HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1979-12-31PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTER I4r. Charl es F. Larson 261 East 12th Street Eugene,Oregon 97401 Dear Mr. Larson: As a result of Marshal's offi field Building Springfield, Oregon. No ventilation is prov'ided in the bathroom. There is no glass in the dining room wjndow. /nb CIItrY C)}.' SPH,INGIFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 December 31, 1979 il 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 a conrplaint from the tenant and also by request of the Fire ..,-i hors.ing inspection was recently conducted U.y lhg Spring- Divis'ion of the structure located at 725 North 17th Street' Numerous v.iolatjons of the Uniform Housing Code and the Nat'ional Electrica'l 6a; ii-adoptea OV tne City of Springfield.exist'in the structure. The iollowing list of items are some of the primary violations: 1. The bedroom has no operable window for means of egress and.ventjlat'ion. At least one operablb window with a rninimum net clear-opening of 4. square feet witf, no dinrension less than 22 inches. shall be required. Z. Extensive water damage ex'ists jn the exterior walls, floor supports and jo'ists. 3. The dwelling unit above the garage'is of substandard construction and design, whiih constitutes haiardous condjtions for fire, health and ljfe safety. a. The upper dwelling unit may not ex'it jnto the garage. b. The dwelling unit must be separated from the garage area wlth a protecti ve f i re-res'i sti ve materi al . c. Floor and roof supports are of jnsuffic'ient s'ize to carry imposed loads with safetY. 4. Every dwelling unit must be provided with heat'ing faciljties capable of majntainjng a room temperature of 70u at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. 5 6 l-7- ?0 ''7f2 u--z-<- Ar4/-frs,,e're r<,/4/ Certified Letter Page 2. 7. The electr.ical service has deteriorated from the weather and w'ill require replacement with approved raint'ight equipment' B. Altered wjring must be removed, or properly installed. See 701 (b) from housing code below. * 9. Defective receptacles and sw'itches must be repaired. All electr.ical work must be performed by a licensed electrical contractor. The structure must either be demolished or repaired/rebu'ilt in-conformance with the Uniform Britoing Code as adopted by the City of.Springfield. Permits for either demol.ilion or"repa'ir must be purchased. Perm'its may be obtained at the Department of Public Works, 346 Main Street' please d.irect all'inqu'iries to the Springfield Building D'ivision at 726-3753. Si ncerely, tr** a'7UG/4 Foa J1tr*Y iloPnl;'o"t Sa1 1y Johnson Buildjng Inspector cc: *Sect'ion 701 (b) reads as follows: SUCP Puent, Building InsPector d B. Clark, Superintendent of Bui1ding h Leahy, Assistant CitY AttorneY Dave Ronal Jo sep Every habitable room shall contain- at least two supplied electric con- venience outlets or one such conven- ience outlet and one suppf ied electric light fixture. EverY water closet compartment, bathroom, laundry room' furnace room, and Public hallwaY shall contain at least one supplied electric 1 i ght fixture. g Lof-e. ' '-t 8+w b0 clTY OF SPRTNGFTELD' oREGoN Public lJotks JOB S BUILDING DEPARTMENT ?N-11 Inspectorrs l"lemo TO ( Phone 747-4221 INSPECTOR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Public Works frne ,?erc/a / erf e/er/r,r.7l'o*4 Inspectorts l"lemo / BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW-11fr,,in'fe efr'"*) JOB S DATE t2 .- 4Zo W, /2 lI t 'kt'lp/ INSPECTOR /,'rzrl Jool 6r Vznil t)/.ffi"i*il/*-,/J4 zlrf ,fu (34't-;4%2," /&/?/t)*<- Zh Flz ,,*L d. -/."ry\-/ i {( li ll ::,'$ ;Iitiit: Il i.$ ;1 lii! TT . ,+; ,n rr:! r 'i: i',:,. r:. -:i,.r i;" t;l:. : rif; , .:!::, ::1,, i CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Public Works ,Yd t.t/ a / /r,rr/ ue/[/, ipec tor 's M"*o / BUILDING DEPARTMENT PW-11.-" frt< ( 2.t,e.rf ebc Ins Dreeefrr'.) JOB ESS DA /2 q20 /2 IT t' {AeJ,bthtt 'cr( JoyG) flnc/r,ca /Laegro,tl l'ieq <,,f f a,J' INSPECTOR , I ft.--t--t.t'-.'t'f t J lrr, tv!RING tXSTALLER AE)ORESS OF INSTALLAYIO}l /*/7 '/Z_/7? TYPE OF STRUCTURE er,e-. J 14.-c\t4t € f T t n,7; .;\ a'4"( 'a; rz P/a'it---n t Etectricat trnspscrion Heport ( /7! -^-.- o.i1-J1,, 726-3753 ) AE)O R ESS 47 At)c,RESS CITY OR rOwll LABEL NO USEE}HEIGHT </o^,.f1/t'i1: WIRING MET'.OO: NON.METALLTC SHEATHEO CAALE f] ^",O"O CABLE [-I 'ON..O'', FI PowER CO. OWNER crT oR TOWH)CHANGES OROEREc, tr+t b /3 U /a- d , \,'(" /<u ., -tr-r '-t . L. !;T'tt ft.n .1 e t t(6 c*s4l '"('c ('4 / c<t ,'- 5'. -ta v 7c.? '$i<-&- aa' U *n'{J, " Is"y'r. c e.+l 3 c- v?e '%' -14 L) P. AIrER'n+ *pfER ,nf czt/ t -+t 57" ff /o.'^c ,j J,Jc. /i J tr,f,S -/ -a,t T- 1L LL, I , 1 I <-htq1 ht\t a+L(\L Io -i e /urlr,1-P \r rU. l- e r',t od + r:- I --.tv4 ft t,t, 4 O A'z^4 Tut,ficce c2C Ia114 ( (- f[, .run-r-, 09 r Q* /" c-ql'.2 n.I v d. I Il -11 ,)K.SEWARD ,/fua,tIFTE DI oq R, /o .- r"fe- o "tT'l e Ts lAn f a-d€crv € 7 e/c /qtS,{&+ {ffil + <er-alZl4 -,c/ tve' : C( t'i itL ClL 9 /t 4 .1 n( I -Pln .-Y-- .//,'f s i.-r k' ",, -{ e .< , r.r txtrEc?ora C*Py of O-t't//oYa (-l&s cov€e FIT-,AL €ier/7 t);t ACCOMPANIEO 6Y J ' R' 'il\* tfe s (' ''^ I ' -.5 - -1r ( '. :_'. - | .'t { //7 72+74'/% ;* Fv fu=7+z/a- fru 4Z {4uV,-u- V7* -/ 4. A-r4 -/fl,,-/1g-*r^-. @ )z/a?* /fu o *zt (,{) W&6i+y. A-fu///L .-H/€1/t.Yvf1/fu A""rL#M NeJ -a n/ )rLOc,/u4.Lr-rtailz 4/U+?14r 444€M Etectricat trnspeorion Heport (*ull-Jlru 726-3753 WIF.ING INSYALLER AOORESS ,J CI'Y OR TOWNI YO .r0w "^r. l,t',/f-,7f AOOrlE5S OF IHST ,LLAT'ON TYPE OF STRUCTURE OWNER CHANGES OROEREO LABEL NO USEO HEIGHT wlRlHG METHoo: NoN-MErALLlc sHE,rTHEo cABLE W**o..o cABLE [-l aon o,r,r Fl POWER CO AE,E)RESS ,l v t t Ac W,? ( dful '' 'J' ,'ra' ^ ;(,r'r { fu ( it{SPECTOR ACCOMPANIEO AY ( ,E,s )",.rt I I I , PaTe 2 Electricat trnspecrion Heport *.il-ll,t 726-3753 WIRIHG IHSTALLER ADORESS lcrTY OR rowx; AOORESS OF INSTA'LLATION LABEL NO TYPE OF SYRUCTURE - USEE,HEIGHY-... o^?E wlFllNG METHoo: Nol{'MEtALLlc SHEATHEO CABLE E ^*ro"=o cABLE n aon or,r D - powER co OWNER AOE) RESS (crrY oR rowxJ CHANGgS OROEREO t t t t COVER lxSPtcToR ft,)21*6rrt, FINAL ACCOMPANIEO BYO.u).'!,-a-Y/ ) ( , (., I CIE-:T C)F SPF,I\TGFIEI-]D PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTER I,lr. Charles F. Larson 261 East 12th Street Eugene,0regon 97401 Dear l4r. Larson: SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 December 31, 1979 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 As a result of a complaint from the tenant and also by request of the FireMarshal's officg:9 housi!g inspection was recently conducted by the Spring-field Qyil9ing Div'ision of the structure located ai tzs North 17th Street,"Springfield,Oregon. Numerous violations of the Uniform Housing Code and the National Electrical 9o99 u: adopted by the City of Springfieli exist in the structure. Thefollowing list of items are some'of irre primary violatjons: 1' The bedroom has no.operable window for means of egress and ventilation.At least one operable window with a rninjmum net cieii-op.ning of 4square feet with no dinrension less than 22 inches. shal i' be r"equired. 2' Extensive water damage exists in the exterior walls, floor supportsand joists. 3' The dwelling un'it above the garage is of substandard construction anddesign, which constitutes hazard5us condiiion, for f.ire, health and lifesa fety. a' The upper dwering unit may not exit into the garage. b. The dwerling unit must be separated from the garage areawjth a protective fi.._..ri;lir; material. c. Froor and roof suoports are of insufficient size to carryimposed loads w.ith'safety. - - 4' Every dwelling unit must be provided wi!h heating facilities capabTeof maintaining a room temperitur. oi ;'d"u; a point 3 feet above theftoor in at I [abitab]e -;il;r. 5. IVo ventf Jation is provided in the bathroom.6. fhere rs no glass in the dining room window. Certified Letter Page 2. 7. The electrical service has deterjorated from the weather and will require replacement wjth approved raintight equipment. 8. Altered w.iring must be removed, or properly installed. See 701'(b) from housing code below. * 9. Defectjve receptacles and switches must be repaired. All electrjcal work must be performed by a licensed electrica1 contractor. The structure must either be demol'ished or repaired/rebuilt jn conformance with the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Perm'its for either demolition or repair must be purchased. Permits may be obta'ined at the Department of Public l,Jorks, 346 Main Street. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfieid Building Divjsion at 726-3753. Si ncerely, tr** u'ru/q Foe fuLe'." ,/ot''o" Sa1 1y Johnson Bui I d'ing Inspector cc Dave Ronal Jo sep Puent, Building insPector d B. Clark, Superintendent of Building h Leahy, Ass'istant CitY AttorneY * SJ/ cp Sectjon 701 (b) reads as follows:Every habitable room shall conta'in at Ieast two supplied electric con- ven'ience outlets or one such conven- ience outlet and one supplied electric 1 i ght fj xture. Every water ,cl oset coilpartment, bathroom, laundry room' furnace room, and pubf ic ha'l1way shall contain at least one supplied electric light fixture'