HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2004-12-10B uilding/Combination Permit Status Issucd 225 [ifth Street, Springfield, OR 511-726-3753 Phone 511-726-3676 Fax 5 1l-7 )6-3'7 69 In spection Line PERMIT NO: COM2004-01516ISSUED: 1211012004 APPLIEDz 1211012004 EXPIRES: 06/1012005 VALUE: Si, ..\DI)I{ESS: f05S 14THST ;r !l1 .SS(rR'S PAIICEL NO.: 1703363204401 I'RC !ECT DESCIUPTION: Banner 121004 removal date122404 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: TYPE OF USE: Banner New Commercial On'lr'-'r': A (l (l r,'\ s: \\.OODSMAN GRILL 1I7 S T4TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 CortrnctorTYpc Contractor License Expiration Date Phone # of I tnits: lr':. ir\' Occupflncy GrouP: S,'r,', r':rr) 0ccupancy Group: I','i "' r rv Constructi<ln Type Sr.r- ?r(tirrv Construction Type: #,. i('(lroonrs: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Sprinkled Building: Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occupant Load: is 1'E00-332 -23441. nla THIS PERMIT S AUTHORIZED U ND OT the Square Footage or Bid Amount REQUIRED PARJ(NG Total: Handicapped: Compact: Frorrrvard Setback Si'-lc I !:lctlr,,:k: S"lc I Sc(irack: l',.'l : r.'a rtl Sctback: Sr,l:''Setl'acks: COMMENCED OR ANY .IBO DAY PER oh of Lot Coverage: Strcrt Inrprovemcnts: Storrrr Seu'er Available: S",'"1 Instrtrctitttt: $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Valuation l\r'sr'ri1.l1i1;11 Type of Construction Total Value of Project Value Date Calculated k B uildin g/ C o mb in atio n P e r mit Stltus Issucd 22:1 |ifth Street, Springfield, OR 5r l-716-3753 Phone 5il-126-3676 Fax 54' -- 26-37 69 Irrspcction Line PERMIT NO: COM2004-01516ISSUED: 1211012004 APPLIEDz 1211012004 EXPIRES: 06/1012005 VALUE: Fees Pa Amount Paid $18.00 $80.00 $100.00 $198.00 Date Paid Receipt Number r200400000000001728 1200400000000001728 120040000000000r728 Fce' DcscriDtion + \',:"/u .\ tlministrative Fee ll:rrr rrcr S pecial Pernrit l' '1. " s:t Total Anrount Paid t2n0l04 t2n0t04 t2n0l04 Plan I r ' . ,.,,:st an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. y i r,' rlade thc same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work t! l, r'. Sign Final: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is completed. Rv s: ,,rr;rtrrrc" I statc and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all ir; j , ::' 11 irercorr is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with tlr,, ' - 1i,1,1y1,.1s5 of tlrc City of Springlield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and 11,,,1 ,i,J OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I lr:r- l'e r ccrtify thlrr only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I l'uriir,.-.r asree to cnsure that atl required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the strcct, tSat the perrnit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all tinrcs tl:r"i constrrction. 1Z -10-o/ ( t., ,' ,. (l :rtraCtOrs Si Date Pase2 of? l{eouired InsDectrons' 125 Fifth Street Springfieid, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone C;ty 9f Springfield OfficiatReceipr relopment Seryices Departmeit Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 1.200400000000001.728 Date: 1.2/10/2004 2r39:O7PM Job/Journal Number coM2004-01516 coM2004-0lsl6 coN,I]001-01516 Description + ljYo Administrative Fee Deposit Banner Special Permit Amount Due 18.00 r00.00 80.00 Item Total:$198.00 Pat'ltt l'"'s: Type ot l'ayment Checl( Number Authorization Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid Check DIRECT TEL CELLPHONES djb 5975 In Person $198.00 PaymentTotal:-$19s^o-d' 121r012004 Page I of I 225 FIYTHSTREET . SPzuNGFIELD, OR 97177 o PH:(511)726-3753 o FAX: (541)726-3689 ciryJob *u o"rLon'tzcol -Cr t / 6 *4oBanner Location oq{or12a<632 Tax LotAssessors MaP Outter ,+)u tdd Su/L/e-v-{Gn^-L\ Owner of ProPertY 5r Address /os 5. /<{z_7q7 StateCity C o ntrur:tot'/l n stslla r ATTENTION: O regon law req'uires You to Contractor (>cv(-forth -001-on Center. Those rules are set t.r?t THIS PEFTMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK I\I Notificati 0090.You maY obtain coP ies o{ the ru les the telePhone number lor the Oregon is StateCity Construction Contractors Registration #FOR ). e rc__Descri $100.00 Date of Install O Banner Permit Fee $8S.S0 * Required Ileposit $100.Si, + 10% Admiuistrative Fee By signature'I state and agree that I have carefully completed this aPPlication and hereby certifY that all information herein is true and correct. I further agree and understand that the above described banner(s)is not larger than 60 square feet, and will be removed within 14 daYs from the date listed above. If the banner(s) is not removed within the timeline sPeci fied, I will forfeit the $100.00 deposit' I also understand that this special permi t can be issued onlY twice Per calendar year Per develoPrnent area. I also agree to call the insPection line at 726-3769 bY the end of the 14th day to request an inspection to veriff the removal of the banner(s). This insPection will begin the Process to return the )removed. -/o -a For O.ffice ta LK sV .()O - brsr # Amount Collected t98YDate of Issued By hG ()Job # Shared Drive (T:)i Building Forms/Banner Permit CSDI -03 doc f'ti*( ,, {i). ;=,{, r p'{ V1$q) r 1a{ Phone L{.()- @ >\srp{ (-i-(r-+nt't*1 )-{)-irtfl$-{1a\JU DateofRem ot^t (Z Z\ A\ {J-r 1p{,, 11 t-'1tLr{ $'i()nt*{ APllII{GTIELI} Report lD : SPRA103A Voucher lD : Handling Code : 00085772 RE City of Springfiu-d Voucher Direct Tel Cell Phones & Beepers 105 S. 14th St. Springfield, OR 97477 Accounting Date: Vendor Number: lnvoice Date : lnvoice # : Approver: Operator: Gross Amount : January 14,2005 0000004677 January 14,2005 coM2004-01516 Puent,David wtLS5940 100.00 Amount 100.00 Description Account Fund 94 SubClass BY Proi/Grant Banner deposit refund 21S5OO 821 2005 Comments: Express Check Banner deposit refund Ok'd by Lisa Hopper Com2004-01516/105 S. 14th Street SPRINGFIELD City of Springfir d Voucherm Report lD : SPRA103 VoucherlD: 00085772 Handling Gode: RE Direct Tel Cell Phones & Beepers 105 S. 14th St. Springfield, OR 97477 Descriotion Account Banner deposit refund 21 5500 Fund 9rg SubClass 821 Accounting Date : Vendor Number: lnvoice Date : lnvoice # : Approver: Operator: Gross Amount: BY Proi/Grant 2005 January 14,2005 0000004677 January 14,2005 coM2004-01516 Puent,David wlLS5940 100.00 Amount 100.00 Comments: Express Check Banner deposit refund Ok'd by Lisa Hopper Com2004-01516/105 S. 14th Street C'TY OF OREGO'U sPnlN---_tELD D EV ELOP M ENT S ERVI C E S DE PART TIE NT August 22,1996 Direct Wireless 105 South l4th Street Springfreld, Oregon 97 477 RE: Banners It is our practice to notify businesses when we have notice, or have received a complaint regarding a possibte violation of the Sign Code on your property' Information has been forwarded to me by Code Enforecement staff indicating you have a banner located on the rear of your building. Banners are allowed by a special permit once a year for a ten ( l0) day period' The cost of thi permit is $40.00 with a refundable $100,00 deposit provided the banners are removed by the end ofthe tenth day. I have enctosed the Code section and an application for your use ifyou choose to apply. The banner that is currenfly tocated on your property needs to either be removed, or you can apply for the special banner permit within thp next seven (7) days. tf you frare any questions, or if I may be of assistance in the future, please feel free to phone me at726- 3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper ..Building SafetY Coordinator cc: Code Enfotcement enclosures Qfr,225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-37s3 FAX (541 ) 726-368e tt tt