HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-09-21.a.ecei c#.. RESIDTNTIAL... APPLICATION/PERItIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, ?regon 97477 Buil&trtg Diuision 7 26-37 53 SP'III\IGFIELD rob Locaticn, / 7 6 z/- tll. / 5- z- Aasessore uap # l1-OS 7 7oY-?c.s Iot #-2.(- ? o Subdittision: a^"n,f,b -klO ?honea-7 6 q 7L Address:/f-/ I Descz+be htork:C/R PaRt-ll4n tddition lx r-t L & Date of App Value \ GeneraL I i4eeitzniccL tEt.!cLi? Sotitel seuer cqped at ?topert! Line Septic totk p'"t:':ped ad. iilled uith 7,atel Pinal - i',hen abe.le itens ate :ctaLeteC ei :then iencl-t:ion ia eonple:e br e:x'u:- a,ee na"-ed azi prznises cleaned. up. l,lobi e dLockatU, CfEl r29-UD P?rnbing connecticns -- sate? *te uatet EleetrJcal Ccnnection - Btock).q, se!-,ti and plunb,Jng ccnnections m;st be qpro,:ed befote pequestang electrtcall,nspee=iotl Accesso?i BuilCittg tctehes, sktz,tu,q, Cecks,Pir-zl - After etc. are ccmD Cona_tt"tction L ender _ It io the respottsibility of tte pe*rrtt itoldet to see tlut aLL inspecxions ee nade at lhe lbon the atreet, an4 tinat the pemtrtt cat4, ia l,ocated. at the fzent of the troperty.*3uilding )iui:ion approt:ed. cLan shc.ll nemein on t;E Suildrng Sitc :t ;LL tines. .oR1C1DUPE FOR IilSPEffICIi F??aEST;CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state Aolt" City Cesiqa_ted job irsuesiAA-M-ai;n son uiLL be ready for trepectt on, cont?actars c" arne?s nane cnd pitone iLL be nade the sane Ccy, tequests ncde after 7:00 on urLLL be naCe the nert *rking daE. UNDERSLAB PLUiItsIIIG, ZLICIFICAL 8, WCH{\IICAL: To be made befoz,e anyffil66oered. fr171 pcornc t FauilDAlrct: lo be tcce lL) Afii-brcffis ate eicaated attd forms ate erected, but prLar io pouring cc11c?eta. 11 uynacnoulo p:uuzntc, sswp, it.q.:gt, ', I op-Ual,ct: lo ce na.ie pt')or to i1:,L- Lh^q trenchee. 7 uiloengLczp pLutgr:tc d :4EctAtficAL:it@of floor insuktion or decking. PAST AND BEAI4: To be nacie 2rio" to installalian of iioor insuT,ation or d.eekitt4. R,OUCI! ?LAIEI::5, :iE:IPICAL T :|ECA- ANICLL: )lo u-ork i.s n be eocet'eci ffilTthese inspections itarte beqn ncd.e and. qproved.. Pr';-or lo placirg faeing atui before irotrtng i-ns?ec- tion. N1 pnutlac: ttust be req.u.ested afier'LfJ "ppr."r"L of rough plurr,bing, e'Lectri,- cal d necitanieaL. AL! rooi-ing btactn4 E chtrmeys, ete. rruet be ampleted. llo ucrk is to be cctz- , cealed until *,his insoeetiot has 'been nole ane approued. INSULAITAII/I/APOR BARRIER, iIISP?CTIOII : lo be nad.e efter aLL insalaticn a:".C required uqor buz,ie?s @e in place but befate ag lath, gypsm bcarC oz' tnLL coueri,ng is applied., ard before oty ittsui.ation is concealed. you! Citg Desigra.ted ,Iob ilwnber is DRY\IALL MSPIEICII: Tc be nade"=-;-'-----;'_, .afler cll :t-1tali ")s rn place, but prior to atty tapin4. \USQI\RY: Steel Location, bonci Effijgro"tirry or oerttcals i.n aecordstee wi'"h U,8,C. Section tl11DST1'/E: After irlstalTation ie ccrnpLeted.. p?o?e? tin€, that ecch cdlrees i-s 7'2a1"a'^1.2 I ntmber, job olitess, tgpe of .Jnspee--icr' nunber, Pequests teceii:ed befcre 7:0C att 8?,\K ctdd f^latad71lt. es;aodtlon,6; fotns !I?.EPLACE: ncterials FINAL PLUUAING PINAL IIECHANICAL FTNA.L ELEC?RICAL ?o be rmde aftez'prior tc set up of CURB & APPRCAC!! A.PPON:s,";CAA-fr@ Aftet fornsto potr)r4 1ofl,2"ete. SIDEITALK & DRf',El,lA!: For all ecn-ffiVffiA;ffi street risht- of-ung, to be naCe after aLl, e*ca- uatinc catplete & forn wtk g sub- base material in place. ?ENCE: hrhen cotnplete -- ProuiCe gates cr notlable sections tht'ough o lt ? ALL pt'oiect coruiitions, sack as tiu i.nstailaxion of stz,eet trees, cancieicn of th.e requiz,ed Lanlscapitg, ate., m$t be satisfiei before the BAILDilIc ?IllAL cen be reqaesteC- PINAL BULLDIIIG: The Final Building Inspeetion rust be requesteci cflez, the iinal Plu,r,bingElectrical, o1t Meclwnl:ccl fnspecttons i'tque been nade ard approueC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAI,IOUTS MUST tsE ACEESSISLE, ADJUSTIIEIII IO 3E !,,!ADE /.t !]O CSST lO CilY @ a--^ 1 ^f cL-:v - v,j e i n -tt_l JoB No 8e\COt soLAR, Ess REe.- tleu/Ertend. Circuits Mec?wnicaL Perd.t Mechqnicol Permit r--co C -,Bedtooms LOT TWE _ Intet-iot _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac /7 VaLue Aeeess//2' O-24 LACe MM FTG X L,llouse Lot Paces - -- Feea -- Lot Sq. ?tg. % of Lot Cottetage # of Stortes Iotal Height lapogrcphy i,lain 2saae 23d tr.7 tszl.'P Accessoyt TOTAL VALUE Fza.v' (ief,ue)s.D.c. 1.5 z PLan Receipt #/6.61 Building Volue & Permir This oenn't t is granted qn the espress cond.ition tiut the said constzwctionshall, -tn-all.reepe.e_ts, gonforn to the Crdinance adopted, y:y the Cittl oi'SpryngiLelJ, '-neluCir.g the Zonir.g Crd.inar,_ee, regulating ;ke ccns;yte;icn and..use of but't<iirqs, ani nag be suspenLed cr rbuckei ot .rX tine upcn uic-Latlc4 oi cnA trcuisior,s oi saiC Srdi-.cnces. Euilding Pe?trit, ?otal Clwtgee State Sigzed: NO.FEE CHAPCE Resid.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuet Plumbing Permit No- person siull constmtct, install, alter ot eiunge any nea cr ecisting qlunb-irq or drainage sastll tn ulole or in patt, unlesi such person is tkeLegal.posseasor of a oalid pltnber,s Licensb, escept tlat a p'e:,son nay Coplmbing aork to ptope?tA uhieh ,:s otmed, Leased or opetated by tlre "pptl.-cdnt. Pl;,onbing Perrrit Semtice Electricql Permit Were State La requites that the eleetr.Lcal aoyk be done by an Eleetuicalcontraetor, the electrical porlion of thia permit sltall rat- be ualid untilthe Label lu.s been signed by the Electri,cal- Contracto". Total afrt Dai J E ha.tst HooC Vent Fdt ilcodstooe -- ENCRCACEIIE!]T Seq"nn|tu Deaosix Storc-ae l4ainteznnce Penit cnc?aes Cuzbctt! - Mobiie ilcne TOTAL A}4OUII? DUE:A /6.6r I AW CAREFULLY EXLAINED ihe contpleted application fcr permit, and dahereby certify that aLL infornation heteoi ia true an4. cbrtect-, aruC i fuz.thet certiii that any ad aLL ,,totk perforned slnll be done in acoor- dance vi.th the Oydirnnces of the City of Spr"Lngfield, and. the La";s of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uork Cescr"Jbbd hez,eir, c-nd. tlnx lto OCCU-PAIlcy'till be rad.e of qa st?uc+.ure uithout pernissiott of the Buitcing Di-,tisio_n. I fuz,ther eertifi titat otly cantTacta"a od. mp-Lcgees al:o uZ ineonpliance aith ?RS 707.055 uiLL be used on thie projeetSida,talk Signed ie 7-zt*o2Td2.- PermLt Isstance l v ? -....RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION /PERI(IT 225 llorth itn Street SprLngfteld' Oregon 97477 BfiLdin4 Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPF|INGFIELD 6Job Locatica: y-1'd2 l.,ot tAssessore Map # Subdis.)sion: /,Anter: //_/ r- //y'7?hone:Addzess: "-.-.oLci Describe htork:CIR P'Rt- C?Va/.ue lx \Date o1'a* N, A&iiticn SenoCel o veneldL llectr)caL i4echcr.iccL 1irr,r inrall a) Sazi:e,1 seser ccpVed :t ?ropetfi Lite Septic :ank p',ryeti at"t ii,Lled tith 3ra:;ei Pinai - i,h.en cbc.Le '!xe-s ate ecnoie;ed. cnd ahea iatci.:rtion is conplete o! s!r-t.2- tute na,*ed ei pretrr|ses cleaned ug. !!cnes tsLockin4 od Set-up Plunbing connectic'ns -- sanet al. i,tc;er Eleetrical Ccnrection - tsiock")r4, se!-,t: ard. plwnbing cdtnec'.ions m;at be ep_orc,:ed, befor e reo.ues cing e l.ee'.rieal inso ec= icn A-ccessory Builitng Pir,"al - After gcrckes, skirtirq, decks, etc. ore ccrnol.eled. Iatz, City Desigra.te<i Job :l:u4b€r' is: IIISULA,IIAII /I/APOR EARRIIR J}!S?9C?iC !1 : lo be nad.e cfter aLL insui.aticn ari required oagor ba:w'-ers se '!.n pl,aee brt beJbte aq Lcth, glpsuttt bcarC or tnLL couering is cpplied., ani before ag insuLztion is concealed. DRWALL MSPICICII: ?c be ncCe M-Zl@iTts in pzace, but prior to any iaping. tlASCN\!: Steel Locetion, bon<i Effij-oroutin4 or uez'ticcls ln accorciotce Lrixh il,B,C. Secticn ll)CDSTOlry: Aftet it,stalT.aticn is cctnoLe'ceci. CURB 1 APPPCAC:! A.?P.CN:Aftet fornsse erected but ttn o? to pozrtn4 cone?ete. SI:lIIA.LK 1 2RIiE\'A!: ?or all ecn- c?ete ?avlng s.leet fight- after eL'!. ezca-o|'-rxg' to be ttatinc cctnplete l, iozn '.vrk I sub- base r,ater4al ia place. It id lhe rcsponsibiLity of ttc perq.ti iptder to see tlu.t aLL ,Jnsceciions ore nade at lhe ron tlte atreet,. anC :iny-_t11,ryY._1,":y_i_r.-*_"r_?_4 1!,11,_i*.X!^ot-_tr:1.t1?11q.r3uildirq V)ui:iot @aroo-e7. =L,zn si'c'!L remcan or. ti12 9ttld:.ng j.!i: a- ;eu uLites. ,oPoczDUPg_ FOq IySPSnrct .?-9.Q!'1ST;CALL 726-3769 (veccr4er) stdte loLtr C:"ty Cesigra..ted jo reqttesxed at:d ui".en goi aiLL i:e :,eady for ir,spection, Co'ntractc"s cr A;ne:s nae cnd Vinne xLLL be nade the sane itg, requests narie aiter ?:00 an utill be naCe the nc=t'arkin; daE. C o n s tr,rc ti on_! snC e!* ?IIIAL ?LU!4SI|IC FIiIAL i4ECJIA\IICAL FIIIA.L ELEC?RICAL ?zto?e" llne, that ecch sl'lness i.s teaiai'"e b nw;ber, iob aCfuees' tgpe of inspec:icr' r.u,r,tber. Peqttests reeeiued befcre 7:C0 an tL\\oO( ,r--l si?9 IilsPScTi))!:I I A;"octlo";aG ICrne, I I ?o ce r,nde afterpriar tc set u? of UIIDERSLAB .DLU\BI:IG. !LJC:PI':'L A ,$!t4tl!Qiq: To be ma<ie before anyffi7ia6vered. PC)TI\|C 1 !0AllDA?IClt: ?o be ntCe ;f t er'ffi;;Accaat ed atd. fcrms are etected, but priar xc pourir,g cctTcaeta. U!|DERGPO|I\ID ?at!'t'!3rllc, SSWP, :,/.4!!3. D.on4!l!$EEt lo be nane pr)ot to i'LL-TfiT-ren hes. UTIDEPFLCOP :'LUI.E iI G 2' IIZC\AII I CAL : @cf fToon ineulciion ot deeking. P1ST .4llD BiAr[: To be nade trior to -^4 insxallatian of fioor insu'la.tion on deekin4. R1tili ?aL:!Rr::i. !:!rPy:.L t :.EC'!- ).ltlc,ti: ilo tork .l.s -,o ce co-'eted. GTthese inscecticrs heto- beett naie ard. cpproued. FI-:.EPLACE: Prior +,o plceirg factngmcteriala and before iraring inscec- tion. ?Ril'!I$G: ihtst be reqaectei af'.er apgtoual of rough plutrbing, electr.:- a,L d necitanieal. AL! rooi'itt4 btacin4 E chl'nneys, etc. trr"Lst be eonoleted. !!o acrk is to be ccn- , ceiled until this i,nsceeCcd ias 'S6sn nal.e ar.C appzvveti. III !EllC!: tlhen conplate -- ProoiCejG cr nouable sectians :htough P. U. E. ALL proiect contiitions, suc!'t as ihe inscai.lax:.on of st?eet trees, ccnoiexicn of the required 7.anlsccpirq, atc., nast be sacisiiei belore the 3tELDf;rc !!|lAL ecn be req.estei. PINAL BUILDfitc: The Final Building Tnsaection tnx.t be requeeted ci',er the iinal ?Lwnbing Electrical, otc llechan:tccl fnsoect'tons hq)e been nade ai acprouei. *ALL i,IANHCLES AIID CLEANCU?g ilAST tsE ACCES,ISLE, .4DJUS?:!EJ! ?O 3E !,,!ADE /.? !:O CSST tO CPY --,. - v) . Ld_-, / s- ?v, io I I D-ao I JOB No 8e\ C Ot SoLr< . -cEss REe.-L-co c lat Sq. Ftg. 1 cf r-"2 Ccuerage t of Sturtes ?otal iteight ?opogrqhy /7 - / 2,=-- O-26 LOT !T?E _ fntericr _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac ! nc, HLi.onOang yert1.t ilai/e*eni Cincwits Pe2-iit Stcte Swcitotoe ?o s '.lcadstore ?ertwt fss,tztce llechsnicaL PetrJi Plumbing Permit N9 ?er.eon shall cortstact, instal!, a1,ter ot ciut4e anA nea cr etistt)ng EL*..;.ry cr drainage s7s_l? in ..tho|.e or in patt, L*l.si srch peiion is theLegal possessor o! a ualid pLunbet,s License, esceot tis,i a person na.g Coplunbing aork to p"opertV ahich is owwd, Leised or operatei ly lt" qpti- e@zt. Electrico I Perm it tlhe?e stdte Lan requires tl2dt the electrtcal aork be done bg an lleotrtcalcontraetor, the electrical pontion of :his penrit shall fot'be ualil. untilthe Label lu.s been aigned b, the Elecdcal- Cofttracto", 7 Mechqnicol Permit -l Cccucancu Gtotto:Sedtoons Lot Faces -!ne!a! isyva4g SetLacks i!eatDTi!ouse Cayaqe 'iate" :!eat2"No?rh lireoiace South '.loodatote tr,/ e st I M:4 i(VaLue )hi?t Ceace 2AA f,T luz.? lclAt tlALUg /526, va /6,* S.D.c. J.5 r ( ! l- Date Paid: t1'6./ Receipt X: . -$CII /6.11 - LMr!rL Building Volue & Permit This penr)t is granted on the eq"ess eonl.ition ti@t the said constmaclionslall, ")n all yesoects, conforn to the Cwiinance adopted. 5iy the City ofSpTngfiet.d, l.nel-Ld.Jr.g th,e Zonrng Crdinatce, regutcting ;hL ccr.s;y.rle;icn ana..use oi but':airqs, an<i, aay be susgenced or reuoked. at cn! tine ucan uic-latt-cn of a.g prcui;ions of Zaid Otiiy:ances. ?uiliing Peyr)t State Total Clanges lictures Resiietti.al (1 bcth) Scrztitayt Seuer 7c!et t0. I iri C:LARGE :es. So. fto. Tatacroy Septice A,*a^- )4rt t d *h.atet IIooC Vent !@t Sec"o-Jt;! gaposit Storcge !.b")nxetunce SLaeUd.L< TO?AL A],!)Ul! DU|:'/6. er -- z!lcRiAcu:.!E:1? -- r.e!7'zgazTde- 'l'atcL r aw 1AREPULLY 9xlarilED the cottpleted qplication fcr permit, cr/i dahereby certifg tlat aLL info:mation hereon- ia tmte ad. eorrect, and. ifutthet certify titat uzy ard all aoz,k perfc*aed shall be dote it dccot-dznce'oith the 1rdinanees of tke Ci,ty oi Spr[ngfield., anC. the L6rus of thestate of )regon pertaining to the wrk cesci-bed herein, ad, liur yo 1cca-P4llcJ'nLll b-e ns.d.e of qa st?ueture aithout penrlssion of the 3uilcing Di-uisio-n. I fut'ther cettify tiu.t otly cant?dcto"s o.1. etrployees at"a atZ iacanpl{atce uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on thia project !en:e Slectricai -1r i I'tobile tqre 5LOn2d R