HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-05-21SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIETD Office of Community & Economic Development l4ay 21, 1987 Mr. Gary Henry 1432 Buck Street Eugene, 0regon 9740? SuDject: Pre-Application Conference re arding a proposed residential/professionaloffi ce .1 810 North 15th As you ane aware, a pre-applicatton conference was held today. This'letter willsunrnarize the results of the meet'ing. 1. A s'ite plan shall be submttted incorporating all submittal reguiremenrs toconstitute a comp'lete appl'icat'ion. As a reminder, landscaping is subject tothe irrigation standards. 2. The clriveway on North 15th Street snall be widened to 24'or a minor var.ianceshall be requested. 5 6 3. 4 8 A letter from netghbortng property owners regand'ing on-stneet park'ing sha11 besubmitted a.long with the site plan review app'lication. A 90 watt Low Pressure Sodium (LPS) public street light shall oe installed ona 16 foot mast arm. The light shall be installed on the exist'ing power poleto the north of the pnoposed driveway on North 15th Str^eet. Coorotnate thisinstal lation with vi rgr'l Lang)ey of the springfield uti l ity Board. The dr] veway located on "Q" street shal I be removed and nep'laced v{ith standardcurb and gutter. The Deve'lopment Agreement requined as part of site plan r.eview will includethe types of uses permitted in the nesidential/pnofessional offices. The Code states uses not l'isteO are not permitted An Encroachment Permit shall be obta'ined from the Eng'ineening D'ivision for anywork i n the puD'l 'ic ri ght -of -way. Relocation of the guy wire shall Board. be pursued through the Springfielcl Utility S'ite Plan Review fee is $210.00; Minor Variance fee is $75.00. If you submitthe applications concurrently (assuming you apply for the vartance) your totalfee w'ill be reduced by 20%. If only site plan review is applleo for, thenewill be no discount on fees as the code states the 20% neduction.is only given i f concurrent appl i cat'ions are made. 225 North Sth Street r Springfield, Oregon97477 . 503/726-3753 7 9. (, reet CorOially, hia L. Devel opment Ha rmon Permit CoorOi nator Your pre-app'licat'ion applicat'ion only inc'lucled one draw'ing. The applicationform requires 11 copies. In order to avo'id neturn'ing youi application as'incomplete, copies were prepared anct distribured. you w.ill be b.i lleo $3.00for the cop'ies we prepared for^ you. When youn site plan is submitted, the ent'r re 11 cop'ies of the plan shal I beincluded with youn app'licatron or.it will be returned as incomplete. 11. When your app.l:cation'is submitted the $250.00 you have on account with theCity for a previous van'iance nequest w'ill be used to cover costs, the balanceof your money w'il I be ref unded. Please call tne Planning & Development Department if you have questions regar^dingthe information above. (r SPRINGFIELD PI.ANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT FINAL DECISI0N: Variance JOURNAL NUMBER: 87-05-71 APPLICANT NAME: REQUEST LOCATTON LEGAL Gary Henr^y Varrance to Minimum Drrveway [,lidth 1810 North 15th Street 17-03-25-23, Tax Lot 02401 The Development Code Administnator grants appnoval of Journal Number 87-05-71, Mi nor Vari ance, based on af f i rmati ve f 'r ndr ngs that the r'equest as submitteci satisfies each of the crrteria of Section 11.030, Article 11, Sprrngfreld Deve.lopment Code (SDC ). STANDARDS FOR THE DECISION Sect,ron 11.030 Criten'ia, of Article 11 of the Springfield Development Code, provides as follows: (1) Except as specifred in Subsection (2) of thrs Sectron, a Minor or Major Variance shall be granted if the proposal is deter^m'ined by the Approva.l Authority to meet each of the fol'lowing criteria: (a) There are unusual cjrcumstances, associated with the property orstructure wh'icn make it impnact'ical to use the deve1opment areafor its'intencled punpose under the Springfield Development Code. (0) Gr^antrng of the Variance would not be inconsistent v','rth both the l4etro Plan ano the Springfield Development Code. (c) Gnanti ng of the Var'i ance would have no si gni fi cant adverse affects on the public welfare on neighboring properties, and there are provisions to mit'igate those adverse affects whi ch snall be a cond'rtion of use. (d)The need for Cooe violation; a Vanr ance has noti.e. the hardsh'ip is arise so'lely from a pnevious not sel f-imposed (e) There are no other pnact'ical alternatives avai laole that better meet the provisions of the Springfteld Development Code and the Metro Plan. F INDINGS (a) There are unusual conditions associated wlth the propenty orstructure wh'ich make it tmpnactical to use the development area forits intended purpose unden the springfield Development corle. The appf icant has subm'itted general f ind'ings which address this cniter.ionand to wh'ich staff agrees (see attachment). A single family or- duplexnesidence would be requ'ined to locate a driveway no closer than 30 feetfrom 'Q' Street. At th'is distance a st,andand restdent'ral w'idth dn.tvewaycould be instal led without relocat'ing power poles or removing exist'inglandscaptng. Retalning this landscaping'is consistent with the speciaTuse standards for professional office use in nesiclential districts. (b) Granttng of the Variance woulo not be tncons'istent with both theMetno Plan and tne Sprrngfield Development Code. The applicant has submrtted genenal findings which address this criterionand to which staff agnees. Dr^iveway location and size is a function ofthe use of the property and the street to be accessed. Nortn 15tn.is alocal stneet with low traffic demand. Pnofess'ronal office use, thoughconsldened "commencia]" fon drtveway design purposes, also has .low tr"afficdemand. The ltmtted anea avat'lab'le for on-site panktng has resulted in athree space parking lot wh'ich, through this lrmitation, cannot generate enough tn'tps per day t,o create access conf'licts. (c) Granting_ of a Variance would have no signrficantthe publ r c wel f a re or nei ghbon.i ng proferti es,provistons to mit'igate those adverse affectscondition of use. adverse affects onand there are no wh'ich shall be a The applicant has suDmitted general findings which address this crtterionand to which staff agrees. The funct'ion of a thnee space parktng 16t canbe adequately senved by a reduced width driveway. The anglecl approach andretention of the street tnee provide a visual design more in keeprng withthe intent of the Residentral Professional specral use standards thanwou'ld a 24' wide straight ahead drtveway. the appf icant has receiveds'lgned petitlons from netghbortng propenty owners'indrcating no objectionto proposed on-street parking. (d) The need for a Vartance has not anise so1e1y from a previous Codeviolation; 'i .e. the hardship rs not self-imposeo. The applrcant hds submitted genenal find'lngs wh'ich addnesses thiscritenion and to whi ch staff agnees. The need for the Variance iitwo-fold: (1) The policies of the 'Q' str-eet Refinement plan do notallow access to'Q'street (2) Tne only anea of the property avarlable forpark'l ng wh'lch meets the spectal use standards for^ Resideniral professionuses and which does not nequire demo'lrtion of part of the structure iswhere the applicant has proposed. [^lrth the nanrower, angled dr.ivewaypanki ng i n the f nont yard setback i s e.limi nated. The rraiosnr p .is noisel f-imposed. (e) There are no other pract'ica1 altennatives ava'ilaole that better meetthe provistons of the Spni ngf ie.ld Deve'lopment Cocle and the Metro P'lan. The appl i cant has submitted gener"al f i nd'ings whi ch address thi s critert on and to which staff agnees. Tne altennative, i.e. compl'iance with tne 24' wicle driveway standards, will reduce the amount of landscaping, increasethe anea of pavement, a'l1ow parki ng 'in the f ront yand setback and general ly nun counten to the 'intended purpose of several speci a'l use standands for Residential Professiona'l development. CONCLUS ION 0n the basis of thrs record, the requested Variance confonms with the necessany approva.l cr"iteria of Section 11.030, Article 11 of the Springfielo Development Code. Approval of this Variance is granted. #1390 S I GNATURE DATE Springfield City Ha1l Planning and Developnent Department 225 N. 5th Street springfield, Or. 97477 May 2L,L987 Re: Variance R,equest GarYl Henry ProPert, 1810 N, 15th Street Map and Tax Lot 17-O3-25-23-O24OL VARI.qI{CE REQUEST we are asking for a variance to a Driveway width Standard. we reguest a reduction irom 24 feet to 19 feet. The driveway placement is on the 15th Street side of the ProPertY. VARIANCE E}GLANATION We are asking for this variance to comply with staff requirement of a 75 feet setback for access on 15th Street- ltris can be dorie, however, it is a very tight fit with the existing tree and power Pole guide line. rr> ""iri"r6 tt" setback, w€ must make the driveway 19 feet' We feel that thisl,adeqgate with the type of parking we are now proposing. Staff has indicated tfr"t they prefEi this wi,dth so we can- provide- more screening at that end of the-plrking- arear dod reducing the possibil- ity of plrking in the Front Yard Setback' Sincerely, 65n*{ X Gary Henry 344-9OLO L432 Buck Street Eugene, OE. 97402 ce. Johnson and Kloos -1- a Paqe 2 Ilenry Application May 2L,L9g7 V,CRfA}TCE CRITSR.IA I) As stated in previous variance reqr:ests, this property is not suitedfor quality residential occupancy. Staff has agreed to reduce the number of parking spaces, and has tentatively approved ou:i currentproposed site pIan. However, to meet the 75 feet required access set-backr w€ must reduce the driveway width from 24 feet to 19 feet. Thisis due to the close proximity of a flowering plum tree,. drd a powerpole gruide line. S€.aff has indicated that they prefer this reduetion,and agree that it wiJ.l provide more screeningr and be better appearing-They also do not foresee any traffic problems as a result of this re-duction. 2) Gianting this variance is not inconsistant with the Metro plan or theSpringfield Deveopment Code. The overall proposal supports both plansby eliminating "problern'laceess on "Q"Slreet, providing outside invest-ment to the area, improving the guality and appearance rcf the site, -.anC providing euality office spaee to new or exj.sting business. 3) By granting this variance we find no adverse effects on neighboringproperties or the general public. The proposed parking area createssome overflow to on street parking, however, the adjoining property owners have sigrned a statement of thei.r approval anyway. The reduct-ion of the driveway width actually improves the appearance withoutcausingr any adverse effects. 4) our request for this variance tras not come from any previous codeviolations. Current use is allor.redr and proposed use i-s allowed. 5) 97e feel that there are no reasonable alternatives to this variancerequest. Staff has reguired us to meet all of the setback standardsfor Residential,/profeJsibnal use. They have also regui-red us to meetthe Commercial setback for access and driveway width- In order tomeet these standards, we rnust request this variance for driveway width. fn conc-l-usionr w€ show that we have nej-ghborhood support and staffhas requested that we submit the current site plan as a better solutionto the parking problen- I,Ie feel that there are no alternatives to ourrequested variance, due to the presence of the above mentioned obsta-c1es, We ask that our request be approved- _=:Q- 3T. ':.. - E-OEYELO ?M EN.T-' PLAN F_O FI A PF|OFESSIONAL C,FFTCE BUIT t o__lYoEr_1 s JH-_s_I:._s pR I Nc F_! EL El r,N E E!_GAI Y 4N, g_AN E'E E_w__t! E !v FIY r! li trl J,i3(r ti3-ori h ,' / l-' t; $ tl Ip d- z'o l!{ t+I 4 l2cnaui' altatrp< t ti ! fI i:"....I t I i.., :, ..4. tt t,lls li li Hili fl;ilr ll Ir! ll -lle llo uo f,r(r 4', -t-- I I I t- I I I I D F \ toF / t,{, ( o-l N\I i ^)r li I.i 'fl p a 0 t! 1 ;il$ iiP,| ,ihlln ,tr1 GENEFIAL PLAN R I nlr rior.la'i'iri..o tr IPlr ;i!< o OREOONEpAFIEO BY3 EVALEI NIELSEN LANI]SCAPE AtrCH]TECT .... 'ow,o. { I ,. T I I mrI I I 'ls t\ il a TO springfield office of community and Economic Development I support the proposed conversion of the bui15th Street to aattached landscacalls for threethat are normallwill cause someNevertheless, Iproposed will re My address islocation of my prof ping essional building in acand site plan.I realparking spaces on the lot ray reguired. I also realizeoverflow of parking onto thebelieve that the conversionsult in a net rovement to lding at 1810 Northcordance with theize that the proposalther than the ni-nethat the reductionstreet. and landscaping asny neighborhood. : - have rnarked the i1op -J5t, erty on e atta plan lsc nt) ) Name (pI t ia Da .--: Q- 1T.', GENETTAL PLAN IE DE\.IELE'PMENT. PLAN FOFI A PFIOFESSTONAL OFFICE BUIT FTELEt INER! GATTY ANEt ANE)FIEl^,.: HENFIY I l,llc l1llti :l I, o o I i fth I I r'-l NI! o I I I I I I I i, :l lrl i T.{ il:r i I I I I ,t, ntIt d) I 4 z'o t!I L+ 1 ( t;"t. I tl i I i- ';'-. .. i'. \ rlII\I\ll\ln ilr llu lt\IA llh llxtri th t; II Ihllq l I lo lE lr t,li o o In D! \ \ -r toea / ! q $ iu , 0t,tt , ,1l! rll8ll,l I 'rit ,0'! 0l ll tnlir ri of..t.dIiE f ir EPAFTEO EtYT EVALD NTELSEN LANEISCAPE AFICHITEC T ......wdoi oirEooN o NOtrT .tsTH siT. SPFIING .t I F i','). v\ 1,$ a !lr I ii mrI I I I -IINh / tt To: springfield office of community and Economic Development I support the proposed conversion of the building at 1810 North15th Street to a professional building in accordance with theattached randscaping and site plan. r realize that the proposalcalls for three parking spaces on the Iot rather than the ninethat are normally required. I also realize that the reductionwill cause some overflow of parking onto the st,reet.Nevertheless, r believe that the conversion and land.scaping asproposed will result in a net improvement to my neighboihood. My address is ',\li-t) ,{'9 'l,trt' -,.'i b 1tL. I have marked theIocation of my property on the attached p1an. ,,/:,-, ;-I i,1/,-',.--.n- ^-Name (ease pr S 9na ure Date nt) ,4i cr ,1c'f)LL Lt-.t LI,.L- ' ,l t_ 5--zt-t IHIS DAY SPR I OF NGFI SIIE PLAI{ REYIE[,/ DEVELOPflENI AGREII,IENI Slre puru 'w" ihi.'';q':l{{fr ,f{,iT,', # bfr,.tr}-i,#,..dj tr REC IIALS n"" Sxf lYTsl* -+ ilJ., 3I*-,H8-'' **'srd *lE%. ri1.,ffiITo,* rHE S r re p r-nruIHe cHr *'**ii+#,*p,*r::*l '#i..;5fp$$fu +##*n^.:.*::Ti At-so see Jounrua. Nut'uen 87-05-71- vnRlRr,rce ro Secrlorv 32.0g0 resle 32-c. ***,*t****ji*f,l,iffmtf,,l,'tr+,,-';$l.;ffT..H 1. Remrvnl :'il*oloifr .,Ik-'Li3JJ#'*3*JJ,TJ.,T,#.,o-nm,;if; F.iJ^r?rlii.di[f .X sHowN oN 2. IHe ExIS " *e''=''S'Xff' #J5[.,,?i;0;^,iJ35il,ff%H,fi[,3[-#..Jffi,1, rHE GARAGE .HALL3. THe pRop(e!'ss-*****tq*g5g*p,-'.l**;ffioF 35 i,THO STREE RE,VIAINiNG 4' IIs,,m+, $1! - *ry#i,ifiii, .f,,n jjri+f*,ltt*tiiJi*it*ilry,{t *fLONTACT 7}THIS I,IATTER. 5. fse Frrvru Stre puru sHALL rNcLuDE cHAr,lGEs LrsrED ABovE. 3 )..t o0 r: r)Deverr_oemavr A enE glerur r i:r3'.:i; iL - I,IHEREAS, IN coNSiDERATIoN FoR srrE puru nppnovAl, THE rssuANCE oF AButt-olrue Penmtt, AM THE ISSUANCE -or_ mr _OCcu'pnNci"-PiRil;;, AS spEcrFrED rN THESpntruerlrm DrvelopmeNr Cone Srcrtoru 31.090;--Ai,i,Liinr'n-iCners ro col,lply wrrH rHEFOLLOWING SPECIFIC CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY THE CITY NS PART OF Mr SIrr P1-NIr_NPPNOVAL: 1' THe usEs PERMITTED wITHIN THIs AppRovED RESIDENTrnUpRorrsstoNAL oFFrcE ARELIT4ITED TO THE FOLLOWING: ACCOUNTANTS, ARCHITECTS, ATTORNEYS, ENGINEERS, I1EDICALAND DENTAL PRACTITIONERS, PLANNERS, REALTORS, AND STUDIOS FOR ARTISTS, INTERIORDECORAT0RS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS. At-t- UsEs NoT spEcIFICALLy LISTED ARE NoTPERMITTED. 2. Att neourRED BUTLDTNc pERMITS sHALL BE oBTATNED. ...^- IIOTI.-]HEBEEPBE .IT--qOi{!IDEBA]IQ|t. QF.IL|E FqREEQINC BEEITALS hlHICH ARE EXPRESSLY|'IADE A PART 0F THIS AGREEI{ENT;-clTY-AND APpLIcnivT"n0nEr"nS'ro[[o'wsir'r^vr,r'|rL L'\I r\ AGREEI'1El'li .^^^ THE AppLIcANT AGREES To suBMIT R FtruRl SrrE punlr tru.UUU OF THT SPRII'IGFIELD DEVEIOPMETT COPC COruCUNNEruTLY I{ITH 2. STANDARDS.^ TNT APPLICANT AGREES TO FULFILL ALL APPLiCABLE STANDARDSSPECIFIED iN THE SpntruerlEu DEveLoPMENT Conr nruo rHE spEcrFrc sTANDARDS LIsTED INRECITALS PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY, UNLESS CERTAIN STANDARDS IIAVE BEEN DEFERRED To A LATERDATE IN ACCoRDANCE wIrH Secrtoru 11.110 oF rHE SpRttqerler-o lrvEiopmEr'rr-i6E. - 3' c0NDITI0NS' THe Appt-tcmr AEBEEI.TQ FULFTLL ALL spEciFrc coNDrrroNS 0FAPPROVAL REQUIRED BY THE Ctrv UISTED rru RECiTALS pnion-io occupnr.rcv, uNLESS cERTAINCoNDITIoNS HAVE BEEN DEFERRED T0 A LATER DATE IN AccoRDnr.rce-wrri-sicirolt-jt:iiO"#rHe SpRiNGFTELD DEvelopmeru-r Cooe. ^ 4' ['10DIFICATI0NS' Tne APPLICANT AGREEs Nor ro roDrFy rHE AppRovm Frrunr- SrrrPr-nru wtrHour FIRSI NoTIFYING rHe ciry. -NbI'iFicArroNS ro rHE Frrunr- Sire puru 5HALL BEREVIEWED ll'l ACCoRDANCE wITH Secrtoru 11.100 oF THE SpnluerrEr_o DevEr_opmEr,rrlo'oi. 5' I1AINTAINING THE USE. THe Rppt-rcANr AGREES ro rHE FoLLowrNG: (e) -THr^ zuILDING AND srrE SHALL BE T,TAINTAINED rN ACCoRDANCE wITH THEPROVISIONS 0F THE SpRtlterleuo Devrlopmerur-CooE tru oRDER To coNTTNUE THE usE. (a) Ir sHALL BE THE coNTINUING -pBLIGATToN oF THE pRopERTy ol{NER ToMAINTAIN rHE PLANTING REQUIRED By Secrroru 31.11+0 or rHe SpnrruoriErn'DEvelopr,rei,ii-CooEIN AI! ATTRACTIVE |'IANNER FREE oF wEEDS AM oTHER TNVADING vEerrnrroN: -iN nnolrtou,PLANTINGS IN THE VISI0N CLEARANCE ARErA SHALL BE TRII'IV1ED To t4EET-T'ue'i I/2-foft HEIGHTSTANDARD IN ACCoRDANCE wITH SEcrioru 32.070 oF THE Spnluerrer-o-leva-oFmElri Cooe. (c) Pnnrirue Lors sHALL BE T4AiNTAINED By rHE pRopERTy owNER oR TENANT IN A. CONDITION FREE OF LITTER OR DUST, AND DETERIORATED PNVCMEruT CONDITIONS SHALL BE. IMPROVED TO |,IAINTAIN CONFORI'TANCE WITH THESE STANDARDS. Devetopmrrur 2 1. FINAL SITE PLAN ACCoRDANCE wrrH SEcrtoru 31 rHts AcReEMENT. Srre Puru Aenermerr (o) Uruoeveuopro LAND T.TITHIN THE DEVELopMENT AREA sHALL BE T4ATNTATNED FREEOF TRASH A}ID STORED MATERIALS IN A I'OI{ED AT.ID ATTRAcTIVE MANNER. UTrTvTLOPED LAND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR PARKING. 6. It't ADDITIoN To ALL orHER REMEDIES wHICH r'1Ay BE pRovtDED By LAtr oR Eoutry(trucr-uolrue BUT NoT LIMTTED To pENALTIES pRovrDED By AppLTcABLE srATE LAw oR ctry ONOIruMCTS) APPI-TCRIW AGREES mnr CITY MAY ENFoRcE Appllcanr,S REsPoNSIBILITIES BY wTTHHoLDING oR TERI'4INATIue Appr_tcANT's Occupnrucy Penmtr. 7. Attv Ftruru Stre Puru AppRovED BEcot'rES NULL AND voiD IF coNSTRUCTION mES NoT COVII'1ENCE WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE DATE OF THIS AENTE}4ENT. IN hIITNESS tillERE0F, THE Appt-tcANr AND me Crry HAVE ExEcurm rHls AeneEMENT As oF rHE DATE FIRST HEREINABOVE y{RITTEN. APPLICANT lz ?1 7]_ / TE STATT OF ORE6ON,&qrL, ERSONALLY APPEARED THE ABOVE NAJ'IED WHO ACKNOI,/LEDGED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT TO BE TH R ACT.ME: UBLIC FOR EGON l'1y Cot+rtssroN ExprRES /d-1C--: BYr BY: :ik6-n-?7 D*hlEgd&rffi DnrE E 0F 0REGON, Counrr or BE R VOLUNTARY ACT. ffiED THE ABoVE Na.aED , WHO ACKNOWLEDGED THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT TO E ME: ARY UBLI l,ly ColtqrssroN ExPrR Stre Pt-nlr DEvelopmerur AenermEnt3., SPRINGFIELEI CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development April 24, 1987 Mr. Gary Henry 1432 Buck Street Eugene, 0regon 97402 Subject: Res'irlenti al /Prof ess'iona'l proposal for. 1810 North 15th Street. Dear Mr. Henry: At your request, a requisition requesting the refund of your $250. app'lication submittal fee is be'ing processed. You wi l'l receive your refund short'ly. We encourage you to pursue your proposal incorporating Special Use Standardsfor Residential/Pnofessiona'l uses and the intent of the Springfield Development Code for such uses on r^esidential property. t,Je look forward to wor^king with you in accomplishing youc aoa'ls when you complete a des'ign that meets both the intent of the springfield Develbpment Code fon safety and the appearance of the "Q" Street nesidential area; and the Special Use Standards for professiona'l uses in a res'idential zoning district. Please contact Administrative Secretany Ann Pansoy if you do not receive your refund in a timely manner. Cord'ia11y, il.t*r4-gxj cc: thia L. Harmon Development Permit Coordinator Ron LeBlanc, City Manager Gneg l.linterowd, Planning & Development D'irectoi Greg Mott, Development Code Admin'istrator Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner Allen J. Johnson, Attorney at Law Jack Gischel, Spn'ingfield Planning Conmission Chair 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon97477 o 503/726-3753 M/zta SPRINGFIELE' CITY F SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development /F/0 /u'/-fr // Mr. Allen L. Johnson Attorney at Law 767 Willamette Street, Suite 203 Eugene, 0regon 97401 Subject: Gary Henry, Journal Number 87-04-34 Dear Mr. Johnson: Your letter regard'ing Gary Henry's proposal was received today and I have discussed the issues with Gneg Wintenowd. Based on your Ietten we cons'ider the variance nequest off icial ly withclrawn. l'lr. Henry may re-apply for any necessary variance(s) in the future. l,le will be happy to apply tne $250.00 to the Type II site p'lan rev'iew necessany for approval of th]s reguest and refund the remaining $40.00 upon acceptance of a complete application. I have discussed the 6 requrnements with Greg and we w'ill proceed on this understanding. We do have on minor correction however. To the oest of my knowledge Portland does not extend this far south. [,Ie wrll assume you meant to 15th Street. [,le have already been in touch with Eva Neilson who has indicated a w'i'lf ingness to participate in our pre-application process. We look forward to the successfu'l resolution of problems associated with the proper planning of this site. We appreciate your cooperation'in this matter and if we can be of further assistance please let me know. Cordr a1 1y, / 'nth i a L. Harmon Development Permit Coorclinator Greg l,li nterowd, Pl anni ng & Devel opment Di rector Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Adm'inistraton 503/726-3753 {) 225 North 5th Sheet o Springfield, Oregon 97477 o May 11, 1987, Aart CNY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD Office of Community and Economic Development April 15, 1987 Garv R. Henrv 1432 Bucr Stieet Eugene, 0R gl4oz SUBJECT:Occupancy inspection at 0regon 1810 N. 15th Street, Springfield, Dear Mr. Henry: At your request, t!" Springfielct Bu'ilding Safety Divis.ion recentlyconducted an 'inspection of the building locatea at the above address.The purpose of the inspection was to determine the su.itability of thebu'ilding for the proposed use indicated below. Based on the proposed occupancy, the ex'isting conditions which arement'ioned below do not meet tne minimum Euilcting Safety Coderequirements. corrective measutes must be taken, prior to occupancy,to install, repa'ir, replace or modify the fol'lowing items in orderfor the building to conform to the applicable safety codes: Proposed Use: Business 0ffices Occupancy Group: 82 Theoretical Occupant Loact: Less than 10 Structural I Each tenant measuri ng at, hei ght. s p I ace east must be3 feet provided with an entry doonw'ide and 6 feet - 8 inches in II.Landi ngs are requ'ired on each si cle of a'l I doors, i ncl udi ngexterior exits. such 'landings shal I not be more than I 'inch below the thresho'ld of the door, and shall have a length (inthe direction of travel) of not less than 44 inches for thefull width of the door. 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 iri III. IV. El ectri cal VI. Pl umbi ng VII.space shal I Al I toi lets Ex.it doors which need a key or any special knowledge to be opened from the i ns'i de i n a Group B 0ccupancy shal I be provided with a readily visible, durable sign 'in or adjacent to the door stat'ing THIS D00R T0 REMAIN UNL0CKED DURING BUSINESS HOURS with letters not less than 1 inch high on a contrasti ng background. You have indicated that you garage to offi ce space. department whi ch show the obtaini ng permits. propose to convert the existing Please submit dnawings to this proposed modifications prior to V F'ire extinguishers are required for each tenant space.Install a type 2A-108C extinguisher in locations approved by the City F'ire Marshal . Each tenant space must have direct access to the electricalservice which supplies power to that space. Electrical powen serving each tenant space shall be capable of being totally disconnected by no more than six sw'itches. Each tenantfacilities. seats. ha ve shal'l access to on-site toi let be provided with open front VIII.All plumbing fixt,ure connections shall be properly capped or pluggecl where fixture is removed. The above 'items are requ'irements for the exist'ing construction on1y.0ther items such as parking, paviog, Site improvements, sidewalki,etc., have not been addressed as part of this inspection, and may be necessary as part of the required srte plan review and zone changeapproval. Please contact the City Planning office fon additional information. Perm'its wi I I be requi red for most of the above items, or anyaddttional modiftcat'ions you may desire which involve changes oradditions to the structural , electrical , mechanical , or pl umbing systems. Required permits may be obtained from th'is office. If we can be of assistance in clarifying the above nequirements orthe oprions ur1]]abre.to bring_!!e ouiioiig into compriance for yourproposed use, please call us at 126_3159 cc Si ncerely, Don Moore, Bui'lding Inspector David J. Puent, Building Officia'lMike Hudman, Fire Marshal Greg Mott, Development CoorOinat.ion Administnator Andrew A. HenryP.0. Box 657 Thousand Palms, CA 92276 #1276