HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-17i- I}iSPFCTIONS 726-3769 LD S tTtE M t17h S+, Lega Des cript ron ?-2 3 -? -5*>/o?6.o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NE BUSINESS 726-3753 ADDRESS (Furnished by Buil ng Div. 225 North 5th Street BUILDING MOVING PERI{ITIBUILDING DIVISION rcq6 .sr Legal Descri ^d?^26-/ pt i.on a Building Owner 0€-fSY 9TVFEN9€IL/ Address .AfiS sfyLtt'te_ 60y0,Phone 34./ -9313 l"lov ng Firm G d SON'TXlC Descr ption Of I ended Use Descr 1 t ono So ct scr pt ono i 1d ing Sq Lics Exp CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUI{BER 7 e I ln uil^ n0,qsre ?-nqt gq,r-eesr- Ou.uzLt\g >24 oltl Routel7 f) To fuo 114t K BtvO .fitortlu oM /uo tJ'+L*tft fo q 9f I uare Footage lAqC Ntoving Le ngtn-fu$t uoving widthfr'?'\ieight on Dor.y AOI/O// Number Of Sections Being I'toved 7 iype Of Construct iontLrAfl fVQHy ALUATION NOTIFICATION OF l,tOVE: The Bui.lding Div s10n PLANS, FEES, AND CHARGES: Prior to rece will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- cies. HOI{EVER, the applicant must contact property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant must secure the approval of all appropriate municipal, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. v- ./ ing a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must : 1. Submit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new site. 2. Subnit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and electrical work relating to the re- located building. 4. Pay Systems Development Charge if appli- cab1e. ngs moved from within the SEPTIC TANK Prior to moving, City limits shall have the sewer capped at the property line and inspected one working day prior to the move. If the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. I CERTIFY THAT the above information is true and correct, that all required contacts have been made and authorizations obtained, that the move will begin ,! SilQ_orclock@fi)pn on Wnd will be completed by fiioo orclock @p on.,f=?rtt.;I_b=Ly 8 -,and@theroutewi11bemadewithoutcontactingtheBui1dingDivision.I also certify that I have been informed that NO PERI,{IT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 5I{ORKING DAYS HAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 7O|.O7O, and that if exempt the basis is noted hereon. Basis for Builderfs Board Exemption: NAIIE IGNATURE DATE 64 z-qo owner sha1l have all sludge from the septic tank, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispoal service li- cense, and shall fill same with clean bar- run gravel or other material approved by the Director or his authorized r esentative. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY zone1fr){ _F lood Plain A/D Stories /Living Unit -Sf$dsquare Footage of Constructionjf2{Occupancy Group R-- VALUE Application fee $18.00 -- Date Permit fee $60.00 -- Date Paid Number of Blocks,<4 Sewer Cap ffko Paid ,-?2 Receipt Number Receipt Number over 6 C .60df /br ,6a 4 ?.6?t 60r'?aus2{;e< ?{ + lea State Surcharge -- Date Paid VPoLice Department ',/ Fire Department Northwest Gas Itiillamalane Park and Recreation -Pacific NW Be11 Ttane Transit District y'Rainbow lVater / SUg -Group W Cable _LaneCountyA&T R -- specify_oTHE BUILDING MOVI\ ERMIT Applicant to furnish (except as indicated)A. 0ld address for buildingB. Legal DescriptionC. New address for bui'lding (Building Div. will furn'ish)D. Legal DescriptionE. Name, etc. of building ownerF. Name, etc. of moving firmG. A descript'ion of intended useH. A description of proposed routeI. A descrjption of the building Applicant to contact property owners if trees involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictions as necessary. A site or p'lot p'lan, and foundation plan must besubmitted for the new site (2 sets) Plans must also be subrnitted for any other work rel ati ng to the rel ocated bui'ldi ng. Fees & Charges:A. Application fee due and payable at time of appl icationB. Moving permit fees due and payab'le upon perm'i t i ssuanceC. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF FOR OFFICE USE ONLYA. Plan check data collectedB. Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: PERMIT VALIDATION I III. IV. V. II. VI. I <Cl /\) 11 t, PERMIT CLE TRAFFIC DiVISION REPORT:STo? SreJ O /D*4 sr V O ro 6a 87 S',r /i/ NEERING DIVISION REPORT:I*r s) ADDITI PROJ FORMAT I ON : Tgap4t: ZS n/*i) fto ll4*tr<OF OL?70re Re*>,np I /28-FIMP 6? h.sr?-44-v{L. 4tt- stct\.ftL ,+€q€S 7T k Ufu-@ ru< 7t''/D CZctrLS 70 rts;uraz. Wtt (14 &d4*nwac, {F 5/@1ffi5 E or #E D*'ra@ &prn*rae- /"q,.6f Ut/- Stg,frL frUutc/,ril K2STY L/tttE By Date# O Ld4fro B? hou*S ( F,.*tarO Fuyua*-flu: 4ffid- rl^DW sv/L-t aate L/:.>/?oU .VK- EI RD- tl Eir to M t u @ N Fa L uePrc a\t PARKo ST 66b =F ')'r l + tB t E 'stLKE 6 E F 6 -l N !l al ls ' 17 t# A/ t'vI1'"a 3 td t i'' ,l /""nt/ oveRhLL- wroTA 3g'8" ,6, lo'/ LtrT Sio,s ,3r, "i#r*"* , rqigrr strr wH,L{f 6grrg lA au H0 I I Ir t I r .I ai I BUILDING "'TUERS !, the undcrslgnedrhave exa.talned the above appllcetion end/or proposcd novcncntraadflnd that our facillties are not Lnrolved ln thla movc, or that arratrgencnts have been madc rrlth our Conparry for servl.clng our facllltler ln that noyc; - . 1 .t, .,,! , ROADOUAMMAR45441 I,F Itl5.2252EGOttNATM'O N scl.r OWNEB SIZE ullf ln3 rarr36 rt r3 ovcrell van 36 * 37 *,ao * +f * * * It a -g--*Orn cightH ,en xtt I.lh on EDlov ,-f woaA t#sTOL FROI,f I TO l+ * +t * * 3 \ * Tou MI 0R, i Ic0ul.{Er{Ts I APPBOVAL OT IJTILITT COUPAI{r,T JT * * * lf * I'IAI'{E 0f 0OUPA}II:Spoclal requlrucntr: {| BIIII,DTNO Length, 'dldth, I /3 ilfl=-;at r."s HIGHWAY DIVISION PERMISSION GRANTED TO OUPLICATE SPECIAL TqANSPORTATION PERMIT AND APPLICATION m SINGLE TRIP TWO LANE: NONE FOUR LANE: NONE SEE BRIDGE BOX 38 BELOW CARRY THIS PERTIT IN rHE CAB OF THE POWER UNIT AT ALL TIMES. CONTINUOUS TRIP EXPIRATION DATE 11 90 RECEIVED: 3 7.00 OVERALL LENGTH 70'0" GHOSS WEIGHT' tr LOCATION L ORE 7 PERMITTEE: (Name and Address) Berg & Sonso Inc. Mt. Ange1, 0R 97362 COMMODITY House REAR OVEHHANG FROM WHEN CROSSING HIGHWAY HOUTE Crossing 0nly Eugene-Springfie'ld Hwy MP 6.10 on Mowhawk Blvd. PILOT VEHICLE REOUIREMENTS FRONT FRONT REAR REAR 50085 EOUIPMENT LIST ATTACHED U r.o. No. FIRM NO. 55 056880DATEHOUR 1 :30 hlt{, P.M.7 2 90 APPLICANT NAME HEIGHT SEE PARA. O 20' 1 0" coMMoDrw LIST ATTACHED 38',8" OTH 36',0" LENGTH EXTENOEO' WEIGHT TABLE HEAVY HAUL FRONT OVERHANG xxLEGAL WEIGHT TABLE DESCRIPTION OF VEHICLE OR COMBINATION Type2&housemoving dol I ies YEAR 1 960 u ar P.U.C. NO. MGMO22 ''"ttTlao3q SPECIAL PBOVISIONS Move to be made between daylight and B:00 a.m. on Sunday July B, 1990. GENERAL PERMIT PROVISIONS The following provisions apply lo this permit unless otherwise noted. ln case of conflict between special provisions and general provisions, the special provisions shall take precedence. 1. TIRES All wheels must be equipped with tires of suf licient size that the gross axle and tandem axle weights ol any axle or tandem axles of a vehicle does not exceed 60O pounds per inch of the tire width. Self-propelled or towed construction type equipment filted with low pressure flotation type tires (15" or largeo permitted 700 pounds per inch ol tire width to a maximum of 36,000 pounds single axle.or 43,000 pounds tandem axle. 2. PERMITTEO WEIGHT The gross weight ol a vehicle or combination ol vehicles where the distance between the f irst and last axles ol the vehicle or combinalion ol vehiclesismorelhan18leetshallnotexceedthatdeterminedbytheformulaW=-x(L+40)whereinWequalsthegroSsweight in pounds and L equals the distance in feet between said axles. The gross weight of any group of axles spaced 18 leet or less apart ot any vehi- cleorcombinationofvehiclesoperatedunderthispermitshallnolexceedthatdeterminedbytheformulaW=-x(L+40).lnno case shall the gross weight exceed: 1.Vehicleorcombinationolvehicles-;2.lndividualaxle-;3'Tandemaxles-orlhesumolthe permissible axle, tandem axle, or group of axles' weights, whichever is less. ln a combination ol vehicles other than a truck-tractor and semi-trailer,.excess weight may be allQwed on the towing or lowed vehicle bul not both, providing the gross weight of the combination of vehicles does not exceed the statutory table of weights or as aulhorized by ORS 483.52s. 3. BRIDGES Whenever a movement authorized by this permit has any axle weight in excess of 21,500 pounds and/or tandem axle weight in excess of 43,000 pounds and/or combination ot vehicle gross weight in excess of 96,000: A. Movement shall not exceed 25 MPH on any bridge or structu re. OREGON TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION By Engineer B. Movement shall not exceed 5 MPH on any bridge or structure. Movement shall cross bridge or slructure by traveling along bridge centerline and all traffic shall be held by flagman-escort until TITLE:r?/X, : . .t)'./rz-z.t--- mmovement has completed crossing of bridge or structure COUNTERSIGNED BY //tt *PUC REPORTING REOUIREMENTS: report all trips that exceed 80,000 pounds at the actual weight of the trip. Adequate records must be maintained for all trips. For more information call PUC at 378-6655. , F6R[,71a.?,qlylln.aEllli.lQTDll^Tl^I\lcnriNfl]\lllEh^NaEVEacE,L3ia.,:...:ii1:1:::a!}J- tr tr T QEEtr ABar""o E tr tr -,6,\\ oEe4ta^ o* afr='z^ 1 /4='4'ry"rodf HTGHWAy orvrsroN STP PROVISIONS CONCERNING MOVEMENT ALONG AND/OR ACROSS THE H|GHWAY The followi provisions are attached to and made a part of special permit Number Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 8 of the Special Permit to which these provisions are attached, the actual movement of the building or structure over the described section(s)of state highway shall not be made on Saturday. upon it.b4/r1 and 1 2. The entire movement of the building or structure wherein it occupies the right of way of the state highway shall be completed within a period of from the time it enters Movement shall be made between the hours of doul.tr)*7---T 3. Unless othenarise indicated, the highway shallnot be blocked from generalpublic use at any time, and, during the progress of the movement, two-way traffic shall be maintained by the aid of flagmen herein specified. The building or structure shall be moved along the extreme right-hand side of the highway permitting the free passage of traffic while the movement is in progress by the aid of flagmen and approved traffic direction signs. 4. When crossing the highway, two flagmen equipped with hand stop signs shall be provided to direct and safeguard traffic. The flagmen shall be stationed on the highway 300 feet in each direction from the crossing. lt shall be the duty of each to flag, stop and hold all approaching traffic until the movement has cleared the highway at the point of crossing. 5. All expense for signs and traffic control furnished by the State Highway Division shall be paid for by the permittee and said payment shall be made within ten days following submission to said permittee of a statement of such expense by the State Highway Division. 6. The Permittee shall assume full responsibility for providing sufficient overhead clearance of telephone and power wires and for other overhead structures not under the jurisdiction of the State Highway Division that might interfere with the uninterrupted movement of said building or structure throughout the entire movement or while crossing. The Permittee hereby guarantees to provide such unimpaired clearances before commencing the movement over or across the State Highway. All expenses relative thereto shall be paid by the Permittee. 7. lt is strictly forbidden to cut or trim trees or shrubs growing on the highway right of way unless specifically endorsed herein. 8. No building or structure shall be moved onto the highway right of way until all conditions specified herein have been satisfied and authority to proceed has been granted by the local respresentative of the State Highway Engineer. 9. The Permittee shallgive timely notice of the move to the local Fire Department having jurisdiction in the area of the move. 10. This permit is null and void for non-compliance with any of the terms, conditions or descriptions herein. 734-2005 (9-84)