HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-02-01FECEI?! T-- RES CCI.IBI}IATION / A.PPLICATION PERI'TIT sPRINGFIELD _-f., aa oDtrt.dl-f a t 4 < itawu <-! aa2tff SPRI::CFTELD, 1RECO:I 97477 tsuildit4 Diuisiot ?26-37 53 l8p Au I Agent fhJob Locction: *tbdiui sion: -0 ?ebt#.n-sssssots l!a? l! Deaeribe llotk ffi// AiiB!frAridress,u /,-[L frote li ,&// . - .w- .-/zlzz Rqaod.eL p!--leu*--- fi, L-I^*r,*, €, Page 1 of 2 Corlt|cacrors lld'le General lleetplu,l- A,Tdtesa 9Cfr ErVires a tlecita.iccl Constmtction Lcnlet REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the:responsibiUty of the perrni.t hclder te see thst all irspections are made at the proper tilte' that each address is readable frcm the streetr and that the pe:'rnit card is located at the finont of the ploperity * -!Jl lratrholes and cJ,eanouts ar€ to be adJusteC at Ro cost to the Clty SITE IIISPECTIC!{: "xca"atffiEforrs. To be made after prior to set up of IIEE!@, Prior to placing faci.ng rnaterials and before franing inspee- tioa. HOODSToVES: After installationffim-p:erca. t (JUDE9.SLAB PLUUBI}I6, ELECTPIC.qL 6 HECH.A.IIICAL: To be nrade before any GFIFovercd. FOOTIIIG € FCUI{DATION: To be nade ffi'EEi;I'ffi--:.cavat ed, and for:rns are erect"d, but pricr to pouring conc?ete. UNDERCROUND PLWBII{G, SEIIER, I{ATER, DRAMA.GE: To be nade prior to fiJ'- Iing trenches. OIDERFLOOR PL'"I.IBING t MECHANICJ\L: To be made prior to installation of floor:. insul.eticn on decking FR3HI}IG: ffi;"-a:. lfust be requcsted after +f rough plunbing, cal 6 mechanicaL. A11 rocfing, braciag 6 chinneys, etc. nust be conpleted. No work i.s to be con- cealed until this iaspectioa has been made and approved. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION To be rsde after. aLJ. insutation and required vapor barriers ale in place but before any lath, gypsuro board on llal.l covening is applied, and any insulation is concealed. CURI 6 APPR0AC!{ APF.ON: After fo!,ms are erected but prior to pcuring conc!'ete. SIDEWALK E DRMiIAY: Eor a.L.]' con- crete paving withj.n street right- of-way, te be EaCe after al.L exca- vating ccmp].ete 6 forr work t sub- base nateri3l, in place. o.,u""w OTHER I}ISPECTIONS:ffiIIh may be required Building CoCe, K or Cecking. RCUCH PLUMBING, ELECTP.ICAL 6 HECI{- AllCItL: ilo Hork is to be covered Gffth.se inspections have been nade and approved. FINAL PLUI,IBI!'IG FI}IAL ELECTR,ICAL ETNAL UECHAUICI.L day PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTICU REQUEST: CaII nunber, job address, type or inspection to be indicate4 in ;lans or by no. fnspector. 726-376 reccrder stete your ni ty ignated reques ted and rhen you will ready lnsPecbefon name and phone nu:nbers Requests received before 7 00 request made after be next working7 YOUR CITY DES IGNI.TED J08 }IUUBER IS POST I BEAH:$ffiIcn To be made prion to of floor insuLation DRY1TALL INSPECTICN:iffi?E@ffi:.s day To be made ia place, but pnior to any taping. HASONRY: Steel locEtion, bond beams, grouting er verticals in aceordance with U.B.C. Section 2t+1s , A11 projeet conditions, such as the installation of straet trees, conpletion of the. required J.andscaping, etc.' must be satisfied before the BUILDING EfNAL can be requested. FIIIAL BUILDIIIG: The Final Building Inspection mrst be requested after the Final PlurnbingElectrical, and l,lechanicaL lnspections have been rnade aed apprcved. llo occupancy of the premises crn be made until the iinal Building Inspection has been NAdE ANd APPTCVEd' ANC A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEE!' ISSUED BY !I{E BUILDIIiG DIVI- SION A}ID PCSTED O}I THE PRE}IISES. I ob ticn Contractors or Ownens ui11 made the sa5:e a. m. IIIP-oa ) JOB III.i}IEER.REFTI{E}ICE NI]I,IBERS L-CO4 -,i Lot laces: cr llo'tas e Ed.st So"fth tlest OCCL1PANCY CROUP ;o'-,-'.es r,OC: ZCNE BEDROO}!S 0ther Lot Ty2e TYPE / C0I'ISTRUCTIO,)l Setbacks i;c.te? iieate? ?oo fntet'ior Cornet Lat Squa?e !tg. :\ cJ' Lot Cooeredi of Sioriealctal Eeigh! lc2ogrq\y FEES BgILDfiIG IIALW/PER!4fi Ganece Thi.s permit is gtotted on the eq!.6s erllii:':on thct the said. oonst"uction shall, in ali "ee;ect.., confcr- to the Mittutces adopted by the Ci;,1 o;' Spnngiiel<i., incluiittg the Zoning 1rdinanee, reEzlatirry t:"e ccn- structaon otd, uee of butlditqs, oti tay be s:nazrd,ed or rasoked at ory tire upoa tiolatica ci dt! ?rcri-'eions of said Crdinttt:ea. Ftg.Caryo?! Valte Cnarqes i .t'i.r.:.e Sutehrmac PLan Cheek lee ?OYAL CELRGES Date Paid Recztpt ,* PLI]I4BTNG PBIIIY No pe"son et@Ll'constn@t, :ir.stell, aller ct choqe c-ry neu or ee-sttng plmbing op driatwge sVsrai in ultcle or in pot, tmlesa such pe*sati ia :he iegaL poaaeaao? of a uali.d pL.aabet's licer:ae, o-eeelt ihat b petson nail ic phnbing xotk to p?o?e"? ai':ch is ottned, Leased ot ogerated b.y tha qlice*. Semfioa Saser sw?alqL State Sutelutge lqAL CHARGES tlhe?e State La.t requites tha+- the eieed,cci uork be done bg qt ELect*,Jco.L Ccntractor, the electr)cal pot- tion of thia pendt elwLl not be vaiid unti'u the la- bel has been signed bg tlv lleetri.ccl Ccna.r+.o?. The Electt'ical Safety h't does tlot "equ':"e . ?eleonto obtain a Licensc aB @t alect?ician aL/cv elec- ttica.l eo,tttactc? b make or electtacll 'Jns;:Lleticn ot pro?dt'l ahich is owod bg hineeif or a =r,bet of kis i,rnedi,cxe latrily akieh is not irten ed i* sale,'Ledse c" ?ent. ELECTRTCAL PEPIIN TUIAL CITARGES SUSTEAL or tztensicn/Cinati Cd.st"Ltction MECEANIC.AL P&TLTT Eclanst Hood Vettt Fot SAB?AilL E:'tcR1AcEi.tEttr Seeur)ty Deposit PL@t EeotLne? Daxe I EAW CAREIULLY EXAMINED the eontpleted dpplication fot pennit, @d. do h.erebg ce*ifg that al,,L infomnation herean is tmte otd, cortect, cld, I ftntfut cettify that dtA atul aLL uork petformed shall be Cone in aceot- danee u?ih lhe Minoe* of the city of Springfield, and, the La,ta of the State of O?egon pe?tain'thg tc *e uotk describad here'in, aid, tle,t !10 0C- CWANCy vtLL be ra.de of olA etprcture Ltitllout penrLsa:icn of tle BudUitq Di,sision. I futthet eertifg that onlg contracto?s od, enployees dlo a?e in coeliance vLth 1RS ?01.055 tlill be wed on lhis p"oiect. !.laineno,ce Perwit !OT!,L AUOUIIT DIIE 5Ld..")dLk Fencz ( t ilectri,eal Label te at dLLilQAIIT DUE 5 tines Diuision approsed pla slall rencin on the - -,n:a,_Ci2 )o.;'