HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-08-07INSPECIION TINE 72*7769 DESIGN T€AM CIIY OF SPRINGTIETD COi\IBINAIICN APPI.ICAIION / PENMII (oddrerr) INFORMAIION LINE 726^7753 ce b s\s no.)no.)r)(aomc)o2S De rcrio tion .t T-dA Sq. t19. Othrr )LNew-ldd -Alter -ReP' --lt.^.. -Dt-o-Chongal U re E't-tJc.- -Other A Itoched '"#w,ru EFi.F<- b"..tibe Work (i.c., Suild Single Woler Haoler ENEROY SOURCES: Heol Building Permit Reriden Ro Sq. ftg. Accerr. 5q. FlE. Moin Addrarr Phone 3Ea Addrcrr Phona ETECTRICAL HANo. IFEE firrureEo ch furnoce/ burner io -ETU'T 9,s,uxReridence of -L1.01--'q. tr. Applionce vcnt !epqto teNcw circuils. ollcrotionr or exlenrionrRolocotad building (ncw fix. oddirio^ol)Stolionory evop. coo lerSERVTCES)s.oox.S.F. Rerrdcnco (l both)r@Venl fqn wilh sinqle ductld,oo 3Tcmporory ConrlruclionIDuolcx {l b"t!! C"4-Vent syrlem oport from heotinq or A.C.Ampr,Aciditionol borh ,\lechonicol exhourt hood ond ductWotcr rrrvi<c Wood rtove/ heoter/b9/ Heqi PumprEED ERSSlor,m Scwcr Air hondler lo 10.000 cFA Air hondler over 10,000 CFr,{ TOTAT CHARGES oo TOTAT CHARGES 3s,o FOR OF'ICE USE ONI.Y Sytlrmr DeveloPmenl Chorqe (1.596)Plon Cl. Comm/lnd 6596/Bldq P?r Fea Plon Cl. Rer 30'.6/Bldg Per Fes J_ BUIIDING PERI'I|T Chorgcr ond 5urchorgr r \.\AC\ fenra fotol Comb. PmirDemo PTUMBING PERMIT Chorqar ond Surchorgar {eafAet- L$aEL7.oosidevorr 2OChorgrr ond Surchorgar ELECTRICAL PERMIT /t/,/b TOTAT MECHANICAT PERA\IT Chorger ond Sur cho rg c r Curb Cut ,?{ (nomc .l I Elccrricol Me<honi<ol la MECHANICAL PTUMBING NO. 7. tsst ANcE oFfPERA\|T TOTAT CHARGES WHERE 'IAIE tAw TEOUIRES rhot tha Etadricol work br donc by th! Elcrtri(ol Conlroctoa. lhr clcclricsl portiorr of this pcrmil rholl not bc volid until q lobrl hor bra rignrd bY on Etrctricol Conttoclo, ond ohochcd tc thc clcctricol ponel- correci, ond I further of the Stote of Oregon furtherIding Divirion. I for cxemption ir notad Borir for Builde/r Boord cxcnption: *Tr t'T>-9 e F SIGNATURT TEE lv\DATE NA.r\{E (plcorc Zono fire Zonr--3-Bcdroomr Flood Ploin lygcl qon11. ? -ll gn;1,Ftg. /r\oin Ftg. Accctr ftg. Olher x Lood 5Q- Group '€-3 5a. x x -Volua TOTAI VATUATION wrf,av o l eL'2/ Amor- \'N . n-\4-8\{3Xrc.---iAQar) c,Q{ -3 s. aa /,4tt l3.so ' coMBtNAItON AppLtcATtoN, pERMtT (CAp) l. Applicont to furnish A. Job Adciresr B. Legol DercriprionI. exomole-tox lot I00, Lone County Mop Refere2. eGire-[or l. Block 3,2nd Addit'io^;;S;;;;j C. Nolffiof owner ond construction lenderD. Energy Source:l. exomole-h.ot, ql$i.=l."Lll1g /or f orced oir gcz. exo m o te-wo ter heo ter. elect.iio I z,or-To[E?-E. sq"IE tir-oge o-olrorioiffI. gxomole-.1_250 sq. foot house.500 sq. foot gororZ. ex.o.moie-if new proiect, checkilw-ii odditio.,, ioctct. e?c. F. Building permit informotion:l. exomole.construct single fomily house with on ogoroge 2. exomole-remodel existing goroge into forriily ro,3. ffi;EG-converr s;ngle fJriiiy residence iniorestouront (chonge of use)(i. Volue.of.work os {efined in Settion 303 (s) of theStrucrursl Specirik"y Code H. DESIGN TEAM AI.ID CONTRACTCRS. Tc ovoid design or construction cjeloys, Building Div. Stoff musr be ohle ro contoctopprop,riote pur.Jr,, .udesign inforrnction or iob sile corrections, etc. ll. Abbr:eviored plumbing, Mechonical & Electricol Scheduh ' A. Except where blcnk spo":es occur in the descriotion nof rhe Mechonicol onrj Electricol Scheirles,l;; ;;pi;need fill-in.only rhe No. Lloxes ocliccent ?o the opproitr;m(s) ro be instolled 8. .Full Plumbing, Mechorricol, qnd Electricol Schedules.ore ovoil,:ble or the Buildirrg Di.risionl. To conserve spoce on tlie permii.forrn the schedul,hove been obbrevioted2. lf the item(s) to be instolled ere not covered on thr. oled schecjules 7ou should consul, the fuil schedui,. C. BUITDING OIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT AI.L FEES ACHARGES ON THE SCHEDUTES lll. /rppliconr to siEn or,d dote ,1 PERMIT VALIDATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ( City Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Publie Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT . No. B 51036 r9 { Dote Add dF m I ( ived For: Amounl Received Permit Clerk -- AU'XORIZED sIGNATURE 2ilxrEis aucaxa oi 07aor lO( rdl {o, ( ( co .50 q (( t 15.tpl I PROJECT CCNDTTIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: ( Additional Proiecr lnformorion: PLANS REVIEWED BY: nclme signoture doteAr--,7-t z-y/ \ ( ( r Whenever possible. the inirio.l .opplicotion will be used os ( ",worksheer only. Where possible, building Division Sroffl . "' Z.plepore o typewrirren copy ond refurn it to the opplicont t. the time rhe oouol permii i.s issued for his ,ign"J;,. --"' 1 t lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon chcck fees ore due ond poyobre or the time of the o$ricorion,. ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore p"U. itt. other fees ond chorges qre due ond poyoble;i"; il. f..-r,it isrued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONIY INFORMAIION TINE 72L3753INSPECTION tINE 72C3r69 CIIY OF SPRINGTIETD COMSINAIION APPIICATION / PEIMlT .t T-A-T o6ea Addrerr Descri '"'"ffioru- E(5c EUG<-- Dercribs Work (i.e.,8uild Singlc -Other Fo ENERGY SOURCES E:r .€ <*Heot Wdl.r Heoler Ron Permit I Rerid Sq. Ftg. A<ce33. Sq. Ftg. Moin Addrcrr I / 5- <-aLI6<\TOC* Ph""" SESbCilZ-E €r r) C,t l= C.4-RflFG(=Conrtruclion Lendcr co {s s\s Addrcrr Phone (licr. no.)(expircr)DESIGN IEAM honeddrerr)(nomc) 6z vo>.-t3sER-v (C-<-T)R*vl: tp GPrimory a-z:Alt Ro Al9 t( MECHANICALPTUMBING CHARGE ETECTR ICAT FEE N Elecrriol Mcchoniol furnoce/burner to 9,s,uxRe:idense of -l/QA--'q fr.Eoch rinqle firrure Applionce vent !epqrole New <ircuitr, ollerqtionr or extenrionl Relocorad bvilding (naw fix. odditionol) Stolionory evop. <ooler)s.oo SERVICESx.S.F. Reridenco (l borh) 3e9 7.aoIO,OO 3 Yent fon with single ductTemporory ConrlructionIDuolex (l borh) coch V€nl syitem oport from heotinq or A.C.Ampr.Aciditionol both /.€orl{echonicol exhourl hood ond ductWoter Wood rtove/ heoter/a Lo/Scwar Heot PumpTEEDERSSlor.m Sewcr A-Pt-CFAi Air hondler to Air hondler over t0,000 cFM tssuANCE oFfPeRA\rT ,/d,a WHETE SIAIE tAW REOUTRES thor th! Elc(trirol work br donc by thc Elerlricol Controctor, lho clectricol portiorr of thir permit rholl not bc vqlid until o lobrl hor bmn rigncd by on Elcctri<cl Controctor ond ottoched lo lhc olcclricol ponel. t HAyE CAREFUq,y EXAT INED rh: <ompleted opplicotion for permil, ond do hereby <ertify lhof oll informotion hereon ir lruc ond correct, ond I further ceriify ihot ony ond oll work pcrfo.-.J rholl be donc in qcordonce with the ordinqnces of rhe Ciry of Springficld ond lha lows of the stote of Orcgon perroining ro rio work dcrcriixd herin, ond ihot NO OCCUPANCY will be moda of ony slruclure withoul the permirrion of rhe Euilding Divirion. I furthcr ccrtify thlt my regirrotion wirh thc Builde/r Boord is in full fore ond effecl os required by ORS 701.055, lhol if exempt the bosis lor exemplion ir notad heron, cnd thot only rubcgnlrscto6 ond employeer who orc in omplionca wirh ORS 701.055 will be urcd on this proicct DATEStGNATURg oo RtNAA{E (pleoro IV EF Borir for Buildc/r Boord excmplion; TOTAT CHARGEs TOTAT CHARGES FOR OEFICE UsE ONTY M"i" /14Y ,jfi}O-r"t". 368Y.Zq Arr.r, -3&-- 7 - ta,oo vo,,. ---Z )thfu9Q- o ther - ;"r^, r^r*|,'Ji; Wgq* Sq. Fig. Iood - Sq. Ftg. G,oro r€-3 5o. 51s. L3y,?7Sy:temr Developmenl Chorqe ( I .59'o) Plon Ck, Comm/lnd 65?3/Blclq Per Fec \N,\-G8L{fr Krr' BUI!DING PERMIT Chorgcr ond Surchorgcr Plon Cl. Rer 30o./o/ Bldg Per fee .-\oqGFence 2q /,0{Totol Comb. PermitDemo Chorger ond Surchorgcr PIUA,IBING PERMIT nb{carett- LIBEL-7,@sidevor. 20 A/ C Povinq Chorger ond Surchorger ETECTRICAT PERMIT ,Jo /%/b_Curb Cut /tr"-1e(.'2/d TOIAT MECHANICAI. PERAAIT Chorger ond Surchorgcr e ,% FEE -Rap. trg. Orhar .(Plumbino -ETU'S J.3,SOTOIAI. CHARGES 3s,o Fire Zonr ----3- Eedroom r Flood zon, P- I Type/conrr. ---1b8o-ac,b{ -3 s. ao /,4tt .(s.(,o Additionel Proiect lnformotion: PLANS REVIEWED BY: 7-/7- y/nome signoture O*dote ' CoMB|NATION AppLtcATloN, pERMtT (CAp) l. Appliconr. to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol DescriptionI. exomple-tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference I7 03 43 2. e-iEEpr.-_-tot I. Block 3, 2nd Addiiion ro Springfield Esrores C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources I. exomole-heotz electricol ceiling/or forced oir gos 2. e x o rn o Ie - w o r e r FEE tEiiElEZITi-co 1,,' o r-l6l6i-- f. Sqro."?ioroge or rolrotioi]If,]- l. exomole-l 250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge 2. exomoie-if new proiect, check new-if oddition, checkA;-'. F. Buildinq permit informotion: l. exomole-construct single fomily house with on ottoched goroge 2. exomole-remodel existing goroge into fomily room 3. exfiEG-conver? single fomiiy residence into r-eiiilEnt (chonge of use) G. Volue of.work os defined in Seefion 303 (o) of the Structurol Specicrlty Code H. DESIGN TE,AM AI.iD CONTRACTORS ' To ovoid design or construction deloys, Building Division Stoff must be oi':le to contqct-oppropriote persons regording design inforrnotion or iob site corrections. etc. ll. AbLrevicrted Plr"rmbing, Mechonical & Electricol Schedules . A. Exeeot where blenk spoces clccur in the description portion of the Mechonicol onci Electricol Scheiules, the oppliconl need fill-in.only rl're No. Lloxes crdiocent to the oppropriote . ifu:m(s) to be instolled B. .Full Plumbing, Mechor.ric:ol, ond Electricol Schedules 'qre ovoilsble ot the Buildirrg Di.rision ll . To conserve spoce on tlie permit.form the schedules ..' hove been obbrevicrted 2" lf the item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on the obbrevi-. ored sclrecjules you should consull the full schedules . C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SEHEDUTES lll, Applicont to siEn ond dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os q worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff will prepore o typewritte n copy ond return it to the opplicont ot, lhe time the octuol permit is issued for his signoture. tV. Fees ond Chorges Plon chcck fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of lhe opplicotion,. ond no plons will be processed un?il these fees ore poid. All' other fees crnd chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permif is issued. V. FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY PROJECT CCNDITTONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Clerk '( SPRINGFTELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1 985 S pringfield Centennial year February 7, 1985 Mr. l{att Ritzdorf 115 Conestoga l,tlay Eugene, Oregon 9740L Dear Mr. Ritzdorf: Your request for an extension of your permit for work being done at 459 North 16th Street, Springfield, 0regon, City Job Number 8L0467 has been reviewed by the Building Official. After reviewing your request, the Building 0fficial has granted a one time 180 day extension which will expire on August 7, 1985. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-3659. Sincerely, Li SA Hopper Building Safety Division th 225 North sth Street o Sprinqr{ield, Oreqon 97477 t 5O3/726-37Os r* -{,SPRINGFTELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Sprinqlield Centennial year January 30, 1985 Mr. Matt Ritzdorf 115 Conestoga Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: 459 North 16th Street, Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. Ritzdorf: On January 7, 1985 I nailed you a letter regarding permit expiration for your con- struction project at the above referenced location. Approximately one week later you telephoned me stating that the project had been finaled and that the computer print out that you received with ny letter of January 7th verified that. At the tine you called I explained that the computer system was not working and I did not have access to your construction record. Once I received accessibility to your project record, I found that your final building inspection had only been partially approved and that you could not receive approval of the final until the driveway had been paved (please refer to the attached requirements of Minor Partition 1054). Please contact me at 726-3659 as soon as possible to schedule a final building inspection to verify the paving of the driveway. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, p.P-Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division David J. Puent, Acting Superintendent of Building attachment cc th 225 North Sth Street o Springfieid, Oreqon 97477 o 503/726-37Os SPRINGFIELD 1885- 1 985 Spring{ield Centennial vearcfrrOF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public CERTI F I ED LETTER Si cerely, Works JanuarY 7, 1985 Mr. Matt Ritzdorf 115 Conestoga Eugene, Oregon 9740L Dear Mr. Ritzdorf: The springfield Building code Admin'istrative code requires that, in order for a p;;;I io"reruin-vatid, const.u.tion work authorized by it must begin wjthin 180 days from the date of purchase.of the permi!.. If work is suspended or abandoned during the cours.-oi ci:nstiuction ioi I period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatically expire. If a perm.it has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a proiect nur nbt exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time lo begin construction work, the Superintendent of Buiiding may choose to_ grant a on6 time extension of the permit not-to exceed 180 days upon receipt from ihe permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advise this office of your intentions- with regard to the permit by ten (10) days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. ne, Li sa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North sth Street o Sprins{ield, oreqon 97427 o so3/726-37os P-A- JOB ADDRESS: JOB #:104F.7 T,,AST ACTIVIfi DATE: OTHER: NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERITIIT: ** VALID: However, your permit wi1l expire on rf you wish to request an-extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above nentioned date. EXPIRED: your permit expired on rf you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit nust beapplied for. * *rf the 'texpired, box, above, is checked and we do not hear from you by _(ten(10)daysfromthedateofthis1etter),,*",irrlres ot arl related information with regard to the permit 1 clear our \A ls57 1559't545': a;_ P; 65r+ q lt.?+ Fr :, ,'.f lettN.OR= ( oq l5Z7l :. c62r3-: -., . .. H5E f : .:--'; ..;_ 146?r85:q C\I st oez71l. ?$ t520 t3 'l ':- -(r :,9 GJNtTlo i :r-lLt. /'l P los4 RAWI' F.1 SECONDARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL A- The app'licant is required to give Te]eprompter Corporation reasonablenotice of property development to include the particu'lar date on whichopen trenching wi'11 be available for the installation of Teleprompter's equi pment B- The applicant is required to give the Springfield Utility Board reasonablenotice of property development so that the ivailability ind location ofexisting water and electric supply facilities, new service requirements,the location of new service connections, and applicable charges may bedetermi ned. C-- The panhandle driveway(s) shall be paved on parcel ?. D- The panhandle parcel address shall be located on the street iintnimum 3',high I ight refl ective material ). E. A wood fence shall be placed along north proper-ty line. f. Installation of a new sewer tap to serve parcel(s) I and 2- This drawing does not constitute a boundary survey, and js subjectto any inaccuracies a boundar_v survey may disclose.Assessor's l4ap fioj1624 TL t2oo o,c s 6 t Irst-t No REVISION (OESCRIPTlON)DATE SCALE: 1.. = lOo' DATE: q.30. 8o ORAWN: (K. rlrFlL CHECKED: 3 exfi/L)()PROJECT NOAPPROV ED: - ai-rY -E-rucTrvEe-n- BOOK NO.FILE NO R , r. ,r"- ,to E a CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGOt. ENGINEERING O]VISION til