HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-05-29Sttr .r'11o., *YC-370 SYALUATICI FOB. DEIEE}{INIIre SITE SUITABILITY FC, DEYELOPT.IEXT UTILIZIIIG SUBSURFACE SETACB DISPOSAL I'IEf,HODS LGATIONT Twp o3 Sec.Tex Lot f Aro prbtlc tewera rvallabl'e or nearby? (Dtstance) Are Chere zontng or envtronren taf constderrtlons? Slzc of propert,y AmunE useeble erea Are ochcr tysters ln erea knorn to be oalfunctlonlng? Ia there rooo for future exPsnE lon? Surface PeeEure conslderattons r (ExPlaln) Slopes (1rl100')(z) ? Flood platnt Plants r Bocks Lor ereat Dralnegerayt Streaot t Cut benk or elopet _ I{ater Supply end Uttl1t,les r Comlnlcy lleter r Indlvldual frters lfater Llnes r Gas Llner r Ilella on edJaccnt properttea t Erlst. nrlst. ! Erlsr. f] B:rlst. fJ No p,..Lt o.+) proposed [-l Proposed I Proposed f] rroposed f] (Sketch ln Plot Plan) I #T TEST HOLE #2 TEST HOLE Heec nolntm,o standards for lndlvldual rraste dlsposal. found to be tc Ind.rstrlal Instltuttonel SITE DOES !tu1t1- f enl ly CorPrclat SITE InES IT SITE q'83 .}OT HEIT STAIDARDS SPECITY BAS S OF DENIAL: - Admlntscratlve Rules Re re-Your p ,^Oal I IF SITE MEETS STANDAR"DS FILL OUTT Type of structure end approxtute serrage f lowr Slngle Fantl. /tl GPD, GPD, GPD GPD GPD NOTE: Soll absorbtlon area ln souare feeE Area necessary for sewag" ar"pi,ri[ysteEa ARE ALTERNATM SITE LOCATIONT DESIGN OR T,IODIFICATIOII AVAILABLE, DESCBIBET PROFILE Inch Satureted Zone 1ve Layer I tn.- +r Layer _-l_1"..flD ln. 3T€/Lq/zr- ln. tn ln. ln. Perchcd lJeter Predlcted Prcdlcted 0bscrved Ibte Restrlctl Inpewlou llott 1lng Obacnred Ilrte L2 bi (- 36 )Src- I 22tr 6 48 {a PROFIJ,E Inch Percbrd ltter C) t1 y-g/ prtrrretcd Zoac lestrlctlve Layer ln. rmpervlous Layer -ir,.uott l1ng - -1n. tn. ln. n. n. Predlcted (Deerved ILte Predlcted Obsrrved Dete 12- 24- 36- 48- 60- I L 04 *- NA}TE DATE OF TIELD EI/ALUATION I O,,U 7 BUILOING SI EVALUAT I ON t 11 -r,-- -E--s **-'tt SUBD I V I)*]ON: J5 1,5-3h LOT ( ) ilutLolNG PERHIT APPLIcATIoN N0. (4 strE tNSPEcrloN PLANNING DIVISION Rextrg - --:F J r,,r Uft t , LOT:BLOCK: APPL I CANT DATE () () () I 2 3 4 5 Zoning 0rdinance Comp I iance: Zone Not I icable No CKIO BY: 6 Setbacks Front Side Ex Setbacks from Side Rear Yesq6(4 () () 1-l() () () () Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance Reoui red Accessguitaing Site (Area, Width, Frontage) 0ther (see comments) ter i or i nter or nes: s"r COT,IHENTS: PLANNING DlVlSlON ACTION PENDING: Y r-ruorl APPLIcAT! BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION . Plans Submitted . Soil Stability (footings) . Flood Plain . 0ther (see conrnents) Not Aool icable----17 YesrT() () () Nor)() () () 7 8 9 0 () () ()CKID BY: DATE COMMENTS: },ATER POLUT ION CONTROL Not ApplL cq!!e ,cL-Frrptq- () No ?\rTYes I l. t{eets Department of Envi ronmental Qual ity Standards. 12. 0ther (see cornments)() ()()CK'D BY:1 DATE CO}II.IENTS: TO APPLICANT: Your Building / Site lnspection: ,r5o ( ) Can be approved" I'rI Cannot be approved at th-Questions and further in is time as indicated on item N0 " f/ "Aor.formation on items I through 6 cdtri?ilTE@ . Questions and further information on items 7tcPLANNING DIVISI t 2 contact the LAN E COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) }/ill be held in this of@ resolve the problems indicated. ( ) ls being returned.( ) Y.,' bE '9lssp?"#H+h#P#rifitifutfrrti,iht 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene 0regon 97401 pHoNE. 597_4oG5 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DlVlSlON PH0NE: 687-4186 c55-28 tr I \ Surhame Twp. Ranse S-e?ilon ru;-T3T 6ae eensus Tra- Recei pt No Dat e Owner Owners Yes n sent No !!qUEIT FQ! s rrE FEAS rB rL rTY SrUpY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: Name and Address No'--Sitas $ $ $ No. Acres TOTAL Te e e o P rope rty ze Exi st i ng Structures roPose Water Supply Proposed Use o Property Urban z ng Area Yes No ls Propertl, W t n One e of a City What Cit ?Yes No ther Publ ic District Sori nq Wel I Spec i fy pplicants lnterest in Property Permi t Area No Special Yes Legal Access - Road Name Property Location:(D i rect i ons ) APPROVED NOT APPROVED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION lS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building perrnit. lf the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes anC hounCs description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage ,lisposal system will apPear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans anC a plot plan will be required. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONHENTAL MANAGEMENT I35 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Authorized Signature c55-32 Date