HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-07-29..RESIDENTIA[.. zzs North sth sitreeaPPlrcATrt' " /PERl'|r, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Locati-ctt:& easot,s llap # SPFlINGFTELIf I'c"x Lot ll Uqx.}.hqrs Plione (,7 Describe h'ov'|< vAt,oR llt ril:;ptic'rIoN To rutile af Ler aLL insuleticn nequired uapot, bcariers a.?e in place but befcre uny Labh, gypswn boarC or txtll coueringl is applted, aruT before cny insultttion is concealed. lt >diuision: neft: ldress NeD 4 t\\ Additicn 5o\ job aCdress, type of inspecticn Requests recei"*ed befcre 7:00 a:t 11 ao^oant Date Date of Applicaticn Valtte (9o r. PI?QCTDUPE FoR INSPECTI0!L!!9!ES!TCALL 726-3769 (recoy'der) stdte your City Cesignated iob nunbez,, @'ltTT-bi-icad,yfoninspect.ion,Cont'r4i:to,."oia)nersnclte-endphonew,unbel,.t"iLL be rnade the sone dcy, ?equests made aftet, 7:00 an uiLL be made the ncrt'aorking day, Your City gttl ted Job Numbet' Is: It ia the reeponaibility oi the pertnit hodey to see that all inspections ane nade at the ptope" tine, that eachadltees is reaCabie fran the street, and that the petnrtt caz,d is Located at the front of the property.*Bui?.ding Ditticion appro'"^ed plan shcl.L renain on the Building SLtc at aLL tines. SITE INSPECTI)N: 'l'o be made aftez, es.aua;|on" but priar tc set up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLUIIBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH{IIICAL: To be made before any ffit-li-36oet'ed. a-J.)P))TING & FOUNDATICN: To be nrtCeaftei trenciis are eecauated and forms ate erected, but prior to pour.tng ecncrete, UNDIRCROU!]D PLUM\I NC, S.C,'I,I{:P, W,ATER} DRAfilAGE: To be nade prior bo fil-Lirg trenchee. -. I UNDERfr.ooR PT,UI,:BINc & I4ECIIAN I (:AL: o1 floor insulation or decking. P)ST AND BEAM: To be nade prior to TiiltTTilfii'of floor insulation ot decking. .;a,. 1 ;, ! I < JIJ ROUCI! PLUIIBII|G, ET,ECTRICAL T I,IECH: ANfCAL: l'1o uot,k 'Ls t:o i;e aouet'ed ,GtiT-these inspections haue been made arul appnoueC. FfP.EPLACE: Pyi-or to plcctrrs facing,rat;AA; and before franing inepeb- tion. FRAIIIIIC: ltust be requested after @fioiat of rough plirking, electri- cal & neclwnical, ALL toofirry braeing & chinrneys, ete. rmtst be ; completed, llo ucrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspection tas 'been made anC approued. >a EIIIAL PLUMBING 3o1 FINAL MECHANICAL L{4 EINAL ELECT'R]CAL DRYWALL INSPEC?ION: ?c be made after aLL dryuall is in place, bub priot to cn!! taping. MASlNRY: SteeL Zocation, bond Eiiiilgrouting or: uerticals rn accotdance uitlt U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVF|: After installat'iort ts ccmpleted. ll m w CURB 8, AI'PROACI! AP!?ON:After fonns ar," "v^,:"rL-tut ptnoi fu pouring concre te, SIDEWAI,K .t DRfilFillAl: For aLL con- c"exe p""'Lrr,J-;rtiLi s treet rtg ht- of-MA, to be maCe after all erca- oating cornplete & form tnrk & sub- base nate'r"ial in place. IENCE: hlen cotnplete -- ProuiCe gates or notsablb sections tln'ough P. U. E. n ALL pro;jet:b cotttlitirnts, :nta!'t as bhe'instalZation of street trees, conpletion-of the tequired LantlscqrLng, etc., mtst be satisfied befone the BUILDING FINAL can be z'equested ^ FINAL BUTI,DINC: I'lp f'inal Building rnspection mtst be requested after the,qinal Plwnbing YJ Electrtcal, and Meclnt:ical Inspectlons ltque been made and approtsed. *At,L l,lANIt\tF:s AND CL[:ANOU'|'-. l.lu:iT nE ACC|,:SSIB\fr, .4D,It!ST!1[:l't'l 1'0 BE \'IADD lT N0 c)sT T0 cl?v L '\)' ) LS B General Plurnbing chanica Iilec trica Su erv asl-Electrician DEMOLITIOII OR I,IOVED BUILDINCS Sanita.ty seuer capped at ptoperty Lir:e Sept.ic tank pwped and filled uith gratel linal - ltrhen abcue itens a.re canpleted and uhen Cemolition is eomplete or stla3- ture moued and pt,emises cleaneC up. Hcnes Bloeking and, Set-up Plunbing connections -- saue? and. uater Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up and pltttnbing connections trust be apprcved before requesting elecirical inspection Accessori Buildirtg Final - After pcrches, ekirting' decks, ete. are conpleted. Page 1 ol J x / tr n L-CO G+SOLAR AQCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Zone Bedrooms LCT TYPE _ Intericr Corner Lot Faces 'c-Inl; Sq. Ftg bPL Ilertt ec % cf Lot CoueraQe { of Sl;ories Total lleight P. t,Ilot.tse Access. Lace Panhandle Cul-de-sac toDe TopograPhY -- Fees -- ITEM SQ. FTG x Val,ue Building Volue & Permit This petmit is granted on the erp"ess condition tlnt the said'consttwction sLnLL, in atl respeats,"')"i'1ii't"-_ihn ordinorce- adop.ted 6iy.the city of SprinofieLd; irnlu,l-ing' the'zoninrl Crd'inatrc.e' re'7ulctt.t'tg .tle ccnstru:li-t:.r^ "ir'a- ;i" Lj. i,ui.tti.Lng:;," and mty bc susp.endeJ or rcookeC at t:n't tlne upon oLc- Lation o1 ow prcuisions of said Otdinances' TOTAL VALUE 7.5 a Building Perrtr[t l/b,so l k -{.9 3 Data Pairl: State Rec.ipt #: /2L.33 5L(JnedTotal Chntges NO FEE CHARCE Plumbing Perm it Fistures 3 7,{o 2L.SO No percort sln-l.L.aonstruct, install,- al'ter. or elwnge -GnA nel.cr eristing plunbing or (lr(tltlaqe oli"ton I'n ut'oie or in part' inlcsi such person is the Lel.al possessor oJ." rl"1i1"pi"^f,J"-,i1t.n""'e, ercept Lhat a pbt,son mag do plunbi.ng ttork to propniil*"i'tZi"Lo o*na' Leased or opet'ated by the appli- cant. Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuet taY,,,4 In Draia 53. Oo Plwnbing Penrit 57. So 0r State z.I bo.3B * F Electricol Permit ' Vherestdtef,attrequi't'esLini;theelectnicalaorkbetloneby-anELeatrieaL Cont;ractor, the electrTZ"i;;';';;""-'f this.permit slnll not be oaLiC until th;';1;t;1 i,a* bee, sigtzed av tne ElecttLca'L CorLttactor'Nau/Ettend Cireuits L2-,go Setnsice ZL,SO State l.ts fotal 23. bs NC CHARCE Mechqnicol Permit Echanst Hood Vent Fan 3. oo o Wcodsl;ooe Permtt fssuaftee Meclnnicel Permit ,.h /S.o t, 5 /5.7t -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec'tt'i Permit Cutbcut SidersaLk -Zccoer>-, P:L labe Mobile Hone f HAVE CAREFIJLLy EXAMINED S.!1s 1empleted application fo-r permit, and do h";;L; '.irll.ty- tn"t ott- lr,oiotiLn hereoi is l;rue and correct' an4 r i)rll"", cert"i"fy that any aill all aot'k performed shalL be do:te in accor- danee uLLh tt n oreArn i."-;i;ir; ity Zf 'SpringfteLd, .and Lle Lans of tha state of oreqcn p."""ri.-.iig-"to- the uo"rk cesZtibbd hcnein' dnd tlnt N0 ,ccu- PANC| uiLL b,z maCe o7 ony'rtri'iure t'tithout pcrmission of- the suitat'r1^O^ !i-oision. I lurl:her certiil thet only eontractots and enplcyees aho ate t'n coiplion"e ritl, cns 701."0"55 uiLL be used on thi's project Ercni-ner 3L{ Dal;e TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*2ZZ. Z1 t 7-z/- a7 -