HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1966-08-09X CI iY Or SPRII.,IGF'iELD BU I LD I NG DEPARTJ.iENT I_LItcE To the 0ccupant of: 1697 North l6th 5Pr ngfiel d, Oregon Dated:August 91 1966 City Ordinance No. 1623, Section.3, i-equires that all personsmaintaining plumbing upon property whoie nu"r.rt boundary line is with-in one hundred and iwentv (reb,) ieet of a pubii".ur". raterar musrconnect to said sewer lateral At the date of this notice we find that no connection for the above :::::.r has been made to the newry r."upi"a-s"r". raterar serving your You are hereby given thirty (J0) days from the date of this noticeto obtain a sewer tap permit and to Connect to the sewer. ln the event that you are not the-property owner, piease notifythis.office, either by phone or by mair, giri;; us the narne and addressof the present owner. (phone I l4a_l6l4i J'--'-r Futhermore, if you have secured a sewer permit prior to receipt ofthis notice, please disregard this order Yours truly, f a€u-*u Joseph F. Reeves Director of Building and Zon i ng JFR/jj p