HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-05-13i .. RESI-ENTIAL.. i APPLICATION/PERMI? 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, ?regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPIIINGFTEI.D 1t ru-ft^\ I"rob Locaticn: Aeeessors Map #o0lot lot # -tDate: # *N / Address: ci Ned Phone:') ft Desu,tbe llork: I o*rron 7 turu0aru -E^.ri Value L GenetaL Pltntbing tt ie the responsibility of the perwit hold.er to see that aLL inspections ee nade at the ptope" time, that eaeh address is neaCnhie fron the otteet, and that the permtt eatd ie Located at the frant of the propertu.*9ui!ding' Nuiciot appro"*ed plbn s?wll vemain on tha Builtiing Site 'at aLL' tikes." Pl?oczDt;pg F)R TNSPECII)N R!?UEST..CALL726-3769(yeeoydet,) state gout city desigrnted job ntmber,, job aCi.z.ess, type oi ir,spee=i.cn leques;ed, atd. uhen 21ou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contractars c? Otmet,s rctne and pinne nitnbet,. Pequests teeeixed beicz,e 7:00 antiLL be made the sane day, ?equests made aftet, ?:00 on tyLLL ba nade the nect uotkini das-. Constmtcbiott Lend.en leatina,l Tnsnooti,nnp You? C1:,tA Desigr,ated Job Nunben fs:?toa z< SITE I|ISPECIIJN: ?o be rmde after eecaration, but pt"ior tc set up of forns. I II S U LAT I ON / V A-PO.q BA RR I ER I II SPE C T I O i:I : To be naCe after aLL insulaticn and required uapor buriets @e in place but befot,e otg Lath, gApsuln boatC ot, tnLL cooering i.s applied, cnd. before oty iraulation is concealed. DRIWALL fIISPECTf)N: ?c be nade aftet, aLL d.tyuall is in place, but priot, to any taptng. I,IASONRY: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouti.ng ot, oerticals in a.ccordorce ti|th U.B.C. Seetion 241 s. UNDE.?SLAB PLU1.EING. ELECTRTCAL & i,ECH.tilICAL: To be nade before any tlotk is eoUet,ed. P1OT.|NG 1 FOUIIDATICN: lo be tnaCe Afte; tt'encG; are eccaoated and. forms ate erected, but prior to pou?t\1g ccncrete. UNDSRGPOU!]D PLLIMEIIC, SEWER, W.4!8,q. DEI.iOLTT-0P. Scnitaz-g seuer eapped et p?oge"t!^ Lire Septic totk ptped and filled ttth gra:sel linal - l{hen cbctse itens are ccnoleted, arui uhen Cenclltion is eotnplete o! strlic- tute mooed and. prerrLses cleanei up. I il Ix l _l - Lirg trenehes. UIIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I,IECNANICAL : of floor inaulation or decking. POS? AND BEA!,!: To be made pr.iot to ffilTilf,ffof floot, insuTa.tion or decking. ROUGE PLUIBII|G. ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH: ANICAL: No aork is to be couered .GllTth.se inspections haue been nad.e and. approoed.. PIPEPLACE: Priot, to plceirg facLngnaterLals and. before froning inspee- tion. FRAIIINC: liust be requested after apptooal of rough plurbing, electrt- eal & neclwnical. ALL roofing bractng E chitrmeys, etc. rrust be . eompleted. Ito ucz,k is to be con-. . cecled until this inspection has-"been mad.e anC approued. After instalT.ation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON:Aftet formsee erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SfDWALK & DRIIWAI: Eot aLL con- ;retenat $ditln street right- of-reA, to be nade after aLL erca- oating canplete & fotn uotk & eub- base rnaterLal in pl.ace. IENCE: tt/hen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or mooable sectians through P, U. E. ALL pt,oject eonditions, such as tlte installation of styeet trees, cot:nletion of the required Landsceping, ete., rmtst be satisfied befote the BULLDING FMAL can be tequested. FINAL BUILDIN?: The tinal Buildin7 Inspection nilst be requested after the Firal Plunbing \J Electrical, otC Mecltanical fnspeetions hatse been made ard approueC. l{ll wooosro,tt:lg{) ectrpT;T;A. FTUAL PLU!,IOITIC PINAL I,TECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Plurnbing connections -- sa)e? otC ualet Electyical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-uc and plunbing connections rn;st be apprcted before nequesting eleclrical inspeelio:t Aeeessory BuilCinq Final - Aftet, pcrch-es, slirting, decks, etc. a?e ccnpleted. Page 7 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)U?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUST\\E\|! r0 BE IIIADE nT ll0 C?S? ?0 Cry O,tner: I m of Applicati"" 5- l ) 4L T tr u Ergv a JoB No. tL67 dsoLAR AC SS REQ.-L-CO Bedroons: Lot Faees -Sounees lleat Df House Access.# of Stories Total Height Topogrcphy LO? ?WE _ fnterior _ Cor.nen _ Panlnnd,Le _ CUl-de-eac bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotsetage I?Ei,I x ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c PLan Date Paid Building Vtllue & Permif ?his pertnLt is granted on the erpress cond.ition tLat the said eonsttuctions-lwll, in,a-Ll 1,espe,cts, conform to the 7rdinance edopted 6:y the City ofSpryngfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, r.eguLatTng th-e ccnstrubtibn otd. ,use o_f buildings,. cnd may be suspend.ed ot, rbookeC Lt "ry tine upon uic-Lation of dtA prcuisions of said h,dinances. * Buildinq Perwit ?otal Clnrges State I?EM NO,FEE CEARGE Fistutes Saser Plumbing Perrnit No, person slwll consfuuet, install,, alter or c?ange anA ned cr eristing qlwnb_ing or drainage syst?"n in ;,shole or in par.t, unles-s such person is theLe-gal.posseasor of a oalid plumber,s Licensb, e.*cept tlnt a pZr"o, nag do,pltnbing uork to prope"tA uhich is otmed, Leased o, opetated bg the ippli"cant. Plunbing PertnLt State Seruice Electricol Permit l'lhe?e state La requires tha.t the electrical uork be done bg an Eleetriealcontractot" the electrLcal portion of thie permit svuLt not be oalil untilthe Label ltas been signed bg the Electtical Contracto?. ?otal L FEE , E*hanst HooC Vent Fot o0/ o/ Reeeipt #: Resid.ential (1 bath) ila,t/Ertend circuits I,lcodsto;te Pennt t fssuanee Mecltanical Perrit -- ENCROACHMENT .- Secart ?otaL Cvtbeut Sida,talk Mechonicql Permit PLan uate Pendt r IlAw 1AREEULLY gxil4rVED the eonpleted applteation for pennit, cnd dolereby certif-g that aLL information hereoi is t,ue aid. ebz.rect, orrC Ifurtket, eettify that any ard aLL uo,k perfonned shall be done -i, o..oo-danee tLth the 0rdinances of the Ci.tA bf Springfield, .ad. the Lw^s of thestate of )r'egon pertainino to the uork cescribed herein, end tlat No occu- PLMcy urLll b-e nla,de of ala stl,ucture uithout pennission of the Buitding ?L-oisio_n_. I futthez, eez,tifr- that only eontnactot,s and anpicyees uho aie ineonpliartce uith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this g,oject L ilobiLe Hcme .VOTAL AMOUN? DIIE:*30.L0 Signed