HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-03-06" RESID-=tlTlAL" zz s No,th stu itoulPPLrcArro* /PERI/ffr SprLngfieLd, 0r'egon 97477 Bui,Lding Diuision 26-37 53 Plrnbing 14echanicaL /r, U-o,' SPFIHGFIEI.D c@ BoboW (/ ,r*n,, CO It ia the reeponeibility of tlc penit loder to aee that aLL inspections oe node at !.he paoper tine' that each adlress is reaCahl-e fnon the etreet, dd that the pernrit catd ie Located at the fzont of the propetty.*BuiUing Dioiciot appraed pl,an slwll remain on tle Building Site at aLL times. PROC1DU1E FOR INSPEC|IOil R9QWST:CALL726-3769(yecotdet) state your City desigrated job nwnbet,, job aCiTess' lAPe-of inspec=_icn eadyfctinepe=tien,cantyaetc"soia.wers-r,cmeandp!nnerulrtbel.Pequestsreceitecbefcle7:9Cc:l ,,viLL be made the sane dag, requests mcde aft* 7:00 an urLLL be nnde the nect aorking day. 9con?o SNE INSPEC?ION ercao$l;;; but forne. wEl1 !4F PL!.|4{BLNG, EI,E Ql L rl&_ 4 WCH4-\|ICAL: To be nade before any uoyk is cotset,ed. d.ecking. these inspections Twtse been nade and approoeC. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Ntunber fs: INSALATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTIAN : To be made after aLL insulaticn ard required oapor beriera @e in place but before otg 1,ath, Wpsun boatC ot' w.LL couering is applied, anrd before ay insulation is concealed. DEI,IOLITIO!] OR ):OWD BUILDI|ICS Sanilary seuer ecpped et propetay- Lir:e Septic tutk ganped and fi.Lled tith gra;sel Final - L1ten abcoe'Ltens are conpleted and uhen Cernclition is cornplete or stlac- ttpe mooed otd. prertrLses cleaneC up. To be nade aftet, prLaz, tc set up of nA roornG & FIUNDATTzN: ?o be mace LL) After tr;Anes a"e mcauated and forns are erected, but prior to pow"tng ccncrete. l-1 uaomruooR pLUr.ErNG & I4ECIIANTGAL:tlof floot insulation ot decking. m w ?gF!A!! 9qA!4: To be nade PrLoz' to Tiā‚¬lflT7l6Vof floor insulation or To l--;:7l DRYWALL INSPECTI1N: Ic be made I X l;fte"-At-AwAf';s in pl.ace, but p?1,or to ana tap1,fig. I,|AS1NRI: Steel Location, bond Eiffilgrouting or oex'ticals in accotdotce Llith U.B.C. Section orlE WO)DSTO;IE: After installation t)s antpleted. CURB & APPR1ACH AIPON: After fornse.e-;;;;t;{m pnot to pourins conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRI',EWAY: Fot' aLL con- .z..te p*r@-Affi etreet right- of-tnA, to be made after all ecca- uating canplete & foren uot'k & sub- base material in pl,ace. IENCE: When conplete -- ProoiCejfrii or nouable sections through P.U,E. ALL project con&Ltions, such as the instaLlation of stteet trees, conpletion_of tie ,nquinnd. Landseepirq, -etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUfLDfNG FfNAL cah be requested. ?INAL BUILDING: Ihe tinal Buitding Inspection nust be requested aftet the Eitnl Plunbing Electrieal, and Meeltarical fnspeetions haue been made ard approued. tion. FRALIfNG: l4ust be requested after @t of rough plwrbi.ng, electui- cal & meelwnical. ALL roofing bracittg & chittmeys, etc. rrust be ; eonqleted. No uork ts to be eon- - cealed until this i,nspectlon las 'been nnde anC approtted. ETPEPLACE:natffiA; FTUAL PLUIOING FINAL ATCHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL Pr"ior to placi.rq facing and befot,e franing inspec- @ 5N,/TL/Job Locaticn:q 3 fcs Iat # Q 2Assessons Map # Subdioision: A,mer: Address:J 7t/-Da L Ll.city: Descrtbe llork:t-l Nan ,_a I/ / e'?\-, Date of 2 edditicn RemoCel Genepal Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plutnbing connections -- sare? orl uater Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, set-up anl plwnbing eonnections rntst be apprcxed before requesting eleetrtcal inspectiott Accessory tuilCirq Pi-nal - After pct'ches, skit'ting, decks, etc. ore canpleted, Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETIT TO BE I'L4DE AT NO C)ST TO CIIY ConslmrctianJedet_ Phone: l1 ,,ooorn ro ,ry tr T ^*L,JOB NO L-CO BeC.rootns: Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Cottetage # of Stories Iotal Eeight Iopography LCT TWE _ Interior _ Corner _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac Lot Faees - L House ffu x Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the erp"ess condition tlnt the said eonstmtctionslwll, in all respects, conform to the }rdirnnce adopted 6:y the City ofSpt+ngfield, incT-uding the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating the ccnstrubticn and..use of buildings, utd nay be suspend.ed or yeuokeC at cn7 tine upon oic- Lation of mA prctsisions of said Ordi.r,ances. an TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 7- 5 c Building Permit State 2 Date Paid ?otal Onrges *Receipt #:2,Si.gned: C FEE CHARGE Ptktt-r,es Plumbing Perrnit Ng per'.son slnll cqnstmtct, install, alter or ctnnge an! nea cr eristing glwnlittg or dtainage sAsten in ulole oz, in patt, unless such person is the Le_gal possesson of a oalid plutnber"s L.Leense, eseept tlnt a pbt,son mag doplwnbing uork to p"ope"tA uhieh is ouned, Leased or opez,ated by the "ppli-catt. Reeil.ential (1 bath) Sa'let, e.24-o Pltnbing PermLt za,o State .*e L 8a Neu/Ertend. Ciz,euits .& Tanpcreg Sez,uiee ,7 ,50 72 Iotal -- ENCROACHMENT -- FEE Mechqnicql Permit bhanst Hood l{codstooe Vent Eot PermLt fssucnce Meclwnical Pernrtt Seaurlta Dewait Stotaae Maintenance Perwit Cvtbcut Sida,taLk Electrieal Label Mobile Honre, TotaL r HAw cARgFaLLy EYA]4rNED the eotnpleted application for permit, and dohe,eby certify ttrat aLL infornation het'eon is tyue and. ebr,ect, anC. tfuttke, certify that any ard aLL uoz,k pez,forned sLnLL be dane in aecor,-dance urith the 1rdinances of the city of springfield, and the Laus of the* state of 1regcn pez,taining to the aoik ces-cribZd hennir, and tlnt No occu- PANCY uill be rmce of afy_ structure uithout permission of the Buitding N-xision. f further certify- that only conttaciot,s and enplcyees uho ar-e inco,tpliance uith CRS Z01.0SS uiLL be used on this projeei ?-*96 uaDe TOTAL A]4OUN? D\,IE:*/2/.68 W SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Electricol Permit W'here Stute Laa requ.tres tlai; Lhe eleeL:.ica.L i,:ork be dotie by un EieaLttcal Contraetoz,, the electyLcal pottion of this permit shall tot be oaliC untilthe Label \ns been signed by the Electtical Cont"acto?. Penee