HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-01-02SPFlINGFTELD RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726.3769 Office: 726-3759 ASSESSORS MAP: qir, JOB NLJMBEN o 225 Fiftlr Street Spri rrg f I c':ld, O re gon g7 477 LocArroN oF PRoPosED woRl(: -nX?- Al /t/r! O 0 TAX LOT: OWNER PHONE CITY:ORSTATE ato 14b - ^bz 7'na Slard( ADDRESS:t%q N . n+! q7 +77 FB.nnr d NEW - REMODEL I./ ADDITIoN DEMoLIS}.I oTHEtl DESCRIBE WOFIK: ADDRESS l.:XPltlES PI]ONE 004,b CONTRACTOR'S NAME MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: CONST. CONTRACTOR , G EN ERAL: PLUMBING _ OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: OCCY GROUP: FLOOD I)I-AIN / OF STORTES: ___ WATER HENTER HEAT SOUNCE QUAD AFIEA: r OF BLDGS: SECONDATTY HEAT; _. SOUAnE FOOT^GE:.-_RANGE: // OF UNITS: _- CONSTn. TypE: __ ZONING CODE: __ , OF BDNMS: ..-.--- To rcquest an lnspection, you must call 726-3 made thc sante worklng day, lnspections rcq 769' Tttls ls a 24 hour rccording. All lnspections rc(luestcc1 bctclrc 7;00 a.rn. will bcuested after 7:00 a.m. will bc ma<le thc lollowlno work cJay. REQUIRED INSPECI'IONS I-l Temporary Etecrric Rough Moclranical - prior to cover.Firral Plurnbing - Whcn allplunrl:ing worl( is completc. Sitc Inspoction - To be macJc af ter excavation, but prior tosettlno [<,rrrns. Rough Elcctrical - prior to Final Elcctrical - Vy'lren allolcctrical work is cornplelc. cover I-l Urrdcrstab Plumbing/ Etccrricati - Maclranlcal - prior to cover.Electrical Servlcc - Mrrst bc a1>provecl to oblait.t t)crrnarlcnIclcclrlcal t)owcr. Firral Mechirnical - Whcn allrrtcclr;:nical r,vorl< is cornplctc. Footlng - Af tcr trenchcs arc cxcavatcd.Final Lluilcling - Whe,t allrequired inspections have becnapproved and builcjing is c o rn ple tocJ. Masonry - Steel locatlon, boncjbeams, grouting. Fircplacc - prlor to facln0 materlals ancJ framing lnsp. Framlng - Prlor to cover. Fourrdatlon - After forms areerected but prior to concreteplacernen t.Wall/Cciling lnsulation - prlor tocover [--l Undarground plumbinq - priortJ lo fllling trench f Drywall - Prior ro taping Underlloor Plumblng/ M eclranical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decl<ing. Post and Bcam - prior to floorlnsulation or decklng. MOBILE I.IOME INSPE TIONS Wood Stovc - nftcr lnstall;rtion [-l lnscrt - AItcr f trcplacc apttroval - and installatlon ot unit. Blockirrg arrcl Sct.Up - Wlren allblt:cl<irrr; is cornplete. Floor lnsulation - prior to decki ng.Curbcrrt & /\1t;.rroaclr - Atlcrlorms arc crcclcd bUl prior loplaccrncn t of corlcrcl(). ll Pltrrrrbirro Conncctions - Whcn'- llotnc has been conrtcclecj lowatcr and scv,/er.Sanitary Scwer - prior to tillingtrcnch. Storrr,Scwer - l)r.ior to tilling trench, Siclcwalk & Drivcw;ry - Af rcrcxcavatior't is complete, fortr)san(l sul).base rnalcrial irt f)l;lcc. Elcctrir:al Corrrrection - Whcnlrlockirrg, scl.uD, ancl pltrnrbingillspc(:lions lt;rvt: ltccn approvc(,ilncl tllc lrorrro is connected tollrr: scrvicc pancl.[--l Warer Llne - prtor ro tiilinOlJ trcnch- Rough Plunrbing - prior to cover.[_l {;treor Trcos - Wtrcn all rcquircd.J trecs arc plantcd. [:irral - Altcr all rcc]uircdirrspcctions arc appioved andporclrcs, sl(irting, dccl(s, andventlnsJ lravc been lnstallccl. LOT: - BLOCK:SUBDIVISION:_--_ I] [-_l Ferrcc - Wllen cornplercd. L] [-_l ottrcr Lot Iaccs Lot sq. ltg. Lot coverage TopographY Total lrciglrt BUILDIN G ITEM Main Garagc Carport Lol 'l-Ypo \/ -_ lnlerior -- Cortre r -- Panhandle .-- Cul'cjc'sac PERMIT SO. FT. X $/SO. I.'T. ack; P,L HSE GAR ACC lv c c VALUE ri rHr Pt]oPosED woRl( iN TliE HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON TI-IE HISTORICAL REGISTER? _- It yes, this application must be slgned and approved bY the Historlcal Coorcjinator prior to pcrrnit issuance. APPROVED Total Valuc Building Pcrmit Fcc State Surcharoc Total Fcc (A) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT -fhis pernrit is granled on thc cxpress concJition that thc said construction shall, in atl respects, conform to the Ordinance adoptecJ by the City ot Springfield, including the Dcvclopment Codc, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and nray bc suspencJed or revoked at any tirne upon violation of arly provisions of said ordinances' Plan Ctrcck Fee: -- DatcPlans Flcvicwcd t3Y t):rtc [)aitl Rcceipt N utttbcr Rcccived BY: Systems Devclopmcnt Chargc is ciue on all undeveloped, propcrties within tllc City linrits wiriclr are being improvcd'SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS Rcsidcntial Bath(s) SanitarY Sewcr Watcr Storrn Sewer Moblle Hotne PERMIT FEE FT (t, ) t--1. N FT. Plumblng Porrnit Statc Surchargc Total Charge PLUMBING ITEM Fix t u res By slgnature, I state ancJ agree' that I have caref ully examlned tho complcted application and do trereby certify that all in(ormation lrercorr is true ancl correct, ancl I Iurther certi(y that any ancJ all work pcrformccj shatl bc donc in accordance witl-r tlrc OrcJinarrccs ot tlrr.: City of SpringIicld' ar]d the Laws of tlrc State ot Orcgon pertaining to thc worl( describcd lrcrein, and tlrat NO OCCUPANCY will [:e macle of any strucIurc without pcrrnission of the Buil<Jirrg Salety Division' I f urthcr ccrtif y tllat only contractors and enrployees who arc in cornpliancc with ORS 701'055 will be used on this proiec t. I f urther agree to ensulc that all required inspections are r tinre, tlrat caclr acjdress is rcadable the pcrmit card ls located at the f ront Slgnatu Date rcq uestcd at the P o[ the ProPe c n (. f rom tl-tc strcc approvcd set of Plans will remain es duri g conson tlre site MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Total Miscellaneous [)crrnits (E) MECHANICAL PERMIT (D)+ + fu{ -1fiLo-..-Meclranical Pcrrttit lssuance State Surcharl;e Total Pcrtnlt Mobile Hontc State lssuancc Statc Surclrargc Siclcwalk --=-- tt Curbcut --- tt Dcmolitiorr Statc Surchargc a]@,a' Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood Vcnt Fan Woocl Stovc/ lnscrt / F:l replacr: UtliI Drycr Vcnt N0 VALIDATION: RECEII)T NUMBEFI ^x39<DAI'E, PAID AMouNr RECErvr-.D 3A ^y(?. TOTAL AMouNT DUE (cxcludinq clcctri<;rtl) (A, B, C, D, and E Corrrbinccl)I.IECEIVE.D BY <t) T1 I 225 FTFTE STREET SPRINGFIET.D, OREGON INSPECTION REQIIESI:OFFICE: Z26-3759 1 OF Permits are non-transfera ble and expilf vork is not started vi thin 180 dof lssuance or if uork is suspended180 days. 2 COMRACTOR INSTALI.ATION ONLT Electrical Contractor ci Supervisor License Number ) Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number '7-b-i7 JJ Expiration Date 3. COHPI,ETE FEE SCEEDT'rc BELOS A. Nev Residential_Single orMulti-Family per dvElling unit.Service fncluded: Items Cost s; .cFrELO sq.ft. or lessadditional 500ftor portiont Hanuf,d Home- or - DvelLing'or Feeder s terations ,rOrf:t:',:'*^. ELECfRfCdL PERHIT 726+&7f,ls.gJ $:gtrai*r*-_ _*..Ciqr--lob Nurnber Sum .8. - $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 s 50.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130.00 s300.00 $ 40.00 see eaa.""" affirff, Pt on"Z-89-@.2?-401 amps to. 601 anps to o Re 200 amps 20L aEPs to amps 1000 amp Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0n1y C. Temporary Services or FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Relocation of sing Electrician 200 amps'or less 201 amps to 400 Over 401 to 600 Over 600 amps or .00 .00 .00 'Bu aEfrE s40$ss $80 anps amps 1000-i6l[-ts Osners Name fnrn c-^/IeL aaaress IQ 3Q lV l?tl ci )d Phone v 27- OVNER INSTALKTTION Ovnerbugignature: DATE: D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Additional l $ 3s.oo 3Lc Circuit or vith Service"or Feeder Permi t I $ 2.OO '2 ('e, The installation is being made onproperty I ovn vhich is not intendedfor sale, Iease or rent. E. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Ligh ting- Limited Energy/Res -Limited Energy/Comm $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 52 State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTALRECETVEDn 5