HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-25.. RESIE NTIAL.. APPLTCATaON/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Sprtngfi.eld, 2r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ?.eceict ! SPRINGFTELD O/c-- ,U*"0, 0C late' //- JS -ff General Plwnbirq L Consjract tot_ Iedder r^t ie the tespaatibi,Lit-y oi-the petirit holdet to see that aL! inspectione are nade at lhe ptope" tine, that eceh a4,lnese ie ren)e1iety,!-tP st ee-t'- anc that the-perttrit_catd is Located at the frcni of the property.*Building Diuiciotz approu^ed pLan shc.Ll yemain on the a"LLai"i- sil" at aLL times. ALL 726-3769 (reeordet) state yout, City desigr,-tted job nwtbet,, job aiiress,gou L be z.eady fot inspection, Cont?dcto?s ct Otmers ncme cnd pinne nzotber.P.equests recebe nade the sone dcy,?equests mcde after ?:00 an vilt be nade the nect :nrkini day tlpe ,ti:ed of insoec2icn bei'cte 7:C0 a. Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nwnbey fs ?5/1 Q{Reouirei fnsoecticns Job Locaticn:'fl Ias lpt # .)oAssessore Map # Sttbditsision: Asner: a-J 7fl -7b FgAddz,ess Phone ci.ta: Descz.Lbe htork: //2s ts VaLueDate of App Licaticn 200,r)Le hlep Addition RenoCel I4ech.tr:iecl / WDERSLAB PLULETNG, ELECTPICAL &wcutTtlcWnu tlOtk is eoUex'ed. POO?rNc & FOINDATICN: ?o be na,Ce - afte? x?encnes a?e e.ccauated and forms ate erected, but priot topourins ccnerete. la u:tpyncpoulD pLIJMprNc. sEWEp. w.ArER-'. I DRAIilAGE: To be maCe prlor to ftl-Lirg trenehes. 7 uaptprzooR pLUr.ErNG & t4ECtrANrcAL: l| , rg be made ppior to installation of floor insulction ot decking. POST AND BEAI.!: ?o be nade orior toTnsiatffioy floor insuLation or deckirq. R9lg!,:LUltBrrG, ELE ANICAL: ilo uork is to be coxet"eci-,,tr:til these inspeetiors haue been made and approued. FIPEPI:.AC=E: PrLon to placirq facingmcterials and. before frotrLng inspeL-tion. FRAI'IINC: lhtst be requested after appnoual of rough plunbing, electri-cal & neclanieal. ALI roofing btactng E_ chinmegs, etc. nr.tst beeonpleted. llo ttcrk is to be eon_. cealed until this inspectton lae'been na.d.e anC appro.-ed. 11 rraer pLur4Bruc I rmm HECnAnTcAL 7 rum ELExTRTIAL :l TNSLILATTOI| /V/,.Po R BARRTER IIISPEC?ION : ?o be rnade after aLL insulaticn atd. required oapon berie?s @e in pZace but before ozy Lath, Wpan boarC or unLL couering is applied, and beforeoty insulation is concealed. nFrtaf Titnil n) \,AtE^ ait Soilary seser capped ct propertg Lite Septic totk pu,:ped c,d fntled uith gratet Pinal - l{hen ebae itens are caraleted and. uhen ienclition is eonplete bp stnic-tute noued cnl. prerrLses eleanei up. llobile licnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aare? otd. uatet Electtical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uo and plwnbing conneetions m;st be apptctie: before tequesting eleelrtcal inspee--io:t AeeessotS- Bui.LCing QTTV Tlt<DCa-f^^t.' ?o be made afterprior tc set up ofeccansation, but forne. DRYWALL INSPZEION: Tc be made aftet, aLL dtyuall is in pLace, but ptior to any taping. ILAS)NRI: Steel Loeation, bond. beans, grouting or oerticals in aceotdorce vith U.B.C. Secti.on 241 5. d vooosro,rt,D *r,pAa.After installation is CURB & APPRCACIT APPON: Aftet fornsee erectec but prior to pouring con:rete. SfDEilALK & DRf\TWA!: For aLL can- crete paoing uithin st?eet right- of-ueA, to be naCe aften aLL e*ea- oating canplete & fotn uoz,k & sub- base naterLal in place.Pi.rnl - After etc. ale ccmp pcrekes, skirting, decl<s, Le!ed. I I ?ENCE: hhen conplete -- tuouiCe gates or nouable sectians thtough P.U.E. ALL ptoiect conditione' sueh as the installation of street trees, eonoletion of iher.equired LanCsecpirq, cte., mtst be satisficd belote the BUILDIII7 FI:|AL ean be requested.. ?INAL BaILDrllc: The Finat Building. rnspection mtst be requested cftet the Fi.nal plunbingElecttical, anC tteelarical Inspeet:iono'turto been nad.e- ird' ippnouri. Page 1 of 2 *ALL |'TANIICLES AND C,EANOUT7 NUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSA!$il! TO 3E tllt)E tr ilo c25? ro cyy ,$ 4 Contractot,s tr Lot Faceg - P. L.House SQ. F?G x VaLue l.lain fuaqe Qarpot,t Aceessot tl TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r CHARGENO.FEE Fisttires Resid.ential (1 bath) Sanitatg Seuer i,lcter ;io. Res. Sq. fta. Ianpcroy Seruiee LeStrL C!IARCENC.ILL hd-"nzee B?U'S bha.tst HooC Vent Fot Ilcodstote /s, oa ' (./() JoB "" 61/ot SOLAR AC c ESS REQ.-L-co # bt Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Couerage I of Stortes Total Height Topogncphy Building PernrLt State Iotal Clnrgea Plmbing PerrLt State Su-ye|^.arae Na,t/Ertend Citeuits Total Gro, LCT ?WE _ Inteticr _ Corner _ Panhand.le CUL-de-sac sedlOOnS u !!eat Date Paid: Reeeipt i: Lace toue Building Volue & Permir This pentn t is granted on the ecpress eondition tlut the said eonsttuctions-lwl.L, in a-ll.respeets, conforn to the Ctdinance adopte,C by the City ofspringfield, includtng the zoning crdinanee, regulctirg il.le ccnstta-eticn and..use o-f buildings, otd may be suspend.ed o, yeuokeC at c:ny tine upon uic-la.tlon of any pncoisions of said 1rdir,ances. Plumbing Permit No pereon sltall consttaet, instalL, alter oz, cltange cna net) cr e*istingqlunling ot, drainage systell in uhole or in part, -utLesZ sueh pez,son is- theLe-gaL.possesso, of a ualid plwnbet,,s LieensZ, ercept tt.at a pZr"ormay doplunbing uork to p,opertA uhich is ou;ned, Leased ot, operated Ay tt, qpli-eant. Electricol Permit vhere state Lan re,quiz,es tha.t the eleetrieal uork be dote by an Electriealcontractor, the electrical pontion of this permit slwll not- be uali.c. untilthe Label lns been signed ty the Electtical' Contracto?. Mechqnicol Permit PetmLt fssustce Mechanicel Pentrit * PLan ?otal Cvrbeu! Sida,salk ' NobiZe Hotne f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the eompleted application for pernit, and dolereby eet,tifg that aLL infotmation hereoi is tmte and cbnect, anC Ifu*thet certify that ang ar.d aLL aork perfonned slnll be dote in aeeor-dance trtth the Ordinenees of the City of bpfingfield, and the La;s of the* State of }r,egcn pertaining to the uoik Ces*.tUiod tnrZin, cnd. that I,lO OCCa- PANcy trtll be nnde of any struetu?e without pernission of the Buitding Di-vision. I fut'then cet,ttfr- thct only contraciots a;;d. enplcyees uho arb inconpliance uith )RS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this projee't -- ENCROACHMENT -. Seetu.ity Deposit Storage Maintenanee Penrrtt Eleetrieal tabet NIIAL Al^OLlllt DUE:.(s , (ao Date North Eas f Fireo 9anth Uest Tctal Chctoes a') ', ) a: lence a