HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-07-07AQ b-2? Lane County Authori zattot:^ for' SEPTIC It'ISPECTION FOR L0AN REVIET^J FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application,/0 -+7Permit # iPWNSHIP T7 RANGE 03 SECTlON 24.3.4 TAX LO? 115 r-lour oF s'JBDrvrsroN/pARrrrroN (if ;F 1L;Elel LOTIPARCE!BI,OCK FROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY X nesidential [-l Industrial fle,.,uri"C(,runerciaI 2490 North 16th Street. Springfield, Oregon 7 7 7 7- /6ft LOCATIO}J ADDRESS Ltr':'YSIREET V ZTP STR,UCTURES CURRENTLY Off Mohawk Road or l9th street, turn l-eft, go to Hayden Bridge Road, turn right on North 16th Street to Bill Medford sign in SEPTIC II.ISPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW WORK . BE SPECITICD'SCRIPTION na STORIES na OIl EI"IPLOYECS na Public LY Proposed Existi Jack Or Gloria Bradford S NAME AND ADDRESS Same as the ob address above TELEPHONE NUMBER 7 46-27 03 CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR *TELEPHONE NWBER Same Janet Mitzel 85815 Edenvale Road Pleasant Hill Or ron 97455 -7 26-0825 SIGNATURE I }iAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COI,IPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, arrd rlo hcre!;, certify that alt inforTatiorr hereon is true and correct, ad that f have the foltwing legal interest in the property,f]orn". of record; l]c.r,rr.,,,;. p,rr"haser;flauthorized agent.I f:rther certify that any ild aLl work perfomed shall be done in accordair.;r riih th,: ordrnances of Lane Cowty and the Iaws of the State of Oregon Pertaining to the work described herein' and that NO OCCUPANCy will be nade of an'r structure without the pemission of the Builaling Division. f i*-ther certify that. registration with the Builderrs Board is in fuLl force iind effect as required by ORS 701.055, that j.f is noted hereon, ed that only subcontractors ild employees who are in conpliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY r Janet Mitzel NAME (please print) exempt the basis for exemptiproject. I HAVE RE|AD AND READ THIS SECTION CAREPULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'TAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Zone na Partition f Parcel # Parcel Size na SEPTIC INSPECTIOT\ FOR LOAN REVIEW-.NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED 6-29-88Date: rnstallation Recold rssued? f] r.= ! ril" Installation Specifications: _ Tank Da Le I pr,aus rear RLH callon COMT1ENTS Date "", .,un-i-n terf c).r col,r)1ENTs SANITATION: s. I. *B. P. # Grour, Use I pnuurucrzzoNrNG Lineal Eeet of ttr:ai.nfield tlaxinm Depth of Trenches Minimum Setbacks, CL, front a E COUNTY D oRS 456.805 r)) OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687-4061, 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401EAST SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'OR},IATION cL4-2s R8+ UIELI UN5'1'U SIIE \ 1 SETBitCtiS AND OT:!:R CC:iDITIollS oF APPROVAL rlusT BE STRICTLY otsSlRvED. VIoLATION CAr* RISULT IN REVO- C;,TIO:,i Oa TtIIS ?rRllIT, CIT;TIO:; Un'D5R PROVISIONS Oi L;\E --OU::iY':; INFRACTION OFDi:i-lNCU,;rllD,/OR OTIIER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED 8Y LAI.I. BUlLDING DIVISION: REQUIRES IIiSPECTICNS : 2 Foundati.on InspecttoB: To be made after trenches are excav+Led and foiirsierected and uheri all matetf;fE fot the tbundation are clelivered on the lob. I'Jhere concrete fron a central mixing plant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. Concrete slab or Under-iloor InsDection: To be made afcer a]l in-s1ab or under-fIoor building EEilvi*quipmoc. ondnit, pilii[-EEEEssories, and other ancillar-v equipment items are in place but betore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, incluriing the subfloor. Franing & Insulation Inspect.ions: To be made after the roof, aLl franing, fire blocking, and bracing are 1n place and all pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are comp],ete and all rough electrical and plumbing- aie approved, AII waII i-nsulation and vapor barrier are in pl,ace. liHEN RE.\DY loR i:iSPDCTION, CA:-:687-.1065. n llINIllU:1 OF -i.T L:;5T 21 IIOURS ADV.\::iE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- il6Sn-EEIEST;h'-Sf-fciVr"-l-ira?? tne-totlowing infcrnation rea.dy: -tprmit nqtlber, job address- t)pe of inspeccion, uhen i-l wrll be ready, your name anC pl^,oiL. runber, anC an!'slecial Circctions tO site. Lath and,/or cl,psum Board Inspection. To be made after aIl Iathing and qypsun board, i.nt.erior and exte!ior, i-s i.n p),ace but before any plastering is applied and before gypsw board joints and fasLeners are taped and finished. Final Inspection: To be made afler the bu.ilding is complete and befole occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shalL be done on any part of the building or StrucLure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection wj.thout first obtainj.ng the approval, of the building official. Such approval shall be given cnly after- an inspect.j,on sha]"I have been maCe of each successive step tI the construction as indicated by each of the inspecticns.required. NOTE: A11 building oermits require i.nspections for the work authorized, such as but not limiled to: A. Block l,lall: To be maCe after rei.nforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This Inspecrlo is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until Lhe plumbinq and electrical inspections have been nade and approved. B. Nood Stove: To be nade after completion of nasonry (if applicable) and when installatj,on is cofrFfeEn Installation shall be in accordance witt an approved, nationally recognized Eesting agency and the manufacturerrs inscallatj-on instructions. C. uobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobiLe home is connected to an approved EEwE?-oi-s6ptic system for setback requirements, blocking, footj.nq connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plwbin{ connecti-ons. 1. Footings and pj.ers to comply wj.th State foundalion requirenents for mobile homes or as recomended by thd danufacturer. 2. Mobif,e hone nininum finish fl@r elevaeion shall be certified when required by a flood- . plain management letter- 3. .Yobile hone Lj.edowns, when requj-red, and skirting shal-l be insLalled and ready fcr inspec-' ti.on within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installebper enclosure. D. Swiming Poolr Below glade when steel j.6 in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is installed, APPROVEE PLANS:.IUST BE ON TIIE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THTS PERMTT WTLL EXPIRE IF 9]ORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITIIIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WOR( IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }1ORE THAN I8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i.IAY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON T1IE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS'INFORH.ATION. ANYONE PROCEEDIII€ Pr\ST THE POII.iT Or REQUIRED INSPECTIONS IIILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEI{AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEI'IS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a permi-t has been issued. the permit holder shaLL notify the Lane CounLy Department of Planning and Comunity DeveLopment by submitting theinstallation record form. The Department shall inspect the conslruction to determine if itconplies with the rul-es contained in this division. If the construction does comply rj.th suchrules, the Depa!tment shalI !9sue a ce,rbifiqale of satj.sfactory completion to the permiti holder.If the construct'lon does Ilot Compty with such:rules, the'Ddfariltent-shdil\otify t'hts pcymfts holdet{nd ta}1 requrre satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to mee-ts--t'E& req\!remenLs for satj.sfactory comirletion wlthin a reasonable line constitutes a vio- :lation Ef oRs!U54:505 ro 15.i-715 and thi.s rulc. - Setbacks - Subsurfacc Scrate P]jlosal Septic Tnnk Drainfield IiLerlor propert./ 1i.nes Edge oi road rlgitt-of-uay Brrrld.i.nq f oundaticn lielLs, other ua.!c! 5ources 50' TO' l0 | 10' 100' I ^r/ \StrgA q/t*.*o^1o^4 R ( U 1 jt^qt ops!"\€A Bh \ glNe e_la.e& -tb S-€_r.- r B< n^fr\ *S ct Y\"-Aq"l. ptr-v\^P"c\ .9-+ d S hrs wr& E* a- \),.Av '-l r^^*\A Rq-c-q/^^-(- o $ bb o u< dl-Dor \<_ ) 1' J yr) B ASSI- o 1 8rh Eugen OR EXISTING BUILDINGS ON PROPERTYHor""E Barn EI Garage E Mobile. Home E Shed Other - Please complete all lines inside white b OWNEB OF PROPERTY tr\\, oR qzq90 ADOBESS P HONE a o\t\) oxes, if possible. B ANE\I\ZEL G*zt-e:g Q z.{ sf , TU-\, 8 t s ENE\\VSLE R \ . az;oga( Directlons to slte from Courthouse cA\?-1 (sTceQ\ Br\\ Yl\q&S n /. s,ULC- N"( b €E -b SJ \\ $ vr".,o tDh (l\I- R S{reet MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tlr mrp. ln lh. 4.3.3.m.nt & Turtlon Dcpt) 1/a Scction Town3hip lTfEctian Tu fol SITE ADDRESS S.ctbn ZIP -Crc- .-;E[ioi- U{ Setlon Tu Lot ffiP-- -;;- .-i;;- w CITY It ztP )t f-ry' .MAIL PERMIT TO: FOR MOBILE HOME PLACEMENT ONLY No. ol Tip-outs - No. of Bedrms License # Model Year Size Land Managem.nt Diy..tatf can not be held rcsponrlble lor ovaluallone or r.commandatlonr baacd on falte, lneccurata or lncompletr lnformatlon lc Alr h rqh \ LtcanJ! t P.A.DR Bangc -TilEi- t