HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-02-25A.bcf€sl5 SPRTl{GFTELD CITT OF SPRINGFIELD Planning Department February 25, L987 Mr. Dean Helfrlch 2722 Harvest Lane Springfield, 0R 97477 SUBJECT: DRMI{AY VARIANCE FOR RESIDENCE AT 2415 NORTE 1TTE PTACE' SPRINGFTELD Dear Mr. Ee1frich, It is my understanding that you vould like to have a 34 foot vide drivevay (excluding flares) for your new house at 24L5 N. 17th Place. Because the Springfield Development Code establishes a maximum driveway vidth of 24 feet (excluding flares) for single family residences, a drivevay ln excess of this standard can only be approved through issuance of a Variance. A Variance ls a reduction in a quantltative standard of the Development Code. A Variance is processed in one of tvo manners depending on the request. A Minor Variance, vhich is any reduction of a Code standard by 202 or less, requires administrative reviev and has a fee of $75.00. A Major Variance, vhich ls any reduction of a Code standard by more than 20%, requires a public hearing before the City's Hearings Official and has a fee of $250.00. I have .included a Variance application for your convenience. Please note the criteria vhich must be suecessfully addressed to obtain a Varlance. Vithout compelling arguments in favor of your request it is difficult to gain approval. I would be glad to discuss this matter vith you ,at your convenience. In the meantime I vould counsel you not to expend any funds on the design or construction of a drivevay that exceeds Code allovances. A brief reminder of another matter associated vith your house construction. A11 nev tesidential construction in the area betveen the City limits and the Urban Grovth Boundary requires the property ovner/developer to sign an annexation agreement and street improvement agreement prior to occupancy (forms inclosed). These agreements do not require you to improve the street or annex prior to occupancy. They are simply a r,raiver of remonstrance against future improvement or annexation. If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact me at your convenience. pment Hott Code Administrator Lorne Pleger, Plans Exaninercc; 225 North Sth Street a Springfield, Oregon 97 477 o 503/726-3759 t4t5 N t7t*pg IN CONSIDERATI0N of herei nafter referred to referred to as Applicant, do t7 -03-24-34, 00328 IMPROVEHENT AGREEMENT the covenants herei n reci ted , the C'ity of as City, and Dean & Gayle Helfri* , development withi n C'ity or its Urbanand long-term demand on the various Spri ngf i ei J , herei nafter covenant and agree as fol I ows: WHEREAS Applicant desires development approval from City; and cau se WHEREAS, doJ future both an immedi ate Growth Boundary will public faci lities of City; NOl^l THEREF0RE, Applicant and City agree to the fol'low'ing schedule of publicfacility improvements and respect'ive cost assumption policy: Street improvements full improvement including sjdewalks, sewers, and street l'ight'ing along the fr ontages of the fo'l"lowing descrjbgd propg1tV, 0ther Legal Descri pti on: Block 3, Sjxth Addition to Yolanda Pa.rk, as , Page 14, Lane County 0regon Plat Records, Lot 4, Book 55 platted and recorded in in Lane County, Oregon. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTO0D that App l'i cant agrees to si gn any and a.l I wai vers ,petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed improvements under any impnovement act or proceeding of the State of Oregon, Lane County, oF City as may be proposed or adopted and to waive al.l right to remonstrate aga'inst such improvements, but nol the right to protest'the amount or mannei^ of spreadi ng the assessment thereof, if the same shal 1 appear to Appl'i cant to bear inequitably o;' unfai rly upon said property of Appiicant; NOl,rl THEREF0RE, City agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement will demand to be in compliance with City's policy pertaining to Improvement Requirements, and 'if Applicant complies'in every respect with allother app I j cab I e I aws of the State of 0regon , Lane County, and Ci ty, the sai d Applicant shall be entitled to development approval; and IN ADDITI0N, it is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein contained shall run with the land here'in described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, ass'igns, admin'istrators, and successors of the part'ies hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded'in the Lane County Deed Records. WHEREFORE, the parti es -' 19-'have set their hand and seal this day of CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A PPL ICANT By 0+-- Di rector of Pub l'ic Works Dea n fr ch STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE 0n thi s day bef ore me fr?-Ti gned yle He ri ch) ) ) Lss. of the NOTARY PUBLIC My Commi ss i on Expi res : # 148 449 affi'19_, there personal ly appeared t NOTICE IS GIVEN THAT e tyo NOTICE OF AGREEMENT [4 e..o, ere na er re ana GB rce"Petitio-neFGT", and Qregon, herei naften , 191f2, enterednty ident'if ied as ern to as ate ofpri ng e ,amunneferred to as "Ci ty i nto an agreement gove Tax Lot 00?2R cipal corponation of the on the 2/t day of nni ng an annexation to the tyo 19 jr. ,L rea prope - Assesson's Map 1,7-03-24-34 , a lega'l description of whichis attached-ai ExhrOrt "A" and i ncorporateO Sy TETErence here'in. The use and development, of the above property is governed by the terms andonditions of the agreement signed by the parties. The agreement is filed in thecentnal fi'les of the City, to which reference is hereby made for all matters andthings therein contained. This Agreement 'is bind'ing on the Pet jtionen(s)' hei ns, assigns and successors'in interest in the property. the parti es hereto have set the'ir hand and seal tnis 2'eIN hIITNESS WHEREOF, day of Aprz,. By STATE OF OREGON SS. of Lane ^ ^ii'this ) -day of ry ubTi?-_lli the sai €Lf r( nt ca ndi v dua s desc 3-)-8rr 1 L te 4lilat Date By r n eve opmen D rect ,79 6), before me, the undersigned, personal ly appeared the 'w'ithin named 1By r L Cou nty 0na nota lg cou an s tate and ri bed Yr- rl.r(,known to me to be the the herer n and who executed the same fneely and vol untari ly. IN TESTIMONY WHERE0F, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expi res 2 3- 4,-a6 t