HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Notice 1979-10-02pub '-rII notice NOTICE TS HEREBY G]VEN THAT THE SPRINGF]ELD PLANN]NG COMM]SSION W]LL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7 1979 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE-MUNICIPAL MEET]NG ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTIL]TY BOARD BU]LDTNG AT 250 NORTH ''AI' STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: Douglas N. Dow (Journal No. S-lg-tt-ll) : Assessor:'s Map 17-03-36-22, Tax Lot 5400 Located at 740 No::th 14th Street, Spr:ingfield' Oregon Applicant nequests a change of zone from L!, single Family Residential District' to Rp, Residential Pr:ofessional Distr"ict 6? ttre purpose of constr-ucting a dentat office. In the event of appnoval by the-Planning Commission' or appeal by the applicant on othe:: intenested parties, the spningfield city councif will conductapublichearingonMonday,November!9,.1979at7:30p.m.atthe afor:ementioned location for: the prrpo". of hea::ing views fo:: or: against the above request Richar"d Johnson, SecretarY Springfield Pl-anning Commission fZO N. 4th St., SPringfie1d, Oregon 726-37 59 NORTH <l Pt- G SCALE: 1'r=400 I AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A ZONE CHANGE RI f-f 6T R.l RI hRIh al-s R.rK\ o" RI Ri S-'*- //-77 TC) JOURNAL I{O. APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERI'4IT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, OR VARIANCE THE COIIII'ION COUNCIL AND CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION SPRII]GFI ELD, OREGON 1. Appl i cant' s Name 2. General Location of the Property 7qo t l't 1/,a ress, s eofs reet,oca 0n tween cross s ree S 3 Property as recorcied in Deed Book ("lr2qg UA.Page , recorded in County Cl erk's Offi ce. Assessor's Map llumber Tax Lot Number(s) 4. Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary) )s 5 6 Size of parcel:acres and/or Present use of property: 7, Present zoning of property: B. Proposed use of property (Explain in detail): 9. Covenants and restrictions on property (if any): square feet. 10. Applicant's request: (Check one) Zone Change: From AI R,PTo By Resoluti on of Intent to rezone: By 0utright rezonino: Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Develooment Permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL.1 OVER qq00 I 11. Exp'lain why the request should be granted. Show how the change is consistent with and promotes the objectjves of the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. Also provide 'informat'ion showinq holv this request suoports a pubf ic need, conven jence, or the general communi ty 'rrel fare. k L f. rr,'.- J hereto ing aa. on and (-a) L\ O-" S I hereby certify that: 1) the foreqoinq statements and other in nnation attachedare true and l ega'l i nteres holder offfi has the f 3) the owner 0wner's Name: Ap Si p1 i cant's gnature: By: accurate to the best of my knowl edge a ief; 2) I have the f,ollowt in the perty nd belI.oly aut or{ner of record ntract purchaser;I ess, an exclus opti onE- purchasei du horized to act for a pers ollowing 1egal interest:of record is knowledgeabl s app ca on am no t e owner.eo A.ddress: 740 /i/ttl st Te1ephone| 7q L-72Ag Address: _ 2117 Oll,, Sf (r",n,f ,.lJ Tel ephone:72L- /)7 pro ive FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Filed:a- Received by: Receipt Issued To: a )-tq - lt7 ?Journal Nurnlcer: Date Fixe<I For Planninq Corrunission Hearinq : Action Taken://4, ' ' Resolution of Intent Number: Appeal By Applicant Date Fixed For Common CounciL Hearing: Action Taken: FII{DII.]G OF !'ACT FOR ACTIOIJ TAI',EI{: Ordinance Nurnber: I l_/=1_J1_