectJ-one Department Sanipac Rainbow Water Dietrict SprJ-ngfield News/Regieter Guard In order to enaure proper mail deltvery and emergency reeponse, pleaee changethe etreet addrese numbers on your building and mair box by May 15, 199s. rf you have any queetions, prease feer free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Serviceg RepreaentatLve oRDTNANCE No. 5783 i AN ORDINANCE RENAI{ING THAT PORTION OF STREET T'ROM NORTH 17TH PLACE TO GRAND VISTA DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. NORTH 17TH PLACE NORTH OF YOLANDA DRIVE IN LANE COUNTY. OREGON, AND WHEREAS, the Springfleld City Council has declared it intention to rename a portion of North 17th Place to Grand Vieta Drive, in Lane County, Oregon; and WHEREAS, such renaming of eaid etreet is in the beet Intereet of the City in carrying out ite plans and programs for the general development of the City; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Planning Comrniseion, by a vote of 6 in favor, on6 oppoeed, recommended Council approval of gaid street renaming; and }IHEREAST'Iawful notice of the street renaming was published and mailedi and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council met in Council Chambers, aX 225 Fifth Street, on Monday, the 3rd day of April, 1995, at the hour of 7:OO'P.m., to hear any objectiong to the proposed etreet renaming and I pereons appeared to obj ect; NOW, THEREFORE, THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN: Sectlon 1: The Council finds that the legal notice of the hearing was IawfuIly publiehed and mailed to aLI properties and property owners within 3OO feet of the requeet; that I objectione were made at the etreet renaming hearing held; that the public intereet will not be impaired by the atreet rnaming, and that the renaml-ng of eaid gtreet will be in the best interest of .re public and lncrease the benefit of the property involved. Section 2: The following described etreet to be renamed: AII that portion of North 1?th Place beginning at the north right-of-way line of Yolanda Street and extending north to the termination of North 17th Place in a cul-de-sac a€t platted and recorded in Lane County Partition PIat Number 93-PO442 ahd as platted in the Third Addition to Yolanda Park, Lane County Plat Records. SectLon 3: The City Council authority to rename thie etreet ie pursuant to the provJ-eione granted by ORS 227.12O et eeq. Sectlon 4: The City Recorder is directed to file the certified copies of this Ordinance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor. Sectlon 5: It ls hereby found and determined that matters relating to the renaming of North 17th Place to Grand Vieta Drive are mattere affectinq the public health, eafety and welfare and that an emergency .therefore existe, and that this Ordinance ehall therefore take effect immediately upon ite paesage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ORDINANCE NUMBER Page 1 DSD RECORD PLEASE RETURN TO ORDINANCE BINDER 5783 o3