HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-06-25)AT?Job Loeaticn:6t.{ Tl Tc.s Iot #Assessore MaP # Subdioision: z/6-a tu Address A,mer: Phone Desctibe l,loY'k: Eu t?,:, G -tq't.l vor,n d 1500 r-l a Date of App Lication L -tTr Additian bk /ao " KEJII- -r\ l lAL" z2s No,th stt s;trnffPLrcATr)N/PERILrT Springfield, )t'egon 97477 BuiLding Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD GenetaL 14eclwrieaL ConstmrQigt_Len4q, ? tZ ur.l' Ll" It ie the rcsponsibility o! tle penrit lwlder to see that aLL inspectior1s ate nade at the F;?ope? tine, that each adltess is teaCahl-e fion the at?eet, and tltat the permit eatd ie located at th9 fiont of th9 prqperty. *SuiZding Nuicion app"ov'ed plan shcll remain on tlp Building Site at aLL times. ?ROCEDUIE FOR INS1EZ!!9!_3!4WS!:CALL726-3769(recotder) state Aou! City desigrnted iob ntonbet', iob aCiz'ess' lafe-9f inspec=i-cn eadyfol,inspection,cont?actol,so|l,ow,ers-,*,eLndphonemlnber.Requestsreceixedbefcre7:00an ,vi|.L be made the sane dag, ?equests nade aftet ?:00 @n urLLL be nade the nett:,sotking day, Your CitA Desigrated Job Nunbez' fs W*o3'7,3 R am t i.t a rf Tn *n o ati. an s r SITE INSPECTI)N: ?o be nade aftet' eecauation, but pt"iot' tc set up of forrne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCHn-ilfCAL: To be made before ang uork i.s eouered. & E)UNDA?fCN: lo be rnaCe after trenches a?e anl forms are etected, but ptior to pouring ccncreta. Io be made after a requ'lred oapor burie?s @e in place but befare oty l.ath, Wpslon boa.rC or tnLL cooering is applied, ond before ay insulation is concealed. INSPEC?I)N: Tc be nade-aftet, a L d"tyual is in p?,ace, DEMOLTTTO!! OR :.:OW' BUILDIiICS Sanitatg seser capped at ProPerfui Lit:e Septic tank pur:ped ard filled vtth gz'a.;el Final - I{hen abctse itens ate canpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete o? stllie- ture maoed od prerises cleaneC up. I V-fOSf AND BEAM: To be rnade pnior to,,-,2'1 AAAt"tAof floor insu|)tion or decking. be these inspec tions Vtaue been made and apptot;eC. To fLoor tion or decking. NICAL of Prior to placirq fccing and. before franing inspec- but prior to any taping. ILASONRY: Steel Locatton, bond beons, grouting or oevticals in accordance uLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. t/00DST0t'/E: After installation is antpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APR)N: Aftet forns @e et ecteC but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALT< & DRIWWA!: For aLL con- c"A;nao@Am street right- of-DaA" to be maCe after aLL etea- t)ating canplete & forn r:oz,k & sub- base nnterial in place. Le Hcmes Blocking ord Set-up Plunbin4 connections -- s.1rer ad. uater Electtical Connection - Bloeking, set-uD and plwnbing eonneetions mtst be apprctei befone z,equesting eleclrical. inspeeliotl Accessor.; Buildlng Pinal - After pctches etc. are conpleted. skirting, decks, FTP,EPLACE: ^at;;t;T;tior:. & ': lhtst be requested after of plwr'bing, 3lectti-ALL toofing IENCE: h4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sections thz,ough P, U.E. braeing & ehimeys, etc. rntst be . eotnpleted. !1o ucyk is to be con- . cealed unti.L this inspection \ws'been nade anC app?oted. f".rtant pLuqBrnc 7 rrum MEIHANTIAL -.'' ffrrner, ELE:TRTzAL ) ALL proiect con&ttions, such, as the i.nstallat'ton of street trees, eonpleLion of the reqtired Landsecpi,ng, etc." rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDINC FINAL ean be requested. EINAL BUTLDING: The tinal Building Inspection trust be requested after the Final PlwtbingElectrical, otC Meclunical fnspeetions hque been made and'approueC, Page 1 of 2 dA// s7 -e,/ u T T s 2 -7cd N o1,1 *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIE\E TO BE \L4DE AT NO CCS? ?O Crry *v' " Beiroons:Lot Faces - lleatpr.House Lacethtou^e ,$ of Stories Total Eeight ?opography fntericr Cozner Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac 82nn - \ % of Lot Cooetage LCT ?WE ITEM sQ. F?c x VaLue \ ?O?AL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Yi-:,ot!yt .is g,anted on th-e e,p,ess con"d.ition that tre said consttactionEraLL, Ln aLL ?esDects, conform to the Ordinanee adopted tiy the City ofspr,.insfieLd, inctidins' the 2;;i;";- c;;;;ZJ, resurati.tts the ccnsttacticn ?!,\:n of buildins.s,."*rd ^ay b.'";;;;,r;;1 or tersokec at dta tine upon uic_lA.tlon of qnA pncuisions of eaid Orditnnces. Building Pernrit ?otal Clntges State Building Volue & permir Fee:04 Date Pal d: .\Q Reeeipt #:3 Signed: N0.rLL CHARGE Pi.ctuz,es Plumbing Perrnit Resid.ential (1 bath)No pe,son slnll eonstruet' install" alter or crnnge _ang neu c? eeistingq|*ry^Z: lylinage sasrq in atoie or in part, LnLesL "iZn- p"r"on is the :"r?:!-.lo_":."-:l.o: of a ualid ytunbet,,s Licensb, escept tt",at a pLr"on nag do l::,:blnS ao?k to pyope?tA uhieh is otsned, Leased ot, operated by the opptl._ Seuer Plurnbing Penri c)O \o Neu/Eeterd Circuits co Electrico I perm it weve state Lau requires tlat the electrical uork be done by an Eleetriealcontt'actor, the eleettical portion of this permit slnll not"bi oilil. untilthe Label has been si.gned ly the tlebtrical' Contractot.Seroiee Permi!;eo State GO Iotal GO * NC FEE CIIA-RCE Mechqnicol Permit khanst HooC Vent Fot Ucodstooe Pentn,t fssuqnce Mechanical Pennit * -- ENCROACHMENT -. Security Deposit Stotage Mainterta4ce Pertrit C'utbcut Sida,talk Fence Eleetrical Label )ts- Nobile Honte r HAw cAREFaLLy ExAttrNED the conpleted application for pennit, and do het,eby certify that aLL infoyrnation heyeoi is ttue and ebz,neet, ard. I firthez, ceytifg that any ard aLL aork perfor+ned alnLl be done in aceor- dance ttth the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lat;s of the* State of )r.egon pertaining to the uotk Cescribbd herbin, end tlnt NO OCCA- PANCy uiLL be nade of any structut,e uithout permission of the Buitding Di,-uision. I futther eertify that only eonttaciot,s and anplcyees uko at-e in eanpliance aith ORS 70i..055 uiLL be used on thie projeet ?O?AL A}4OAil? DUE: *-1 \,1G - L\q. \..14- qo SPRINGFIEI-E, CTry OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Fublic Works June 5, 1984 Mr. Walter M. Crombie 238 Woodlane Drive Springfield, 0regot 97477 RE: Inspection of Fire Danage at t32 South Lsth street, springfield, oregon Dear Mr. Crombie: As the result of fire damage which occured at your rental at 132 South 15th Street on May 24,1gg4 the Building safely Division conducted a Structural and Electrical Safety rnspec- tion to determine necessary repairs to restore the structure to a safe habitable condition' The following itens shall be repaired or replaced in conformance with the minimum safety standards of the Springfield Building Safety Codes: STRUCTURAL SPECIALTY AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY CODE 1. Laundry roon floor support system, stud walls and shed roof to be removed' 2, Replace burned ceiling joists in kitchen dining area. MECHANICAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY The fire has destroyed the clothes dryer vent. Replace with a new vent to exterior that has a weather caP and danPer. PLUMBING SPECIALTY CODE 1 The auto washer p1:rnbing will require a conplete new rough in. Provide 2" drainage arrd Lre vent. ELECTRI CAL SPECIALTY SAFETY CODE 1. Replace all burned and heat danaged wire' 2. Request inspection when walls are open. 3. Recorunend rewiring areas where walls and ceilings are opened up. AII necessary permits shall be obtained fron this office before work is begun. Please direct all inqliries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726'3753. Sincerely, 1 Kra c/Eo'/u"?'r-r14,''/ Z" g/rdeaux il'h/*ft"--/J^^u, Matteson Electrical InsPector 503/726-9753 1, Roy A. Bordeaux Denny Building Inspector Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregot 97477 RB/1h o rD-15 ,/orv, F glo373 FIRE DA}4AGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE:ilr1rrt TO: FR0r'1: SUB.]ECT: Bu'i I d'ing Depa rtnent Springf ield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building Address or location of bui'lding ,/12 5a, ./t/tr- f,lame of oune r Zlz-r Z Pr--, A i,a 2z ) ? ^r.3 ^./ r- Type of building /- FF,42r2 u 1) ut (Dwel jing, Store, l^larehouse, etc. ) S 3o,aa dEs t jrnated va I ue of bui 1 d'i ng Estimated loss to buildinq S #,."a ra Date of fire (Rcof, Wal l, Exterior, Interior, etc. ) Structural weakness as a result of the fire Z-.t-t G.Sr/F-,trzt (Burned raf iers , Beams , ,-)o i s ts , etc . ) Addi tr'onal Dertinent'informat'ion A3 g WaooteuE 2.< , Electrical l-lazard -4zz 2t*)ta ,n 1Qarz,4.Z,dzf) (l,li ri nq , 0utl ets , etc . ) Siqned Locationof clamageinbuilding <,sr,/?,o ,//.. .,-?,€ lf '. Ze--q,a. f , ,- STRUCTURAL INSPECTION REPORT JOB ADDRESS /0WNER (A)tl t-r &.Po,-/t/A.D*oP ,4 6/{ f /3 L lr--Z-DATE PHONE .-A \f--Ja-tr? 717- 7t?o ADDRESS <Naa o TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION:HOUS I NG OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT ,{LFIRE DAMAGE fr,* NaJ b-r**tV t tla /*rrruta Y Eu, * /ro^rse ,fr--*€au. /s //,1/r( Lt-/tt*.- rt/*e o 7V 8A _p v4.o,€a /J/4 7' -1.,ils {u aorRr- .C r u.-l ,nt 4l o uJ R, a,a 6uo rnt y' 6, , (-?) P<.au, a* / //<,rt rez- ^, a r.. y' nl 6r* o,q oa -/o**r,<'-q-: &os 4r 4ta G ) rt//24c4 E^t 4, R '/r T--, U) e s *a r<b?evz< 4n t 8.e=,, O*t -R/?ee I / f,-a 4-., /-o W za z-- €r^/a rl Arvo &--- 4n:\\/,/d Ourr roe o 4 t, trB#*,-". lE/'<utOl &P 6;ae 4^t?rc dP c-77 f 3) €* * n/ ur* nt o re:'yr':::, A€rzr Nor 4oa /e2.ta-o. ./ e . frAe_a r " W#zpe U,/nte.-r # J-,s F 3/a723 m-15 fr4 * \gP e\0 ,p" FIRE DA},IAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD f DATE: TO: FROI4: SUB.]ECT: Building Department Springfield Fire Depantrent Structural Damage to Building Address or location of bu'ilding ,/.3-z 5a, ./t/t- Name of ol./ner ZLo-r ZPrr., A ,i z Type of building /- 2r4-4tr2 q 2) ilE/-L-ztgG Es t'ima ted va I ue of b u'i 1 d i ng (Dwel l'ing, Store,''.Jarehouse, etc. ) S 3o,zrt 2 Estimated I oss to bu'ildinq $ 9,aad Date of fire (Roof, hJal I , Exterior, Interjor, etc. ) Addi ticnal 0ertinent infornration El ectrical Hazard ,Z// /- (tliring, 0utlets, etc. ) Siqned 4r1nrt Location of ciamage in building oF o , 11.. ,'- ?,6 : ^ Structural weakness as a result of the fj", 1 LG -/ n,r:rzt (Burned raf ters , Eeams , ,-loi s ts , etc . )