HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-031r '...t " KEJ lb -rV LA L - APPLICA?TON/PERILru t"eet225 Noz.th S thsSprtngfield, Zregon LZ4ZZBuiDiuision et?eet, and, tllat the at the ftottt of the -p?apertyL tlmes-D.Juicion appro,^ed at aL '!iou ) state yout, City designated job ntmber,or A,mers nctne cnd phone nunbersane dcy, ?equests nade aftet 7:00 @n vLLl be nade the nect tnrking' Z?v1 y' ,r-a & -j -Y/ Signed:a Date r-Z -*q I,lechanicaL Constmtetion Lendet It ie the resporzsibility of the pentrit hotd,et to see that aLL inspections ate nade at the ptoper tine, tLat s4sft ciirsss .ts lensn;fran the*Euilding ziLZ be made the iob a4iress, type of inspee=icn P.equests z,eceixed befcte ?:00 c-. To be nnde afterpt4or tc set up of Iour Citg Desigr,zted Job Nunber fs: 'roN made ^1 7 be made pl,ace, concrete. SIDEWALK & DRf',EitAY: Por all eon- OQQb WcrRrcAL&iIECI{;.i!ICAL: ro be naZe-biffri-Znywt,k is cooet,ed, required ucpor burie?s @e in plaee L,ut -before ory Lath, Wpsum bcarC oz, Ln.LL coue?ing is applied, and. beforeay iwulation is concealed. f-l D!.IWALL II|SP11TI1N: Tc I lzfaftet, aLL CryuaLL is tn - but prior to any taping. Final - l{hen abcue itens are eaaleteiard uhen d.qnclition is eornplete Zo tt--.ture motsed anC prerises eLZaneC up. forme ?rcN ?o be rru.Ce are etcanlated and,are erected, but prior topout"ing ecnerete. floor insu on decking. i'lo uotk to these inspeetions. haue been mal.e and.approued.. I'IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or uetticals in accotdorce Llith U.B.C. Section 24L 5. of ff,-rtooosro,tt: After installation is l, v I ecntpleted.(.( AI\s\\\)Cr E\J?rxE\Lrr\Sr) CURB & A?PRCACH APPON: Aftet formsee erecteC but prior to pouring DEI.IOLITIO!] OR ltt Sanitary seuer capped ct properw- Lire Septic totk V"rped and fnlted ui.th gra.-: e Hcmes Blocking otd. Set-up PLltnbing connectians -- s€1rte? otd, uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloekino, set-u= and plwnbing eonneetions rrust bb dpp?cr|- before x,equesting eleclrical inspeciio- Aecessory BuilCing Final - After pctckes, stilting, ilecks, etc. ane compleied. SI?E INSPEC?ION: etcauaticn, but FIPEPLACE: materials Pr.Lor to pkcirq and before franrtng tfust be requested I uJol,incpoulo ptuuztwc. srwtp. w.a,rn.'. I Qp.UUctt To be marie-prioi-t6-fi1-Lirq trenchee. jr-P,OSr auO AtU,t: To be nade prior to i tz I installaticn of floon insul,ation or decking. facing Lnspee- after eLectrt- c"etenalriltg Giiil street right- of-teA" to be naCe after aLL ecca- oating canplete & forn Lsoy,k & sttb- base raterlal in plaee. IENCE: When eonplete -- PtouiCe gates on mooable eectians through P. U. E.ca & of plwnbing, ALL roofing braeing &chittmeys, etc. rrust be i ootttple . cecled ted.Ilo uctk is to be con-until this inspectton las?beet nade and approoed. i ,rl' rntm PLUuBrlc /. I FIIIAL I4ECHA\IICAL,I --/,/r FINAL ELECTRICAL -I.1 ALL ry'oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, eon-cletion of the required Landsccpit:g, ete., ilust be satisficd befoTe the BIJILDIIIG FMAL can be requested. f\,2 PINAL BUTLDIN7: The Einal Building Inspection rtust be requested cfter the Firal Plwnbi.ng \!7 Electrical, cnl Mecharical Inspectaons hqte been made atd approueC- LL ?emaan LL 726-3769 7 26-s? /qJobLocaticn: Assessots Map #+ rcc Lot # Subdittision: Aorcr: Phone:4r?Addtess \, zip: ci tAtd tr'17 Describe l,lork: Addition A dal*t ."-, - Date of AppL Na,t VaLue GeneyaL *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJSTIIZ\II ?O 3E I'!4DE /.T IIO CSST TO CilY Pege 1 of 2 r l r T tr tot Paces - \C: :leat Access.HouseP. L. toxe . .># of Stones i{ Topographg {] - \ '-- ^' LC! TWE /-/-.2'rntetiot1^Ccoerage Lot Sq. Ftg. lotal Eeight Cotqtet Panhattdle CuL-de-sac FTC xI?EM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c ^-+^ D^:5. Reeeipt #: Sig:zed: NO.FEE Ftbtu.tes Residential (1 bath) Sa'tet ao co AOqc Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll eonstruet, install, al,tet- ot eltonge-any nea-cr eristing plti*lttg or drainage sAstat in uttole ot, in part, unless sueh person is tl'e iegol plosees"or o7" o ,sZlid pl*rbno's Lieense, es-cept t1",at a pe?son t,ag do ptLoting uotk to p"ope?ta ihictt is ouned, leased ot operated by the qpli- edft. * Plunbing Perrtt State &eclwge {:f)cl] Nau/Eztend Circuits Setoiee .-]J Electricq I Permit Vhere State La,t requires tl"at the electrLcal uork be done by an Electrieai Contra.ctor, the electrieal portion of this permit slnll rot be oalii wtti-- the Label lws been aigned by the Eleetuical Contractor. Q,Ear:rr2.G o r-^'t\?ETG,'a&.o\&r J-t Pc.\trEilcr= ' \ E\Fcea\z\ tJ\Jt.Ltuc-t\D\] sESu'Cl=Ut)\ \Zr-rau\.i.ED (e\\$\\uci)?otaZ 7 u * \i?^e, D\\N,=ti ?"€FDCI \trFNEE -i-B-Sf /?ZLI rUA Dft bhanat Eood s Vent Fot t^t llcodstote I, eo1 I PenrLt fssuolce Meclwnical Pefirut Mechqnicol Permit !\amrt.c* t\\fEft r:.ox s\$\:s. cr.) PA\J\. \i \Ea\NsruS.L \qr\ E\**\o iEIr:tX:gD - \Dbit rDi=:HL GELy, s Rear:W€L -- EIICROACHI4EN? -- Secart Peririt CiEbcu! si.danlk 6 2(ct Building PenrrLt State ?otal Chatges I Mobile.Hone 'Cor-st:jej!.Oor.ts: Grottc: Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granteil on the express co-ndi'.tion thtt the said'consttuctiot: slnll, in atl respects'"'"oliZi'* the ordinance adopted by the city of Spz,ingfield., including'til'2ln;'"g Crdinanc-e' regulct'ing the ccnstrtcticn ord use of buildi-rtgs" ;d ;a-L': sul'.p-ended'ot rbvokei at cr'v t'Jne upon vic- Tation of my prctiisione of said 2rdinances' * J+ N I HAW CARE?ULLY SXAI,E_NED the eontpleted application fot petmit, and doTyrela certif.y that aLL infonation heteon- is t"ue ad ebrreet, or,l tfurthet .cert?fa tha.t any a,d aLL utot'k petfomted atalt be dorc in ac"or-dance trith the otdintncbs of the City of springfiei, Zrra ti" Lar;s of ther s_t11"_ ol _,-r9ocn p,ertainins io the wik 1eslritL:a iril;i, "i tlat No occu-P','ttcv tiill be rnd.e of arg- stzwctuta vithout pendssion of tie suitding Di_oieion' r fwther ."L"tr,iv liil ily'""itracto?s ad, enprcvees uho a,'e incatplianee Dith oRS zot.b'ss "ih ti"""Zi-;;-;;;; lilZ"l'"r,," TOTAL AMOUN? DI]E:'A o t.72 8f Set \ortn 'lest ( rl5 VaLue :l\arP\\s2 al.k ;-n ld3.)aanort Aeoe-sso?u \CC\\T t-\?? -3{ '' a'f i\ ( ucLue) {