HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-03-01.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorch stit streeA?PLrcArrc, /PEPJlr! Scr.ryfield, 2regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 726-s7 53 b SPFIINGFIEI..D ?.ecetca ! Date: i Genetz.L PL:nbiru Tcs bt #r: r /ooj -JS' 7V Job !-oce:icn: Aeoesaors:leDl 11-O Subdiisicn: *,1/,i- il ,("rT #f5/ ,tven fu 876 - 35/ 3Pl"one:;C&esa.. fea./urq-zip: %rg7u Deacribe tronk: i'nsn//rh-, oF rr,'aod Ebue bfus's TLarne ValueData of AppL dt)i*r;"n I/hrzfi /, 17f,? lCiittca ReaoCeL conar2aaorS O tzr-7, € r A&i.ress dea bu*9 Cons:Ftcrirn Ldg!_ !) io the reeponcibility of thc pentt! holler to see that al! inspectiotls @e nad.e at ihe p?oper tine, t!.ct acch address is v2a;''^; ' ;'ron the st?eet, cLc thdt thet?uiUirg Viuicio:". cpproxed p t ead. ie lacated at the frazt of tle thz tsut Ldttg Site at aL ?"o?erty.L times- ) state your City desig*ated iob nnber,of inspec)icn L l9c1tt job aC,bess, type P.equesxs receited befcre 7:00 etuouConttactcrs ct A;rzers nane cnd, ciote nuzbct be ncde the sare Ccg, "equeeas naie cfta 7:00 an uLLL be nod,e the nezt',nrkirai dcg ? e oui r ed I r. st a e t.:. ca !, Iout City'Desigra.ted Job ltuntbet Is: L726- | | acacc'-on, Jut p?icr lc 9e: tp of Jotmg. t wpiRSLA3 ?!L':41:tG, ZL1*PICiL l I | ,loci.l;ticst: lo be nwie ceiore ary t,o,.K'-a colcted. r-l .ocol:.v c I ?cafiATIc:t: To be tnce L) ff:rrffiA """-r=ccuated crl fcrns ate etecteci, but prior topurirq ccncreta. deckztq. RO'.|CH ?a!:s!:!C. ?!3.:l9!C:i I :.1ZCT- A;liasL: :lo '-v"'/- ia to be coterec ur.='-L chesa i*cecticz,s h:,ue beer. rcEe al. qTrx'ei. Fi.?5?l.lu-5.' *ior '.c Tlccir4 fcctr,gnccert,ila crd, beiore irzrirq indoec- tiot:. IYSULAIICN /VAPC1 BARRIIR IIIS?ICTIOII : required uqor bo-*Je?a @e in pla.ce but befcre ozg Lath, Wpszm bcatC or tsdll couering is cpplied, and. befcre oty ir,sula.ticn is concealed. DRY,|ALL MSPgtrICll: fc be natiect"ftt@fis in ptace, but prior to ang taVirg. 'W.SO!!!!: Steel Location, borlC beans, gzouting or uerticcls in aceorbtce ,nLxh A.B.C. Section 24 15, ,I)ODS!1'/!: After install,a.tion isq;toleted. t CURB E 1P?89J42E E'.".CN: Afcer formsa,; "r."..ec-GV&or' '"o pczr-ng eofl,2?ete. SID|'IALK & 2RI1TI/A!: Eor aLL coa,- cet;@Efr; st?eet right- of-,x!, to be ndCe aftet a/.1, esca- vating 46nplete 3 fon uork & sub- base natet)al in pl,ace. no 3UILDI;iCS Sanitul saser cqced ct Fopatt1 Lite Septic totk V"rpeC od filled ttth grr;zi Pinal - filhett cbcue itens are cc:wletei e:ci uhen Certclttion is canplete ir st:"u:- tuve noueC oi pre::riaes cleaneC up. i!c:res ;-l y..tlF6?ctrlD ?!L.ttzig) slE:, t)!l?,J Lir4 :rencirs. , u:tccpylccR !,aiJ:.3t::G 2 lllcTAltIC:!:tt@ot fbor irauktiolt ot dccking. [ ] nsa AID 3*.:.1: To be naie pr-or to; i ffi|ffi{o; 11oor insui=ion cr F?-tu1!ilC: i4,ts'- be nec.tes'-ed a;"-er cpVrc,tc! of rcugh plurcirg, zlecti- a,L I necitnica!,. AL! rcoiizg braeJrq ! chi:orcys, etc. t=ztst be anzole=cd. ::o .;cr< .:s io be ccat- - "d!.d until :l.is inscecict 4a,a 'been naie a:d, cpptou-ed. fI FI;:A' ?tA:.s!::C ,?.1.? tEaUr.atFar .':.tAtr =tJe-:lw;L ALL pro,iect colldiiicnE, sucl cs the ;-.nszallcticn o7' street crees, cc:=!,ction o1'the require<i icztiscccir4, etc., :rltst be sacisfiei beJ'ore che 3uiLDIi:C !I|!AL can be regeated. ?::tAL SIIDIJC: *e Final ?uild.-r4 Insoection -L.st be requested z!:er the lirc,L ?t-urbing \J ileccriecl, oE, llecia.accl ir.scecxicns |srte been nctie anti cpprooe4.. tsLocking od. Sat-up Plwtbing conzect:-cns -- 8&)€? d, ualet Etectrice! Ccniecxion - Blocking, se*.-u2 and plw,,bing ca4tections rast Le dpp"ou'ed before requeat'-rq el.eelt ical *,:s9ec=ion Accessory BuiAlng Fir-zl - Aftcr icrekes, sk'Jtti"g' d.eci'.s, etc. @e etroielad. I 'Aii:.!AJEC!:S AilD CLEAI|CWS:!US? 3E.4C3iS3:31i, .lDiLSi:E::?:0 3S:'iD, t:::0::S! ?C Cry ?:i'e 1 o! 2 3-:rar: r T k I-] -tsfltg.. tnen conoi,ete -- ?rouiie U n"jr?r."r nooable'eect:'ons th'rough n =--., Lot Feces - !. L. I aOLiSe Aaeess !lo:th Ecs;I Vest -ra\t .(TaLue :.ban G=cce - J a,1t TALJL S.D.C. .I.5 s ?ZE I C?.IP,CE -Prhlres Resizdtial (1 bcth) Se"ter C::;-;.Ci:;o. fla;/E:t,end, Ciradts Sentica -- al, 127?:-:-:lY bhalst E@C Vevt F:7t TcoCstare I /s'Qd _,bo IS ,bo Seet*L SUatalk S?r3e I Jo 8 No. 8qo Lo SOLAR*dCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Seclccna: i-ot Sq. F,i. Z cf ,*t Catetcja { of Stcrles lota,t !r)gh: Iogogqirg ac? :2: _ lnxericr _ Corne: _ ?ctri.cruile _ CUl-<ie-sac ieai ;oL'e Building Vqlue & Permit This pemnt ,ls gzcnted ott the eq"ess condition ttct the saii construc+-ionsiwi-L, in alL rescects, confcrm to the Crdinattce zdoote.i by the Cify ofSgringu'ielC, ilcrunnng- lhe Soning Mir.,ztce, regalct:-no ;hL ccnstrict-i,cnsl,.use o-! buildin4s, a.d nty be susoend,ed or rZuckei Lt "rg tine u>on uic-Ui'-on oi a.y ptcuis:.ons of caiC jrCirances. Buidir.g Pendt ?otcl f;l"a:gze Plwbiag Petrit Stcte lotal Penrtt fcstcee He:ianiczl Perrit --;'1,'=^-1altt-.rr Plumbing Permit No- pereon slnT-L co*imtct, 'lnstcl!, altet ot ciwr4e cna rart cr eaistir.g qlwnb.i?q or dtainage sgs-i? in aiare or in part, -,ot"si such person is'th.e LegaL .posseasor of a oalid. glunberts Lic_ense, eaeept th.at a pb:sort raX doplubutg aork to ptope?t! airich is oatud, lecsed or ogerutei by the qpli_cant. Electricol Permit tlhere State Lan nequites that the electrical uork be Ccne bg an gleetriealcottru.cta", the electrical por--iotz of :his pemtit sjELL rot'be oizil, uzti|the Lobel ias been si.gn?/i bg xhe Electrl,ccl' Contracto?. Mechonicc:l Perm;t i 1 l,lobiia i{*re ?9!AL .-',!CU)I? DUZ: A 15 to0 f flAW CA-REFALLY EXA..{Ij!Eq ile conpleted oolication for Veni:, dd, dal'ereby certify ttzat aLL infos,ation hereoi' is true "rra oZi"iti "*a ffrrthe" .certif'g th.at ory crl. aLL xork geriomted arall be d.oie 'in-o""ct- davce'nlth che 2riinctces of ti"e city oi sgrtngfielc, otd, the Lc;s of tha 1*.t^1."f:-?"?gcn pe?-;tn--no to th.e wrk CescribLd herean, od.:i.a,t yO CCC:j_E!-iLt'I|LLL o-e lade of ary atTuce)re uithc;tt oennisaion cJ'the Suiidino Di-wsaon. f j\*ther cert"Jf3 thsi otly cont?ccto?s o-d *rplayees ufo eZ ir.tt-:oliance Dlth CRS ?0Z.0SS uiLL be- used on this project a. -lccessc?:t Stor:ze !,b.Jnter*:z