HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-04-13#.. RESIDF''TIAL.. zzs No,th stlt streeaPPLrcATrm/PcRlLrr SpringfieLd, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTEI.D 't), sv O,mer: Address City: Addi.tion RemoCel Date of ApPlicatian FOR Desct"ibe L'ot'k: .j-Kt\L,\T Date: Value to aqe that aLL incpections ate node at the ptoper tine, ttat each cdltess is reacabieIt ia the reeponaibility of the pertdt ho.Ld.er fron the atreZt, ard that the -Pendt -ca?d i8. tBuildiw D'Joiciot approu*ed PLan shaLL r>emdan Located at the front of on the Building gite at the propertY. aLL times. LL726-3769 (tecordet') state your City designated job nunber, ready for inspection,Contraetors or Amers nane and plone nwnbet,. ?equests ncde aftet' ?:00 an urtll be nlade the nest wrking day.'orl L be nwde the sone dcy, SI?E INSPEC?ION: TO bE made after e4"auatl;;-5"t prtor tc set uP of forns. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Pniot' to frildTTdll6{of floon insul,ation or decking. uov,k inspections hatse mad.e and approoed.. iob aCdz'ess' tYPe Requests ?ecelxed of inspeetictt befcre 7:00 on'!iou !!!E['NLtmaterials FflIAL PLUMBITIG 'PINAL I,IECIIANICAL q("n+4 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & atCulilcat: ?o be nade befot'e anY ffi7i-i6,set'ed. POOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe Vttir-trenciG-ar7Zrcattated artd forns at e erected, but Prior to pout tng ccncrete. UNDERGROUIID PLUM?TNI? ssttE?. qAT-E=8' DRAIIIAGE: To be made PrLor to JLL- @-fi6r.hes. l-f unoenrr'oo| pr,ulmruc 4 utct!-4nrc;nt,' ^| | To be nade prio? to LnstdLLaxlon oI floor ineulation or decking. required oapor ban'ie?s are in Place bui be|ore ory Lath, gYPsLun boarC oz' rnLL couering is applied, and before oty insulatibn is concealed. Yout' City Desigr,ated Job Nunbe! fs: ?o be aL 'f)N: Tc be made is in place, but prior to cny taping. ILASONRI: Steel Location, bond iiffiiigrouting ot' oet'ticals in accordance t^lrth U,B.C, Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: ;cmpT;TA. After installation i-e CURB & APPRCACH AP,\QN: After fotns e," A""td6t pi"" to pouring eoncrete. SIDE\\ALK & DRfVEI'lAf : For aLL eon- ;r,eT;naufr;ltir; st?eet nisht- of-wA-, to be nade after aLL erca- Datinq cqnPlete & fotn wrk & sub- base -ratez'tal in Place.PrLor to Plccirg and befote fronittg faeing inspec- tion. FRA]'!IN}: lhust be requeated after @ouat of rough plirA;.ng, electri- dl & neclnnieaX. AIL t'oofittg braeing E chinmeys, etc. rntst be icompleted. lto wrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspection las 'been nade anC approued. IENCE: h4ten conPlete -' ProuiCejdtei or mouable sectians through P. U.E. ALL project conditiona, sueh as the i.nstallation of etreet tree_1'_ conPletion-of the ,"qrlirn\- Landsccping, Ltc., mrst be satisfied befone the BUILDIN7 PfilAL ean be requested. dX prNAL BUTLDIN1: The Fi,nal Bui.Ldirq rnapection nust be requested after the Final Plwnbing \[/ Electrical, anC Meclntical rnspections haDe been made ard approued' Job Location: Tc.r tot #Aeseeaore MaP # Subdivieion: resractor General Plumb n LAEJ,ect Elec tr:ic ianSup OR !.'1OVED BU Sanitary seuer eapped at propet'ty Lire Septic tank putnped and fi.Lled vith gra;;el Pinal - l{lten abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen dernolition is cornplete or strac- tut'e mooed otd prenrises cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes Blocking urd Set-uP Plunbing connections '- aa)e! qd ualer Electrical Cornection - Blocking' aet-up and plwnbing connections tast be 6pp?o"-ed befoie requbating eleelrieal inspection Acceesorg Buitdi.ng Pirnt - After pcrches, skirting, decks, etc. are canpleted. Page 1 of 2 FINAL ELECIRICAL *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTMENI TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CI?Y CC 3w CaPaqeP.L House North llEostlSouthllllest Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lct Caserage # of Stories Total Height Topography t: Lot Faces -LOT TWE _ fnterior Corner Panhandle CUL-de-sac This permit is granted. on the erpress cortdition tlnt the said construction slnll, in all reapecti,''"oi'ioi-'to-lin o*it orce ad.opted I)y the ci'ty of ipil."gyi."ti, inclitiing'the Zoning Cvdinanc-e, r,egulating the ccnstt'ucticn o"a ""oL of Luil4ings,-and may be suspended ot, z'eookeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of any pz'c'ttisions of aaid Ondinances. -- Fees -- Building Pet'ttrtt ?otal Ctnrgea X VaI tuITEM ,( State s.D.c. 1,5 t TOTAL VALUE Signed: Reeeipt # Date Pa'i.d: PLan Building Volue & Permit Plumbing Permit No pet,eon slwll consttact, install,, alter or change cnA nea cr etisting - Olr-tti ot, dtainage sll,teV in uhole or in part, unleas such pet'son is the i"gal pL""n""on o1-o rrLlid'pl*nb"z"s Lic-ena-e, eecept that a !?"s?n nay q9 ptiitlhg uoz,k to p*ope,ty ihiot i" otmed, Leased or openated by the applt- cant. FEE CHARCENO Sani Seuer Fistuz'es Plunbing Pernit State ResiLantial (1 bath) Electricol Permit wheye state Lau yequines tlnt the electti.cal uotk be done by an Electtical Conttactor,, the electticaL portion of th_is _pernit slall not be tsalil until the Label tns been siqted by the Electrical Contractor" I ,1 ) Neu/Ertend Circuits Sezoice OO 5Stcte Iotal FEE CIIARCENC S 1State Mechqnicol Permit Eclnnet Hood. llcodstotte Vent Fan Perlrtt Issuance Meehanictl Penrrit -- ENCROACHI4ENT -- Seeuritu Deposit Storage I'laintenance Pemrit C'u?bcut SideuaLk Fence Electrical Ia.bel Mobile Home I L-co #JOB NO. Total SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- PLan Erqninet'Date IllAWCAREFULLyELAMINEDttecompletedapplicationfo.l,permit,anddoi"i"ty certify thai aLL inforrnation het,eoi is tnue and corpect, cnd f funthLn centiiy that any ard aLL uork perforned -s.lnll be .done in accor- 'dance vith thz'otdinanc"es of the city of bpringfield' attd th-e Lass of the * State of Oregon pertaining to the uoik Cesbribcd herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- pANcy ttill be nnCe ii ony" ttnu"tune u1tlaut permissi-on of the Building DL- vision. r fu,ther, "bil,"1y lhat otly contractora and arplcyees uho are in eonpliance aith 1RS 701.b55 uiLL be ueed on thie pnoiect ,2 T0TAL Al4OUllT DUIi: "bl")b ed Dal:e Itoodstoue Bedroons: l4rti,n en?h.Yf, Accessotu rTEM [Jaf.or Total Cltarqes htrnneo PTll I S ( I Permit No: Address: lssued Date STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS.701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicantsyLo ale not.registered with the Construction ContractorsEbard to'dign thefollowing statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed lrchitectand Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(Z), neednot submit this statement. This statement will be filed with tne permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28 1.W I own, reside in, or wirr reside in the completed structure. 2. A.My general contractor is Contractor registration number l,will.instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work onthe structure must be registered with the consi;r.ti;; contractors Board. OR I will be my own general contractor. trtFfli.}J;i^F,$I*tH[qt:hat*",tru$Td,i,{i1ffi il jd issuing this buirding r;eimiT-oT'in6'name of the contracror. i*:l:!'rfid'Illl.:1l,lxi?H:Hr#it,rff trf tl3,',H,LI'ffi Ji:rsrfl ,il33T'iilg B mit ppl nt PERMIT FILE 3r?LrTB,!3SoN coNrRAcro RS BoARD @s c r a PHONE (5O3) 485-0922 FAX; (503) 48s-4o55D ) a { BUILtrIEFI'SELEGTFIIG P.O. BOX 1002'.1 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 293 MONROE STREET EUGENE, OREGON 97402 April f8, l99O Donald Kaiser 2458 N. lTth Place Sprinpifield, OR 97477 On April 18, l99O Builder's Electric corpleted an electrical inspection of llr. Kaiser's renodeled bathroon. Al I wiring observed was installed in accordance with the ltlational Electrical Code. I{o corrections nere necessary. BUTLDBR'S ELECTRTC, rNC. Larry Strouberg LS: jbh ^d -!ilsPIl FELECTR ICA L CONTRACTO RS AND ENG IN EERS o///b -Dt^ Ko=rz //iA /. /76 F/ 572,zr7 Ftdt) /z/ca^ P7;a- /" ,/Zl.r,oda/ ib" o,LO.r Lc2(F t .-NC t/.A 2, Ia I ) N NN\\S\ $ a \ ?b' e'y\' s 3{ t: )(- {t \ 0 ) /-2.2, r?/*c.-L EZ..z'L,/4 2//Jrd t/8 s- \i\{' \N le "1\i {'i\\ \: a .. ^s '.1 \\ \\)rr\\ 5/r.ogo ) I /