HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-03-14Date t#-' RESIIJ*,{TlAL" APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfteld, )regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFIELD { GenetaL ELeetrieal Cona!?uct'ion_Lender Reati-norl Tn cn oafi.ao c It ia the responsibility of the petnrtt hollet to see that aLL inspectiota oe node at the prope! tine, ty',at each addrese is t'eqCqhi..e fron the at"eet, and tlu.t the pa wit catd is Located at the froat of tlle wope?t'u -*Suitding D.iuiclot approu*ed pt-an shcT-L xemain on tlp Bunlding S"ite bt aLL' tihes." PR)CEDUPE-FoR INSPEC?I1U R91WST:CALL726-3769(reeorder) state Aou" City Cesignated job nwnber, job aCitess, type of inspec=icn requested and ahen 91ou uiLL be readg fot, ir.spection, Contractcts o! Oumeys twne cnd piane nunber,. Pequests teeeii:ed befcre 7:00 antiLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equelts mcde after ?:00 on t[LL be nade the nert.eorking day. 8So a 4YIour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs Job Locaticn:7 Aesessors Map #l1D33lo3\ ,', Ld# 0nt6) Subdioision: \n /l Phone: 74 6 -aqE{ Ottuet,: Addzess: -ftplll, Ck zip: QzqzzCity /&vZ )ffi':"fu"uq -/ u -4*-/dl /tt o Neu [t Le Hone Date of App Licatian ,"Lr"-l Ad.diticn RenoCel l4echarical Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPECTI)N: To be made aftez, eccansation, but pt"iot, tc set up of fonns. Ill f arL? r)N 1va?0R B.4gglER illsplCrr)N :DE\,!OLITIA!] OR :.10W) BUILDI:iCS?o be nade aft.er aLL insulaticn a:"d. z,equired oapor batz,iers @e in place but before ary Lath, Wpswn boa.yC oy tnLL coueying is applied, and. before oty iraulation is eoncealed. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRTCAL & WClttllICAL: To be made before angwrk is couet,ed. FC)TINC & F)UNDATICN: Io be;Fer trmes are -ezcauated forns are erected, but prior pour-Lng ccncrete. UND1BCROAIID PLUMEING, SXW?, DRYWALL fNSPEC?I)N: ?c be nade.,_.after aLL CryuaLL is in place, but pnior to any taping. I,\ASONRI: SteeL Loeation, bond beans, grouting or uerticals in accotdotce ?,tith U.B.C. Section 2415. After installation is CURB & APPROACT] APP,ON:After fonnsue ereeteC but prior to pouring eoncz,ete. SIDEWALK & DRT'"WAI: Fot, aLL con-c"et; pau@ffi ett,eet night-of-txy, to be maCe after aLL exca- oating conplete & forn utork & sttb- base material in place. Scni,taty saser capped et propar4i L'lne Septic tank pmped ad filled uith gra.;el Final - I{hen abctse 'Ltens are cctaleted and uhen Cereclition is cornplete or etn*- ture noued and pretrLses cleaned up. I'lobile Hcnes Blocking otd, Set-;tp Pltonbing connectiora -- sa)e? od. ualer Electrical Connection - Bloekirq, set-uc and plunbing connections mtst be qtpz,cued. befote requeeting eleelrtcal inspecliol Aeeessory- BuilCnng Piral - After pctehes, skirting, deel<.s,etc. ane completed. naCe and to yllE,c,I To be matie@oi of flooz, insulctian or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade ptiot, toinstallatian of floot, insulation or decking. ROUGH PLA,IBIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be co.*et,edttlttil these irtspeetions haue been mad.e and. apptooeC. FfPEPI,ACE: Pr"ior to placirg facingmaterials and. before franing inspee-tion. ?RAM!9: l4ust be requested after approoal of rough plunbing, electti-eal & neclnnical. AL! r,oofing bracing & ehittmegs, etc. mtst be . eontpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be corl- . cealed until this inspection lns'been mode anC approoed. - T@-Tiinehee. UIIDERELOOR PLUIIBING & MECI]ANICAL : ?NIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ?ENCE: h4ten eonplete -- ProtsiCe gates ot, mooable sections through P,A.E. eet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conpletion of tie l,andsceping' ete., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUfLDINC FIIIAL ean be tequested.IIr ALL pnoj, required --i I I n Pr-NAL BarLDrNc: The Final Build,ing rnspeetion rrust be requested. aftet, the Final plunbing \J Electrical, a'nd Mecltarical fnspectiona haue been made and-approoeC. *ALL M|:.!:iFIILES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTI{EIII ?O BE I.LADE I1.T NO C1ST TO CTY ry W tr r JOB N *soLAR I Ess REQ.-L-CO BeCroons: Lot Faces - Setbaeks lleat DT House Caraqe Access.Iiatet lleatet,North Range East Fireplace South Woodstot;e % of Lot Couenage_ LCT TWEIot Sq. Ftg, fnterior Cor.ne" Panlwnd.Le Cul-de-sac # of Stories ?otal Eeight Topogrqhy West -- Fees -- ITEM FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the eip"ess condition tlnt the said eonstruetioltslwll, in all rbspects, conform to the Ordirnnce adopte,T bg the City of Springfield, incl,uding the Zoning Cvdinance, r'egulating the ecnsttacticn ond use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or rettokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said Ordir,ances. rOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r Building Pemrit State Date Paad-: ?otal Clnrges NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pe"son slnll consttwct, instal!., altet' or clan4e anA neu cr exi,sting plutnbittg or drainage sAstqn in uhole or in part, unless such pet,son is tlte Legal possessor of a oaLid plwnber,'s Lieense, eteept tlnt a pe?son nay do plw-,bing aork to property uhich is ottned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Ei.ctutes Sanzi Saner Plwnbing Perrrit 9tate 1 Electricol Permit Where State Lan requiz,es tl"a.t the electrical work be done by an ELeetyieal Contractor, the electrtcal portion of this permit slnll not be ualil unti.L the Label lns been sigzed by the Eleetu"tcal Cont?acto?. NailEfiend, Citcuits Seroice State Iotal IT9M NC FEE t" llAtlu L o Mechonicol Permit khanet Hood llcodstole Vent Fot PermLt Iseu.fltce MeclnnicaL Perrtt -- ENCROACEMENT -- Sectritu Deposit Storaqe l,laintettance Petwit Ctpbcut SidevtaLk Eleetrical tabe-L Mobile Home # Signed: f EAW CAREFULLy EXilLINED the eotrtpleted application for pentrit, cnd. do hez,eby cettifg tlnt aLL infotrnation hereon is ttue and. correct, od I furtker certify that any ard. aLL uork perforned slall be done it aecot- dance tlth the ordinurces of the City of Spr"Lngfield' atd. the Lane of the State of Oregon pertaining to the aotk Ceseribed herein, c'nd that N0 )CCU- PANCY mLLL be nad.e of any stractuve uithout perrnission of the Building DL' uision. f fw,ther eertifE that only cont?actors ad enplcyees uho ate in cottpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pt'oiect PLan Eraniner Date ?otaL TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:1 Signed Date Residential (1 bath) hraffi.c P?11'S //.# Penee /