HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Application 1977-07-06JouRNAL Na. :; -2 APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, COIIDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPIIINT PERI4IT, OR VARIANCE THE COI4I'1ON COUNCIL AND CITY PLANNiNG COMI4ISSION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Applicant's l{ame General Locat @k-./t//) ion of the ProPertY ,rff (*)4,=gr/n^o#2 /6 v-L ess, s e st 3 Property as recorded in Deed Book ,Pa ge Clerk's Office. Assessor's MaP llumber /7 '-O3 -2) Tax Lot Number(s) 4.Legal Descrjption (Attach separate sheet if necessary) o on between cross s tr s recorded in County Size of parcel:acres and/or Present use of ProPert-v: 7, Present zoning of ProPertY:/?- {+ B. Propo sed use of property (Explain in detail): square feet. 5 6 9. Covenants and restrictions on property (if any): 10. Appf i cant's request: X Zone Change: (check one) |-ft From To By Resoiuti ono f intent to rezone BY 0utright rezoning: Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit DeveloPment Permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL-1 OVER t I I k*,I'14.t G -:i 11.Explain vrhY .i. ,uq"st sh { ?' ..'a'pt.nrotes the obiectives of th ,."u! de i nformati on show'inq - how t ["-ih"-g"nera1 community welfare' qranted . Snovr how the ct' re^i s cons'istent wi th e General pian ani"trre-zoning orainance. Also his request supporti i publii need' convenience' P4 I hereby certify that: 1 ) tfre foregoing statements and other iare true and accurate to the bes'legal i nterest in the property: hoi d er of an exclusive o pti on wfio has 3) the knowledge and belief;of record;contrac hase;ciul y -i-uthoriz nfornration attached hereto2) I have the follorv'inqt purchaser; --'lessee!ed to act for a person ;t "of mly \ or.rner to purcthe following 1 egal interest: ohrner of record 'is knowl edgeabl e0 t s app cat Owner's Name:Address: Tel ephone: and on am not owner. 4 4r/t; /rl Appl i cant' s Si gnature : By: ( Address: Te1 ephone: Date Filed: Received by: Receipt Issued To: a FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Journal l.Iumber:5-7 )-52 Date Fixed For Planning Cor'.unission Hearing ,ft2--/q"2 il;u'on dl'rt)Duni/?7Action Taken:7 Resolution of fntent Number: Appeal By Applicant: Date Fixed For Common Council llearing: Action Taken: FINDING OP FACT FOR ACTTON TAKEN: Ord,inance Num.ber: \ ( PL CITY OF SPRINGT]ELD NO?ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TI{AT THE SPR]NGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOID A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, Lg77 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAT MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTITITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH IAI STREET ON THE TOLLOWING REQUEST FOR REZONING: Ladislav Holemar (Journal No. S-77-57) Assessorrs Map 77 03 25 2 Tax Lot 9900 Located at 1974 16th Stneet on the nor:thwest conner of 16th and rst St::eets. Applicant requests a change of zone from R-A Subur:ban Distriet to R-G Garden Apartment Residential District for" the punpose of con- st:rueting dtplexes. In the event of approval by the Planning Com- mission or appeal by the applicant, the City Council wil-I conduct a public heaning Monday, July 78,1977 at 7:30 p.m. at the afor^e- mentioned place fon the purpose of hear"ing views fon or against the above land use nequest. -?Richard Johnson, Sec:retary Spningfield Planning Commission 126 Nonth 4th Stneet, Spr:ingfield 726-3759 ph.NORTH SCALE: 1rr = 400r TO BE CONS]DERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE rROM R-A TO R-G. crfy L\ti\fi15 F F. F-3 L-l B-3 I AVE. firl R-tffA F-r I cnrr- | 9,DE crrT I RA Et 9 FA F'l F/r F, o,I.TO F.l R€F.X TO T9 R6 n-l RA R,ol. TO F-i, Ft) I- lo5 RA GI *l|,,r', i o FA ffA