HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-05-27\ INSPECTION tINE 72U3769 CIIY OF SPRINGTIEID coi.rBlNAncN APPtlcArloN/PEPMlr .k INFORMATION TINE 72&3753 'SfJ #ES:Y Ro Wo ter Heoler {iSq. ttq. -1zl.e"* Ftg. Use ftg. Moin Owner 4toscoF .ercr i beDeI nfo,PermitBuilding Volue of Work: Fo ce With AttochedvP-Addr".r Z17.TLJ Phone c,'re oo ! PhoneAddrerr (expires)(oddress)(nome)DESIGN TEAM (phone(lics. no.) Slru<rurol hodetes) /TECHANICALPIUM8IN6 NO-CHC!-IARGEt?t furnoce/burner io --3TU'S Applionce vent fix. odditionol) EI.ECTRICAT IttNO. te Mcchonicol E le ctri co I Residence of fr. Relo<oted building Eoci fi x turc New circuirs, olterotion5 or exiensions Stoiionory evop. coolerSERVICES S.F. Reridencc (l borh)Vent fqn with sinqie duclTemporory ConslructimDupler {l both) eoch Vent syslem oporl from heotinq or A-C.Amps.Aciditionol both B,O:6:eIRr'&.A1ED t bb-2Do BetLptPaArl#-,Woler rervice Wood stove/ heoter hood ond d'rt Mechonicol exhoust /0,o9 10,o9Sawcr '160 FEET/l Heol PumpFEEDERsStcr.m Sewer Air hsndler to I0,000 CF^,iAmpr Air hondler over r0.000 crM ISSU{NCE OfrPgn,l,ftf O /5?eTOTAT CHARGES\r OoOIJ. -TOTAT CHAR,GES TOTAT CHARGES benol untilYalid othisof:hollclcctricoP.rmitthoportionConlrscroz,lhe E!erlri<olbcdoneEtcctricqlbyrhewIAthotREOUIRES5rWHEREATEthsclcctricollo ponel.chedondottonoConltoctorEloctricolbcrnhsrignodbylobcl I HAVE CAREfULLY EXAMINED lhe compleied opplicolion for permit' ond do h ce*ify thor ony ond oll work p.,formej sholl be d-one in ocordonce with lh p".tolning to tie work dercriixd herin, ond thot NO OCCUPANCY will be mo Lrrify th-ot my rcaistrotion with the Builder's Boord is in full force ond effect o h..o., ond thot only lubonlroqtor: ond empioyees who ore in complionce w ereby cerrify ihot oll informotion hereon is lrue ond correct, ond I further " Oidinon.", of the City of Springfield ond the Lows of the Siote of Oregon de of ony slructure without lhe permisrion of rhe Building Division. I further s reqrireJ by ORS 701.055, thot if exempl fhe bosis for exemplion ir noted ith ORS 701.055 will be used on lhis proieci. DA 7 r2Bosir for Builder'r Boord excmplion; NAME (pleose print)SIGNATU FOR OTFICE x --Volue x Volue 1-_Volue TOTAI VATUATION, e. D Typr/conrr. y' AJ unit, 9"6roo-, fllf?E lccY Zone Ftg. ,rloin u6Flood Ploin Ou€ sq. bod ta Sq. c.o,p P3'M 1 5". fire Zone - F?g- A-cces5 Ftg. Other- 4s I Syrtems DeveloPment Chorqe (1.596)ffiffii4so mffi e,29I ub,d.:h w 491 't)Totol co-b. Permit- PIon Ck. Comm/lndBUILDING PERMIT tE oo Demo Per Fee Plon Ck. Rer Per Fee Chorger ond Surchorges PLUMBING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorger oT--6,o9 a4bELECTRICA!. PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorges / 5:3 51'Sidewolk C Psvi 6::I I TOTAL MECHANICAT PERMIT Chorge: ond S ur ch o rge; tb'Curb Cuto I .,Aos ir /5.o!t5P3I wark c.b9 )['Fenre A 16',)' "> L CoMBINATION APPUCATION //PERMIT (CAP) l. Appliconr lo furnish D. Energy Sources l. exomole-heot/electricol ceiling,/or forced oir go 2. ;xo;;G-,,o ter EIE?]EIEIIIi?o I u'or solor E. Squore foologe or voluotion, etc. A. Job Address B. Legol Description l. exomple-tox lot I00, Lone County Mop Referen-^ r7 rl1 'd3 2. e-f"ffiiE-Lot l. Block 3, 2nd Addition to Springfi - - CC. NoIEE. of owner ond construction lender t --PERMIT VALIDATION ITY OF SPRINGFIELD Clty Holl Springfleld, Oregon Deporlment of Publlc Works OFFICIAT RECEIPT (' l. 2. F. Bu l. exom new proiect, sq. foot house,500 sq. new-if oddition, t ,ck foot gororr 250 exom check etc.-IIo. B 56583,,8 Jilding permil informotion: exomole-construcl single fomily house with on t goroge 2. exomole-remodel existing goroge into fomily r< 3. ex#Ei-e-convert single fomily residence into Eiioi?Ent (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Seciion 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construclion cJeloys, Building Di Stoff must be qble to contoct oppropriote persons design informction or iob site correclions, etc. ll. Ab6ievioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol Sched, A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the descriptior of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Scheciules, the op need fill-in only the No. Boxes odiocent to the opp item(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Scheduk ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division I. To conserve spoce on the permii form the sche< hove been obbrevioted 2. lf rhe item(s) to be instolled ore not covered on . oted schecjules you should consull the full sche C. gUITOINO DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALT FEE CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the initiol opplicotion will be use ( e/u, Rra- ( a4 Cc, fo ( t' ( d,?g ( ( (*fuA.na<-' 6o Amounl ( ( ( ,worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Str f prepore o typewritten copy ond return it to the oppli \ a ihe'time rhe octuol pu.rnii is issued for his signotuie. ( lV. Feer ond Chorget ( Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of t ond no plons will be processed Lntil these fees ore ph-. ^..other fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when the permit is i:sued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AUYHORIZEO SIGNATURE SHELTOi.TURNBULL PiINTENS . EU6ENE OR 97'Ot Permit Clerk !a!il-a A PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: !( 7 U Additionol Proiect lnformotion: R-q signolu dote I5nome PLANS REVIEWED BY: o yl^ ( I t E mAmrDumfl CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 1 t{ay 22, I9Bl MEMO TO: FROM: SUBJECT: q,4( Tom Shei rbon, Perm'i ts Coordi nator Gary McKenney, Traffic Technician Building Moving Permits #Bl034l and #810342 The fol'lowing cornments apply to permit #8.l0341 : l. Th'is move will be permitted only between the hours of 0500 and 0900 on Sunday, May 3i, lg$l to avojd congestion along Mohawk Bl vd. 2. At "Q" Street and Mohawk Blvd. The pedestrian signal pole in the "Q" Street island must be unbolted at the base and "laid down" to clear the structure. This work will be performed by a City Traffic Technician and the permit holder will be billed according'ly. 3. "Q" Street is a county road and a permit to move on it must be obtained from Lane County prior to i)ssuance of a City permit. In addition to the above,the fol'lowing comments appiy to permit #810342: 4. Since this bui'lding is 34'6" wide and the "curb to curb" width on Mohawk Blvd. is 24' in some locations, it will be necessary for the mover to remove and replace several roadside traffic signs. In the vicinity of the "Taco Bell" shop, it may be necessary for the wheels of the moving doily to travel onto the sidewalk. The permit holder will be billed for any damage to public property at this or any other point along the route. 5. The curb to curb width of llorth lSth Street is 32'with severa'l mail boxes at the curb and numerous street trees w'ithin 3'of the back of curb. The mover should be reminded of this constricted. area and advised to double check it for poss'ib1e prob'lems. For both of the above permits, the mover will be responsible for p'lacing and remov'ing "No Parking" signs as needed to provide for a safe move. GM/bj TRA IO-4 i : CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IiISPECTIONS 726-3769 BUSIIIESS 726-3753 BUILDIi'IG MOVIIIG PERIlIT--BUILDIi,IG DIVISIOiI--346 MAIN ST. 0ld Address New 5S (furnished b y Bldg. Djv)t{79 t Lega escri pti on 4 OD 'fra-ru Legal Descr pt 0n Addne 044 Ntfl t7 - 03 -3b- 2 ?6' t1-O3 L6" ZO i arne P.O ,'i70x n 3 79 Qtct^] av€ e/r"€ OrA SVle|,,Ecrl.E o,# r one Moving Firm €uGa,€ (hamE)- 'h0 Ure mo rE-t?S faddresi )(lics.i.loIffi 3979'M',B/N o|tr edradt€ lvo/wilo Description of intencied use: o/Y Ce (} ts Descripti on of Bu'i1di ng: Square Footag u /1o o Flovi n g Length 43 Mov'in g I,t'idth z s He'ight on Dol I l,- l/ /' Number of Sections bein g rnoved fi4e Type of Constructjon wo?p fu?+n€Val uation i{otification of Move: The Buildjng Divis'ion will route copies of this appfication to al I appropriate divisions, departments and agencies. H0!'JEV[R, THE APPLiCANT I4UST CON- TACT PROPERTY OI,INERS IF TREES ARE INVOLVED IN THE PROPOSED MOVE. IN ADDITION, THE AP- PLICANT I,IUST SECURE THE APPROVAL OF ALL APPROPRiATE I4UNICIPAL, COUNTY AND STATE AUTHOR- ITIES SHOULD THE I'IOVE ORIGINATE OR TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Plans, Fees, and Charges: Prior to receiving a permit to move a build'ing to property rv'ithin the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must:1. Submit two copies of a site or piot plan for the new s'ite.2. Submit two cop'ies of a foundation pian for the relocated buiiding.3. Obtain a perrnit covering the new foundation, as weil as al'l plumbing, mechanical and electrical work relating to the relocated building.4. Pay the Systems Development Charge, if applicable. Sewer Cap: Buildings to be moved from l'lith'in the City limits shall have the seler capped at the property line a;rd inspectedoneworking day prior to the move. If the inspection ind'icates that the ser{er has not been properly capoed, the moving perm'it w'ill be revoked. i certify that the above information is true and correct, that all requ ve been made and authorizations obtaineC, that the rnove will begin at ired con tac ts cl ocko' pm on 5-31 compl eteci by __3_ote wi I I be nade wi tho 'cl ock @@pm on ng s'l on. t9b[ and be a nd that no changes'in the rou ut contacti ng t e I also certify that I have bee n inforned that N0 PERNIT l,llLl BE ISSUED BEFORE 5 W0RK- ING DAYS HAVE ELASPED. I furth er certify that rly registration with the BuiIder's Boardis'in full force and effect as required by ORS 70.l.055 and 701.070, and that if exemnt the basis iB.K llame L, s noted hereon. Basis for Builder's . P € e-E^/r(A rrcuC rn fre 5i gnature ard ernoti on : {.lg "8 /, l--- Date FOR OFFiCE USE ONLY Zones 7i Flood Plajn t{o Type/ Con s t. Stori es Li vi ng 0c cy Group Units OPE Square Ftg.*s7+Val ue R5o30o9 es Apolication Fee _/ 5,o9 Permit Fee 50 o! ilo. of Blocks over 5 0 .5Cd per block <o +!rSewer Cap TOTAL J6,qtc tl Pol i ce Departnent tr Ui I I amal ane Park & Recreati on Di st. flFire Departrnent tr Pacif ic Northr.rest Bel I ESpringfield Utjf ity Board D iiorthr,rest llatural Gas tr Rainbor.r l'Jater Dist. E Tel eprompter E 0ther Descri pti on of Route: -37,fi?OHAWlT s,T r&sr ru.oa BUILDING MOVII{G - ^r'lIT Appii.cant to furnish (except as indicated) ERMIT VALIDATION I A. 0ld address for building B. Legal DescriptionC. New address for buiiding (Building Div. will furnish) D. Legai DescriptionE. Name, etc. of bu'i1di ng owner F. Name, etc. of moving firm G. A description of intended useH. A description of proposed route I . A descri pti on of the bui 1 di ng II Applicant to contact property owners if trees involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictions as necessary. A s'ite or plot p1an, and foundation p'lan must be submitted for the new site (2 sets) Plans must also be subtnitted for any other work relating to the relocated building. Fees & Charges:A. Application fee due and payable at time of appf icationB. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permi t i ssuanceC. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF FOR OFFiCE USE ONLYA. Plan check data collectedB. Cop'ies of appi icat'ion to appropriate divis'ions, departments and agencies III. IV. V. PERMIT CLERK BUILDING. DIVISION REPORT: e L -o-e.^ Brr;-l ar;aJ,q,)o-!a #/Y& Date,9z76r TRAFFIC DIVISI0N REP0RT: 3A Afrft€rt*D ,p1g*p, By Ae1 Date€-'"@ ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT 0k nr* By Date ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION : By Da te VI. Eea"ru;{ INSPECTION LINE 7?6-3769 . RE OU I RED I IIS PECT I OIIS INSPECTIOII PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING OIVISION 346 MAIN STREET INFORMATION LINE 726-37 53 YflR CITY DESISIATD JOB NU'tsER IS:aro=41 zC4 N, t{ts**ur _ are made af the proper time, that each address is of the property. The following indicated inspections are required for your construction atIt is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that ali inspections readabie from the street, and that the permit card is located at the front BIJILDING IISPECI-ISIE : B & E K R tr tr UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & froil-l s-covered SITE INSPECIION: To be made after excavation,but prior to set- up of forms INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC-. tTin='and required vapor barriers are'in place but before any iath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before any insulation is con- ceal ed DRYIIALL INSPECTI0II: To be made after al1 drywall isprior to any taping in p1ace, but MAS0NRY: Steel location, bond 66-rns, grouting or verticals in ac- cordance with U.B.C. Section 2415 FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located & constructed according to p I ans ATTIC DRAFT STOPS: R00F SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior @n9 SIDEWALK & ORIVEHAY: Required for elT coneieTE-pa lng within street right-of-vray, to be nade after al'l excavating complete & form work & sub-base material in place CURB AND APPR0ACH APR0N: Afterffiiortopour- ing concrete WOODST0VES: After instal lation is compECa'- SPECIAL INSPECTI0T'IS: When re- qul r-d-5y -BlTTdlng code, speci a1 inspector to be present when workis in progress. A copy of the special testing report to be furnished to the Building Division Structural Concrete: In excess of 3000 P.s.I.. Structural Welds: Perfonned on the job 0lu-Lam Beams: Inspect'ion certificate (by approved agency) supplied to Bui'ld- ing Division before beams.are placed Fire Retardant Roofing: Before Instal- I ati on *OTHER INSPECTIONS: May be required in accoraanca rltn auilaing code, to be indicated in plans or by notice frorn Building Inspector FOOTING & F0UNDATI0N: To bed?E-aTT6-TiEnI re excavated and forms are erected, but prior to ng concrete UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & I4ECHANICAL: of floor insulation or decking *POST & BEI\l'l: To be made prior to instal lation of floor insulation or decking ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be covered u-ntiI these inspections have been made and approved FIREPLACE: Prior to placing fac- TI'liEIITials and before frarning i nspecti on FRAMING INSPECTI0N: Must be re- quested after approva plumbing, electrical & A1l roofing, bracing & must be completed. No , concealed until this in been made and aoorove.{ of rough mechani cal . chimneys, etc. work is to be seect]on has X[ trrt*, ,ATER & DRAINAGE LINES:l-ffi FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTT'IENT All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be reguested. Construction projects that required approval by the City's Site Plan Review Board sha'll be inspected by the Review Board before requesting a finai buiiding inspection. Requests for inspection by the Site Plan Review Board must be made 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. [fr,*or BUTLDTNG: I[r::li].1,;:l:,fl.:1,fl:::t:lr,:;1":i"lfo,",."o arter the Fina'r prumbine, Erectricar, and Mechanica] ncy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, and a Q4,ro, PLUMBTNG ffi-t,rot ELE.TRI.AL No occupa CERTIFICA Si gnature TE OF OCCUPANCY HAS B ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVISI 5'&(J'. spl lffillI ffi.$-Your Job # is: PR0CEDURE FOR INSPECTIAX BE!!!!l - Call 726-3769 @when you will be rea Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made Ql!1ffi-Your Job # is Fence - bJhen Completed Demo'lition - When Completed n Bl ocki nglSetup Plumbing Connections Sewer and l,later Electrical Connection From Service to Mobile Home Electrical Service Pedi stal Accessory Building - May require Inspection as Buildings - See Build- inq,Insoections Above Final - After Porches, Skirting, Decks, etc, are compieted 9na re Si gnature BUILDING DIVISION APPROVED PLANS SHALL REMAIN ON THE BUILDING SITE AT ALL TIMES, AND ALL I'IORK MUST BE COMPLETEO IN ACCORDANCE HITH THOSE APPROVED PLANS. NOTE: All manholes and cleanouts are to be adiusted at no cost to the City. te Date (recorder) state your City designated iob number, job address' type dy for inspection, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. the same day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next Si te/Locati on Footing or Method of Attachment Final - After Installation is com- pl eted SIG[.S-Your Job # is 5'ignature Da te Qrinat E l ectri ca'l QRoush K working day. tr tl tr tl tl n TT tr r trtru tr