HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1989-12-20ONEGO'U h C'TY OF DWELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTBATION Prl.NNING / BUILDING PUBLICWOBKS M ETROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM E N T December 20, 1989 Mrs. Wanda Mathews 1630 North 16th Street Spri ngfiel d, 0regon 91417 225 FIFTH STI SPBINGFIELD, OR 9 (50s) 726-: subiect: Trailer compliance Agreement for property located at 1584 North 16thStreet, Springfield,-Oregon r.-r Dear Mrs. Mathews: I have reviewed the background information available^regarding the property ,vsuown at 1584 North 16th street. It upp.uri irrit il'. toiioring'toot place overa number of years: 1' You purchased. the property in 1973 and at that time a trailer was beingoccupied on the property.- 2' In 1974 Mr' John Davidson signed a Trailer compliance Agreement with thecity of Springfield which aliowed the-i;;;ler to remain-on the propertyunder specific conditions. Mr. oavr'Json-ri, not the property owner whenthe agreement was signed. 3' You have told me that you have not been the occu-pant of the trailer onthe property, that it iras alwayi u..r-rr.i as rentar property. 4' In 1981 the springfield Builqi!g Division issued building permits for thereplacement of the trailer with"a new-ooroie w'ide manufaitured home. Atthat time vou were not notitleJ or i;.-i;;j1er compliance Agreement andthe new manufactured home-was approved. 5' A garage was constructed with valid building permits .in 1gg7. At that ill:.il:r?ne informea vou or-inv-p.rui.,rr"il,sai^ains ir,. 'r..irer compl iance 6' A compliance retter was sent to you on Decemb..1,.1989 requesting thatthe manufactured rrome ne-removed-oecause-ii'*u, being used .in violationof the Trairer complianie nq...r.nt whjch itates th;i ih;-occupancy ofthe property or triit.t-.unnot crrange or t[e home must be removed. Theletter stated that you rrao bo oivr (or-;r;;r March 6, 1990) to remove themanufactured home fiom the property. l{e spoke about this matter and I.have discussed the matter with other c.ity staffas promised' Because the conditions-ri ;;;"ii]i r., compl iance Agreement havenot been adhered to,-the. ciiv-*irr gonri;;; i;; Agreement invarid from it,sinception and crassirv in; ri."or th;;;;;;uiiir.a h;;;;n.;h;; property asNon-conformins. The ;.;;;r;;;"Ja r,oru,-;; ;;;";f-lhg manufactured home on thispropertv is subiect to Articie s or g[. ipringri.ro o.u.i'opil.ni'coo. (encrosed).The strict enfoicement of this Arii.i;"r;Sii"xppry to the-ll."Jr the manufacturedhome. What this means in practica'l terms is that you may disregard the letter sentto you on December 4, 1989. The manufacturLd homL may c5ntinue to be used andrented to indivjduals providing that the use'is consiitent wjth Article 5. Ifthe manufactured home is mainta'ined and occupied it may remain on the property. If any of the following occur the manufactured home must be permanently removed from the property: 1. The occupancy of the manufactured home ceases for a period of 90 days or 1 onger. Z. The manufactured home suffers damage exceedjng 50 percent of jts replacement .ott, as determined by the Building Official, the manufactured home cannot Ue repfaced and all f-urther use of the property must bq'il comp'liance with ine pi^ovisions of Article 16 Res jdent'ial D jstrjct standards. 3. A rep'lacement manufactured home on this.property (iI.the exjs!ing.unit 'is. not d.istroyeJ UV iir. o. other d'isaster)'wiit be subject to Planning Commission review as a DiscretjonarY Use. If you have any questions about this matter wh'ich I have not covered jn this letter please let me know. Cordi a1 ly ' A4r^t-lur-A Cynthia L. Mott Pl ann'ing Techni ci an Code Enforcement copy to: Development Code Administrator Code Enforcement Off icer Building Official 4. Article Number 447 890 831 Type of Service E Registered Dl(Certifieo fl Express Mail E lnsured'ir E coo [--l Return Receiot.J for Merchandise 3. Article Addressed to: wANDa "MATHEWS 1536 NORTH 16TH STREET Str' IINGFIELD OREGON 97 1,77 I Always obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 5. x 6. x - Agent '"'ialr..lgt 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) PS 38 1,* U.S.G.P.O. 1989-238-8l5 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT : Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are complete items (Extra address nL -,1 Pu1 .'-. froi to you. address. 2. fl side.to do this willTO" UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICf} OFFICIAL BUSINESS RETURN ) J) t4 \t2 :a; jfl <puy'* - U,S.MAIL -@ PENALW FOR PRIVATE use, ssoo r>TO Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY O 225 5T PRINGFIELD TREET FS HS SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 SENDER INSTRUCTIONS ,cvc?tc. Attlch to front of artlcle lf opace permhe, otherwbe affix to back of rrtlcla. Endorsa artlcle "Return Receipt Rcqucrtod" ldjacont to numbcr. ATTN:c Morr rfif,f, Ll,l,,ll,,,ll,,,l,ll,,l ;"i pRt ; lil )