HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1981-11-25BRADFORD Roberta J. owner s narne owner s narne 1940 North 17th Srreet. November 25, I98I Springfield, Oregon 91471properLy address r i t.y or target.arca r * r r t * r * i r r * .r x t r r f r., * r r r( x r r r r * r l( I r * * r r * * r r Deficiencies & Cor.reqLivc AcLion i,,lrr{lr.)srjrr.} RED ITEMS inspected by a licensed Pest Contro actor included in clj-ent's nef,atr Files. Comply with l/ EXTERIOR: Have structure report shal1 be of the report. I )J 4 : Contractor t s recommendations 2 The floor at the South East end of house (front BRuneven/sagging, indicating overspanned structuralInspection by Pest Control Contractor and General measures to correct condition shall be required toeliminate sagging,/uneveness. :, bath #2, hallway), is members and/or rot. Contractor to clarify; 1evel" up floors, There is presently inadequate crawl space venti-lation, and existing vents areunscreened,/existing access is uncovered. correct ventilation to correspondto City and U.B.C. Reguirements. There are areas around structure where vrood elearance. Correct this problem;to insure proper drainage, (minimum 2e" there is less than minimal 6" earth/ gra<le along perimeter of house foundation slope to drainage swale). 5 6 9. The existing rear patio door unit (6'0") is single glazed. 7 o Excavate under the house (craw} space) to provide a minimum cfearance of l-2 inchesbelow girders, 18 inches below floor joists. Remove ciirt, rocks, debris.rnstall a continuous vapor barrier over grade in unheated crawr space. rnsuratearl water pipes in crawl space- Furnish/instal-1 underfloor insul-ation to anR-l-9 value with vapor barrier towarcl he;rted !;paco. The existing eave lines, (soffits, fascia) show signs of decay damage. Repraceall damaged materials, prep for exterior paint. Repairr/treat siding- caulk, seal, weatherst-rip throughout to correct air infiltrationprobrems' Exterior waIl siding, trim shal1 Lre preped, primed, and painted. The existj-ng front door is damaged, thermarly inefficient, doesadequate security. Furnish,/install a new 3,0,, pre_hung exteriorjamb, sill, weatherstripped, and new hardware/Iockset/deadbolt. inefficient. Furnish,/instalI aexisting dimensions. new thermopano natio door not provide door with damaged, thermally slider to fit 10. Remove existing roof coverings on main roof. Re-fLash $/here required. Re-roof to code withcomposition shingles. Repair all damaged roof 24O lb. seal down 3-tab sheathing The frat roofs covering both the front porch enlry and kitchen,/dining/utirityareas of structure are deteriorated and leaking. Repair damage to roofstructure, prep, flash, appry 'hot mop' roof covering to comply with u.B.c.Standards. 11. //'a a i,rt-c: I:i,)111': \ BRADFORD, Roberta .I. Survey Report - Springfield Page Thro L2, The existing roof ventilation roof ventilation system (ie,to U.B.C. Requirements. 13. The existing attic insulation adequate thermal protection.provide a minimal- R-30 value. L4. 15. is inadequate/undersized. Furnish/installroof jacks, soffit vents, etc) to correspond to be on certified required. as per City (2" approx. blown-in) does not provideFurnish and install attic insulition to Have chimney inspected by a qualified chimrrcy sweep; reportfile. Comply with recommendations. Have chimney cleaned,as safe. Furnish and instarl new continuous gutters ancr clownspouts asDownspouts to be directed to drainage to street or drywellsrecommendation 16. L7. 18. 19. 2A. 2L. 23. The existi_ng attached garagerepair. Furnish and install door (lt-9" x 9,-0") is damaged beyonda new garage door to fit existing dimensions. Furnish and install 5/8" Type x shoctrock <;n ;rLt.rchecl r;.rrage South wa1lto provide one hour fire protection between q<-rrage.rnd living space. Furni-sh and install materials to tie e.xistincl se\.raqe system to cityinstalled sewer system- close/sear., as per City requirements, existingseptic tank system" The existing rear deck (14'-0" x 26,_0',), of f of rear door is <iamaged/rotted, posing a safety risk. Remove existin<.J deck ancl steps; furnishand install a new deck, stairs to meet City rt_.quirements. Have a licensed electrician check the existing service panels/weatherheadfor adequate load capacity and safety; city colrrtesy rnspecti-on to crarify" rnstall a 3/4" fullway gate valve on the rlischarge side of the water meter" Repair broken glass in rear BR North window. Replace existing hosebibs with frost-free type fixtures 24. The fence on the North and SouthFurnish and install a new fence 25. Miscel_laneous debris thatcondition, or provides a property line is weak/hazardous, on both [)ro[)(]rty l irrcs. dilapidated. exists in pubtic view, or provides apest harboraqc shall t:c rcmoved. dangerous EXTERIOR:OPTIONAL TTEMS 26. 27. The existing drj:veway (gravcl) is settled; ad<lre-grade. The existing aluminum sr. i<1.r windolvs, ( 9) , ,rc. 'F 1_rrl.r clual i ty; do notprovide adequate thermar protection nor security. nurnish/instalr newthermopaned aruminum sliclers to fit existinq dimensions or provide stormwindows to provide increased thermal performance. new gravg.l , re-pack, and INTERIOR: GENERAL REQUIRED ITEMS 28. 29. 30. The existing conventional heating system, (electric baseboard spaceheating units) are inoperatiye in places, malfunctioning elsewhere(living room, front and middle bedrooms). Have a ricensed electricianinspect the entire heating system; report to be included in Rehab Fi1e.Comply with recommendation" lo brinq heat_inry systcm to coclr:. The fireplace is.presently used to supply a siqni.ficant fraction of thestructure's heating needs. Contractor to estjrnate the costs of incorporatingglass doors/circulating measures, and exterior ai.r intake. Al-l non-fixed windows shall be operable and lockable. BRADFORD, Roberta J. Survey Report - Springf'rd1d Page Three 31. 32. 33 Furnish,/instaLL 'hard wirer type smoke alarm(s) adjacent to bedrooms. A11 lighting fixtures and electrical equipment in gounded areas (kitchen,bathrooms, utility room and outside ur...l sha1l be properly bonded. The range and dryer outlets code standards. sha1l be properly wired to all applicable KITCHEI.I DINING UTILITY:IRED ITEMS 34. 35. There is presently reverse siphonage from ttre crothes washer drainthrough the kitchen sink and dishwasher. Have a prumbing contractorassess the probJ-em; comply with recommencl.-rtions to correct the probJ.em. The kitchen sink drain is leaking. Furnrsh/installline. fnstal-l new feeds and valves. 36. )1 38. 39. Prep al1 wa1l" surfaces, funish/install KITCHEN:OPTTONA L TTEMS Ther existing 30,' electricinstall a new built-in 30,,match existing. BATHROO}4 #1:REQUIRED ITEMS 47 paint for walls and ceiling. range has burned out surface elements. furnish,/range with base cabinet. Finish cabinet to a new trap and drain t"he walls and fLoor showshower unit, rotted wall andfurnish/i-nstalI a new built_in neh, Provide a vent pipe for croths washer to current plumbing code. The f loor coverinq is water damagecl, Mil;:;.irrc_J in spots and generallydeteriorated. Replace section of water ilamacled subfloor under oId waterheater location. Furnish,/i.nsta1l new vir-ryr r,rr:or <-.overing (g,0,, x 26,_0,,). The kitchen ceiting is water damaqed from Leakinq flat roof. Repairexisting ceiling; tape, texture, finish and prep for: finish paint. 40 The existing built-in shower is rottr:d:significant rot and damage. Remove thefloor members. Rebuild walIs and Ifo<;r,shower unit. 42. 43. 45. 46 BATHROOM #2: REQUIRED rTEMS sirowc.r un i t/waJ,1 s,/ f.loor,a new bath vanity, basin, The existing floor is worn, water*dam.rr;e<i, r:ur)-ed. Furnish/installvinyl floor covering and underlayment (5,_g,, x ll,_0,,). The existing vanity, adjacent to rotteclwater damaged/rotted. Furnish,/installvalves, trap/drain, and faucet set. 44 The toilet val_ve and feed Jine neecls repl;rcement,. existing is old,corroded. Furnish/install a ne\^, supply valve and feed line. Re_setexisting toiLet on a ne\r/ wax seal. t urn is;h/inulot 1 a waf 1 mountedtoilet paper ho]der. Furnish,/instarl a GFr type duprex convenience outlet adjacent to rav/vanity working area' rhe existing wal-r mounted thermoslat is marfunctioning;furnish/instal' a ner^r thermostat to contror- heating unit. Furnish,/installan exhuast fan vented to exterior. The existing wa1l/trjm surfaces are damaged,Prfu, paint aLl surfaces with quality enamel is also feeds/ Prep,peeling, deteriorated -paint. 47 ' There is indication of a soft,/springy area of froor at entry to bath (seertem #2) ' contractor to determine problem and .correct. Furnish/instal1a neht vinyl fLoor covering in bath 15,_6,, x 7rO,,) . 48. Furnish,/re-cau1k tub at enclosure and fLoor- BRADFORD, Roberta J. Survey Report - Springf _-d Page 'Four 49. 51. 52. The existing toil et is old ancl rnalfunction; f urnish/instaLL a new t-oif etand wax Seal. Furnish/instal-l a G.F-T. type conyerrience or:tlei; adiacent to vanity wor:kingarea' Furnish/install a r:ombination heat Iarnp/erxhar.rst fan; exhaust yentedto exterjor; units to be controlred hy a wall mor:nted switch (es) . The existing wal1r/trim surfaces are riamaged, pee1i.ng, deterj_orated. preprprim, paint all surfaces with quality enamel paint. The bathroom door is clamaqed; furnish/instal1 a new hal1ow core door andlockset. FRONT BEDROOM:REQUIRED ITEI'.1S 53.The ceiling is water damaged an<l farting .way lrour joists. Removeexisting ceiring; furnishr/instar-1 new sheetrock ceiling, tape, texture.prep and paint ceiling. There is evj'dence of moldrzfungus on exterior wal ls. Treat clamaged areas.Prep, prime, paint all- wall and trim surfaces. Egress windows required. comply with utsc Requirements re: dimensions andthermal requirements. 54. FRONT BEDROOM:OPTIONAL ITEMS Fl-oor covering is oLd, deteriorated.floor area (llt-0" x12'0").Furnish/install carpeting to cover MTDDLE BEDROOM: RE RED ITE}4S (9t*0" x 9t0") 57.The existing warrr/trim surfaces are damaged, deteriorated. prep, pri.me,paint all surfaces, (including ceilj-ng) with good quality paint. Egress windows required. comply with uBC Requirements re: dimensions andthermal requirements. MASTER BEDROOM : REQUI RED ITEMS 59.Refer to ftem #22: Broken glass in North window- There is evi-dence of mord/fungus on areas of wal1s/trim. Treat damagedareas. Prep, primr paj_nt a1 1 wa11/ceilinqrztrim surfar:es. Egress windows required. comply with uBC Requj-rements re: dimensions andthermal requirements. MASTER BEDROOM:OPTIONAL lTEI\4S Furnish,/ install- carpeting, covering. (f0'-0" x l-2'0") to replace existing floor IIALLWAY: RE RED ITEMS 63 Furnish,/install new fLoor covering ( 3 r 0r' x 12 ,0,,) or carpeting; match living room floor cover. to be vinyl sheet goocls LIVTNG ROOM:IR.ED 64 Fur.ish/instalt a duplex convcnie,ce o,tleL on th<: l{,rt}r wal, l. Furnish,/insta1l vinyl (15r0" x 19'0,') to replace existing floor covering. 50 55 56 58. 60 5r. DZ 65 (*r FaR DalZ P*cur I Z1cr-ecots 4sf fre.<f :,','t'ililr'; tl, i': .r rli :.. rll i,:rt.r: : November 25, 1981 Springfield, oregon 9j477 BRADFORD Roberta J owner s narne owner s narne 1940 North 17th Street property I*II ll;)y (rr Lar'[1c t,aI'ca) r t t r i r r r'r * r * r r( r * * r * r( x r x r x * * * I r * n r r * * * * Deficiencies & Corrective AcLion i,,lrr{tr_)r)r;Jr,} EXTERTOR:REQUIRED TTEMS Have structure inspected byreport shaIl be included inof the report. a licensed Pest Control Contractor: Contractorrsclient/s Rehab Files. Comply with recommendations t ') 3 .1 The floor at the South East end of house (front BR, bath #2, hallway),uneven/sagging, indicating overspanned structural members and/or rot.Inspection by Pest control contractor and General contractor to clarifmeasures to correct condition shall be required. to lever up floors,eliminate sagging/uneveness. l_s v, There is presently inadequate crawl spaceunscreenedr/existing access is uncovered.to City and U.B.C. Requirements. ventilation, and existing vents are Correct ventil_ation Lo correspond There are areas around structure where wood elearance. Correct this problem;to insure proper drainage, (minimum 2g" is less than minimal 6" earEh/ along perimeter of house foundationto drainage swale). there grade slope 5 6 Excavate under the house (crawl space) to provide a minimum clearance of 12 inchesbelow girders, 18 inches berow fLoor joists. Remove dirt, rocks, debris.rnstall a continuolls vapor barrier over grade in unheated crawl space. rnsuratealr water pipes in crawl space. Furnish/insta11 underfl,oor insuration to anR-19 value with vapor barrier toward heated space. The existing eave lines, (soffits, fascia) sh^wall damaged materials, prep for exterior paint. signs of decay damage. Replace Repair,/treat siding. Caulk, seal, weatherstrip throughout to correct air infiltrationprobrems- Exterior wall siding, trim shalr be preped, primed, and painted. 7 B 9 The existing front door is <l.rmaged, thermalry inefficient, does not provideadequate security- Furnish,/instalr a new 3'6" pre-bung exterior door withjamb, silr, weatherstripped, and new hardware/rockset/deadbolt. The existing rear patio doorinefficient. Furnish,/instalI existing dimensions. unit (6t0") is single glazed, damaged, thermallya new thermopano rratio door slider to fit 10. Remove existing roof coverings on main roof.Re-flash where required. Re-roof to cocle withcomposition shingles- sheathing The flat roofs covering both the front porch entry and kitchen,/dining/utilityareas of structure are deteriorated and leaking. Repair damage to roofstructurer prep, frash, appry 'hot mopr roof covering to comply with u.B.c.Standards. Repair all damaged roof 240 lb" seal down 3-tab 11 BRADFORD, Roberta J. Survey Report - springfiEid Page fwo 12, The existing roof ventilation roof ventilation system (ie,to U.B.C. Requirements. 13. The existing attic insulation adequate Lhermal protection.provide a minimal R-30 value, t4. 15. is inadequate/unclersized. Furnj-sh/installroof jacks, soffit vents, etc) to correspond to be on certified required. as per City (2" approx. blown-in) does not provideFurnish and install attic insul-ation to Have chimney inspected by a qualified chimney sweep; reportfile' comply with recommendations. Ilave chimney creaned,as safe. Furnish and install new continuous gutters and downspouts asDownspouts to be directed to drainage to street or drywellsrecommendation. 16. The existing attachecl garagerepair. Furnish and instal_l door (7r-9" x 9'-0',) is damaged beyonda new garage door to fit existing dimensions. Furnish and instarr 5/9" Type X sheetrock on attached garage south walr-to provide one hour fire protection between garage and living space. Furnish and instarl materiars to tie existing sewage system to cityinstalled ser,ver system. Close,/sea1, as per City ,nquirements, existingseptic tank systeru. The existing rear deck (14'-O', x 26,_0,,), off of rear door is damaged/rotted, posing a safety risk. Remove existing deck and steps; furnishand j-nstaIl a new deck, stairs to meet City requirements. Have a ricensed etectrician check the existing service panels/weatherheadfor adequate load capacity and safety; City Cor:rtesy rnspection to clarify. rnstall a 3/4" fullway gate valve on t-he discharge side of the water meter. Repair broken glass in rear BR North window. Replace existing hosebibs with frost-free type fixtures The fence on the North and south property line is weak/hazardous, dilapidated.Furnish and install a new fence on both prdperty Lines. L7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25.MiscelLaneous debris that exists in public vl.ew,condition, ox provides a pest harborage shall, be or provides a removed. dangerous 26. EXTERIOR:OPTIONAL ITEMS The existing drnveway (gravel) isre-grade. INTERIOR: GENE RAL REQUIRED ITEMS 10 The existing aruminum srider windows. (9), are of poor quarity; doprovide adequate thermal protection nor security. Furnish/instalrthermopaned aluminum sliders to fit existinq riimcnsions or providewindows to provide increasecl thermal performance. 27 not new stor:m of the incorporating sett led,. add new gravel, re_pack, and 28 The existing conventional heating system, (electric baseboard spaceheating units) are inoperative in places, mar.f,nctioning ersewhere(living room, front and middre bedrooms). Have a r.icensed erectricianinspect the entire heating system; report to be included in Rehab FileComply with recommendations to brinq heating system to code. The fireplace is presentry used to supply a significant fractionstructure's heating needs. Contractor to estirnate the costs ofglass doors/circuJ-ating measures, ancl exterior air i rrt.ake. A11 non-fixed windows shalL be operabl-e and lockabIe.30. T BRADFORD, Roberta J" Survey Report - Springfr_rd Page Three 31. Furnish,/install 'hard wirer type smoke alarm(s) adjacent to bedrooms. 32. A11 lighting fixtures and electricalbathrooms, utility room and outside 33. The range and dryer outlets code standards-shal1 tre properly wired to all applicable KITCHEN DTNING , UTTLTTY:RED TTEMS 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Prep all wa1l surfdcesr funish/install paint for wal.l-s and ceiling. KITCHEN OPTI ONAL TTEMS equipment in gounded areas (kitchen,areas) sha11 be properly bonded. There is presently reverse siphonage from the cl.othes washer drainthrough the kitchen sink and oishwasher. Have a plumbing contractorassess the problem; comply with recommendations to correct the probrem. The kitchen sink drain is leaking. Furnish,/instal] a ne!7 trap and drainIine. fnstall new feeds and valves. Provide a vent pipe for cl0ths washer to current plumbing code. The floor covering is water damaged, Missing in spots and generallydeteriorated' Replace section of water damaqea subfloor under o]d waterheater location- Furnish/instarr- new vinyl itoo, covering (g,0,, x 26,_0,,). it'r t it"ten ceiring is water damaged from reakinq frat roof. Repairexisting ceiling; tape, texture, finish and prep'r".-ii"l=i'r"rlr. 40 Ther existing 30,, electricinstall a new built-in 30,,match existing. range has burned out surface elements. Furnish,/range with base cabinet. Finish cabinet to BATHROOM #1: REOUIRED ITEMS 4t 42 43. 45. 46. 47- The existing built-in shower is rotted:significant rot and damage. nemore tfrefloor members. Rebuild walls and floor,shower unit. the walls and floor showshower unit, rotted wa1l andfu-nishr/insta11 a new built_in entry to bath (see rurnish/insta l1 44 The exi-sting floor is worn, water_damaqed, curled. Furnish,/install newvinyl f loor covering and underlayment (5,-6,, x 11,_0,,). The existing vanity, adjacent to rotted shower uni.t/wa1rs/f1oor, is also;:ff:":i::;ij::l:lu;,u,ll:::lrff :,r i -"-;;;"ia,.h vani tv, ru"i,,, reeds,/ The toiLet val_ve and feed line needs replacement; existing is old,corroded' Eurnish/install a new supply valve and feed line. Re_set::il:iT";:it;:;:,1 nu, \^/ax seal- rurnish,zi,stall a wa11 mounred Furnish,/instar-1 a GFr type duprex convenience outlet adjacent to lav/vanity workinq area' The existing wa11 mounted thermoslat is marfunctioning;:;,:i;:fl,:::.,:"1:: ::"il::il:.:" ;;;.;;;..;II.,"n unit. rurnish/ins,a11 The existing wa1l/trim surfaces are damaged, peeling, deterior:ated. prep,prim, paint all surfaces with quafity enamel paint. BA ROOM #2:D TTEUS There is indication of a soft/springy area of floor atItem #2). Contractor to determine problem and correcta new vinyl f.Loor covering in bath (5,_g,, x ./t6,11 . Furnish,/re-caulk tub at enclosure and f]oor-48. 1 BRADFORD, Roberta J. Survey Report - Springf Page Sour d 49. The exist-ing and wax seal. 50 Furnish,/install a G.F. T.area. I'urnish/instal. 1 ato exteriori units to be 51. FRONT BEDROOM REQUIRED I TEMS 53. The ceiling is water damaged andexisting ceiling; furnish,/instaIIprep and paint ceiling. toilet is old and malfunction; furnishlinstall a new toilet The existing wa1l/trim surfaces are <lamaged, poeling, deterioratecl.prim, paint all surfaces with qual_ity enamel paint.Prep, 52. The bathroom door is damaged;lockset.furnish,/instal1 a new hallow core door and type conyenience outlet adiacent to vanity workingcombination heat l"amp/exhaust fan; exhaust yentedcontrolled by a wall mounted switch (es) . falling away from joists. Remove new sheetrock ceiJ.ing, tape, texture, Treat damaged areas.54 There is evidence of moldr/fungus on exterio:: wal1s.Prep, prime, paint a1l wall and trim surfaces. 55. Egress windows required. thermal requirements. Comply with UBC Requirements re: dimensions and FRONT BEDROOM OPTIONA]. ITEMS 56 Pl-oor covering is ol-d, deteriorated.floor area (11t-0" x12'0").Furnish,/install carpeting to cover MIDDI,E BEDROOM :RE RED ITEMS (9'-0,,x 9rO',) The existing walr,/trim surfaces are damaged, deteriorated. prepr prime,paint all surfaces, (incJ-uding ceilingl ,i_tf, good quality paint. 57. 58. Egress windows required. Comply withthermal requirements.UBC Requirements re: dimensions and MASTER BEDROOM : REQUIRED I TEMS 59. Refer to ftem #22: Broken glass in North window evidence of mold/fungus on .rreas of wa1 Is,/trim. Treat damagedPrep, prl-m, paint aII wallrzceilinqrztrim surfaces. Egress windows required. comply wi-th uBC Requirements re: dimensions andthermal requirements. MASTER BEDROOM:OP?TONAL ITEMS 62. Furnish,/ instalt covering. carpeting, ( 10 '-0"12'O" ) to replace existing floor HALLWAY:RED ITEMS 60. There is areas. 6r. 63. Furnish,/install new or carpeting; match fl-oor covering ( 3 tO,, x 12 '0")living room floor covel:. to be vinyl sheet goods LfVING ROOM: RE IRED 64. Furnish,/install- a duplex convenience 65. furnish,/insta1l vinyl ( 15 '0,' x l-9 '0,,) outlet on the North wall - to replace existing floor covering. REQUI STANDARD S 'JCTURAL PEST CONTROL INSPECTION PORT rNr/orcr aro. 3q:i,I lwood-Destroylng Pests or Orgenlsmo) This is an inspection reporl only . not a Notice ot Compl€tion. AOORESS OF PROPERTY lr{qPE-QrEp BLOG. NO.\a\o STREET Nj \1 'r I' CITY ,i>61p,*[:tct[ DATE OF INSPECTION( t r\-q{\ Termite & Dry Rot Repairs A LICENSED PEST CONTROL OPERATOR IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUESTIONS RELATIVE TO THIS REPORT $IOI.[.D BE REFERRED TO HIii. TYPE OF LOAN: Andy's 425 S. 7Is, St., Springfield, OR . 746-8612 FED V.A. D STATE G.I r.\ {.-i FHA ..1 ,i?,^.\-H FARM HOME D CONVENTIONAL tr |NSPECTTON OROEREO 8y (NAME AND AODRESS) SELLER'S NAME AND ^OO8ESS BUYER'S N^ME ANO AOORESS OF ESTNAME ANO INSPECIEO BY:LICENSE NO.Orlglnal Heport p $.rpplomant.l Rcport E Numbarol prOcs ! THIS IS A SUB-STRUCTURE INSPECTTON ONLY. SUB FLOOR LEVEL & BELOW. WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR ANY OTHER PORTTON OF STRUCTURE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED ON THIS REPORT. NOTICE: DIAGRAM AND EXPLANATION OF FINDINGg (See back side for recommencrarions) ThiS rcport is.an estlmate only' Becauss o, the possibllily of human error, ANoY's TERMITE & DRY HoT REpAIR co. wlll not be tr"to r6sponstbls for any damags or lnlestailon atoar il lgquired ror loan purpo36s. Thls teporl is the sole opinion of this company 6nty ani oot a Guarantee ESTIMATE OOES NOT INCLUOE PAINTING OR PLUMBING _ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CRACKS THAT MAY OEVELOP. rapairr lislad. NOTICE: i r.1l'8tTl t ffi lr *'rrir r "' { x Yes Code See Diagram Below Yes Code See Diagram Below Yes Code See Diagram Below ST Subterranean Termites SDR Structural Damage Rot \Existing Vents DT Dampwood Termitos SDI Structural Damage lnsect ,2\X Proposed Vents WB Wood Beetlos ><SF Structural Damage Subfloor rc lnadequate Clearance CA Carpenter Ants EM Excessive Moisture conditions x IA FT Fungus grourth Treatable \<CD Cellulose Debris x FI Further lnspection needad L Leak FG Faulty Grade (less than 6" clearance))(Earth-wood Contacts Other Other Other X A ) l'-t l- t-; ,l " |- .--- .l l{ v -l;l t ; .,.1L.,, i;l; "i /) ,'t-, ' ILI, n-'t (-. \t t l. tf'r ,'i 't J fr.x .t n \ r . ii b'.ri.(r. '-r;, \, "', \ \ n 1-iIi \'[]r:,ii, \'(,t,iL .J_x I t- D TTTIiTN,1 T I+-{- l !-t 1 lnaccessible Area EC L-i -j:l #il -r,.L t]-T-i--t+ it LI. $ .l L i- I-t--l t- l I-r + r-liu l++rr1ffi+-H t.r" I iL 1- I I I 1 + -lJLL ITT_F t -+. tl I'l- l. -1. IT' + + I I lJ I t -ii FqCOMMEN DED CORRECTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. v. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. N, 41. "42. €. M. Xx. Y Remove and replace approx. Remove and replace approx, Remove and replace approx. Romove and replace approx. ft. of damaged ft. of damaged Ix€mudsill header siding. joist end(sl 'r.{ 5. - Remove and replace approx. damaged full length joist(s) 6. - lnstall approx. ft. of new beam to sipport joist splices. 7, - Bemove and replace approx. -lineal ft. of damaged support beam8. lrtdtsill approx. .-- new piers and pier blocks. 9. - Remove and replaco approx. .'. damaged pier posts. 10. 'X. Remove and replace approx. !i<:', ,q. fee-t of 'damaged I x subfloor. 11. 'X Remove all scattered wood-debris and form boards from subarea, L X M-- H- .12; X lnstall a C> mil vapor barrier over entire subarea surface. 13. - Piece in missing vapor barrier in approx. -foot area. Straighten existing vapor barrier as needed 5. - lnstall a gravity flow drainline from subarea approx -lineal feet to street. ineal ft. of drainline to _ . as needed to alleviate standing water condition. 6.lnstall a subarea sump pump and approx. 7. - Trench subarea as needed, to drain or sump pump, 18. - lnstall approx. -yards of 3/c" round river rock in subarea trenches. , 19. - lnstall approx. yards of 3/n" round river rock in subarea low spots. \.' --.:-- -=r* _i-- X. 45. '/- 46. _ 47. Y-48. Y€._ 50. _ 51. _ Excavate subarea to allow proper access and clearance, approx. -cubic yards. Trench subarea as needed for access, approx.ineal feet Make access to inaccessible areas, as needed to allow further inspection (cosr of any damsses found nor inctudsd in bid). Further inspection needed in damaged areas where indicated on diagram (cost or any damases ,ound not incrudod in bid) lnstall approx. -feet of metal flashing to correct earth-wood contacts in _ porch. Vent dryer to outside to prevent damage from fire or condensation, approx. feet. Repair foundation cracks. chemically treat substructure area to eliminate subterranean Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate Dampwood Termites. Chemically treat substructure area to eliminate powder post Beetles. Chemically treat as needed to eliminate Carpenter Ant infestation. Chemically treat substructure as needed to control dryrot fungus Spot >. Replace underlayment flooring in I i. ,'1, ',1^ '' approx. _ area. lnstall new linoleum in approx. _ area Reseat toilet on a new wax seal. lnstall - replace bathtub shower kit. Caulk b'ase top _ of bathtub. Have a qualified plumber check and repair water leaks (costs not includedl.itJ :.1;,",c4*sl--,x rt,r. *.r.( (5asii, lnstall approx. -lineal feet of concrete block foundation. rirel L','!g..r KrTtl*s'-'r.,lt Lower erderior grade level to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. feet. Shorten wood siding to correct earth-wood contacts, approx. -feet. lnstall approx. feet of non-wood skirting. lnstall approx. - of 6-inch concrete flashwall to correct earth-wood contact. lnstall i (/"' additional screened vents through rim joist y" , through foundation wall -. ReSCreen existing vent(S). rlr,! (' i't,t. /;',btl i3.7.-... !.-i(i,.,- Replace vent frame(s). lnstall - vent well(s). lnstall ;l crawl hole well(s). lnstall A new crawl hole frame and door. Repair or replace portions of existing gutters as indicated on diagram.' lnstall approx. -lineal feet of new gutters. Replace install - down spout lines from gutters. L /u aT r ur/,Je/ 52. - lnstall -- spashblocks. 53. - lnstall approx. -lineal feet of downspout drainline to54.-lnstall -drywells. 55 )( Additional bid needed for items not on this report but required by V.A - F.H.A. V City X County 56. -.-,- Other t, - A d?4 //'--' &qo-^-..*4. WORK I,iRITE-LIP BRADFORD, Roberta J. Flomeown er Name Gor:don ers Con ac l94O North 17th Street Address 1001 2 nse ber inqfield, OR 97477 7 46-4657 DaLe SI]BSTRUCTURE 1 Repair 'and,/or replace all damaqed/rotted wood members as r:ecommended onthe Pest contror' Report dated og/2r/gL upon comp.let-ion of work,certification by Pest control operator shall be gbtained that all_ workhas kieen completecr as required. Remove arr clebris fr.m property site.The above work shar-l include necessary support and repairs to revelup floors at the Southeast en<1 of the houil. 2 Grade along perimeter of house foundation to provide a minimal 6,, earth,/wood clearance and to insure proper drainage, (minimum of 2% slope) todrainage swa1e. 3 Pest control Report is incruded as partial work write-up requirements. EXTERIOR Remove a1l- rotted/damaged wood memirers at ec'lve lines (soffits and fascia).rnstalr to matsh existing as closely as possible. Re-rrai1 alr loose butsound existing members. prep for painting. CONTRACTOR TO: 1 ' 3::3:" all necessarv permirs rhar applv for rhe following work ro be 2' call city of spti"qri.ra Building DeparLment for necessary inspection.3' Final Payment w111 be ordered opon receipt of signed city of springfieldBui1d1ngDepartmentjobcard.roa6rrEuUaLyoIry I 2 Remove existing front door and jamb. Furnish and install new finishedbirch veneer s;r;1id core d<x'lr, with jarnl.l; wc.rl-ltcrs;tri.p on bot-h sides-i, to1.rand threshold' New door shalI inclucle new hinqes ancl deadbolt l-ockset.Iockset shall include case hardened steel bolt ancl keyway, spinninqrose and tapered head. Fill aitd sand all holes in jamb. Remove existing rear patio door. Furnish and instal-I new double glazedclear anodized aluminum frame patio door:. tjnit- shalI be double trackedand include security locking fixture. Arr exposed cavities will beinsulated with R-11 insulation with vapor bariier. Movable panel shalLbe on interior. / v I WORK WRITE-UP BRADFORD - SPRINGFIELD Page Two 4 5 6 Remove existing garage door; furnish and install a new 7t0" x 910" garage door to fit existinq dimensions. Prep for paintinq. Remove the existing rear deck and steps. Furnish materials and construct a new f0'x14' deck and steps. Install handrail at steps. Remove existing window (one each in the rear bedroom, in master bedroom and in the front bedroom). Furnish new double glazed clear anodized aluminum horizontal slidinq unit (4'0" x 3r5") in each above room. UniL shalL be weather tight. Wr>rk sha.l-l include the insulation of any exposed cavities and the re-installation of existing tri-m or its replacement with ner,u trim. Wintiow sizr- .rrrrl lroi<;ht- slr.tIl comply wittr UBC Standards, Remove existing roof coverings or main roof. Repair and/or replace all damaged sheathing. Furnish and install new 235#, 3-tab self-sealing asphalt shingles over 15# asphalt saturated fe1t. Nails to be 12 guage galvanized, 1" in J-ength. Install -[our (4) n.iifs per strip. when staples are used, they shall be zinc coated, 16 gauge with a crown of l" plus or minus L/L6" in width, minimum Iength of l_%". Valleys to be closed or woven over 36" wide, 90# rorl roofing. vertical tabs between shingles to match at every fourth course. rnstarl 26 gaugegalvanized drip under started edge. ,/ 2- Provide roof vents to comply with u.B.c. requirements. ,r/ 1' ,/3 / Remove rotted,/deteriorated materiars at ff.rt roofs over front porch,kitchen, dining, utility areas. Repair roof structure. prepare, frashand appry'hot mopr roof coverj-ng to comply with UBC standards. 4 upon completion of the work, furnish a certificate to homeowner tocertify weight and class of materials used and any and arr quarantees,bonds or warrdrrties. 5 Remove all- existing gutters and downspouts. Furnish and insta],.L 26guage 5" K style seamless qutters. spikes and derrules or strap hangersto be instarred not more than 32" on center. Tnstall 2,, round 2g gaugedownspouts of same material with a minimum of two (2) straps per 10'section- Al-L end caps and corner seclms are to be caulked with al_coagutter seal or equal. EI,ECTRICAL - FIRE SAITETY Furnish and install a'hard-wire' combination smoke/fire alarm. Alarm shallbe instarled adjacent to sreeping areas and mounted on the ceiling or on I ROOFING/GUTTER]NG t/ 'I WORK WRITE-UP BRADFORD - SPRINGFIELD Page Three 4'2 Arl lighting fixtures and electri-ca' equipment in grounded areas (kitchen,bathrooms, utility room and outside o...uJ shall br: bonded in compl"iancewith N.E.C. requirements. the wall between 6,' and 12,, from the ceiling. Remove receptacre outrets located above baseboarrf heating units.receptacles in new location. i3 fnstall y4. lr'5 rnstall extension sreeves in a1r outlet boxes that are not frush orbeyond finished surfaces of combustible walls. Reinstall the wiring serving the water heater and the additional wiringin the garage area per N.E.C. ll0_g requirement. 4 Furnish and instalr- an exhaust fanlright combination over the washer/dryer utility area. provide 4,' duct for venting to exterior. rnstallmetal roof or waIl cap with damper, and wire to separ:ate switches. 7 Furnish and install a new ground fault interrupter outret adjacent to thevanity working area in both bathrooms (2). .8L'Furnish and instarl a combination ,,BRoAI\i" heat ramp/exhaust fan inbathroom #2; vent t<; exteritrr. rnstarr met-al -r:<.rof or waf r cap withdamper and wire to separate control switch. /9. Furnish and install an exhaust fan in bathroom #l; duct to exterior andprovide cap with damper. , I0.Furnish and install a new wal-l mountecl ther:mostat to controt heating unit" Furnish and install an add-itional grounded duplex flush wall outlet wi.thmatching plate on the North wall in the l-iving room. 11 I WORK WRITE-UP BRADFORD - SPRINGFIEI,D Page f'our ' L2.Furnish and install an exterior light fixture at garage; switch at an interior wall. 13. Clean and sweep interior of chimney. work to be performed by a professional chimney sweep. L l. i2. Bathroom #1 Furnish and install recessed fiberglass shower unit with door. Unit shall be S & L, Ny-Tec, Sunset Plastic or equal. Installation shall include single control valve and shower head with 3 gpm flow restrictor. Valve to be Eljer, Defta, Joen or equal. Caulk with GE silicone or equal where unit meets floor and wall. l'urnish and install a new self-rim lavatory basin. Basin to be Kohler, E1ger, Ameri-can Standard or equal. Installation sha1l include new chrome or plastic supply tubes, fittings, and pop-up drain. Furnish and install new valves for lavatory. Valves to be Delta, Eljer, Moen or equal and shafl incLude five (5) gpm flow restrictors. Remove existing water closet; replace alf defective mechanisms including a new supply valve and feed line. Install new bees wax seal, re-set unit and caulk three (3) sides of base, leaving rear openr Bathroom #2 Remove old caulking material at tub enclosure; re-caulk with GE silicone or equal $/here unit meets floor and walls. Remove existing waLer closeL; furnish and insL.ilI new reverse trapr siphon-jet, grade "A", round front cl-ose, china water closet. Water closet to be Kohler, Eljer, American Standard or equa1. Installation to inclurle toilet seat, covcr and ant.i-sil.rhotr b.rll cock or flush valve. Instal-l new bees wax bowl seat and test for leaks. Caulk three (3) sides of base, leaving rear open. 3 4 5 '6 '/ 7. Furnish and install new piping at <lishwasher to prevent siphonage from other fixtures. Alt plumbing to meet UPC 608 requirements. ' 8. Remove black wrought iron waster piping. Furnish and install new properly sized A.B.S. approved materials per Uniform Plumbing Code. -PLUMBIN9 L WORK WRITE-UP BRADFORD . SPRINGTIELD Page Five ,'9 Remove ord trap and drain piping and fittinqs at kitchen sink; furnishand instalf new chrome or plasLic rlrain pipe from fixture to wa]r. Arldrains must have sanitary "p" trap and al1 procedures and pipe sizesto meet current UpC standards. , 10. Furnish and install a 3/4,, water meter. full. gate val're on the clischarge side of the Furnish and install new sheetrock at ceiling in the front bedroom, tape,texture, prep for painting. Remove existing door at bathroom #2. Furnish and instalr new flushhollow core door with birch veneer finish; furnish ar.rd install newlatch set. Remove shower unit in the bathroom #li remove all rotted/damaged wall andfloor wood members. rnstall new stucls as needed with stanriard or bettergrade lumber, or splice onto existing (rninimum lri,, :;,.,rlr) . Insulateexterior wall- wiLh R-11 batts wiLh valror.'b.rrrier whcro w.r],-ls rre open.Prepare waLls and floors to accept new shower unit .rnd floor coveri,gs. Correct soft spots at area of covering. ,lL Reprace existing hosebibs with frost-free typre fixtures. Mark all branch circuits clearry and regibly to indicate the purposeand location the circuit serves at the point where it originot"". Disconnect existing plumbing sewage drain to septic tank; furnish anclinstall sewer l_ine to City trunk fine. CARPEi{TRY .. II,ITERIOR I Repair and/or resurface the damaged kitchen ceifin.J; prep for painting. 12. l? k2. 3 L 4. t/5 ffoor at entr:y t<t l-.r..rtlr. prep for new floor 6. Furnish and install glass doors at fireplace. t 7 - A1l- non-fixed wi.dows shafl be made operable ancl lockable. ,o Furnish and instaL. 5/8" type x sheetrock on attached garage south wa]1, tape. WORK WRITE-UP BRqD}'ORD - SPRINGFIELD Page Six ,q Construct and inslall a lavatory vanity, prep and paint. llomeownerrs choice of color. MISCEI,I,ANEOIJS l/ l. Drain septic tank, fil.1 with gravel. 4 Miscellaneous debris that exists in publ.ic view or provides a dangerouscondition, or provides a pest harborage shal-r be removed from propertysite. A11 debris resu.lting f::om rehabi-'l-itation work sha}l be removed fromproperty site. Add new gravel at driveway; re-p.rck .urd re-r;rade. Remove dilapidated fence. t z 3 1 tr PAIN?ING I. fnterior Walls, ceiJ.ings and trim j-n the kj,tchen, bedrooms, dininq area, r-rtility room and bathrooms will be pr:epare<l ancl paint pro,zided by the contractor.Wall- surfaces with mildew/fungr-r.s shall. be treaterl by contractor.to prevent- seepage Lhroltgh new paint. Sufficient amount of quality paint shatl beprovided to assure good coverage for appearance and durability. Homeownerwill do all interior painting. 2 Exterior - Sid-tng and trirn Remove existing l"oose cr:acking, scarj.ng, peering and./or bl-istered paint-,dirt, fungus, and other foreign materiars from the surface; scrape, sandor wire br:ush sur:faces t-o smooth condition to receive finish. Dust cl-ean and protect glass, painted surfaces. screen and fi_nished surfaces adjacent to Paint and primer serection t-o be orympic overcoat., rmperial., Fulrer,Norris or equal.. Color selection by homeowner. rf any area to br. painted show.s si.gn of mi.l<lew, t.hose areas shalr betreated with a fungi,::ide and the entire area shall_ be thor:oughry dr1,before painting is begun. Fr,ooR covERrNGS/pr,ASTrC T"AMTNATE I Furnish and install new walt-to-wall carpet jn lj-ving room and hal].wayad.jacent t.o bedrooms. AIIow cut back s|ace at entrance door for vinylcovering. Furnish and instalr new underlayment and new seamless vinylin two bathrooms. Installation includes base tr:im. 2 floor covering 3 4 5 WORK WRITE-I]P BRADFORD . SPRTNGFIELI) Page Seven Furnish and minimum 4" eqt:ar ' WEATTIIIRIZAT roN,/-INIJULATlON Furnish and install new vinyl floor covering at exterior entrance door. Furnish and install new Armstrong seam.less vinyl including base trim inkitchen' dining area anrl utility room. New unrlerlayment to be instarledif deemed necessary to assure goort appear.ance and dr:rabilj-ty. install" new prastic .lami,at-e c.unterLop with se.1 f edge andsplash at vanity in bathroom one. Laminate to be Formica or I 2 Ft:rnj.sh and install blown-in fiberql.ass or rock wool. to a minimum R_30value. Thermar insur-ation sharr not be instarr_eci within 24,, of the topor within 3" of .he side of- recessed J,ighL fixtr-rres, motors, fans,heaters, f Ir-tes and chimneys. Fltrnish and inst-al-l unfaced batt i-nsr-r1.-rrion wit-h R-19 value to unciersideof floor space, secured with wooden 1athr \rrire mesh or plastic netting. Furnish and itrstarl 6 mi1 blar:k polyethelene vapor barrier or grade withinof crawl space; ]ap al-l joints a minj.mum of l2 inches; sectrreri with brickor rock every B ft., and turned 12', up the foundation wall. A certification by the contractor is required stating the type of insulationused, amount j ns tal le<1 ancl tlre tht_,rm;t l f .rr_.t or . f nstall paint,atrle t"ype s.il.i.<tone <:.tLrl kint; c()mllound at. .rL1 seams aroun<lwindows and doors, arr butt seams and at alr. cr-acks in siding. The work indicated is sufficient to nr,:ke t-he property decentr sdfe andsanitary by providing for the correction of all code violations reLatedto basic health and safety needs. 3 5 4 HOMEOI\INER SIGNATT]RE CONTRACTOR SIGNATIJRE Roberta J. Bradford DATE: DATE:Gordon Rogers