HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-11-08?.eceic'. 4..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorvh stn itonffPLrcATr,tt/PERI'Lrr Spr-r.gfield, ?regon 97177 Buildinq Tiuision 726-37 53 SPFIINGFtET,.D \k Date: Corutrrcticn LendeZ_ la io lhe rceponcibililV oi the pentit itold,* b eee tlut aL! inspectiotl.s @e nad,e at lhe propet tune , t?.ct ecch addteso i5 vsa;n'^;, ;'raa the street, cal tiat the penri; cai ia l,ocated at the J'rnnt of the qoperty.tSuiUirq V)ui:io- cllrou'ed plan siz,il tendzn on the tsuii.dtng Site at eLL ttnes. ?1OCl1UPg ?AR i;tsPsruil Rgf;ttZS-l:CALL726-3769(tecorCer) state your Citg designeted job mnber, iob aC&ess, !We-qf inspeclicnrea@bereadg1btir.lpection,Contractcrscias,te:s-,,a,,ecztdphonettulbcr.Pequesisreceiz;edbefcle7:00anzill be talie tlc eane Ccg, reque;ts ncie cft* ?:00 ott trill be naCe the nest tnrkini dcr1. fou, City'Desigra.ted Jab Nwtbet fs:8 v'076 o ?eaui-ed lnstaetiezg t!cnes tlockit'tg od, Set-up Phntbin4 coanectione -- sd)e? d, oatet Eteci;rtcal Ccmnect=lon - B\ockir4, set-u, atd, glunbing connectior,s m;st le qprct;zC before requea+.irq electrtcal itspec=io:, Acceseory- Builiittg icrehes, slirting, deci,.s,?ira,L - !.ftar etc. @e ctlro n?ttnr inTa^l no Sani:e1 sana eqced ct ?rogcrfii Zite Septic tank p,o-7ed cn filled trith gr:i;ei Pinal - ilhen cbcrte itens ate cc:wleted. e:ti ahen lenolitiort is earplete br stn;c- tuye noued orz pranises cleaneC up. Job !,ocacicn: Tcs bt #A''csaor3 :4ao I Subd,iviticn: C;ter: Adclesa:Plone:{ 7 Data of appli*tion /0. ?)' t y' Deecrtbe hlork: dl vatue ,4 y, o*o a ACI!;ica RanoCel I c-aQl I -.Ll:t-c-a-.f*'a- Genetzl I-l .Sf?g I:15?iC:12:t: ?o be nace af'-er L I ffin, iuc pricr .-c se= u) oy - 1'crns. wpissiAS ?:L::/31:tC, ?Liq:3.IC,lL' iECl:):liCAL: ?o be nanie beiore atg rprk ia eoucyed. PT;:A' ?!A:.ET:rc NISLILATTOil/VAPOI BARRrZR IilSPlCTloil : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn ei requ4red vqor be-nie?s @e in pla,ce btt before ory Lath, Wps.u:1 boarC or tnLL couering is qglied, od. befote oty itzs'tlation is concealed. DRY,|ALL MS?ldI?!l: Tc be nade aftet' "fr@t'f.s in place, htt prior to any tapitq. IUESW: Steel Location, bond beanc, grouting ot oerticdls in aceordotce ,,r|xh U.B.C. Section 2415. '.|O0DST01/Z: After installatioa is a;tpletad. t r-l .Fro?:vc I ?ouitDATr2:t: ro be race L) 6:et t"e,E;;; *;A.canted arti fcr,ns cre ereeted, but ptior '"op,arirq ccncteta. 71 u:niicmotD ? lLre r :E)_S"EiLil)!!.!J lirq trenchee. ailDEPliCCR !'LU:.9 n:C I :ltc1Ailtc;t:@o1f1aor intuktion ot decking. la mst .a;to Et::,t: ?o be traie prlor to, I ffitffiToi ftoor i,s*io=ion or deck'ing. ?nltei: a7.lar.ta -t?Fott.? 2 r_Eaa- A;lirAL: :lo ,o!/- ia =o be cotelec ur:='JL these irscec;ic'r,s hsue beer. naie td, qirciei. F;.?i?!,lC:.' *br 'a plz,cir4 :23--n9ncteri,zla ard beiore irain4 inapec-tior.- CURS E IPPRCA,CE AP.O.CN: a,e ez,A;A'but@ Aftet fotmsto pca*Lng co?1c/ete. SfDg'nALK & DRTEiA!: Far aLL cat-ffi@ffi st?eet right- of-ucg, to be nade after aLI. ecea- uating eanplete 'l fon rptk & eub- inse rnateial in place. 71/ ip-g:tlc: i.lto:- be rectestzC afler,=!) qp_ravci of rcugh pltrcing, electr!-a,L I nechatz*al. AL! rcoii>tX braeJrg I chilmcgs, etc. t:t.tsc- beanpletcd. llo ..tcr< is to be ccn- - cu,'Lel unci| ;his i"soec*i ;,oi'bee'a no,l.e arrd cppmveZ.: W: tarhet conplete -- fuouiCe gate6 o? nouable sectians through Dilf $ tut:.l*irlA:trcAl A .4t iiir.'srcAL ALL pto;ect coztii:icna, such as che "-.nszallcticn of street et'ees, ecn'!.etion o1'tie required Lcndsccgirg, .tc., rust be satisitei beJ'ore t7.e tsUiLDIi;G ?f]!AL :an be teqttested. tsAfLDI:lC: The Pinal Build.in4 fnspection rust be ?equest?,<i zllar th,e linal Plwbinl insoecxicns iqtle been naie atri approueC.i Lec crica L, orz t4edtat"-iczl 'AiL:.!AJEC!rs AilD CLTANOAIS HUS! 9E.4CC3SS!31?, .lDji.ts?:!a:l::O 39:ltiDg i! il7 c25T ?C Cry ?tie 7 of 2 I tr r T 0dr/'^fr; )--a I 07 (?G soLAR-icEss REe.- ',laod,a;oue L-CO G+ H Building Volue & Permit This pentr-t ic gzaated on the eq"eas andition ..hdt tte saii constnotionsiu.il, in all rescects, confcrm to the Crdinar.ce cd.oa;e,i'ely the City ofsgringfielc, includ-ng'lhe Soning *da*tnce, regalc::Jr-o ;hL ccnstrrctr-cnctd..use of butldirqs, ad n=y be suspend,ed -or rLrtckei it "ry tjne utcr uic_T.ation oi a-y prcuiat-ons of ZaiC Criir.ances. tsuiUirq ?ertit ?otcl ChaXes Plufirg Penit State 7 -- a;icPcAC:1:.:a::? -- * e * Plumbing permit llo- person sha,ll ccnsi;ruct, iaalal!, alter or ciunqe cnA nea er esistingqlyy.fy c-r, cbainage "1"-l? in aitol.e on in pazt, '"*t."2 such person is theLegaL.possessor of a ualiti gl.tunber's License, eaeepi tr"ai; a pz:sott r,a.g d,opltnbing aork to p"ope"t! aidch is oozed, Leased o:r ogemlii iy-l*" qplt-c@tt. Electricol permit lllere stcte Lan reouives ttat the electrical uork be ccne bg an glectriealconttaetor, the eleetrical porviott of this pernit sha.Ll rat'bi uita wztizthe la,bel iae been signei bg the El,eci;r\cal' Cont"acto?. Mechonicol Permit 4 W f EAW CA.REIALLY lxilqileD ile carn.oleted apolication fot petnrt;, cnd dchereby ce*ify that aLL iLfot,ation heteon'is tnte anC ecrueet-, anC f frtthet cer*.tf'g that otg arL aLL uotk cerionted stull be Cone in acccr- dar.ce :'rith the Oydinsaes of tile City of S?rLngfied, ord, thz Laus of tZeState of Cregcn per-;inina to the uork CescrJbcd herein, ad. :iu.c )t0 ,CCU- F.4:1CZ 'nlli ba ns,i.e of ary ;trwctrre uithott pernissioe cf the 3uiiding Di-vtsion, ! f;y--her certil3 th-tt otly contrdo:o"s o-d, *qlcyees ul"a ale in canoliance olth CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project dtbe* I i yobiie itae Sesccna _ Izzarlcn Cornet ?ni.cndle CUL-<ie-sac Aec2,ss. :( ?aat=czct ji;tt: iot Fo.ces -bt sq. F+. = cf t*c C-tterc.ga ! of Storles iotal !r)Eh= Ioporyiry ilcin 2=cce -lceessc:L ^af.f lrattt?I rcrnd J.U.L. ,I.J: t2. Receipt #: R ( L,11AL.L Siqted: I;lo I&e,ires Resiizrttial (1 bdth) 5e.ter 2.fra,t/E:tend. Cirttits rh90 \q'.(rc Sentice lotal Aazes , ;tc. *ienst HooC Vent Fzt \ TcoCsta:se Seear) lleci:anJe:L Peni; Pertit Storase l,t:r)ntercr:e 5L.ae.)dL< i:beL I t ?2!AL A:.!CU}I! CUE:'5 JOB NO. !ireo Jll rol 5 )C) 0r\ ot-:\_ Ii3:.t F*z6q 71ryt9 )lo \r\.()O !o!:l Clcz:es Stata I (- SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Mr. Gerold Dickerson 1141 Sequioa Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Dlckerson: 1 885- 1 985 Sprinqfield Centennial year Ylay 24, 1985 The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to"remajn valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 iivi irom the date of purchase of the perm'i!. . If work is suspended or abandoned during the cours.-oi.bnrtiuction for i period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automaticallY expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a proiect has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one harf the t.e,eqrir.a'ror'u forpu.ubr.e new permit, provided that no changes [ir. u..n-maae ln'ttie original plans and/or specifications' If a permit has not yet.expired and a permit.hol.der anticipates the need for more time to begin .onri"i,it.ion'work,-in.-slpeiintendent of Building may choose to orant a one time extension of the-permii not to exceed 180 dayi upon receipt from ii..l"i.i*ii=r,oii.r-oi-i written ..q[.it .*ptaining whv the extension is necessarv' Theattachedformindicatesthemostrecentinformationinourrecordswith regard to constrr.iion i.tivity .tti.iaiea with your peryit. Please advise this office of your intenrions ;iil-reGia to t"he pei^mit bv ten (10) davs from the date of this letter' please djrect aIr inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Divis'ion at 726-3659' Si ncerelY, Lisa HoPPer Building Sa fety Division attachments 225 North Sth Street o Sprinqrfield'Oreson g7477 o 503/726-3753 JOB ADDRESS: 1 ,1 Sequoia Street JoB # -. 840924 ' I.AST ACTIVITY DATE:NO INSPECTION RECORDED: X CURRENT STATUS OF PERITIIT: VALID: However, your pernit will expire on office in writing prior to the above mentioned date.- XX EXPIRED: Your permit expired on Mav 8 , 1985 rf you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit nust beapplied for. * *rf the "expirs61" box, above, is checked and we do not hear fron you byffi(l;}"s:],3i,i,fi"}";:fu,i:"d:;lH-i;.;;;j,,,",i1 c ear our .{. SPRINGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works December 17, 1984 Mr. Gerold Dickerson 1141 Sequoia Court Springfield, 0regon 97477 RE: City Assigned Job Number Dear Mr. Dickerson: 0n Novenber 8, 1984 a permit was obtained to add a solarium at 1141 Sequoia Court, Springfield, 0regon. At that tine City Job Number 840766 was assigned to the project. The Job Nunber that should acconpany your pernit(s) for constmction is 840924. When calling for inspections, please refer to Job Number 840924 and disregard the other number that was assigned at the time of issuance of your permits. If I nay answer any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact ne at 726-36s9. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Division cc I\4r. George Braddock, Contractor th 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Orcgon 97477 a 503/726-3753