HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-08-25o$rJ-r s//-lLH ng slq Lane County Authori za,tton'for, SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEt^I r.OR OFE'ICE USE ONLY 3::*i:";'"L?-v\T-# :DMiSHIP L7 FANGE 03 SECTION 24 34 TAX LOT Eour or 32t FFOPOSED USE OF PROPERTY X nesidential [-l tndustrral C<,rmercial PubIic S','BDIVISION./PARTITION (if applicable) I I LOTIPAir( EL BLOCK !.CATIO}J ADDRESS STREET (,-I':'Y ZIP 2440 N. fiZtn St.. Sprinefield, OR W477- NA PROPERTY SFD Norttr on l4ohavik Blvd to 19th St. Left on Rd.;on N 17th St. DiSCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - BT SPECIFIC Septic Inspection For Loan Review DECI,ARED S VALUE = OE BEDROOMS 3 # OE STORIES ! 1 #ry EI'iPLOYECS 0 I{ATER SUPPLY Proposed Existi OiTNERTS NAME AND ADDRESS Del Bero Washinoton State TELEPHONE NT'I*IBER CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR *TELEPHONE NI'MBER P3R}IIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) T,'i sa Kncrvrles 222 HaLLon Euqene, OR 97404-2825 TELEPHONE NWBER 689-1210 I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION !'OR PERMIT, a.rd (lo horel)i certify that all infolaation hereon is true ild correct, and that I have the fol,lrying legal interest i.n the propertyr [orn.. of record; l] c.,r,.ra,.'; pirrchaser; Iauthorizetl agent.. I f:rther certi.fy that any and all work perfomed shal,l be done in accordairr-,: lith tl:e ardrrlances of Lane Couty and the Iaws of the state of Oregon perEaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPdNCY will )re nade of ar.l structure without the pemission of the Building Division. I fu- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect ag required by oRs 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exenption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild enployees vho are .in compLiance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. Lisa Itrcnvles SIGNATUR.E READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'tAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Pl ann'inq Acti on Requi red rnstallation Record rssued? ! x.. f] lr" !4aximum DepthGaI10n c,r,:cZ/O 2t Date: I pr.aus EXAMTNATToN: COMIIIENTS: rear E of /4 -9 Use cot"tllENTs Spe ci alSep front Z WL c L, tic Inpsectjon For Loan Review--No Date: R-] 8-RB s. r. *B. P. f -.W2 Trenches Minimun Setbacks:interr()r Specifications: _ Tank fl pmuNrnc,zzoNrNG:Parcel #Parcel Size [ro*rrorror, Installation Lineal Eeet of t)r'a j rrfjeld c .-L, srde COMIIENTS: i? Zone Partition # PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING 456 .805 1 LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OFIEGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION cL4-25 RU DIRECTIONS TO SITE ( ? - ZJL t"Y DATE Setbacks - Subsurface qg{gle Dis!!:e1 soptic Tank l'ron: IiLcrior propert,., lincs i0, E(lre oi road rlgiit-of-way L0' Ilurldinq toundation it,tIIs, othcr uatcr sources 5O' r* 2 I. 2, sETts;ciis AliD or:::R cL-::Drrro::s oF APPRor.',1L :.:usT BE srRrcr:': o::E.q\,'aD. \'ioLATror- c.{t RLsuLT rN REVo-c.:!:Io:l oF i:lIS :-:rnilI?, cIT;f IC:' U:;D:F pRoViSio:,:s oi L;sa ---,f::ii,.l I\-FR..icTIO:l oF.Di:;i:ic5, ;r:;D/OR OTIIERREilcDlES ALLO'/iED BY LAw. wHEN REfDY ioR i)lSPae?IoN, CA:-:,68r--.10r;5. n tlI\Ii1'J)1 oi -:,: L!irsT 2l ltouRS.\Dv_\::aE NoTrcE FoF TNSpEC-:lj:. ii.':l-t5':j ll:ii L! !lIVEI. :13"e the {o1l-oring ir:o:ratlor reldv: .ermit number, job address, typeof inspecrlon, when it wrll be ready, you! name ai.j:hoiL- nur.et, and aay special Criecticns to srL!. BUlLDING DIVISION: P.:QUIN:D I I:SPECTiCNS : tl. Foundatron lnspeciron: :o be made after trcnches dre excavaLed and forms erected and when aIlnaterj.als for the toundation are del-ivered on the job. lthere concrete fron a central mixingplant (comonly termed "transit mixed") iS to be used, matelials need not be on the job. Concrete Slab or ljnder-aloor IMection: To be made af ter aLl in-slab or under-f Ioor buildingwi::*qui!-mmr,- c dEuTc, pfffi{-E?EEssorles, ancj other ancilLar}: equipment items are inplace but betole any concrete is poured or floor sheathj.ng install;d, -tncludj-ng the subfloor. II-eryS.5Insulalion IIEPSStlgr:r To be made after the roof, al-l framing, fi.re bLocking, andbracrng are rn )Iace ard all pipes, firaplaces, chimnevs, and vents are conplete and all roughelectrical an<i plumbing are -aPproved. A11 wal.l, insulati.on and vapor barriei are in place. Lath and,/or G!,psun Bwd Inspection: To be nade a!ter aII Iathing and qypsum board, interior Eril:xi6r:6ri-lG-fn-p-IEEe-ErE-5El57e any prastering is appried und ir.toii- gypsm board joinrsand fasteners are taped and finj.shed. Final Inspection: To be made after the building j-s complete and before occupancy- r.l,^t-l I APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of:he buj.Iding or structure beyond the pointi'ndicated in each successive inspection without first obt:inrn9 the rpproval. of the fiifaing oif:cial.Such agproval shalI be given cnly after an i.nspection shail have beer nade of each successive stepin the construction as indicated by each of the inspecticis requireC. NOTE: AII buildinq permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. BLock tlall: To be maCe after reinforcing is in p1ace, but befo.e:ny grout is poured. ThisIiilpecrlo is requj-red for each bond beam pour. There uj.LI be no approval untj.i che plumbinqand electrtcal inspections have been made and approved. B, hlood Stove: To be maCe after conpletj"on of masonr\, (if appticable) and when install,ation isconlpIet4 InstaLlation shatl be in accordance rviti an appiovea, natrona.l-1y recognized testingagency ani the manufact.urer's install-ation instructions. C. Mobile Homei An inspect.ion is required after the hobiLe home is connected to an approvedircl-oreptic slstem for setbacli requirements, blocking, footj.nq connectj-on, tiedtwns,skirting, and plwbing connecrj.ons. 1. Footings and p.iers to comply with Staterfoundation reguirements for nobile homes or asrecomended by the foanuf acturer. 2. MobiLe home mj.nimum finish floor elevation shall be ceruified when required by a fl.ood-plain management letter. 3. .\,obile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shalf fre installed and ready fcr inspec-tion within at least 30 days after occupancy, Tieilowns and skirti.ng shal1 be instalLedper enclosure. D. swimi-ng-P?ol: Below grade when steel is in place ani before concreLe is poured. Above gradeanen pool .s iasta.lIcC. TfPPROVED PLANS:1UST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURIN*G WORKING I]OURS. TUIS PERUIT WILL EXPIREIE WORK DOES NOT DEGIN WITHIN lAO DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABiNDONAD FOR }1ORE THAN 1I]O DAYS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATTON:.l.CY OCCUP. IF THIS PER}IIT !^JAS ISSUED ON TI{E BASIS OF INCO}IPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOR}-IAT1ON. ANYONA PROCEEDING PAST TIiE POIi.]T OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS h'ILL DO SO AT TIIEIR OWN NISK. SUBSURFACE AND,,ILTER:IATII"/E SXiIAGE DISPOSAL SYSTE}1S : i'E -,a*J ;P Permits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. Upon comPleting the construction for which a permiL has been issued, the permit holder shallnotify the Lane County Department of Ptanning and Comunity Development by submitting theinstal'l'ation record forn. The Departrent shall ir,spect Lha constructlon Lo detcrmin; if itcomplies uith the rules contaj.ned in this Civision. If the construction does conply with suchruLes, Lhe -Depa-rtment sbalL- issuc a.€rtlficate of satj--sfacto.ry completign !o the'perniti hol{er--If tire construition does no-t cornply uith such rules, ihe oepaitment+snaii-notifyrtire permft : holder and shal.l requi!e sati.sfactory completion before issuing thc cc!tificat;. railure toneeL lhe requircments for satisfactory complctlon *athi.n a reasombl.e time cionstitutes a vio-' - - Iation of oRS 454,605 to 154.745 and this ruIe. Dra infield r0 | t0, 10 | 100' f{or,tse- 9t tl 4 4/4n oDY fi z4!4' t' J {- , N,orarll TE4TLOFfrW?----pb3t- -:-----34 I \ t \tl \ ?- \ ll +l )_l__\+Zz:7 2t .l t' ,t)tJO N. t1\SI<TFLD' Og-. b't:1,86' .--l A l- - , (orola.rara, I II $t,b s ----+- Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on SEPTIC INSTALLED Yes No a'-25a6 F -E= cf C= District Property House Barn Garage tvbUle. Home Shed MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Fo_und on lar map3 ln tha Ais33m.nt & Trrrtlon Dapt)&##,k a* r.*-.ttfi- r*-F s*-ri"-n rEliiJil ffi T6ffiUF En-sG- EiEiim-- rTTSiiiEF -filE6i- SITE ADDFESS ,*h For Moblle Home Placement Only Brand No. of Tip-outs- No. of Bedrms License #- Year Size Land Management DIv. statf can not bE held responsible for evaluatlons or recommendations based on fatse, inaccurate or lncomplete lnformatlon Please c,omplete all lines inside white a3 ztP boxes, if possible. ,Y; rT'8Y Dlrections to site {-\ n T IJ r3rn ilt T T I H T I 6 3E -.-!a oa b.-o'6oo-i: N€bN 3oo E t o 3 f ';!iiHT''/ fitiFil' riNv HfiT HHCEIT'T * t355$$ IIATIi 0S19S'" AF F L.I SANT K N0[JLE:S , l... LSA ADDR ??? HATTilN , EUGIINETL* { 703?434003?l SL'[{DIV L0T t{LK NEI,J BLDG TYFE USE It BDHHS O TJNITS OOI STORIES *BLDIS OOI F,HONE 6T}9 1?10tlhJNHR Nl.lE BEF{S, DEI- AD[}R t^,A,1}{INfiTfiN SI'ATHIODE AFI..I-. NO ATTIilN DHSf,RII.'1'IT}N BF. f{f.' tsF' t{F, BF' S( FT UNIT Cil.ST VALUATION FEE DAYS r3lnio F'L MECH sutt FCK t_R f,ATG: SEfIU: TAKHN EY +r:1x,/trATH LC I3558S SDSV StlFt : FT. 1JTR : I'{ECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARSE FLAN CHECK FEE FF' SDS SI F'TK ? EST . COI-IF.L.E1'I ON DATI: FT. RAIN:Fr' Ei r/ 'lrt y s0.00 o 3.E !o , o 9 o6 -,- P si!\ {u f60.00 cH ;c P:n I : : AF'I]rss 'a DHFCISIT ** { trB RA OTH f,80 ;" :lii"i'i''i i]t::r'r It{u i'IIT riH.fif:]:rir :* :;13:isf]fi I]A'i-[:: *i+{?fJ]-'Alil..'l-.It:ANT l{lilrilIl...tis, l-..I,-{rt fi}DF: :;l:? t-tr1.IT.r-}t{, titJG[:i.tt:. --*"''"-- TL+ 1703?434#0.i?1 S'UBDI.V l.fl.r B[_KNL.t,l [r[,lJ{; TTIiH: t.Ji:;[r lt Bt]Hl-l,:i $ tJNIlS {r{i1 ,I.Irjli:IH,s ,ilp[-n6s, 001 t]t_lo],ila 6$y 1I{s"tltJNE:ft NHE: LtEftG, IlHt- ,qstlfi hlAjil-tli,tfi'f fiH S'T.,tT.t:: .Fjf:fillE: AilFl-. N0 ArCTI:ijFt ilESCftIF,T'ItlN ,:iti FT' t.tNl.l.L:il,fT.Vdlt..Llf\Tl:{lN f:'H:ta I}AyL}f,f, tr F' ]L{F, rr' t1 lJ F.L -- t'1Eilt'{ surt PfiI( '.-'. t..R *r:'I x,/BAt't{r:J'" ftAIht t.'T' dl0.0{} Thjti: : I-:'T. hl'I'H ;' i"l11{-:Hrtr}',ll:IAl- F EL-,. S rATH:. StJIiil.[.tA]'r.GH: . F[..drl.l il"|[::{-:K F ll[:: ciY t'.!t /- i r"- CATG : Al;,F--. $E:QU : { iln'f1iil{trN Ey BB l"tdi r F' ,:'ii,t s .t t] r.; ti t] T t-l ;1 li.sl' . [[iMriL.ti.T'I r_]h, $A'i'H T i{rr"1"! .? SHF tl.T I'l' ,(.x {is, $(.} t:F. /-'r