HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-28..RESIDENTIAL.. Zzs North stlt streeaPPLrcAT r,N /PERMrr Sprin4field, 1regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D ?e Lot #rJob Locaticn: Assessore |,!q ll Subdi:t')sion: Ga,l NiibschmunC.net: ,?4 r/ .\. ) ,1nd ,Phone: '1L\1-bf q<Addtc-ss: S-,*A4d QtQ-ttCity:vu Desq.ibe !'lorl<: *"nlar Date of Applica 30c ?o :ls,) tl Val-ue AdCiticn RenoCeL Lisc. Iconttecf,ots Addtesa Esaires Pltoni Genetal ELectrical 14eciwr:iecL DEINLIIIO!! CP Sanitey aaser cqped ct Wogetti Lite Septic tank g.ir.zed atd fnllzd vtth gra::ei Fincl - i,llten &cue itens ee eqwleted. ei '.shen derrcltiiott ie corqlete br si-tc-ttse nouol, au pre*tses eleaned up. ilcnes tsLocking od. Sat-up PltnbinX cowrcczioae -- scrre? otC aater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking" set-ui and. pltntb'ing connections rrust be apprcu-eC before requeating electieal itsoec:zot: Acceseory BuilCing tcrekes, skirtitg, Cec?s,Pittal - After etc. @e ccno -JL2 I Ol Z I-t ia the respotzaibi_Lity oi-the petmit itol.d.et to see:r@t aL! incpectiorc @e nad.e at.-he proper +.ime, that r""7 -.])reas is ten;ab':e froar tha st?eet, crd tllat the p*rrit eal, ie L,xated at the frcnt'of tl,e D?oDe?tu.a9uiair4 Ditti:io- cvproteti p?bt sir,il reaain on tle Bualding site'at aLL' tihes.' PP)cgDaPq F04 IysPE*ICit ,E!3!-EST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state gour City ,lesigr,.zted job ntz;;ber, job aCtuess, type of inspec2icnr.equested at':d, a|.en Eou'rtLL be ready for i*pection, cotttact"n, ,l auze:s naneL"a pto"" nunbet, -p."qre""" relei:;Zd bLrcre'z:00 ,a'-ILL be natie the san;e dcy, "eque6ts ncde aftet ?:00 ott urill be nuCe the nzt.,b"kid dzi. 83?l?b Conein elicn_Lander FilAL PLA\EI:IG FI:IAL i{EiAilICAL L'tttAL atiu.itL;L To be nnCe afterpricr tc set u? of Iour Citg Desigra.ted Jab Mnbet Is: IIISULA?IO N /VAPA 3 3 ARP.I?I, IIBPICTIAil : ?o be nad.e after aLL insuktion e/i rcqu:-red uqor bar-ie?s @e in placehtt before oty lath, Wpsn boarC or rnLL couering is qpli,ed, and, beforeotg insuTatian is concealed. DRY'IALL illSPlClICll: Tc be nadeaftet aLL d4,.nLL is in pla,ce, but pri.or to ary taVin4. tlASOtrPl: Steel Location, bor1d. beons, gzouting ot Detticcls in oceo dance vLth U.B,C. Section 2415. 'l00DS?0'li: After irctal1ation ie ettpleted. t - STT! I!ISP9C!fi\!: | | ezcatction, but JCrrnS. I I I AND|RSLAB ?!L'!,131,IIG, ZLZCIPTU!, 1 WCE!;IICAL: 7o be nwie beiore anytntk is eooered. FCj?INC 1 rcAIDA?ICN: ?o be na.Ce - ai-tet trcnc;les are esccuated and, for.rns ate e?ected, but prior topourirq ccncret€. UND'ACPONID ?LIJM9T]IC, SE''€P.'I,1TER, DFA|IIAGE: lo be raie pr)or to ;'iL-Lirg '.rencies, UIIDEP.FLOO R PLIJI,,IB IJ G 1 WC1,A,III C ;L :Io be na<ie pricr to irzstaliation of floor inatktioa, or decking. ?)ST AND BEAq,l: To be naie prJor toinstallatiaa of f1.oor insul,a,tiori or decking. 3,OI]GI! ?'UEI:IC, ?LZC?PICAL I :,ITC1- ANICAL: llo '.sork is ao ce eoueteciut:ttl these inscectiors h,aue beer nwC.e ad. ry?"o,r'ea. FI?1P\ACZ: Non '.o pkcir4 lcsLngnc3e*iala and. befote froning inspee-tioz- IRA-||MC: Ltust ie rea.tested afler @,1 of rcugit plttrbing, eiectri-a,L I nechanical. ALt toofinT brac-tq E ehismrcgs, etc. rrtsc beanpLeted. :!o ,cr< is to be con- - ceitea until this inspecflcn haa 'been noCe anC cppto"*ed. X SIDWALK d 1R!,,Tn.a.!: Eot aLL can- ctete pauirq uithtn st?eet dght- of-,xA, '.o be naCe aftet all, esca- uating s*tplete t ;'ont wrk & sub- inse ncter)al in plaee. CURB & APPRCACI] ,4?.OCN,a,;TtecEA@ conc?ete. ,lif ^n.gates Dlrn Aftet formsto pcuring tlhen complate -- ProuiCe ot nottable secti.otts throu.gh ALL g,oiect ca.di;ions, such as the "-\nsxalZation of s!"eet c?ees, ca::eLexion o;- tine requircd i.attdsccgir.g, €tc., nast be satisJ'ied beiore the tsUILDING illlAL een be reqttested. ?filAL ilfLDMG: The Pinal Buildtry fnsoection nuet be requesteC clter the linal Pr-w.bin? Eleccrieal, otC l,leclnriczl insoeet:.cfls rlaDe been nade atd cpproueC. 'ALL i.tAtlllCLES AND CLSANCUTS ltUS! 8E .!.CC\S3!318, ADiUST:'!I?! ?0 3S l.!4DE !t! !:0 ::57 ?C CEy o aL YrrLS*nCuj T u )---, L-CO G* D-+- D-"'). Receipt # Plumbing Permit No person sinll ccns'itttet, instal!, a'!-ter ot ciurqe cnA r.ea ct esis..ing plunbin4 or drainage sAstal in uhole or in part, ur:,Leas such person is th,e Legal possessor of a ualid plunber's License, escept th.at a pe:son nag do pktbing uork to propert! ahich is otmed, Leased or ogerated by the appli- edtt. Mechqnicol Permit JOB NO bt Sq. F+4. I cf l-ct Cc.tencge ! of Stortes iotal latght ?opogrqity f ,.6 FWe _ lnter.icr _ Cordet _ Paniuntile Cul-de-sac a, soLAR ^ccEss REQ.- ?lunbing Petri.t Pernit fssu,anca lechanic=L Fetrn: -- i;lcP.2AC:1:.!t::? -- P Lcn Eianl-net L I HAW CAR9IULLy ?X$UilSD the contpleted qplication for perrni;, arui do hereby certify that aLL itifotnation het,eon is ttue anC ccrrect, otC I fatthe" certify that ang arl aLL uark perfotned slall be dote in accct,- dance'.tith the 1rdinsnces of the city of Spn)r.gfield, anC rhe Laas of the Stdte of 1regcn per-.aintng to the wrk Cescribed heretn, cnd ;iu.c :'lO SCCI- P.tllc:l trill be ns,Ce of a7!A st'tuctu"2 uithout permissiol cJ't'ne 3uiiding Di-oision. f ftuthen certif',i th.et otly eontl,actors a'd. azplayees uha cte iit conpliance wtth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this y,oject Sid.e,talk b,0 4t-8a 'Ccilst 3ecroorts i,ot Faces -lr.era,t Sout,ees leai ilouse Cdxaqe Access Vater !ectatllo"th FireoLcce South '/,/aodsioDe l,lest Building Volue & Permit This perTtr:.t ic grcnted on the eupress cond.ition tha.t the saii-eonsttwction siw.Ll, in all v.esoects, eonicrn to the CrCinance cdoctei'sy the Ci'"y oi Sor.ng,'ielC, incLuding lhe Zoning Crdincnee, regulcting ;he ccnstrteticn and use of buz.Liings, arui nay be susoend.ed. or rettckei at cry tine uVon uic- Laticn of zny prcuis,-ons of aaiC Crdirances, 4an.f irafrt? ::5..{ I7:y s.D.c. 1.5 - {e ,.,.'1).'-- )-*'+ lotal Clz:gea Resil.zntta.L (1 bcth) Scnitar,l Seuer 'icte:, Electricol Permit l,lhere Stnte Lan requires that the electt ical wrk be Ccne bg an lleetrieal Cont"actor, the electrical portion of thie penit sltall tot be oalil unti,L the Label las been signed by the Electr.Jcal contvacto?, :l a,t / Ect end Cire"ti t s Sensica ,:IC F'urz,=ce 3!U'S *hatat HooC Vent ?a Tcodsto;se I /5 oo ,(oO /9 bo Stcr:.ce ,',lc.intedcrce Pc*it '*tbet! ?3TAL -",!CUi,]? JUI:'$r 1 I Yobile i!trje s Setbaeks !En:e SP,IINGFIELD CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Springlield Centennial year April 29, 1985 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. G. Iliiblschnan 344 South 72nd Street Sprlngfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Hiibschman: The Springfield Bui'lding Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended or abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the perm'it will automatica'l 1y expi re. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the origina'l plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advisethis office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (tO) Oays from the date of this letter. Please direct aIl inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. si cer.e1y, 0- Li sa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprinsfield, Oresor. 97477 o 5O3/726-37Os JOB ADDRESS: 489 North 16th Street JOB #: 832186 I,.AST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: October 9, 1984 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURREMT STATUS OF PERIIIIT: VALID: However, your permit will expire on rf you wish to request an -extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. xx EXPIRED: Your permit expired on April 9, 1985 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must beapplied for. * *If the, l'^qrpired" box, above, is checked and we do not hear from %ti"n (10j days from the date of this tetter),files of at1 related information with regard to the permit. you by we wi 11 clear our =-!c- SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Ma::ch 30, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Mn. Hiibschman 344 South 72nd St::eet Spningfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. Hiibschman: The Spningfield Building Code Administ::ative Code requires that, in orden for a penmit to::emain vatid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the permit. If work is suspended on abandoned duning the counse of construction for^ a per"iod exceeding 180 days, the per"mit wil-I automatically expi::e. If a penmit has expined and suspension and/on abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a per^mit to start or resume wor"k may be pu::chased for" one half the fee nequined for a comparable new permit, pr:ovided that no changes have been made in the oniginal plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expi::ed and a pe::mit holder anticipates the need fon more time to begin const::uction wonk, the Supenintendent of Building may choose to gr:ant a one time extension of the per"mit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder: of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most necent information in our necor"ds with regard to const::uction activity associated with your^ pe::mit. Please advise this office of your intentions with regand to the penmit by ten (10) days from the date of this letten. Please di::ect alJ. inqui.res to the Sp::ingfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Sincenely , Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division attachment ch 503/726-3753225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 JOB ADDRESS: 489 Nonth 16th St::eet LAST ACTIVITY DATE OTHER: N0 INSPECTION RECORDED: xx JOB #: 832186 CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: xx VALID: However, youu penmit will expire on Apnil 29, 1gg4 If you wish to request an extension of youll permit, pleasenotify this office in writing pnior" to the above mentioned. date. EXPIRED: You:: permit expired on If you plan to stant on resume wor.k on the pnoject, penmit must be applied for.a new :llf the rrexpiredft box,above, is checked and we do not hear fnom you by(ten [fO] aays from the d.ate of this letter), we will clean our fil-es of all nelated information with r.egand to the penmit. ch HOUSING INSPEC iON APPLICA'TION EX I STING I]U I LDINGS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUI LDING DEPARTNIITI'JT DArE: j-7- Sc1 JOB ADDRESS: ? 87 /. /6 NUI\IBER OF UNITS = / OIVNER:/2,Lo //ADDRIISS ? y.s 2' -""7 z! APPLI CAN'| :J'cl tz c ADDRESS: FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONII NUI\{BER -7r. A $20.00 INSPECTI0N FEE IS RL..QUIRED AT TtiE ]'IIUE OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORI'I }.IUST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF TIIE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. 3=?e,,-nO n 4D fll IJ7 --:- PER FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Datc of Inspection:Date of Cert. of Compliance Receipt NumberDate of Report REII1ARKS: HOUSING INSPEC'IION APPLICATION EXISTING BUILD]NGS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUI LDING DEPARTI\IENT DArE: j^Z- Sa JOB ADDITESS: , 8? //'/6 NUI\IBER OF UNITS: OIVNER 7rr,tr;rt*ADDRESS:?t 2';"Jz! APPLI CANT ;ic/ t', c ADDRESS: FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY _ TELEPHONE NUT{BER 7;/" -7 fi'7 3-?G:"r> O bo\ o PERTY FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Inspection: Date of Report: Date of Cert. of Compliance Receipt Number: F.er' d-r. nr/ l- P,", €e,,t, n2 z0 / - Srara, + bhuoPeu. I---, 4r,'1 J \ lrtJ/uoi s, s fa,r*o .Tut -' 3 * Wcto o S-ln< - --Ttc.ee rqz fra or eo*o //r. D i^a -?a, sz-az, 1. L Cfro*.. 00,, n p.z. ? S te o Ra tr /rr 6rq en ,e /oar-/t^t,q. 6ruorr-,rn (/Entnr /zl^lr rtcr* REN'[A.RKS: / / ," rot, g" ,y'ez (rrl ? r, ,*lt^1. ,?l U flnrtoQau ?o" lro Jy'lfur f4lraq No,tt^td - //t' 0or G /' 4e ,rno 8o *t, t nP t('vrrt P4 rr.u 4nte, ' I ) ua'e\ A $20.00 INSPECTIoN FEE IS RHQUTRED AT TrrE lrllE oF AppLrcATIoN. THIS APPLICATION FORM I\{UST BE SIGNED BY THE OWNER OF TIIE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. -, PUBLIC WORKS b) c) d) CIIrY OF SPF,IhTGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 9'7 477 April 1, 1980 346 MAIN STR EET 726-3753 Mr. Dan Jenkinson \89 North 15ttr Street Springfield., Oregon 9T\77 Dear Mr. Jenkinson: At your request, the Build.ing Dlvision of the city of springfield' made a housing inspecti-on on ldarch 26, 1980, at )+89 North 15th Street, Springfield, Oregon' The folloving items must be installed., repaired' or replaced' to conform vith the uniform Housing code as adopted by the city of springfield: 1) Every dvelling unit'and quest room shall be provid.ed vith.heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of ]O"F at a point 3 feet above the floor in al]- habitable rooms. Z) Windovs in tiarooms shafl be made to open freely to provi-d'e necessary venti- lation and- means of egress. o 3) The rise of every step in a stairvay shal] not exceea B' incfres and the run sha11 not be less that ! inches. The largest tread vid.th or riser height vithin any ftight of stairs shall not exceed. the smallest by more than !q inch' l+) The wood stove installation does not conform to approved' code criteria for these reasons: a) A 1 inch air space is required betveen non-combustible val1 and interior wa11. Opening in back of chimney must be cemented closed'' No outside combustion ai-r. e) chimney clearance to combustibte material shall not be less than 2 inches vhen chimney is built entirely vithin a structure' Hearths shall- extend at least 15 inches from the front of, and at least B inche! beyond each side. Hearth extensions shal] be not less tahn 3/8 incir thj.ck of asbestos, concrete, hollov meta], stone ti1e, or other approved' non-combustible material. 5) Carport 1ine. shed roof on garage extends beyond requir-.r setbacks on south property Mr. Dan Jenkinson Page 2. 6) T) 8) e) 10) 11) r.2) 13) The pressure refief valve d.rain shall- be extend.ed to outsid.e of structure. Install all branch circuits from approved. service panel or from approved. sub-paneI Install proper size branch circuits and over current circuit protection. Remove 3 prong receptacles from 2 wire ungrounded branch circuits. Remove the non-metaflic sheathed cable which has been improperly installed'. SeaI unused knockout holes in boxes and put on approved covers vhere required.. Replace broken electric range receptacle. Secure wires and. cabtes and install running board.s vhere necessary for wire proteetion.' A11 necessary permits shalt be obtained. before work starts and. all work shall be accomplished. accord.ing to applicable eodes and inspected. before a Certifieate of Complianee will be issued If there are any questions, please contact the Springfield. Build.ing Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, O (\\-**.\J Q,.*JF Dave Puent Building Inspector DPlIj