HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-12-10I SPHINGFIELD-T ,,Mu .. RESIDEI 'IAL.. APPLTCAL. .t/PERIIr 225 North Sth Street Sprtngfield, 2regon 97477 ButLding Diuision 726-37 53 l.A' Aaaeoso"e M"p # lt/ C 3 I Job Loccticn: Subdittision: ?az l-at I zip: Ottner: Addz,ess: city: 3/L ill-,tr- tAdditica L Date of App -g Value a 5oo General Constmtetiott Lend.et fiotrt the rcsponsibility ot the petmit holler to see that att inspections ane nadesteeet, and that the pentt t Larz slnl. eatd is Loeated at !h.q frcft of the p"ope?ty. Lding Site at aLL'tihes. *Bui%ing Diuiciot cppro"*ed p L remain on the nui o4- at the prope? time, that eceh .-d,tness .l,s vsa)a;;. job aiiress, type of insoec:icz P.equesxs receixed befcte ?:C0 ct It ie the PnolEpupE, poR. r ttsplwuE IT..CALL 7re.quested, and ulzen Eou uiTliiieariu forLrLLL be nade the sone d,cy, r,equests'naiL 26-3769 (reeordet') state yout City designated job ntmber,ir,spection,Cont"actc?s oy asners ncnte Lnd p-ftone nzinbet,after 7:00 ott tttll be nade the ncst totking dag cns Iouz, City Desig.rated Job Nunber fs:?€t/s7 Pl",one:) Pege 1 of 2 SIT! TNSPICIION: ezcauation, but forms. To be nude afterp?iar tc set. up of DEticLuraIaLlnsu After ittstal\ation is nade ttotk is eooered. FCp?ING & FOUNDATICN: To be na.Cea-JDer t?encnes a?e escauated attd.fozns are erected, but prior topout ins ccncrete, Scnitaz.y seoet eapped ct properfu Lire Septic tank V"itVed aed filled vtth grasel DRIWALL fNSPICtf1N: Ic be nadeaJtet, aLL &yuall is in pl.ace,but priot to any taping. LUS1NRY: Steel Location, bond.beans, gz,outing or uerticals .ln aeeordorce Lrith A,B.C. Section Final - I{lzen cbcue itens are ccnoleted.and uhen Canclition is conplete b" "l-rr_tuye noued ard pz'errLses cleanei up.r I ',J ,r,ot plutlBrtrc ',f rrum uEcttAitrcAL J rrr,lr, Er,Ec?prcAL J of eonc?ete Lirq trenches. arlpgpFLo1.! ?LU\ETNG 4 trECsANrcAL:Jo oe naae prlo? to insxallation TLoor tnsuLction or decking. v1s.(P[ wooosro,te: {}lccnpLeted. Hctues Bloeking otd, Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aalre? otd. uatet Electyiecl Ccnnection - Bloeking, set_ucand plumbing connections ,rust t""'appicii.bei-o?e requesting elec)rical inspeb:io,,: Accessory BuilCing PJ0S1 4Yl ,B.EA\4: To be rr.ade prior toLnstaLlaticn of floor insulatior, otdec(L.tlg. CURB & APPROACI! APP,ON.ue ez,ecteC but pr.iot, : After formsto pouting unt-LL these irspeetiors iuue beer.made and. appz.ooed.. FIPEPTAqI: prLon to plceira faeinomcter.LaLs and. before franitig 1nrp.L_DL0n. FRillfNc: liust be requested aftetapp-toual of nough pltrrbing, ;i;;d_q,L &. mectunt.""l. ' eit- iZTri'""'"-bruclne E ehinmcys, etc. rrust'beeo,?lpLeted.. llo u-crk is to be eon_,.cecled until 1his t"spection i|iDeen naa.e anC approued. SIDI||ALX & DRI\EI4Ay: Fo? aLL eon_crete parting uithin stteet tight_of-yy, to be maCe after aLL "etca_ DatLnq canplete & for.a tsotk & sub-base rate".Lal in place.llyl - !,ftcr-pcne-kes, skirtitq, d,ecl<,s,etc. a?e cornpleled- PENCE: hthen eonplete -- pyotsid.e gates or mouable sections throughP.A.E. - : ALL W,oject eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of styeet trees, eonoletion of therequited landsccping' etc" tmtst t" ""li1iina uriir.-ilZ-irrt;1;, Fr!,AL can be requested. PrNAL BtELDillc: The Fi.nal Build.ing rnspeetion tust be requested. c.ften the piral ptunbingElecttical,od,Meetur.icaiifi .i;o;'"1_;;;;;;iaZ"",i"TiiT"ra. .ALL T.TANHCLES AITD CT,EANOWS TilIgI BE ACCESSTBLE, ANtAflttEtt? To 3E tllDE /t? ilO ccs? ?o cey [t Descrlbe Hxk: th/la/ftyu r D rr r JOB NO 51(3 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G* Lat Sq. Ftg. Z cf Lct Cooeraga # of Stories Iotal lteight Topogrqhy Building PemrLt State Total Clargea Plunbing Perrtt State Sutch.atge Semtice ?otal PermLt Issuance Mechanieel Pertdt State ?atal Chan aes Sidetsalk Eleetnical Label Mobile llone rcz |{n/Lot Facea - Intericr Cormer Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Range tOu*2 Check Fee: # Si-gted: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttuet, instal'!., alter or ehange cnA ned cr e*isting plwnbing or drainage syste:n in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal pbssesson of a ualid plwnber's License, eceept th"at a pe?son na'g do pltnbing uork to prope?tA uhich is ormed, Leased ot operated by the qPLi-- cant. Electricql Permit Ilhere State Las requires t|'a.t the eleet?ical uork be done by an Electrical contyaetoy, the electrical portion of this permit sltall tot be oalic until the label tas been signed by the Electz'ical Contractot. Mecho nicol Permit PLan Ercmt-ner udEe /2-,/a -Ps r HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the contpleted application fo,r pernit' and da Wiety certify that aLL ir.fo:tm.tion hereoi- is true att'd eo*ect, an'il f furth"et certTiy that any ard aLL uork perforned slall be dote in accot- 'dznce vith th-e- 1ydinenis of the Ci.ty of Spring.field, otC the La;s of tl'.e State of 1regcn pertaining to the wnk Ceseribcd herein, cnd' tilat N0 )CCI- pAilcy ;itl bL nade of any" struetuye without permission of the Suilding N- rsision. f further e'etti"fg that otly cont?actor.s a.d attplcyees uho ate in eonpliance dith ORS ?01.05s uiLL be used on this pz'oiect Building Volue & Permit This penmt is granted on the etp?ess eond.ition that the said eonsttactionshall, in all respects, confom to the Crdinanee edopteC by the City ofSprirqfield, including the Zoning Ctdinance, regulcting the ccnstracticn and. use of buildi,ngs, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny ti.ne upon uic- lation of @tA prctsisions of said Ordir.anees. * DT House Caraae Aceess No"th Eost South West ITEI.I x Value llain Geace CdrDort Aeeessorll TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 z CHAP,GEFtr:tlu. Fistz+res Resil.enti-a.L (1 bath) Sattita4l Seuer i,lctey :io. Res. Sa. fta. Neu/Eaterd Circutts Lect" ILL hrnace BTU'S klunst HooC Yent Fot ilcodstoite /5,oo,GO 15, r.o -. ENCROACHI'IENT -- Sectrity Deposi!_ Storaqe Maintenance Petwtt Atbcu! tdIAL AI4dlttT DUE:.(s,bo I Date !cn3e