HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-04-02) rcgrnc I iou:to,trrct: To be rale L_) d.iaer i?encnes cre e.cavated ard, fcrns oe etecteci, but prJor topu*irq ccnc-Teta.:l DRY,LALL MSP!C?!C!I: Tc be natieaiter aLL arluall is in place, but prior to cng tayin4. -1ecei2, r Date: job n,1i-ess, tgpe P.equests receixed of inspeelicn befcre ?:00 ,=z Sanifa-J saset cqceC ,t ?rop€rqj Lilre' Se?tic totk y"iryeC cd. ii,LleC vith gr.i;zi Pinal - ithet cbcue dtens are cawleted c-<i uhen Celelition is conplete br st u"- ture nooal, od. prattises clbaneC up. I { i{czes !!!,'nry.h sth stree :l:yJ'ietd, Zr.eson ;fr-;;?, >iuision SPFI'NG FIsr n 97177 Generu.L Cona?rtcCot L*tder si?s .r:7SP:r-rr.Y.. ecaocx--on, but 1'otms. To be nad.e ai:etpricr tc ae: u? of To be ut<nllav. c.^^7. ovczbffigrputing aceorbtce vtth -7 Locatiotz, bond. or uerticcls in I-t is ihe resgonaibili.y of tle perurii iold,er;ran the strees, cnl tju,t the o*mit cad. ia ' 2 ui A i :4 7) u i c i o :,- "2 p, o r., i p tE i ;i i1*r'"i7: " ' b eee tlnt al! inspectiotls ee nad,e at lhe p"o?e" lina, t!.at ecch qdd?2ss is rear;-:aLeated ct the fr<.nt' of the orooertuon thE BuiLci".ttg Sjtc at aLL' ttmes.' ?AR :CALL 7 26-376 9 (reeoriet ) state your City Ce sigz,zted j ob nu;:b er,ai-en uou rea<iy for irspcction, ConsTa4y6ys ct A-.ne:s nane crrl. cl"or.a nultbetL be mde the sorie Ccg,requegts ncd.e cfta 7:00 on viLL be nade the nest'"nrking dag Iout Cifu Desigra.ted Job Nwbet Is:x409 33 !r!:iiLi1::utgr:!c, zLgP ttzci.r..!i.:AL: ?o be twtie bejore cnyrrrk ie coueyed. required ucpor batie?s @e in place t-ut before ay lath, Wpstt:t bcari ontnLL eouering -Js aolied, ard. befcreoty irtsulatian is concealed. ?at;:43 i:1c a? io i-l u,vce.e-oaccR !,?-u:B r:G MlctA:trClL :i t to ce naae pricr -.o inscalktton of fl,oor intuktion o" decking. i I nST AitD 3tA;.1: To be raie pr)cr to - | GzatEi" oi Jloor irsui)=iori, cr deckirg. - RO|:CE ?!!:3!:!C. :!t:P!::a ' ]1ZCT-ttu-. . - w.='-L these '-r-scee=icr,s h:.ue beer. nci.e ad, n:rciei. i-l f;:=ri.'J.' .3r:or '.o tlcc-Jra cccirz L) ,,,c;;t*r;; at^d. beiore -frntrq inrp"Z- tior.. f ipnytlC: !.ioa be rectected af)er,J c??"c,rr'; of rcugh plrt-,air4, "ir."n-a.L J neci"anica!.. AL! tvoiiztg brae-rq I chi;wtc,gs, etc. nast beanpleted. ;lb'.pri is to be co.t- . cecled until this inseectict 'rae 'be.et rwie atd. cpprsued. Y M ,noosro'n: Aftet ittstall,ation is Vr! en-oletea' - =ter:chce. Ff.ta? af it6r.,a CURB 4 APFRCACE A?PIN: Afiet fotnsa,; e;A;A-6utfio" tu pcur.:ng corcvete- SIDS,LALK & DRITWA!: for all carz- cv e'" e navG-E;E; s tre et r-t ght- of-,x!, to be naCe after aL! e.cca- uating eanplete .3 lon wrk & aub- base nateo)al in place. !!NCE: ilher conplate -- *ouiCe gates ot ,zouable sectians through P. U, E. f ALL pro;ect condilicns, suc!. es che').ns;allcticn o7'sareei rrees, ecft!.eaion o;'t;Le reqaireci Lctase*tirg, etc., rast be satisiied beJ'ore the 3lliLDIilC ?!}lAL can be reqtested. ."fJAi tsl/fllfilc; Tl,,e EinaL luiLd,-r4 Insoection ntst be tequestei ':ter th'2 Fit"zl P''tnbing Zlacc.ieJr- oe :4echar-iccl inscecxlcns'it4oe been nc6'e ar,i c-octo'sz4'I ll,r;c irEi*u,rcrr I ''lul ii:c'erc;l tsLockitq od, Set-up Plwtbittg connec-.icns -- s?aet orC ualet Etectrrlcc'|, Ccnnecyion - Blockin4, set-u= and, glwnbing connections tre:,st be dpDrol;aA beiore requee=ing elecir)cal inscec=to- ACceSSO?i du'"'l'-tq -11\"rk"r, slirtLng, d,eci,s,?iral - Aftcr e+-c. @e ccno, Job fcz Lot # lgcesoors .:1q I St/bdi isicn: 6,zer: Ad&esa: Phone:al3 lft{-\h^dlng -Trantltn Dqtu of VaLue oo , ACCiticn Deaczdbe kbrk: l,2oclJ Slo*e I , ,ALL:.AJpcaJS AilD CLEAlvcws:tus! 9E.1CC3SS!|L|' ADius?:li:ti:o 39:aDl t:::0 c:sT ?c cM ?z7e 7 of 2 T u l )-aa 9 L-co G+ 2ec:ccnsJOB NO llobiie itate S Euild.irq ?er.&t ?otcl Cha:ges __ ;.i,^=^.r alt t:ata oLAR'*ccEss REQ'- eai ;ote f flAW CAREFALLY EN4!,!I;|ED the eon.o!.etc-ti co.olicaticn io" ?en,i), cri d,c Yr1?y certifg_ that aLZ irfor,afibn he,eon' ia tnte "i "Ziri.r', ,rre f Xil" ;:2, :i? rfri,r,"y ",1 aL L ao r k p er pied i t ail a r- iiZ-'irt aicir -, s,.,; ;;-;,;';:"";;;7:3;n"i"';"r"r:;y:L.,rh;Z!;;;i;rf ;i,,tf, ,fri,r;fr_F.4Jcz iti be ,a,i. o1 ory_" ,tru":i*"1i,ri2", petmissi_ott cJ- the 3uiid,ino Di_nisron. ! i'utr,her c"=r-:iii tli;- *.iy'r"rir"":on, a-"C .e=plagees ula ale inco:r, Ltanc e u1 th c RS z o z.b"s s- "rit-';;, ";;;" i" th1- s ?"oj ec. i.ot ?aces - ss 2 cf t*c Ca.tetcge Inzet'ict Corne" ?nbctile CuL'de-sac I of Stor-es iotal !i-Eh. ,TogoEPhl 'iaLue 6aE.l lra f 't?-J:,1J.^ur. (,a-J.U|L. trs - Fee: n--- D-: ). Recelpt #: &l:t-res Pesiizntlal (1 bc;h) Se.tet No person siull cottstptct, inatal!, altet o" eitanqe -cny reu-c? esistitlg pLibirq cr dreinage systq-n in uhole or in part, utzless such petson is tb.e iegal pZssea"ot o1-a ulalid gl*rbet's Lieensb, erce?t ihzt a ge:son nq 42ptinttig uork to p?ope"tJ uhi.h is otm'ed, Leased or operated by the qpli, cdzt. Plwhlng Perrtt *, Plumbing Permit :io. Na,t/kterd. Cirstits Serrtce Electricol Permit Were State Ian requites that the eLectrieal uork be d.cne by azt glectrteal Contructor, the electrtcal pottion of thia pe*nit shcll rot be ualiC untilthe label |as been aigrlen bg the ElectrLcal Canttacto?. * :r-1i att t Ja- bhast HooC Venx Fat TcoCsta:te i 0 1 Mechq nict:l Permit Penri,t Issttstca !4ecianiccl Penr|t Da:osit d*3at: Si.de",aZk ?2!AL L'.EIJ}!? CI]E:'b0 Signed L CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDTNG DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 725.3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRTCAL LABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OVINER The Electrical Safety Law of the state of oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as Eur electrician and',/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by himself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for saler lease, or rent' (PLEASE PRINT) e./- t- APPL ICANT'S I.IAI'18 7fi-/Lc 7? 33b a-fr PHONE ADDR.ESS ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK 3=, BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER TIIAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS TemPorarY Service Underground Service Service Icertifythatalloftheaboveinformationistrueandcorrect,andthatno of any wiring "y"a.* requiring "-I;;i as appliei- i"t herein and intended to cealed by any permanenr porrion oi1ir. nui-rding 91 3.t".1:1: ::"tt be coilceal inspectedandapproved..F.",,theinstallationofthesystemiscomplet€l3D ana finat inspection shall be made' Inspectionsaregenerallyreguiredforatleastthefollowingconditionsand of construction: PHONE portion be con- ,ed until additional or stages 4. Rough Electric 5. Cable Heat 6. New Circuits or Extensions I further certifY thats I will notify the euilding Division when anY of the above ELEC- TRICAT INSPECTIONS are readY, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal SafetY Law of the State of Oregon'and that if not the building'owne Ellamamember of his or her iate familY. Signa ture L INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE IqADE,ON THE BUII'DING DIVISION,S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTTON NUMBER rs 726-3't69. TNSPECT ION REQUESTS WHI CH ARE CAI,LED IN BE- FOR 7 A.M.WILL BE MADE ON THE SA}4E DAY. 1 2 3 7 I 9 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swi:wning Pools USE ONLY I,ABEL ISSUAIICE FEE LABEL }IUI"lBERS RECEIVED BY S FOR OFFICE DATE bc) 60 I .r -r /-)