HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-06-30----.-lj .. RESIDENTIAL.., APPLTCATION/PERMIT 225 Noyth Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 974?? Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D {-,!*oc ctt Date: Iil u\ v C, GenepaL Construetion Lendep tt ie the responoibi-Lilc .oi-the petmit holdet to aee that atl inspections ue nad.e at the p?ope? tine , th.dt s4sft :dttrss6 is reaCnhleiy!-tlg atreet' anc tltat the-p*nrtt eatd is Located. at the rro"i o1 the property.t9uiai.w Nuiciot appro"^ed plbt s?nLL remain on tia ei:,lal"i' site at aLL times. ?.R)19DUPE; FoR" IySPEnI1tt Rlo.wSTrCALL 726-3769 (z'ecord.er) state aou? City designa-ted. job ntmber, job aCiz,ess, tgpe of inspec=icntequested and ahen tou aiLL beieadg fo-r ir"spection' cont"actoi" oi asners"nane L"a puin rutnbet,.' -e.quiii o""eixed. befcre ?:00 c:t'*-iil be nad.e the ,&, d.ry, ";A;;;";"d" iji* z,oo- * nLLL be nade the nert uorkid d.ay. Iout, Cifu Desigr,ated Job Numbet fs:3zo/eo t Qz lb&vJob Ipeaticn:a Aesessote Map # /?-O T,OTcE #t EVOtmer: /)3't'lAddtessPhone Sfrru- w< l( fn. f, c,<n et 4e(fifi:-Gy€ - 4 -/4 * fZ Value ooo < n t-t Date of AppL ieatian Le Eone L Desq-ibe llotk: Additicn forms decking MECH-'CAL: No these irspections lnoe been FIttAL PLUv;BIttc PIIIAL IilECHANICALq4 FINAL ELECTRICAL TNSALATTON/VAPOR BARRTER II]SPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn a.-d. requined oapoz, borie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory lath, Wpswn bcatC ortnLL couez,ing i.s applied, and beforeoty iraulation is eoncealed. Dct.!2Lrul)ll 0R !.:o Scnitaty se.ter capped et g,operfii lite Septic totk p.a.ryed and filled ttth gra;sel aNDERSLAB PLUMBTN}, ELFCTRICAL &wcr!triicWny uoyk is cotseted,)'e P)OTfNG 1 F)U\(DATICN: ?o be naCe - alter t?enches a?e escaoated and. forns are etected, but prior topourtng ccnerete. 7 ulogacnout:o pzuuztuc. swep. w.qrn,IJ Lirq trenches. I uaocnrzoaR pLUr.ErNG & uEcgANrcAL:rlof floor insulation or decking. P)ST AND BEAI|: ?o be made pt"i.ot to installaticn of floor insulation oy SI?E TilSPECITON: esca,ation, but ' To be nw.de after pt tor tc set up of B 8 DRYWALL INSPECITON: ?c be made aftet, aLL dtyuall is in place, but priot to cny taping. MASONR!: Steel Location, bond beons, gz'outirrg or oerticals i.n accordotce uLth U.B.C. Seetion 247 5. V00DST0'/'E: After installation is atnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After formsce ereeteC but prior to pouz.Lng conzr,ete. SfDEHALK & DRflryWAy: Fot all con-ctete pansitlg uithin etreet right- of-teA, to be nod.e after aLL etca- uating catzplete & forn wk & sub- base nater.Lal in plaee. Hcmes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aarte? otd. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, aet-uD and plwnbing eonneetions m;st be qprc"-ed before requesting eleclrical i.nspectio;l Aeceesory- BuilCtng nad.e and approued.. ?T-D.EPL.ACE: Pz*ton to placirq faeingmaterials and. before ftoning inspee-tion. )v FRAI.'IING: Llust be requested after approoal of rough plutrbing, electu i-cal & nechanicaL. AL! roofittg braeing A chinmeye, etc. mtst be ; conrpleted. llo ucnk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetion las'been mad.e anC approted. Firal - After ete. @e e.nryt pcrckes, skirting, deeks, Leted. f l A _l ?ENCE: hhen complete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable eections through P.U.E. \q ALL projeet conditions, such ae the installation of stl,eet trees, conoletion of tie required Land.secping, etc,, tmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDIN? FfNAL can be requested, IINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection muat be requested after the Pinal Plwnbing \C./ Electrical, otd l,teelwnical fnspeetans laoe been nade atd approoed. v .ALL I4ANHCLES AI,ID CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSA!{ETI! TO BE I,L4DE /.T IIO CCST TO CIIY Page 1 of 2 7l Subditsision: I Plwtbina i Eleetrtcal Final - l{hen abcoe itens are eanpleted and uhen Cerlclition is eontplete br st:luc-ture nooed and. prenrLses cleaneC up. tr tr T R EQ.-dJOB NO AC'SOLAR AC--CE S S L-CO Beivoons: Lot Faces -tnerau Sources Setbacks Iledt DT House Ca?aoe Aceess Waten 9eater NoPth Range East FirepLace South tloodotou-e West 7, cf Lct Cooenage_ # of Stories ?otal Height LCT TWE _ Intenicr _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac?opography Lot Sq. Ftg. -- Pees -- Building Volue & Permit This pemni-t is granted on the erpress cond.ition tlnt the said.construction sLw.LL', in all vZspects, confcrtn -to the ordinance adopted biy the Cit'J qf Spning|ield., includ.ing- the Zoning Crdinance, r'egulating the ccnstrteticn ond ,-nn of buildings,- otd nay be suapen-d.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- Lation of anA prctsisions of said 1rdirances. sQ. Fvc TOTAL VALUE Euilding Permit ?otal Clnrges x VdITE14 o State I). FEE CHAP,GEITEI.l NO s,D.c. 1..5 c SO o/ Date Patd Signed: Ei.stures Resid.zntial (1 bath) Sanitaty Seuez. Wctey' it).FEE da ?2.5a 2?.SO ?e -.<. CfIARCEtlF I Neu,/Extend Circuits Setoice Total : bhanst HooC : Vent Pot PezttrLt fssucnce Meclnnicel Perrrit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sectrt Pcrmit TotaL Cutbcut Sidettalk Fence * Plumbing erm it No person stnZl consttaet, instal1-, altet or clnnge _ang net-cr ecisting pttinb;,rq or. drainage systan in ulole or in pa,t, unless such person is the Legal pbssessor ofa ualid plwtber"s License, eccept that a pe"son nay 1o plwnbing uork to p?ope?ty uhich is ottned, leased or opetated by the appli.- eant. Electricql Permit Were State Lan requines tlnt the eleetrieal uork be done by an Electr-tcal Contractor, the electrical portion of this pennit slnlL not be oali.C' until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor. ir9M 'tlcodstooe Mechonicol Permit 2)dn Eroniner I tlAW CAREEULLY EXA]LLNED the eotnpleted application for perrnit, and do hereby certify that aLL infomation hereon is tnue and eorrect, anC f further. eertify that any ard aLL uork perforaed slnll be done in aceor- dance rrith the 0rdinances of the City of Spt'ingfieLd, and the Las of the State of 1r,egon pertaining to the uork Cescribcd herein' end tlwt N0 2CCU- P{IlCy will be mad.e of any stl,ucture uithout permission of the Suilding DL- oision. f fuz,ther certifr- that only contractops aiid enplcyees uho are in co,zpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pnoiect L * *5Y !,lobile Honte ,Zc :O?AL N4OUiiT DUE:' (3 6V-#a4t' A-zo-t Plunbing Pernit State Suteh.an ge Tctal CTcrges I a! ,\ -,.: Res- So- fta- 4'--ffi - I (ru frvm*( JNT,vTLRruL Brna tr75C lutL/*.2€77e St filaeDET *, ?t4o I Otry,Jtrc # BV244ta yzr.l ,PEqffiEb &ae)///Z m/ N' l&V *LL @anT //J{rya>{! Px- 7ila /,ea.q h/aE a?"vl/arqae4 utaVfu. ,Lef p76 KrJeo /f / e+rr 8i'E er Fu,<77/e" *ss/s fu)i26 , PLANNINC AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF SPRINCFTELD oon Moore ' -:- |(} I J';.. I I Planning & Development Job. No. JOB ADDRESS ---'.-.f i1Fr;rT.ry - . :TT'$- rlr, : .,Ert:lrw xtil!r-q,rr9i;Rr,* CEET OF SPR,IT\TGFTE]I,D OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Date Bu'i I di ng Di vi s'ion 1124 N, /O )tt TO a /, CALI CTIC.. 726.3769 ..-- INFORMATION:726-37s3, 6lr L I NSPECTOR RFOCAL***Jr *rk*Jr 37r i4