HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-06-26Rcceipt t. . R E s I D E NLT IA L . . APPLTCATT)N, - lRMru 225 ilorth |th Street Spr"tngfteld, )negon 97477 Building Dtuision 726-375s .tob Locaticn:b+h 5f Aaaeaootz llap ll l"7o33AS I SPNINGFIELD subdivision A,ner A<ldtecs: City dert ldditicn RenoCel -lcnera I .'Iurttb I ,lechan.Lcit Tc.x tot ll Pl;onc I,L Deocribc l,'ot'l:.: Vqlue -0 th 1 ,,oorrn ,,o," Date of nppticaticn (o//A/8? hta: ,il.eccrical Sunervising llJ.ecIl'.i t irrrr It ia the reaponoibitity of tlo permit holder to aae that aLL inopaotiona ars nada at thc proper time, that ocoh cddreaa ia ,'eada'r'.e !'ton the atpeet, anC that the pcnrtt oawl ie Lccated at the front of the property..?uilding Nuisio:: apVroued plan slrcll remain on tlp Dutldtnlt Sitc at all tineo. ?erruined ln:;oectLcnsl l l l l : 1'o be nade after etcauation, but pricr tc set up of forme, atoERSLAB PLL'i.tBrNC, ELECIiICAL & ny r,tot,k is aovcred, FOOTINC t FOUNDATICII: To be naCei fi e r-ti e,rciiiGi77x cau a t e d a nd forns are erected, but prior to pouning ccncretc. UND,RC!?OU!!D P:.UM9INC, SSL/EP) g.1TE:3, 0R4IU49L: 'l'o be nale prior to fil-Tl$-trinch"t. UIIDENT'LOON PLUI.IBIIIC,' ilECIIANTCAL: o1 floot, inaulction or clecking, r NSU r,A',t roN / v! P?fr. Ann I ER I ilSPEC?tON : rcquired vapor barniera are in plaoe but before any Lath, gypBurn boatd op unLL oouering io applied, ctd, before ay inculation ia conoealed. DnYvAt,l, INSPtCfloN: To ba nada atTii, at[ Cry^n[lio in place, but prior to any taping, MASONRY: Sbeel location, bond tiililgroutirtg or vertiaala in acconclance utth U.B.C, Section 2415. WOODS'IOYE: cc;iLe t-ed. After inotallat'ton io Scnilaty aaer capped tt property Line Septic totk ptorped, o,ra fitl,ra vtth gnatal Final - I{hen abova itena ate ccnpleted and uhen denolitton ia oanplete ot atru:' tura npued od. premioao oleaneC up. e Hcneo Blooking ord, Set-up Plwnbing connectiona -- aa)er aru! ualet Eloatnioal Conneotion - Blooking' oet-ut and plrnbing conneotione mtet be apprcted befotc requeoting elaolrtaal inepec2iott Aooaaaory Buildittg 1 Posr euo atnu: To be nade prion to ) ina-tallatioi of floor insulation or deckirtg, --1 ROt-t(;ll Pr,u:t\r!lc. Er,r:(:rn!cA!. ,, Mr:cll-I ANT:AL: u" "-;A1;7-;-b;oue,-;;V-J-until thcse inspec:ior:s have beer: _ made and approoe!.. I fPElt,qct: Prior to plccir4 facing) ,,,ctefr;G and before'franin-g inapeZ- tion. -Jl fnaXtnc: Ltust be requeotetl aften d "pp."r"t of rough plwrbing, eiectri-cal ,l ncchanical, AL! roofing bracing C chinncyo, etc. mtst be : conpletcd. llo ucnk is to be con- . cecled until thic inspection haa'been npde anC apprcved, CURB E AI'PncAL'll AP!?QN: Aftor fomno a1'e er;;;;l-6;t pri;; to pourtng conarete. SlDEttAt,K 3 DR|YI:I,'AY: For aLL con- i6te-paul.ry u{itrii otreat right- of-MA, to be made after all eroa- Dating canplete & fona vsork E tub- base nnterial in plase.Pinal - Aftar pcrchea, akirting, decks, ato. ats oanpleted. !'ENCLI: h4en conplete -- ProuiCejiEZi or norsable aaationo tln'ough P, U, E. l ll l FIIIAL PLUEAIilC FINtlL ttECtlAltICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL @ AIL pnoject aon|itions, :suc!: ao tlrc i.notallation of atraot troeo, conplotion-of the re.qu'ired. Lawlsccptng, cto., nwot be aatiefiad bcfoie tha BILIAfNC PIIIA\ qan..be requaated- FINAL DUILDINC: ']'lte F-irlr'l Buitcling fnopeotion mtet ba requeated alter tho Final Plwnbinn Electrtcal, anC Ncclwnical Inapeotiona hqva been nade ard approrted Ptgc 1 of ! ^AI,T. I,IANIICLTS AND CLI,:^NOU']'S TIU!:'|'BT: ACCTSSIDLE, ADJUSTIIEN1j, TO DE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y IW &//r4-r- *+0 /Ldd-, fu*fl 'oazq-o-' fu/^4/- -4 /Du/'. job aCdtcao, type Requestl recaiued of inspec'-ictt befcre 7:0C c1 JOU No SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c'r Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of loL Cooarage ! of Storiee Total Heighb Topography Permit Iseuotoa llechanioal Pemrtt Total LOT TYPE Intenion': .', I connn*""'' Panhandle CuL-de-oao ,t Mechq n ico I Pe rm it 6-=e-ge:1ata- I IIAVE CAREFU|,Ly EXAMINED the conpleted appttcation {or permit, and do hareby certify that aLL i:tfonntion heneot ie true and. conrect, ani I t\.rther certify thaL any ar.d aLL uonk penformed alnl!. be done in accon- danca ttith !;he Ordbancoo of tha City of Springficld, and thc tane of tha State of 1regcn pcrtaining to tha utork Ceocribcd hereln, cnd :\nt N0 1CCU- PAIICI uill be nu,d.e of any atruoture dithout petmiacion of the Suiltitng Di-uiaion. I furthcr certifll that only conh,actots ard enplcyeea ul:r are in ca:tpliancc oitlt CltS 701.1ss uiLL ba ueed on thto project BeCroon;t i I [nt Facen - llcat P. L,llouoe Ca Accc ss c toD4 Hoot -- Fcoa -- rTEN FTC x VaLuo I'ttirr i ?OTAL VAT,UE DC,s.D.c, .7.5 0 Chcak Fr:c a Datc Patrl Receip57.o7 Sillned Building Volue & Permit Thio pctmit i.o gran!:ad on tha etpreon coruliLion LtnL the taid cottctrwc'Li.otr atal\., in alL rcnlrccL:t, conlorn -Lo tlrc Orcli.ruu:,:a :rlopto.! tty dte Ctty of Spri.nllfield, inclurlitrg !.hc Soning Crdinan<:e, r'ciJul.;Lin7 Llto cctrs truc Ltctr anrl uce ol buil<liry1s, ancl nay bo auapcndotl or reuokcC aL ctilJ tir:tc upon uic- ktLion of atty prcuiaiono of caid )rdir:ances. A 'Building Permlt total Clargee State NO,CIIARCE Fkturee Reaide.nti.al ( 1 bdth) SAnL Seuer Wct, No pencott alnll cortotrttcL, inaial!, alter or clnngc Gnll ned cr e:istirtg plwnbing or drainal1e aysLon in ahole or in part, w:Lcss r;uch persort is bln legal poaoctnor of a ua|i.d plwfucr'a Liccnce, etcept Ll:at a [)erson nau do plwhing uork to pt,olct'l;tJ uhich ia oonad, Ledoc,:l or o1.67,6gpd by thc appli- cant, P lumb in g errrrit Pltnbing Penr,it State Total NO. Nau/Ettend Cincuita Sentsice Electricol Permit I{here State [,an,t rcquircs tlnb tlrc clactrical uork be dona by att glectrical Cotrtracl;or:, tha eleatrical portiott of thta ponnit slnll not be ualiC until the Labal lna beon oigrred by the Electrical CottLt,actor. Stcta Total -t CINNGE , Eslnrot llooC Vent F@1 llcodetotte -. ENCROACIIMENT -. ! :; rr I Pcrmit Atrbcu! Sidcnatk L l"lobile ltane TOTAL Al'lOUMl DltE: I 8gV-os Signed D,'t bc t: A