HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1988-06-02.. REslD,*-{TlAL". APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 BuiLding Di.tsision 726-37 53 aece:.pt # // 12 a . SPTTINGFTEI.D Date:-2-*B GeneraL ELectt"Lcal Constmtetion Lendet, Romtt' no,4 Ttcnanlt' nza It, ie the reeponaib.ility of the perftit llode? to aee that aLL inspections ee nade at the prope! tine, that ecch cddreas is reaCabie fran tlw atreet, and, tlwt the p*ntt catd ie Located at the frctzt of tlte property*9uilding Nuision approv*ed plan slull renain on the Building Site at aLL times. PB1CEDUPE FOR INSPECf!911 nEQuES!-:CALL726-3769 (yecotd.er) state your City designated job nrtnber,, iob aCitess, type of i.nspeelicn eadyfor,inspection'cont?acto,sioa,tnel,slwneLndplanenulnbet.P'equestsreceixedbefcr,e7:00a:ttill be tade the sane dcy, "equests made after 7:00 @n rtLLL be nnde the nert'aotking dag. Iottt, City Deeigr,ated Job Numbet' fs 98Dqa *Job Locaticn:/ Tcs Ipt #- z. .1,aaAssessors Map # Sttbdioision: Phone: A,mer: Address: zLp:ci SF7/* &'D DescrLbe Work: Date of NeD 8a Valuee&P >,2ftya- Additicn RemoCel Page 1 of 2 fone. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made before ang uork is eooet,ed. F)OTING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be nade @A 6ffi al,e eacaated and forms ate erected, but ptiot, to Wur4nS ccncrete. UNDgRGROUIID PLUMEING. SEWER. W,4?ER, DRAIIIAGE: To be naCe pr"ion to fil- @-f,-r.nehes. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT1BINC & I4ECI]ANTCAL : o7 floor ineulation oz, decking. POS? AND BEAM: To be made prtot, to ffi^^-installatian of floon insulation ot decking. ROUCH PL|]!,DII'IG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH:- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be cotsev,ed ffilTthese inspeetiotts ?uoe been mode and approtteC. TNSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER II|SPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn od required uapor buriers @e in pLace but before otg Lath, Wpeutn boavC or tnLL cooering i,s appli.ed, and. before ay insu|ation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPEC?TON: Tc be nade -. after aLL dryuall ie in place, but ptior to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, groutirq or oetticals in accordanee dth a.B.C. Section 2475. WOODSTOI/E: ;cnpT;tA. After irntallation t)s DEI.IOLI?IA!] OR iiOW' BUILDI\ICS SanitanJ saner eapped at ProPerfui lite Septic totk put:lped otd. filled uith gratsel Fincl - h1ten abase itens are conpleted and uhen danolition is eotnplete o? st?ue- tuye morsed otd g,enrtses cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd. Set-up Plunbin4 connections -- seder otC uater Electrical Ccqnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunrbing connections m;st be apprcxed before requeating eleetrLeal inspection Accessory Building Pinal - After pctckes, sl<lrting, decks, etc. ate conpleted. SI?E INSPECTION: e-;auatlon,ffi FTPEPLACE: ^atAA; ?o be nade after pr.iaz, tc set up of CURB & APPRCACH APPON:ee evecteC but ptior After fonnsto pouz,ing Prior to placirq and. before franing conc"ete. SfDEWALN & DRfVEWAY: For aLL con- c"e; pd,r@-frffi stteet right- of-txa, to be mode after aLL esea- oating somplete & form uork & sub- fu,se rruterial in place.faeing inspec- tion. ?RA|.'!ING: l4ust be requested after approual of rough plwnbing, electni-cal & neehanical. ALt roofing braeing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be . cotryLeted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- , eealed unttl thts inspeetion las'been made anC approoed. FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL fhe Final Building_ fnspection rntst be requested after the Final Plunbing Mecltanieal fnspections hate been nade and approued. ?ENCE: Wen complete -- ProoiCe gatee or mooable sectians through P.A.E. ect conditions, such as tLe ins*"allation of stteet ttees, conple',ion of tie Landseap'tng, etc., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUfLDfNG FilIAL eanbe requested. ALL proj, required ?TNAL BUTLDING: Electrical, and. *ALL I|ANT]CLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE IL4DE AT IIO CCST TO CI?T n Pege 2 soLAR ACCESS REQ.-dJOB NO.L-CO Bedroons: Iat Sq. Ftg.LCT ?WE Lot Faees - % cf Lct Couerage_fntericr Cormer Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac DT ftouse Access.# of Stor"ies Total Height Topogt ophy -- Fees --ITEM tiu x Va Building Volue & Permir This -perrnt -is granted on the erp"ess cond.ition tLat the said. consttuctions-ha.LL, in_a-Ll -nespects, gonform to the 0y,dinance adopted fiiy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Cdinance, regulatZng th"e ccnst?ueticn ?9,1"" of building.s,."otd may bn""";in;nd;e ot,teuokeC at cry time upon oic-Latlon of any prcuisione.of said Ordinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 a Building Permtt PLan State Date Patd: ?otal Ctnrgea Reeeipt #: Signed: NO FEE CTlARGE Pi.stutes Plumbing Perrnit Resil.enti,al (1 bath)No, pereon slwll consttwct, instal?., alter ot ehange ana ne, c, eristing 4l*2lrr.S on drainage "A2lT in ultole or in patt, 'urles"s "i"t- pniio" ie the :1?a: .posses?ol of a oalid plumbetts License, eteept that a p"rson nay dopLwtblng uopk to p"ope?ta uhich is oaned, Leased or opetated by the "ppl.t-cant. Seuet Z'D /at€: *ws; W<< fia 77*ra,€>A, P*rar aF fro/a-.2 ,/oa.#gBa{v7State * Electricol Permit Na,l,/Eetend Ci7cuits wlere state Lan requires tlat the electrieal uork be done by an Eleetr.tcalcont?aeto?, the electz.ical portion of this pemdt slnll rat- be zsali.c untilthe Label has been sigzed by the Eleetuical- Cont"aeto?.Seruiee NC ?gE Mechqnicql Permit k|&net HooC Ilcodstoise Vent Fot Pernri,t fssuqtee Mecltanicel Perrrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarit! Deposit Stotage Maintenance Permit - Cutbeut Si.deutalk ,qenee ELeCt!LCdL l,abeL Mobile Hotne--'' - ' 7ra.y /8"- 752a -?> 4^r-*. Taf,e ?otaL f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMfNED the cornpleted application for pernit, altd do het,eby certifg that aLL information hereon is ttae and cbruect, and f furtket: certifg that any ard aLL aork perforned sltaLl be done in aceor,- danee ttth the 1ydinances of the City of Sptingfield, and. the Laas of the* State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribbd herein, and that No OCCU- PI.NCY ttll be nad.e of any stz,ucture uithout permission of the Building N-oision. f further certify that onLy contl,acto?s and anplcyees uho are in eonpLiantce ?nith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet ^2-( TQTAL AMOUI|T DUE: a q /8.?d Signed 4 Date TH thi sthe C IS DEi o%. |TTT'OF VELO day SITE PLAN REVIEt,l NEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PMENT. AGREEMENT, hereinafter "Agreement", is entered into of ,/-lf?,- , 1988 (the "Effective Date") by and between SPRINGFIELD, hereinafter "City", and DR. MEL BRYS0N hereinafter "Applicant", in accordance witn Section 31.090, and Section 3.070(3), 3.080(3), 3.090(3), ano 3.100(3). REC ITALS WHEREAS, on the 18th day of April, 1988 Site Plan Appl ication submitted by the Ap allowing: Journal Number 88-01-02. 1383 G Street a Assessor's Map L7-02-36-22 Tax Lots 05200 and 05300 , the City approved the Final pl icant for the purpose of he conveFs on of an 3 existing single family house to a permitteO Residential/professional 0ffice at 1383 G Street and the removal of the existing single family house at 730 North 14th Street to accommodate the parking lot. , IIHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, tne issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an Occupancy Per mit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply witn all the standards of the Springfield Development Code and Springfield Municipal Code which may be appl icable to this development project, including but not limiteo to, the following: 1. The construction shal I Site Pl an. be done in accordance with the approved Final 2. Eight parking spaces are required. Standard spaces are 9'x18'; handicap space to be 13'x18'and compact spaces (not to exceed 30% of all spaces) are 9'x16' . The sign shall be located outside of the vision clearance triangle. Sign Permit(s) shall be obtained. 4. If an outside trash container is used it must be screened. WHEREAS, in consideration for Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Building Permit, and the issuance of an 0ccupancy Permit, as specified in the Springfield Development Code Section 31.090, Applicant agrees to comply witn the following specific conditions imposed by the City as part of the Site Plan approval: 1. An 0ccupancy Inspection shall be performed by the Bu'ilding Safety Division upon submittal of an application by the applicant. 2. The only driveway shall be located on North 14th Street. See Planning Commission action Journal Number 88-02-14. Site Plan Development Agreement I North 14th St Cdd/uzc NOI^I THEREFORE EXPRESSLY MADE A FOLLOI,JS: IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, FOREGOING RECITALS WHICH ARE CITY AND APPLICANT AGREE AS AGREEMENT 1. FINAL SITE PLAN. The applicant has submitted a Final Site Plan in accordance witn Section 31.080 of the Springfield Development Code concurrently with this Agreement. 2. STANDARDS. The appl icant agrees to f ul f i 1'l a'll appl icabl e standards specified in the Springfield Development Code and the specific standardslisted in RECITALS prion to occupancy, unless certain standards have been deferred to a 'l ater date in accordance witn Section 31. 110 of the Springfield Development Code. 3. C0NDIIIONS. The Appl icant agrees to f ul f i l'l a'll specif ic conditionsof approval required by the City listea in RECITALS prior to occupancy, unless certain conditions have been deferred to a 'later date in accordance witn Section 31.110 of the Springfield Development Code. 4. M0DIFICATI0NS. The applicant agrees not to modify the approvedFinal Site Plan without first notifying the City. Modifications to the Final Site Plan shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 31.100 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The applicant agrees to the following: the u sg. (a) The building and site shal I be maintained in accordance with provisions of the Springfield Development Code in order to continue the (0) It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the planting required by Section 31.140 of the Springfield Development Code in an attractive manner free of weeds and other invading vegetation. In additton, plantings in the vision clearance area shall be trimmed to meet the 2 LlZ foot height standard in accordance with Section 32.070 of the Springfield Development Code. (c) Parking lots shall be maintained by the property owner or tenant in a conoition free of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement conditions sha'll be improved to ma'intain conformance with these standards. (d) Undeveloped land witfrin the development area shal I be maintained free of trash and stored materials in a mowed and attractive manner. Undeveloped Iand shall not be used for parking. 6. In addition to all other remedies which may be provided by law or equity (including but not limited to pena'lties provided by applicable state law or city ordinances) Applicant agrees that City may enforce Applicant's responsibilities by witnrrolding or terminating Applicant's Occupancy Permit. 7. Any Final Site Plan approved becomes null and void if construction does not commence witrrin one year of the date of this Agreement. Site Plan Development Agreement 2 IN I^IITNESS t,IHEREOF as of the date fi rs STAT 0F OREGON, County of 1982 rvo un ary ac 4 /zt/*a Date ST rsona y appeared the above named , who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to ore me: ,tth he Applicant and the City have executed this Agreement ereinabove written. APPL ICANT BY: BY: L e '. () /, 'l lll,: ,., TE 0F OREG0N, Cou nty of b ary ot gon My Commission expires 3- ?-7 L C ITY BY ode n rator the above named he foregoing instrument to i9 DE +L rvo untary act.e ore me: any u or regon My Commission expires 9.*r,-g. / 7B?( ,\l \.'t' ,, ,/ I i t, Site Plan Development Agreement, 3 I ), I SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development February 4, 1988 l,tr. Earl F. TaDer 1331 G Street Spri ngf ie'ld, Oregon 97477 Subject: City Journal l'fumoer 88-02-14, Appeal of a Decisfor site plan approval granted at 1383 G Stneet Street (Journal ltumber 88-01-02) ion of t Dear !lr. Taber: This letter is to confifln that your app'lication for Appeal of the Decision of the Director for Site Plan Journal Number 88-01-02 has been received. The Appeal hearing has been scheduled for the Planning Cormissionrs l'larch 9, 1988 meeti ng. Prior to the meet'ing on March 9th, you will receive a copy of the Planning Commission Agenda and the staff report in the mail. Mail-outs for Planning Conrnission information are sent out Thursday prior to the rneeting. If you do not receive your agenda informat'ion by Monday, March 7th please call me. If you have quest'ions prior to the hearing please don't hesitate to call this office to discuss them. LL llLer{,--, hia L. Harmon Deve I opment Permi t Coordi nator cc: I'tel Bryson North 14 th 225 Nonh 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon97477 t 503/726-3753 Cordial ly, # IftuN CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning and Development Departnent DATE January 25, 19BB APPLICANT Melvin P. Bryson, Jr. 184 Ues t rrArr Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 SUBJECT Ci ty Journal Number residence at L3B3 "G"of a residence Densi ty Residenti tro an gna ta 88-01-02. Type II Site Pl-an Reviev Application - Remodel of a St for use as den tal/professional offices vith the removal provide required parking. Zoning/LDR Lov ion/LDR. There vas a Pre-ApplicationS Conference in November, 1,987, ATTENDANCE APPLICANT: Melvin P. Bryson, Jr. and his architect Art Paz, Jr. CITY STAFF: Gary l(arp, Associate Planner and Cindie Harmon, Permits Coordinator PUBLIC: EarI F. Taber; Fran Taber; Jim 0berman and Trina McCool. THE DRC PUBLIC HEETING Please refer to Attachment B, the summary of the Development Reviev Committee. ACTION PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN APPRoVAL subject to requirements under Criteria of Approval and Special Use Standards to be met. VEAT NBEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PI.AN APPROVAL? An Oecupancy inspection is required. Contact the Building Safety Division to set a time for this inspection. Eight parking spaces are required; your plan shovs nine. Standard parking stalls are 9'xl,B', not B'x1B'. Your Site PIan needs to be revised. The sign shovn on your plan is vithin the vision clearance triangle and must be relocated. Please coordinate sign requirements vith Jackie Murdoch of our staff. Incorporate any proposed noise control proposals in the Final Site Plan. 1 2 3 4 5 0 N. 14th treet t If an outside trash container is to be used, it needs to be shown on the plan and screened. 6 Page 2 Bryson Type II Site Plan A Final Site PIan dravn to scale shoving the above modifications is required r,ri thin 90 days of the date of this let ter. A signed Development Agreement. approval of your Final Site Plan. This agreement viII be prepared by staff upon APPEAL If yoLr vish to appeal this Type II Site Plan Reviev decisionr you must do so vithin10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance Springfield Development Code, Article l-5, APPEALS. QUESTIONS Please call the Planning and Development Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY Gar 7 p Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members Paz Taber 0berman McCooI Balch ATTACHHBNT A FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAL [XI DEHONSTRATED COHPLIANCE VITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODB. I.lhen the Special Use Standards and applicable Springfield Development Code Standards below have been met, this application vi11 have demonstrated compliance vith the applicable standards of this Code. lxl pRoposED oN-srTE AND oFF-srTE PUBLTC THPROVEHENTS ARE SUFFTCTENT TO ACCOHHODATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPHENT. DEVELOPHENT PI.ANS EAVE BEEN HODIFIED TO CONFORH ITITH PUBLIC FACILITY PI.ANS AND CITY STANDARDS. The proposed r-rse vifl be connected to public facilities. The site abuts N. 14th Street and rrcrr Street vhich are fully improved streets. The paved area of the site viII accommodate the required off-street parking spaces (B) and travel area. [XI INVEMORIED NATITRAT AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF THIS SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATBLY C0NSTDERED rN THE PROJECT DESrcN, CONSTSTEM grTH HETRO PIAN POLTCTES. There are no identified naturaL or historic features on this site. lxl TEE DESTGN OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPHENT, AS CONDITIONED, HITIGATES IDEMIFIED NEGATIVE IHPACTS AND RESOTVES IDENTIFIED I.,AND USE CONFLICTS. Identified negative impact : THE ENCROACHMENT OF PROFESSIONAL OFFICES IN A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD - discussed in Mrs. Balch's l-etter and by Mr. Taber. Staff response: This is the only Iotqualifles for professional offices. vith frontage on G Street vhich THE TRAFFIC ISSUE - discussed in Mrs. 0berman. Ba1ch's letter and by Mr. Taber and Mr. Staff response: Please refer to Attachment C vhich contains comments from the Ci ty' s Transportation Manager. 3. THE NOISE ISSUE - discussed by Mr. Taber. Applicant response: Please refer to Attachment D vhich contains proposals to abate automobile noises eminating from the proposed parking Iot. 1 2 Page 2 Bryson Findings [XI PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, T0 AVoID CoNGESTI0N AND T0 HINIT{IZE CURB CUTS 0N ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. The drivevay located on N. 14th Street does not meet the minimum separation standard from the intersection ofrrG'r Street, which is 200 feet. Hovever, sinceit viII be used as an entrance onIy, the drivevay is allovab1e. Section 32.080(3), Table 32-4 of the Springfield Development Code gives the City Engineer the discretion of permitting a reduction vithout a variance in this circumstance (See Attachment C). The existing drivevay onrrGrrStreet vill be closed and replaced vith an exit only drivevay at the vest-most allovable portion of the property. The curb cut for the nev drivevay to 'lc'r Street can be l-2 feet, vith 5 foot f laresr dS shor,in. Section 32.080 (3), Table 32-4 of the Springf ield Developrnent Code gives the City Engineer the discretion of permitting a reduction vithout a variance in this circumstance (See Attachment C). SPECIAL USE STANDARDS TO BE HET _ PROFESSIONAL OFFICES. [XI PROFESSIONAL OFFICES IN RESIDEMIAL DISTRICTS SEALL BE PERI{ITTED ONIY IJIIEN THE LoTS ARE ADJACENT T0, AND STRUCTURES ARE NoT HoRE THAN 100 FEET PROH CC OR HRC DISTRICTS OR I{ETRO PI.AN DIAGRAH DESIGNATIONS. PLACEHEM OP PROFESSIONAL OFFICES IN THOSE SPECIFIC AREAS ITILL HELP REDUCE TNE INCOHPATIBILITIBS TEAT HAY RESUTT IJHEN RESIDENTIAL AND COHHERCIAL USES ARE ADJACENT TO EACH OTEER. The property is zoned Lov Density Residential (LDR) and qualifies for the Professional Office status. The property is adjacent to and vithin 100 feet of Commercially zoned property. lxl A PRoFESST0NAL oFrrcE EXCEEDTNG 2,000 SoUARE FEET 0r GROSS FL00R AREA, SEALL ABUT AN ARTERTAL OR COLLECTOR STREET AI.ID SEALT BE DESIGNED TO DIRECT TEE FLOS OF TRAFFTC AVAY FRoH LoCAL STREETS, CONSISTENT IJ-rTE SECTION 32.080, ACCESS AND CURB CUT STANDARDS. The above site abuts Street). Refer also approval above. a collector (tt6tt Street) and an arterial street (N. 14th to the parking and ingress/egress points criterium of [XI NO PARKTNG SHALL BE PERHITTED II'ITEIN TEE FRONT YARD SETBACK. REQUIRED PARKING SEALL BE SCREENED FROH PUBLIC VIES. The existing curb cut and drivevay on rrc'r Street viII be removed and replace vith curb, sidevalk and landscaping. There vill be no parking in the front yard se t back. The required parking are vill be screened from public view Page 3 Bryson Findings [XI TOR STRUCTIJRES ON THE SPRINGFIEU) EISTORIC IIWEMORY, ANT BXIERNAT UODIFICATION SHALL BE FULLY COUPATIBI.E SITH TEE ORIGINAL DESIGN. The existing house to remain and the existing house to be demolished are not on the Springfield Historic Inventory. IX] PROFESSIONAL OFFICES PERHITTED ARE LIHTTED TO: ACCOTJNTAMS, ARCHITECTS, ATTORNEYS, COHPUTER PROGRAHI{ERS, ENGINEERS, INSTJRANCE AGENCIES HEDICAT AND DENTAL PRACTITIONERS, PI.ANNERS, REALTORS, AND STUDIOS FOR ARTISTS, INTERIOR DECORATORS AND PHOTOGRAPEERS. The Professional Office proposed vilI be limited to the uses listed above. lxl A HTNIHUU OF 25 PERCENT OF THE toT SIIALL BE PI^ANTED HATERIAI. All areas vhich Iandscaped. are not used as a Professional 0ffice or parking viII be SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPHETiIT CODE STANDARDS TO BE HET. [X] REHOVE AND REPI.ACE ALL DAHAGED STDEVALK AND/OR CIJRB AND GT]"TTER TO TEE NEAREST SCORED JOI}il, OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. OTHER STANDARDS C0NDrTI0NS, 0R rNF0RHATr0N. [X] THE DEVELOPHEM HUST COHPLY IIITH THB SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. The proposed use vill require an Occupancy Inspection of the building. Depending upon the results of the 0ccupancy Inspection, a Building Permit may be required to bring the structure into compliance vith Building Safety Codes. Either a Demol-ition Permit or House Move Permit needs to be obtained for theexisting house in the area of the proposed parking lot. TX] STRIP DRAIN CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER THE FORT{S ARE IN PLACE AND PRIOR TO THE PLACEHEI{T OF CONCRETE. TX] SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD COHHENTS. The applicant has been in contact vith the SUB Vater Department regarding the requirement for the reduced pressure principle backflov preventer to be installedon the service line to the dental office. Irrigation service may be providedfrom the existing service line serving 730 N. 14th Street if the applicantprefers separate services. 1 ATTAGHMENT B SUMMAR Y DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COI,IMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 21, 1988 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MEETING ROOM 616 9:00 A.M. MEL BRYSON - 1383 G STREET AND 730 NORTH 14TH STREET. ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-02- JO'UR-ruAf-ru umBE R BB-o t -oz. Appf icant requested Type I I S'ite P'l an aproval f or the conversi on of an existing single family house to a permitted Residential/Profess'ional 0ffice. ATTE NDA NCE Development Review Comm'ittee Cha'irman Gary Karp and Development Permit Coordinaton Cindie Harmon represented Cjty staff. Appl i cant l4el Bryson and Arch'itect Art Paz Jr. represented the appl'icant. Earl F. Taber; Fran Taber; Jim 0bern:an and Trina l4cCool alI adjacent property ownens were in attendance. DISCUSSION BY STAFF Mr. Karp expla'ined the process for review of a Type II site plan. Mr. Karp then explained the applicant's request. Mr. Karp discussed cond'itions of approva.l for a site p'lan and Code standards which apply to the development. Mr. Karp sa'id that in addition to the standards and criteria of the Code an Occupancy Inspection thorough Building Safety Div'ision is requires; a demolition permit or house move perm'it is required for the house at 730 North 14th Street; the parking stalls need to be redrawn on the final site plan a width of 9 feet rather than B feet; a bike rack needs to be shown on the final site plan; the sign appears to be 'in the vision clearance triang'le and applicant should contact Jackie Murdoch regarding sign code inforrlation; a fi nal site plan i ncorporati ng changes i s needed and a Devel opment Agreement needs to be signed wlthin 90 days of pre-liminary approval. DISCUSSION BY NEIGHBORS Betty Balch submitted a letter in opposition to this request (see attached). Earl Taber stated his oppos'ition to this request. Mrs. Tabor spoke peri odi ca1 Iy agree ing with Mr. Tabor: The Tabor's concerns vJere as follows: -The west s'ide of North 14th is not business oriented; the east side of North 14th is in the Hospital District and is not l'ivable. -t,lillarna'lane & City have spent a lot of money upgrad'ing the north side of G Street and feels this would be defeat'ing this put pose. -Code requires 200' setback from driveway on N. 14th Street and 16' w'ide one-way driveway on G Street; staff is granting a variance under another name. -street widening planned for North 14th and G Streets will encroach onto this property. -Planning Commission in the past denied this proposal. -Dick Johnson in the past said the boundaries would not cross North 14th St reet. -His personal safety is at risk. He said he sleeps days and must get a good s 1 eep to be ef f ect'i ve on hi s j ob. -The 5 foot proposed landscape strip between the 12' driveway and his house wil'l not provide him any nosise barrier. -Too many peop.le will visit the site disturbing his rest, e.9., patients with appointments; people making appointments; deliveries; paying bi1.ls, etc. -No parking allowed on the street. -Zoning is only residstibuting the wealth from ne'ighbors to appf icant. -Article 5 requires Non-Conforming Uses receive Planning Commission approval. Process should be Type III not Type II. -Article 11 does not allow a vaniance for self-imposed hardships. -Traffic issues being justified by other wonds. -This development is not meet'ing any need other than applicants. -t^li I I have to remove some of hi s own 'landscapi ng to accommodate th'is development. -Rapi ng the nei ghborhood. -Sound barrier not addressed well. Jim Oberman stated h'is object'ion to this request based on his feeling that it would create a traffic hazard, especia l1y when people attempt to make a left turn off North 14th Street. Mel Bryson said the on'ly variance granted when the house was oniginally bu'i1t was for the location of the driveway on G Street which is now being removed as part of this development. Earl Taber said he felt trash and veh'icle noise was go'ing to be a problem. Mr. Taber sa id he likes the nejghborhood and can tollerate activities such as the Broi ler Festival, but cannot tol lerate this activity on a dai 1y basis. Mr. Taber said 'if this is approved it will be a d'irect affect on h'is abilityto earn a living and his quality of life. He said the only th'ing that mightbuffer the sound would be a concrete wall as high as the house but this isn't a I I owed. Art Paz said he can understand Mr. Tabers concerns but feels the concern is'inquestion. Mr. Paz said his professional experience in acqousitics makes him aware that a sound barrier with fencing and p1anting can be achieved without solid concrete extremely high. Mr. Paz said he would submit information to address Mr'. Taber's concern regarding the driveway next to his house. CLOSE OF MEETING Mr. Karp said a dec'ision will be sent out within 10 days. Mr. Karp di scussed al I present at the deci s'ion must be made appeal is $200.00 and through this office). that once the decis'ion is made it w'ill be distnibuted to meeting. Appeals of the Development Review Comm'ittee's with'in 10 calendar days of the decision. The fee fon an must be accompanied by a complete application (available , .a' a ,l \, fry January 21, 1988 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a property owner and resident at 1281 "G" Street I want to go on record as strongly opposing the encroachment on residential property by the proposed office building on the eorner of 14th and "G" Streets. I realize that the street has been jumped by commercial zone on the corner of rrlt' Street but I would suggest a traffic comparison be made between the two streets. The traffic on "G" includes the following: Lane Transit District; hospital traffic; school buses - Brattain, Springfield Middle School, Springfield High, and swim lesson buses frorn all schools; scores of walking students for all three schools; school activities for the three schools plus football traffic for both Springfield and Thurston High; Park use - poo1, baseball, soccer, fitness center, tennis courts, plus the usual traffic found in most neighborhoods. It is virtually impossible at certain times to back out of your own driveway and the thought of more traffic being funneled to this street is unthinkable. The 14th and "G" Streets intersection is one of the, if not THE, busiest in Springfield and with the proposed curb cuts on "G" and 14th it will also become one of the most dangerous. I ask that this zone change not be granted for the above stated reasons. You, Balch 1281 "G" Street Springfield, 0R 97477 ATTACHMENT L itEl'l0RAl{DUl'l City of Springfield DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT: January 21, 1988 Greg Mott, Development Code Administrator Gary McKenney, Transportation Manager AM I Review of Site Plan for Mel Bryson, 1383 'G' Street This memorandum'is written to clarify the Transportation D'ivision pos'ition concerning the subject site plan. Based on a review of the proposed development and traffic conditions in thevicinity we support the site plan as presented at the January 21 meeting. l,le understand thi s p'lan cal I s for the fol I ow'ing condi ti ons: - The driveway onto'G'Street will be restricted to exit only. - The driveway onto 14th Street wjll be located at the extreme south end ofthe s'ite to reduce conflicts with the nearby'intersect'ion as much aspossible and wjll be restricted to entrance oniy. Clearly thg proposed use will generate more traffic than the existingresidentjal uses. However, the exjsting residential driveways allow vehiclesto back into the roadway and this is very undes'irab'le from a traffic safetyperspective. l,le believe the reduction jn size and restriction of movementsapplied to the proposed driveways wil'l produce an overall improvement over theexisting conditions that justifies departure from the "letter of the code". TRANS 63-3 ATTACHMENT D Artemlo Paz Jr., 86950 Cedar Flat Springf teld , 0R(s03) 747-7867 Archl t.ect, 97 47 8 January 23, 1988 City of Springfleld Mr. Gary Karp/Ms. Cindle Planning and Development 225 Fif th Street. Sprlngfield, 0R 97 477 Harmon Departnent Re: Ctt.y Journal Number 88-01-02 Dr. Melvln P. Bryson, Jr. Dea r Mr. Karp , The purpose of this letter is to update the Slte Plan informationpresented and revlewed for the Stte Plan Review meetlng onJanuary 2l , l9BB. Thts updat,e ls made as a result of Dr.Bryson-s lntent E,o reduce and further ninimlze the impact, of theproposed SlEe Plan on adjacent properties. Thls updat.e sugges E that t$ro primary changes be made t,o theproposed Site P1an. These changes do not preclude but are inadditlon to the flve ( 5) requlred staff ltems needed to obt,alnfinal site Plan approval. The updaEe changes are as follows:flrst, the proposed slat.ted ehain link fence will be changed to astx (6) foot hlgh solid cedar fence 7 the landscaplng in the 5fooE perlmeter planEer strlpr ln front of the fence, wlll includearborvltae spaced between the proposed shore plne trees wit,h astaggered double row of arborvltae replaclng Ehe shore plnes at,t.he west property 11ne. To complete t,he site Plan update, two mlnor observatlons arenecessary. Flrst, a blke rack 1s shown on t.he Slte plan whlchmeets Ehe need as requested 1n 1t,em 3 of the site plan Revlew. Second , the required ouEdoor trash conEalner w111 be loca Eed lnthe south landscape strlp, approximately 30-40 feet from the east,prope r ty 1 lne . If you wlsh to furt.her dlscuss the aboveand I are aval1able at your convenlence. lnformation, Dr. Bryson Respec Ef u 11y Subml t ted , I Artemlo Paz Jr. a>,